The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 476 Rising Star in the Media Industry

After some exchanges, the reporter was surprised to find that the hyena, who called herself Rita, really had a good grasp of the affairs of the newspaper office. How should a young reporter stand out, how to gain attention, and how to get more information? The great autonomy has even become the newspaper's leading brand.

When Rita said this, the dog's face was filled with pride, its skinny body inflated like a balloon, and the whole dog became energetic.

Jennifer was curious about what kind of person she was before she turned into a hyena. Such a shrewd guy should not be so unknown. And how did she become like this by the terrifying wizard in her mouth?

Rita remained silent on these questions, too suspicious to mention the man's name.

"I can't remember what he did to me, I just remember it was terrible, terrible, and it gives me a headache just thinking about it. But I know he's here, I know he's here... He's watching us.

"Uh-honey, if he wants to hurt me, don't leave me."

Jennifer said perfunctorily: "Okay."

She smiled helplessly in her heart. If she really met such a scary person, of course she would run as fast as she could. Her life was at stake. She was just an ordinary Hufflepuff graduate. What could she do to resist it? Dark wizard.

Rita wandered around the apartment in a high-spirited manner, pointing out Jennifer's living conditions.

"My dear, I'm not telling you, the wardrobe is too empty, you shouldn't treat yourself so badly... Also, where is the perfume? Where is your perfume? Where is the jewelry?"

"I don't have money to buy it."

"That won't work!" Rita screamed. "The first step to becoming a qualified reporter is to lead the fashion trend. Only by dressing yourself up to attract attention will others not regard you as a nobody."

"I don't want to wear fancy clothes."

"That's a big mistake! What do you think the purpose of wearing fancy clothes is? It's for personality, to package yourself and create a persona. Persona is everything!"

"I don't understand. Do you have to sacrifice your dignity for the sake of topicality?"

"Hahaha. Silly girl." The hyena laughed evilly.

"There are only two kinds of people in this world, one is the rich and the other is the poor. Respectability only belongs to the rich, and it is an illusion created by the rich to make the poor spend their money. It's just that In order to look decent. Who did the money end up going to?

"What if I told you that I once had ten fingers full of gemstone rings, and each one could last you a lifetime. Would you be envious? Would you be jealous?"

Jennifer wanted to be tough, but she couldn't help but nodded in the end.

"Hahaha, I can see that you are short of money. Why don't you take me to my old house and I will reluctantly lend you some money."

"Isn't this bad?" Jennifer was excited.

"No, no, no, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm just lending it to you so you can change your outfit. When you become the leading reporter of the Daily Prophet under my training, you'll have to pay it back. I."

Jennifer always felt that the hyena named Rita was not as kind as she showed, and that she was always hiding some secrets.

"Hey, don't you want to break the curse?"

"We'll talk about it when you have the ability. But you probably won't have the qualifications in your lifetime." The hyena glanced sideways at her, his disdain evident in his words.

I endure it...Jennifer clenched her fists.

Without further ado, they set off that night to Rita Skeeter's mansion near Liverpool Street. Since the hyena has no magic power, it is affected by the mansion's confusion spell and cannot see the house.

Now that she finally waited for a wizard who could understand, she wanted to return home immediately. During her wandering days, that warm, jeweled, and well-fed home had always been her hope and comfort.

Coming out of the subway station, Rita trotted all the way.

We've arrived.

Jennifer said blankly: "Are you sure you got the address right?"

"Of course, come on, you saw that, right? Ring the doorbell and shout into the speaker: Rita is the most beautiful. What are you waiting for? Come on, I can't wait, oh, my babies, my mattress , my clothes, my collection of Burgundy wine..."

"But there are people living here."

Jennifer went up and knocked on the door. The person who opened the door was a fat wizard who was very drunk. "Who are you looking for?"

"Is this Rita Skeeter's house?"

"I've never heard of it. This is my home. My grandfather lived here." The wizard slammed the door.

Jennifer turned to tell the truth and said to Rita: "I now suspect that you are lying to me."

"you are lying!"

"No, I'm telling the truth."

"Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!" Rita yelled like crazy, causing the neighbors to yell: "Where did the dog come from? Get out of here."

She was breathless and murmured: "It must be that person. He did it on purpose. He wanted to destroy me, completely destroy me. He found someone to act, and he used the Imperius Curse to make people act for me. He wants to completely humiliate me, yes, that must be the case, that must be the case!”

Rita became more and more depressed, "He destroyed me! He also destroyed my home! My baby, my jewelry, my rare shorthand quill, the information I collected..."

"Okay, okay, let's go back first." The reporter lady said perfunctorily. She was very cold now and still a little sleepy.

The hyena gradually stopped trembling. Life is like this. Little painful things pile up into an avalanche of painful experiences. If you can survive it, then life will go on.

"Wait, I will definitely change back. We are not done yet, hehehe...Jennifer, dear, why are you yawning? You can't sleep tonight. I still have a lot to say to you."

"say what?"

"You must open up the situation as soon as possible. Let me think about it, who is the current editor-in-chief of the newspaper?"

"Pearson. Have you heard of it?"

"Does he have a beer belly, a hooked nose, and a slow speech?"

"That's right."

"That's right. I know how to handle him."

The next day, Jennifer returned to the newspaper office again. This time she straightened her back, walked through the workstation, and walked up to the editor-in-chief. "Pearson, I'm here to negotiate terms."

The editor's chubby face was full of surprise, and his colleagues also looked at the young girl with strange eyes.

Jennifer took a small breath and straightened her back.

When negotiating terms with her superiors for the first time, Jennifer showed both sincerity and threats.

The sincerity was an extremely flamboyant reporting article she wrote under Rita's guidance, and the threat was a shameful thing Pearson had done.

To be honest, Jennifer almost thought she was crazy for following the guidance of a hyena. But this is a last ditch effort. If you succeed, you will stay in the newspaper office. If you fail, you will find a new job.

With the spirit of success or failure, she rushed and succeeded.

The effect was better than expected, and Jennifer immediately got the opportunity to go out for interviews. In the days that followed, she continued to listen to the hyena at home and wrote one article after another that wantonly distorted the facts for the sake of traffic. The sales volume of the "Daily Prophet" actually increased slightly.

More and more readers have remembered this name. Jennifer Yining, a newcomer to the newspaper from an unknown background, suddenly became famous and became a new star in the media industry.

She earned a huge sum of royalties, half of which she had to keep to replace her wardrobe, and the remaining half was remitted to her mother as soon as possible.

It was a stormy morning in London, and owls were delivering copies of the Daily Prophet across the country. The middle-aged witch who was far away in the country received a letter from her daughter, and was sincerely happy and worried about her success. Wrote a letter.

"Jennifer, dear...the money has been received...don't push yourself too hard, you have always been a good and upright child...I hope you won't be blinded by money, gold coins will not love you. When will you be tired?" Now, go home. Your father’s old goat recently gave birth to a lamb..."

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