The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 464 Snape’s Courage

"You have come a long way, Professor."

"About ten thousand miles, one summer."

Linde poured Nord mead into the cup opposite. They sat at the desk. The crucible where the medicine was originally boiled was removed and replaced with a bubbling copper pot. The clear water soup base released boiling mist.

The old bat Snape shook his hair - Lind watched carefully for a while to make sure he didn't spill any dandruff into the pot. He picked up a plate of dried tofu and poured it into the pot. He also picked up a plate of lettuce and covered it in the pot.

Linde threw two red cubes of fermented bean curd into the sauce plate, added a spoonful of diluted sesame sauce, a spoonful of leek flower sauce, and a spoonful of oily chili pepper, stirred it with chopsticks, and finally licked the tip of the chopstick to taste the saltiness. .

Snape frowned when he saw the fermented bean curd. Different places have different eating habits. He couldn't get used to the northern customs of fermented bean curd and sesame sauce, so he liked the Sichuan and Chongqing style oil dishes.

"Why don't you boil the meat rolls first?" Linde asked casually.

"Odor!" Snape said grimly.

They lit the waterside stove in a deserted classroom at night. No one would disturb them, so it was suitable for chatting.

"Why do you want to go back to Hogwarts?" Lind asked.

"Aren't you back too?"

"When did I leave?"

Snape didn't react for a moment. He nodded thoughtfully, "Yeah, I feel the same way."

Linde smiled and turned to another topic, "You cast the Soul-Tampering Curse and the Death Curse on the Cornish elves in class today. I now want to solemnly condemn you on behalf of the entire elf community. "

Snape held the mug and asked casually: "You didn't come to class, how did you know that I cast a spell on the elf?"

"I know a little bit of everything."

"Then do you know that those elves are just toy dummies?" Old Bat showed a proud smile, "They look very realistic, don't they? In order to imitate Mad-Eye Moody, I have to put some thought into making them a little crazy. Otherwise Dumbledore will become suspicious."

"Do you think he doesn't doubt you now?" Linde smiled scornfully, "Old Bee is not yet blinded by old age. Where have you hidden the real Alastor Moody?"

"There is a suitcase under the bed in the office. I cast the Invisible Stretching Charm. It is spacious enough for five fat pigs to lie down. Moody slept soundly in it."

Linde clicked his tongue, "It's really like a Death Eater. Don't you think it's strange that you still wear his artificial eyes on your face? How do you plan to fool this old wizard? He is not easy to fool. Once there is If you resist the opportunity, it will bite you soon, so be careful not to get killed.”

Snape said calmly: "The Water of Life and Death, the Imperius Curse. Thanks to participating in the Master Brain experiment last year, I have now learned to weave memories. Moody will not find anything abnormal in his dreams. As long as I play his role well, these memories will be useful to him." This is my personal experience. I can withdraw at any time without leaving any clues."

"You still have to find a way to fool the master brain. In the information age, there is no personal privacy. When using the "Manual", the master brain will record your thoughts. Everyone's soul is different, which is very obvious to the master brain."

Snape gave a subtly troubled expression.

Lind continued to hit the target: "There is also the Marauder's Map, do you remember? The disguise you thought was perfect is actually full of loopholes. James Potter is now the maintainer of the Mastermind, and he invented the Marauder's Map. , if he suspects your identity, he can find you out quickly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, imagine that the guy you've always hated, who is also your wife's childhood sweetheart, changes his appearance and lurks near your wife's workplace. Anyone would be worried, right?"

"I will solve it," the old bat's mouth was harder than Captain America's shield. "At least the "Guide" will have a solution."

"Stop your grimace, Professor, and come have a drink. Are you here just to see Ms. Lily Evans?"

"No, I'm worried about other things." Snape pulled up his sleeves, showing a terrifying tattoo on the inside of his arm, a skull with a snake coming out of its mouth. This is what Voldemort left on the core Death Eater. The dark mark.

After Voldemort died in Potter's old house, the Dark Mark on the Death Eaters faded for a time, but now the mark has resurfaced. Although it is very light and is an inactive red color, it still makes people fearful.

Lind pouted boringly, "It's Voldemort again. Do you think Hogwarts needs to worry about a Voldemort now? Times have changed, Professor Snape. Do you believe that the principal's personal assistant can take care of Voldemort?"

"You mean Geller?" Snape put down his sleeves, "He doesn't look like a good guy. But he's not a Death Eater either. At least I didn't see him around Voldemort back then. However, Voldemort did come back, at least partially. His."

Snape talked about his experiences this summer. After a conversation with Lily, this dark man who was trapped in guilt was finally freed from the endless guilt, but he was completely at a loss for a while.

So he embarked on a journey without a destination alone, using his footsteps to push the flow of time. He went to Europe and the Middle East, away from the magical world, walking in the Muggle community, eating croissants, wearing an Arab kerchief, and witnessing the past After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was involved in the crazy arms trade in Eastern Europe. He was also involved in the local Muggle war, and was almost shot through the head with a sniper rifle. Finally, he turned back in the Far East and returned to London in a big circle.

"Muggles have many more ways of killing each other than wizards." Snape commented sarcastically.

After returning to London, the Dark Mark on the old bat's arm began to hurt. It was the Quidditch World Cup at that time, and the attention of the entire wizarding world was attracted to it, so it was very suitable for fishing in troubled waters.

"When I arrived, I found that the person who summoned us was a crazy house elf. But the tone it spoke was indeed Voldemort."

"Then what?"

"I found the reason for its madness - a locket that was, in fact, Voldemort's Horcrux. Voldemort asked me to return to Hogwarts, capture Harry for him, and bring the boy over to him."

"You didn't agree."

"Yes, I didn't agree. Instead, I destroyed the pendant with a fire spell." The wine glass in Snape's hand trembled slightly, and his voice was squeezed out of his throat.

"I killed him once. But who can guarantee that there won't be a second time? From that day on, I have been Voldemort's enemy. So I have to make some preparations in advance. It is best to put out the flames before disaster.

"...I don't like this feeling, this feeling that I may die at any time... Voldemort, his most terrifying magic is not the death curse, but fear. To this day, the wizarding world has not escaped from his shadow. Of course, Me too."

Lind propped up his chin with his hands and said softly: "Courage, this is what makes you different from Death Eaters. You have courage."

"No." Snape covered his head, and the crow's feet squeezed out around his eyes were like rivers where tears had dried up. "No, I didn't. I am a complete coward."

"You're drunk, Professor."

"I am nothing."

"No, at least you are a drunkard now. Just take a few bites of food and don't drink with stories in the future."

Snape calmed down his expression and put beef and mutton rolls into the copper pot. Adults can control their emotions so freely. (End of chapter)

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