Chapter 203

There was a public auction in front of the largest slave shop in Saffre City, with a dozen men and women in rags curled up in a dozen cramped cages.

These slaves are all of the upper-middle level. They are goods that are eager to sell after being sold at auction. Most of them come from foreign nations outside the empire. There are also villagers in remote mountain villages who were captured by slave groups for some reason.

Men have yellow and thin faces, and it is difficult to find a better complexion. Women are full and the dirt on their bodies is wiped off, because only in this way can they be sold for a good price.

A chubby bearded man stood on a small platform and shouted with a rough voice to a group of adventurers Roar that was surrounding him: “Today’s new goods are definitely the best goods, no matter what you buy back and do. , They can meet your requirements! The old rules, the starting price of each item is 10 silver coins, start from here!”

“Smelly Peel, you are embarrassed to ask for 10 silver coins for these rubbish? I will give out 15 and give them all to me!”

“I know you are talking nonsense, I think you are going to see a doctor!”

“I want that man, 50 silver coins!”

The excitement in front of the slave market continued. Slaves were bought at extremely low prices. The male slaves who were in demand were quickly sold out. Even if they were picked up by the manor and big merchants, there were many. The owner of the small manor is eager.

Buying a slave is much cheaper than hiring a freeman, and it is a one-time buyout. You only need 10 silver coins for food for a year of work!

Then the position of female slaves is more embarrassing. If they are not particularly beautiful, they are generally not worth buying back.

In their eyes, women did not provide much productivity. After several attempts, female slaves lost their freshness.

Besides, there are many women in the red light district who are willing to lie down and make money. Why bother buying female slaves to waste food?

Even if the empire is rich, there is still not much food available for ordinary people. Some mountain villages far away from important cities often suffer from famine.

Only a very small number of adventurers who have reached middle age and have no communicative ability will buy female slaves as a tool for childbirth, so that they can maintain an absolute leadership position at home, and they will not have the slightest psychological burden when they are beaten and scolded. .

Being bought as a fertility tool is actually very good. Most female slaves will be bought back by some wealthy businessmen with a little spare money as a one-off plaything.

Everyone’s scramble for bids made the slave merchants earn a fortune.

Although he has been yelling for loss, the sly smile on his face has never faded…

Li Wei looked down at the startled red pupil and black pupil. After reading them, there should be a lot of problems, right?

Indeed, the scene of a slave merchant being a street slave trader really shocked Chi and Hei.

There has never been a slave owner in the small town where they once lived, and never thought that people would be sold!

After spending some time with Li Wei, they gradually forgot about the cruelty of the world. The peace and harmony in the forest were opposed to the chaos and decay in the city of Sfore, creating a strong sense of contrast.

“Let’s go…” Seeing that the two of them still hadn’t recovered, Li Wei gently pulled Black pupil’s hand and continued to lead them into West Street.

The ready-to-wear store was still there half a year ago, and it was not affected by the hundreds of city defense soldiers who died in front of the store.

Li Wei took the red and black pupils and pushed open the store door and entered inside. A beautiful woman who had made clothes for Li Wei heard the bell ringing in front of the store, got up from the sewing machine and greeted with a smile on her face. guest.

Although they can get new clothes again, Chi and Black still have the same images in their minds. The contrast between the numbness on the slaves’ faces and the enthusiasm of the slave traders makes them always have a knot in their hearts.

When measuring the body size, I was also indifferent. I looked dazed. I only raised a little energy when choosing the style of the clothes.

After paying the deposit, Li Wei left the clothing store with the two of them, and then found a restaurant on West Street to dine.

The wooden restaurant is very quiet. It hasn’t arrived yet, and there are only a few tables with people.

The three of them found a corner position, and after ordering the food to be eaten at noon, the red and black pupils still didn’t get out of that state of trance.

“Brother, why are those people being sold?” After the waiter left, Chitong couldn’t wait to ask about this. Heitong also looked at Li Wei, hoping to get an answer.

The answer to this question Li Wei had already thought about in advance, and replied without hesitation: “That is the capitalist, because slave trade can bring them high profits, so they did it.”

The answer was simple, but it was a bit unacceptable for the two of them.

“But those are the same people as us…” Black pupil still didn’t understand.

Li Wei used an appropriate metaphor to describe it: “When we sell cattle and sheep, we have not considered the feelings of cattle and sheep. In the eyes of capitalists, those slaves are not people, but bags of money. ”

The red pupil opened his mouth. Although her question was explained, the answer seemed to be superficial and did not touch the root, just like a blind person touching an elephant.

“The red pupil wants to know the root cause of all this, right.” Looking at the tangled red pupil, Li Wei asked confidently.


Chi pupil nodded. Although Black pupil did not speak, he blinked at Li Wei, filled with longing and curiosity.

“Now I want to tell you a concept, feudalism. The division of territories to royal family members, royal families, and heroes by the communist party or the central dynasty is a kind of state management’system’. A simple explanation, the current empire, everything belongs to Royal, which means that people are not equal.”

Seeing the red pupil and the black pupil entering a state of thinking, Li Wei slowed down and said: “The royal family has been instilling an idea to everyone in the empire. People are not equal. They use one identity after another to distinguish unequal people. .”

“The royal family has the highest status and power. Below the royal family are the great nobles, and below the great nobles are the great merchants in various fields, and below the free people are the free people, and under the free people, there are slaves. The royal family will People are divided into many different classes and become a reason for oppression among people.”

“The royal family oppresses the nobles. The nobles dare not resist, so they can only oppress the wealthy businessmen. The wealthy businessmen cannot afford to offend those people, and then they shift their targets to ordinary people. Ordinary people dare not fight against the wealthy businessmen, and slaves become their targets for venting. Do you think the emperor is the same as those slaves?”

Chi Tong and Hei Tong shook their heads subconsciously. Although they did not know the emperor, they subconsciously believed that the emperor was different from the slave they had just seen.

“They are the same, and they are different. The emperor and the slave are the same people, they have to eat and sleep. They are different. The emperor enjoys the life of Wu You in the palace, but the slave may be deprived of his life at any time. When you think they are different, you have actually become puppets under the system.”

When Li Wei said something, the two little ones were shocked, and their expressions became restless, as if they could not accept such a statement.

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