The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 477 Seizing the Egg from the Dragon's Mouth

On November 24th, the first event of the Triwizard Tournament finally started with great anticipation.

Although the content of the competition is strictly confidential, all four candidates learned the content of the test questions in advance with the help of professors and principals, intentionally or unintentionally.

In a trial of courage, they face a dragon.

The dragon symbolizes strength in any culture. A powerful symbol in any world.

This ancient magical creature has left a distinct mark on Muggle history. The magical creatures of the East are included in the "Book of Mountains and Seas", and in the West, the story of St. George slaying the dragon is a household name.

In addition, there are also ancient epics such as "Beowulf" and "The Nibelung", which record the legend of Muggle heroic warriors slaying dragons.

However, authoritative research by wizards and scholars shows that most of these dragon-slaying stories are Muggles' boasts. In fact, it is very difficult for even a group of adult wizards to subdue a dragon.

They have thick scales, which not only provide excellent defense against various slashing and stabbing attacks, but are also highly resistant to magic.

Besides, the dragon is alive, can move, and can fight back, not just a wooden pile that just stands motionless. Their attacks are quite ferocious, they are extremely powerful, their claws are sharp, they can fly into the sky and move quickly, and they can also spit out high-temperature flames, with astonishing lethality.

There is a fire dragon stationed in the underground vault of Gringotts in London, which shows that the goblins also trust the deterrent power of this monster.

As a high-risk creature marked by the Ministry of Magic, it is naturally impossible to ask students to defeat the fire dragon. The competition requirement is to steal the golden eggs hidden in the fire dragon's nest. It is said that a tiger's butt cannot be touched, and stealing dragon eggs is indeed a test of courage.

The four warriors were also thinking of ways beforehand.

To make sure, Harry took the initiative to send a message to a member of the library tower.

"Mr. Dragonborn, are you available?"

The dragonborn from the world of "The Elder Scrolls", a natural dragon-slaying machine, this rough guy has been out of shape all day long, running around Skyrim Province, causing great harm to the local ancient tombs and ruins. He is professional, and as for trivial things like dragon slaying, it is his daily pastime.

When the Dragonborn heard that Harry wanted to steal the dragon egg, he said carelessly: "It's easy. Just kill the dragon."

Harry grinned, he didn't have the confidence. Although using the Fire Curse and the Death Curse, you can definitely fight the fire dragon back and forth, but is this a spell that can be cast in full view of the public?

The Dragonborn took Harry to the training camp and found him a real dragon to practice with. In fact, there were dragons raised in the library tower, but the four dragons were now squatting in the sky city as their masters, unwilling to move their butts easily.

After returning from a period of special training, Harry stepped onto the playing field with confidence.

At that time, all the teachers and students of the school gathered together, and reporters from various media and newspapers were sent. In the audience, Jennifer changed into an exaggerated fur outfit, and a hyena with heavy makeup squatted beside her. The photographer assigned by the newspaper was busy wiping out camera cards.

Jennifer looked around, feeling a little excited due to the atmosphere around her, while Rita, the hyena next to her, was nervous and anxious.

"Rita, I'm counting on you today. You must write an article that is eye-catching enough. Are you confident? Hey, what's wrong with you?"

The hyena was trembling.

Sitting next to Jennifer was a handsome wizard, Mr. Xenophilius Lovegood, the editor-in-chief of "The Quibbler" magazine.

If you are not familiar with this name, to put it another way, he is the biological father of the crazy girl Luna Lovegood.

After Mr. Lovegood and Jennifer met, the two parties did not get along well.

"The Quibbler" magazine has always been unconventional, always critical of current affairs, and looks down on mainstream media like the "Daily Prophet" that whitewash the peace and have no professional ethics for the sake of sales. He said to Jennifer with regret: "Look, you are only twenty years old, and you are already better than me at deceiving. You will definitely make a fortune in the future."

"Take care of yourself." Jennifer curled her red lips contemptuously, raised her left hand, and inadvertently let the flash of the gemstone ring dazzle Mr. Lovegood's eyes. Seeing him turning his head in embarrassment, the popular reporter Let out a loud laugh.

On the field, the fire dragon was already in place. Officials from the Ministry of Magic read out the rules of the competition with [loud voice], and then introduced the jury, the three principals, and two officials from the Ministry of Magic, Chief of Law Barty Crow. Qi, as well as Sports Director Ludo Bagman, for a total of five referees.

"Let's get ready to enjoy this fight between dragon and tiger..."

Before he finished speaking, the first contestant appeared, Cedric. The opponent he drew was a Swedish Brachysaurus. The silver-blue scales shone in the sun, almost sparkling, like a shape. Weird bay.

When Cedric came on the stage, the audience burst into cheers. After all, it was a home game and he was a very popular player. He happily waved to the audience, bowed in the direction of his girlfriend, and bowed to the referee. His elegant demeanor made the game even more exciting.

Bagman himself acted as the commentator. He was enthusiastic and passionate, and his voice was louder than thunder, causing the Swedish Brachysaurus on the field to shake his head irritably.

"Let's see what kind of strategies this young boy from Hufflepuff can come up with to deal with this terrible... Oh! There was a miracle on the field, and our Cedric player showed a wonderful transformation. With his technical attainments, our Professor McGonagall must be very happy.

"Cedric, he continuously transformed stones into animals. Do you want to use these animals to interfere with the fire dragon's judgment? It's a very good idea, but I don't know if it can succeed.

"He did it! Merlin's beard, his method was successful and effective. We can see that the Swedish Brachysaurus was attracted, and player Cedric planned to take this opportunity to steal the dragon eggs...

"No! The Brachynosaurus saw through his trick. It's also possible that Cedric's quick approach made the female dragon feel threatened, and she was ready to breathe fire!"

The audience gasped in unison, suddenly causing global warming.

"Oh no! The flames are hitting player Cedric!"

There were continuous screams for a while.

The professors rushed onto the field, the referee couldn't help but stand up, and the students shouted.

"Save people! Save...wait, what? Our Cedric player walked out of the flames, and he was unharmed! What kind of magic is this? You can see that the Swedish Brachysaurus is also confused, It didn’t expect that someone could directly hold its own flames.”

Harry, who was sitting in the waiting room, did not open his eyes. The scenes on the field came into his mind as Bagman explained, and he replayed Cedric's every move in his mind.

Transfiguration interference didn't work very well because his magic and skill weren't enough to support a large number of polymorphs.

The dragon's breath did not hurt him. He is worthy of being a prefect of Hufflepuff. Among the four houses, the dueling style emphasizes defense. In the past year, with the help of the mastermind, he has continuously improved spells and invented new spells. He has already developed a set of spells. Excellent defensive magic system.

Presumably, through the combination of the Clear Water Curse and the Cyclone Curse, a rotating water shield is formed outside the body to insulate the flames, and the heat is taken away through rapid evaporation, thus preventing burns.

On the field, Cedric relied on his excellent spell skills and solid duel accumulation to withstand the fire dragon's attack from the front, commanding a transformed little badger to steal the golden egg from the dragon's nest.

He smiled brightly amid the cheers of the audience.

At the same time, Harry also smiled knowingly, feeling happy for his classmate's victory.

"Next, Fleur Delacour!"

The silver-haired mixed-race Veela took a deep breath, clenched her fists, and walked out of the waiting room.

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