The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 463 Used to be Snape

On Thursday afternoon, Mad-Eye Moody had a blast in Gryffindor's first Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

He started teaching directly from the three unforgivable curses.

The atmosphere in the magical world has always been conservative. The Unforgivable Curse is a topic that cannot be touched by students or most wizards. It is not that it will be condemned and punished by the Ministry of Magic. It is simply that these three spells have been demonized. Make people avoid it.

Hogwarts professors also never talk about the Unforgivable Curse in public. Probably because I think it will affect the mental health of students. However, relevant introductions have always been kept in the library, and students with a wide range of subjects can understand from them the principles of not advocating, not encouraging, and not opposing.

Moody's crisp and direct style swept away the conservative trend. He was not afraid to break the unspoken rules and directly revealed the effects of the three evil curses to the students.

"Does any of you know what kind of magic is called the Unforgivable Curse?"

Several trembling hands appeared in the classroom. Harry didn't raise his hand, because he knew all three spells, and he felt guilty. Ron didn't raise his hand either, he was keeping Harry's secret. Neville and Hermione raised their hands.

Moody's intact eye glanced at Hermione quickly, showing a strange emotion, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he named a Ravenclaw student to answer.

"I know there's an Imperius Curse."

"That's right." Moody nodded, without saying any extra points, and asked the student to sit down coldly. Then he took out a bird cage from the drawer of the podium, which contained two ugly Cornish Terriers. Elf.

This kind of elf is very noisy. No wonder since the beginning of class, some students have talked about hearing some strange noises.

Moody took out his wand and pointed it at an elf and whispered: "Out of body!"

A flash of light penetrated the elf's iron-green head, and the little thing that originally looked like a firecracker instantly turned into a quiet puppet.

Moody's scarred face twisted into a strange smile. He waved his wand lightly, like a conductor of a symphony orchestra flicking his baton. The elf danced in the cage, spinning on tiptoes like a ballet dancer.

In order for everyone to see clearly, Moody deliberately sent the birdcage to the front row.

Many students laughed, but before they could recover, Moody waved his wand forcefully, and the elf controlled by the Imperius Curse roared and pounced on his companions, fighting desperately.

"Ah!" the students screamed in horror as an elf ripped each other's ears off.

Moody sneered, "Do you still think it's funny? Just imagine, if you are the one who gets tricked, I can make you commit suicide by swallowing magic potion and strangle yourself."

A cold wind blew through the classroom.

"Back then, I mean when Voldemort was active, many wizards were controlled by this spell. The Ministry of Magic couldn't figure out who was forced to do evil and who was a voluntary accomplice of the Dark Lord. However, some were indeed The Death Eaters used this excuse to escape the Ministry of Magic's trial. You should be careful, Voldemort's shadow is never far away."

Ron whispered in Harry's ear: "I don't think Voldemort can defeat Dumbledore even if he comes back. Several of the disciples in the library tower can easily defeat him."

Harry nodded, "I think what's more important are the Death Eaters lurking, and old Malfoy must be one of them."

Moody then introduced the most vicious Unforgivable Curse, the famous Avada Kedavra.

A bright blue light flashed from his wand and struck an elf. It instantly lost its life and fell in the cage like a ball of confetti.

The students were frightened and looked at each other.

After killing an elf, isn't Professor Moody afraid of getting into trouble with the Department for the Control of Magical Creatures? Although elves have no human rights and are a nuisance, they should not be killed so easily.

Ron was still commenting softly: "Harry, I remember that when you used this trick, there was a green light."

Yes, green, just like the color of the Death Curse cast by Lord Voldemort.

Hermione kicked him lightly under the table, "Idiot, what are you talking about!"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Ron looked around guiltily. Fortunately, no one overheard their conversation.

Professor Moody stared at the dead elf and sighed, "Avada Kedavra, there is no breaking spell, there is no way to resist it. Since the invention of this spell, only one person has escaped." He said, glancing at Ha With a glance, of course, the whole class's attention was also focused on the boy who survived the catastrophe.

Harry's face was expressionless. He didn't like to recall the shadows of his childhood. Lily and James had both been resurrected. What he had to do now was to forget the trauma.

"The last spell, does anyone know?"

Neville raised his hand again.

"You tell me."

"Yes - the Cruciatus Curse."

"Are you Longbottom?" Moody's tone could not be said to have become gentler or colder. "You do understand this spell better."

Neville's expression turned frustrated and he raised his hand to his forehead.

"It's okay, it will be fine." Hermione quickly comforted him, "Aren't your parents feeling better recently?"

Neville's parents were Aurors at the Ministry of Magic. They were tortured by Death Eaters with the Cruciatus Curse and became insane. The boy did not give up looking for a way to save his parents. In the vast collection of books in the library tower, there is indeed a solution, but Neville's current talents and skills cannot yet realize it.

This has also become the main motivation for him to study hard.

No matter what, Moody's words made Neville's three companions slightly dissatisfied with the professor.

After class, they accidentally talked about Moody, and Ron suddenly said: "Harry, do you remember the day when school started? My dad suddenly received a letter from the ministry, asking him to help Mad-Eye get rid of a crime."

"As I recall, someone was said to have broken into his house, and Moody's actions caused the dumpster to explode, scaring some Muggles."

"This Mad-Eye is really crazy."

Harry nodded. He didn't say what was in his heart. Mad-Eye Moody always gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Neville, Mr. De Lin must have a way to cure your parents. Why not ask him for help?" Ron turned around and talked about another matter.

Neville shook his head, "I don't want to cause trouble to Mr. De Lin. I can do this myself."

"If you need help, just let us know, we are always here."

After nightfall, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was quiet. Only a magic flame was glowing in the darkness, and bubbles were emitting from a cauldron mounted on the flame. The figure standing in front of the crucible waited patiently until the potion was boiled, removed from the fire, cooled, and poured into a large glass jar.

"Long time no see, Professor." Another person's voice suddenly sounded.


The professor's door quietly opened, and Lind walked in from the door, saying hello to the man pretending to be Moody, "Did I scare you?"

"It's you." Snape relaxed.

OMG, the title is wrong. Awkward.

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