Chapter 202 Capitalists

“Here is a question for you. If you others take away the most important things, but you don’t resist the Ability of those people, what will happen to you?” Li Wei posed a problem for the two of them.

Crimson and Black pupils were guided by the question, and began to think about such a scene.

The most important thing… They looked at each other, and then at Li Wei, who had a rare serious expression, with little faces tangled.

What can they do if the older sister (younger sister) is snatched away?

Without any Ability, they can’t do anything!

I thought about this question many times in my mind, and none of the answers they got could break through that premise. The last two people thought about it, the more confused they became, and they were so anxious that they wanted to hug their sister (younger sister) into their bodies, and never separate. .

Li Wei snapped his fingers in front of the two of them, interrupting their thoughts going straight into the corner, “You can stop thinking, before I announce the answer, I want to tell you, don’t believe anything unfamiliar. People. Like you want to live with me the first time you meet me, it’s actually very undesirable. Not everyone is me. There are very few people here who are kind, remember?”

Chi Tong and Hei Tong nodded, and there was a crazy smile on their faces. It was their greatest luck to meet their brother!

“If your important things are taken away and there is no way to retrieve them by yourself, you can ask others to help yourself. There are actually many ways. Don’t restrict your imagination. Later I will teach you a little bit. Yet?”

Li Wei looked at the two earnestly nodding their heads, and felt happy. The things he taught were accepted, just as cool as Amway’s anime and web dramas were watched seriously by the other party.

“Do you have any questions you want to ask? You can ask them now.”

Hei Tong immediately raised his right hand when he heard the words, and after obtaining approval, he asked, “Why do the noblemen want to grab someone else’s things?”

“Yeah~!” The red light flashed in Li Wei’s eyes, and he said solemnly: “Because they are a group of greedy capitalists, they will never be satisfied, they will always step on the heads of ordinary people to suck blood!”


“Capitalists refer to those who possess the factors of production and rely on operating enterprises, hiring laborers, and earning profits, as opposed to laborers. This sentence is a bit complicated, and you need to write it down first.”

To say this, Li Weike is no longer sleepy, “To put it another way, nobles have fertile land and the right to collect taxes. If farmers cultivate on his land, they must distribute grain to them. They don’t need labor. You can get other people’s food. And the big wealthy businessmen can sell the things produced by the workers they hire to others, and they will get money from it.”

The red pupil and the black pupil seem to understand but not understand.

“It seems fair to listen to it, right?” Li Wei continued to explain, “but they occupy the land of the nobles. In essence, they don’t pay anything, they can get a return, and they will take more than half of the peasants. Food makes them not full of food.”

“Workers can sell a gold coin for something they make, and a wealthy businessman will only give them one silver coin every month. A wealthy businessman can earn a thousand gold coins a month, but for the workers, there may only be one gold coin in total. Workers every day Hard work, the money you make may not even have enough for your family.”

With this explanation, Chi and Hei Tong realized that those people would get money and food that they didn’t even dare to think of without paying anything.

I didn’t think it was anything, but after explaining, they became disgusted with those gorgeously dressed people.

Nearly half an hour later, the carriage stopped in the woods outside of Severe City, and Levy was not ready to let the black light BMW into Severe City.

Li Wei pulled Black Eye’s hand, and Black Eye’s other hand was pulled by Red Eye, slowly walking from the woods to the gate of Sforell City.

Outside the city gate, there was a team of fur hunters waiting for “inspection” with several carriages of fur. The process was very fast. The leader of the adventure group smiled and handed a small bag of coins to the city guards, and the convoy was released.

Li Wei walked to the small door, preparing to enter Sforell City from there, and was definitely stopped.

The two city defense forces who yelled at him half a year ago, crossed their spears to block their way, looked up and down the three of them, and then shouted: “Take off your hats!”

The three of them did so, showing their faces to the two city defense forces that Li Wei was familiar with.

snort! A soft-footed shrimp!

When the two city defense soldiers looked at Li Wei’s face, their expressions were full of contempt. They were so tender that they must be some wealthy people.

But be it rich people, they like these rich people the most!

One of the city defense soldiers gestured at the three.

Seeing the two let go of their crossed spears, Li Wei thought they were going to let it go, but looking at each other’s gestures, this was asking for money!

“You two have worked hard.” He smiled and took out two silver coins from his pocket and stuffed them into the pockets of the two city defense forces.

Seeing that Li Wei was so generous, the two city defense soldiers waved their hands and let the three of them in without any embarrassment.

Chi Tong and Hei Tong looked back at the two city defense soldiers, and then put on their hoods again.

“Do you think this is correct?”

Li Wei’s voice sounded from above their heads, asking them about giving money to the two city defense troops.

Chi Tong and Hei Tong both raised their heads and looked at him, then shook their heads, indicating that they didn’t know.

“This question can be left for you to think about later, be careful.”

The winter wind is very cold, but the taste of the entrance to Sforell City has not been affected at all.

When his voice fell, Chi and Hei Tong smelled a sour smell, causing them to cover their noses uncomfortably.

Li Wei simply blocked his sense of smell and laughed off-line.

The red and black pupils used to smell this smell, but when they smelled it again after living in the woods for a long time, it brought back some bad memories.

The three of them began to go deep into Sfortune City. After entering East Street, the flow of people became dense, and most of the shops on both sides had already opened.

The last time Li Wei came, it was when the animal tide warning was released. Most of the people in Saffre City hid in the basement and waited for the wind to pass, so they couldn’t see how many people were on the street.

The current city of Sforvoor has returned to its former prosperity, but the difference is that the pedestrians in the city seem to be a little more impetuous.

Red and Black, who are more sensitive to urban life, discovered these anomalies, clinging to Li Wei’s body as they walked, their arms were about to move, as if they would pull a dagger from their waist at any time.

Noting the tension between the two, Li Wei only regarded it as a stress response from a group that had not been in contact for a long time, and led them to West Street.

When walking from East Street to West Street, you will pass through an intersection. Shops that can be opened at the intersection are generally the most profitable shops, including slave shops.

When Li Wei brought the red pupil and the black pupil to the crossroads, the scene of the public auction of slaves happened here.

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