The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 454 Melina’s Farewell

Melina asks Lind for advice on how to eliminate epilepsy.

"I can eliminate epileptic fire just because I am stronger than epileptic fire. You can't copy my method."

"Aren't you omnipotent? Linde, teach me how to completely eliminate epilepsy." Melina's cheeks were colder and more fragile than hoarfrost, and the human touch on her body became weaker and weaker, as if it was about to disappear. Bottles on the sea.

"Melina, don't put too much burden on yourself. It is not your mission to eliminate epilepsy."

"No one told me." Melina turned to look at Lind, "No one told me how to live life."

"To feel the world, to experience, to experience. Do whatever makes you happy."

"What would make me happy? As long as you teach me how to eliminate epilepsy, I will be happy."

Linde sighed, he didn't know what Melina was thinking, but he saw Melina's future.

"Is this really what you want?"

He asked solemnly, looking at Melina very, very seriously.

The fire girl's eyes flickered, and she realized that her future had been seen through by Linde. This was a strange sense of fate.

"Yes, that's what I want."

"What if I don't help you?" he asked in a rogue manner.

Melina smiled, she suddenly laughed with relief and looked towards the direction of the royal city Rodel, where the source of epilepsy was hidden.

She nodded and said, "Yes, this is my own path. There is no need for you to help me. Sorry, Linde, I have to go."

"Are you leaving now? How many more days will you stay?"

"Do you still remember what you said when we first met? You said you would give me a complete life. At that time, I just thought you were a strange person. Later I discovered that you are indeed a strange person.

"Always save others and never ask for anything in return. I don't see any trace of selfishness in you. You are omnipotent and aloof. I originally thought that people like you would not have feelings, but I was wrong. , you are actually weaker and mediocre than anyone else. There is no self-righteous tacit understanding between us, it is just my wishful thinking.

"I can't keep pretending that I can stay with you."

Linde didn't know how to answer.

Melina took a deep breath of cold air, and the hot wind she breathed turned into tiny ice crystals.

"My life is like a match. You can't expect the burned match to return to the box as if nothing happened. Linde, I am grateful to you. But I have to go. The last step on this road Cheng, I have to finish it by myself."

"This is not your mission. You have no mission in life. To me, epileptic fire is just dust that can be wiped out with a wave of my hand. Believe it or not? If I snap my fingers or whistle now, the epileptic fire three fingers underground in the royal city will be wiped out. .”

"I believe it. Yes, you are omnipotent, Linde. But I am not someone like you." Melina replied absently.

"I'm nothing. I'm just a phantom, a hole. I was born to be a container with a mission. In this white world, only the wind will blow me away to a place where there is nothing. I don't have to When I think about the future of the junction, I no longer need to worry about the mission, and I no longer need to stay by your side with vain hopes. At that time, I will be completely free."

Linde sighed again, his words melting into the sigh.

Melina took out the whistle and blew it gently, and the spirit horse Torret emerged from the smoke emitted by the whistle. It shook its head energetically, always with its head lowered. The thin girl jumped onto the saddle. She became high-spirited at this moment and smiled radiantly at Linde. There was no sadness in her apricot-like eyes.

Lind's light was so dazzling that Melina always wanted to be a weightless vassal, characterless when she stayed by his side, always forgotten and ignored. Of course she is used to being forgotten and ignored, and this has been the case from the beginning of her life.

Now she is on horseback, heroic, like a knight on a journey, romantically more dazzling than Don Quixote rushing towards the windmill.

Melina gently touched her closed left eye. The animal claw seal on the eye socket was like a strange tattoo. This hidden eye contained the power of the god of death and would be her final blow to break through the epileptic fire.

"Don't do anything stupid, Melina."

"My mission may seem silly to you, but not to me."

"The stupid things I'm talking about are not your mission, but what you have to do after you complete your mission."

She hesitated for a moment on the horse, thinking for a moment, and then gave Linde the most beautiful and brilliant smile.

"It turns out that is my future. Thank you, Linde. We should never see each other again in the future. I wish you happiness forever. Besides, in fact, I have always..."

The delicate and heroic Melina gently shook the reins, and her words were scattered in the hooves of the running horse, disappearing into the farther and farther space, and could no longer be heard clearly.

The spirit horse galloped away.

"Hey!" little apprentice Jasmine shouted, "Where are you going?"

She didn't turn around or stop.

Millicent returned to Linde in surprise. She saw clues from Linde's silent stance, so she hurriedly asked: "Where is Melina going?"

"She's going to fulfill her mission."

"Are we going to help?"

"Why do you want to help?" Linde asked, his tone a little cold.

Millicent was choked and was not angry. She just asked more worriedly: "What happened?"

"She is going to die. She is going to die. Kill Dianhuo and then die deep in the sewers of the royal city. The body will continue to rot. After a year, it will turn into white bones, leaving only a head of pink hair and a sky blue... eyeball."

"Why not stop her?"

"I'm not omnipotent." Linde said coldly, "I can't make a person who is determined to commit suicide regain hope."

"Can't you use magic?"

"If you don't believe it, you don't believe it. Magic will collapse in the face of doubt."

"Aren't you a god? Can't you stop this future?"

"Yes, I am indeed a god. I can erase her memory, and I can reshape her life. I can resurrect her body. No matter what, she believes that she is dead, and even if she is allowed to live, it will only be An empty shell. Melina’s temperament is too strong and there is no room for change.”

Millicent shook her head and said: "No, Linde, there is hope if she survives. Letting her survive is more important than anything else. If you can't persuade her, let me do it."

Lind waved his hand, "Then go ahead. I wish you success."

Millicent watched him turn away and ran after him in disbelief.



"Why have you become so cold? Is this still you?"

"You think I'm cold? Then what should I do? I said I can't persuade her to survive. This is the right path of fate."

"You only believe in fate? What about miracles? You said there would be miracles."

Linde said calmly: "Miracles can only respond to those who believe in miracles. To me, every moment of your existence has been engraved in the historical record, and you can read the file and recall it at any time to change your life. Everyone They will all leave me, but it may be longer or shorter, and the length does not matter in the variable history.”

"So am I to you too? A toy of fate?"

"It's precisely because of you that I couldn't save Melina. Do you know why? Because I only love you. I won't pretend to love her just to save Melina. So her ending cannot be changed."

Millicent's face suddenly turned extremely pale.

"Is there a timeline in which you fell in love with Melina instead of me?"

"No. There is no such thing. In the infinite destiny of infinite time and space, if I choose, I will only choose you." Although Lind said warm words, his tone was still cold, "Who do you think I am? ? Could it be that I, Linde, would find an excuse to have an affair?"

"I don't mind. You can fall in love with Melina, or fall in love with anyone, I don't mind. Don't hold you back because of me."

"But I mind. If I can't be honest in my heart, wouldn't my life be a complete lie?"

Millicent gritted her teeth, turned around and ran in the direction Melina left.

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