The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 453 I am history itself

When Huoshan and his party returned, Linde had already dealt with all the Shard Kings on the border, except for one Gryk.

There is indeed nothing precious to him in this world now. Of course, the people here are still the treasures he values.

Gods are creatures that live off thoughts, so there are often stories of gods fighting for believers. However, Linde doesn’t really need believers. He condenses the outer shell of his thoughts body into a self-gem, which is constant and unchangeable. Its nature is like the diamond in the Buddhist scriptures which neither increases nor decreases.

Although his power cannot be increased through ordinary means, at least he will not be stuck because he has no believers. It is equivalent to receiving the minimum living security from the gods, and the harvest will be guaranteed during droughts and floods, and he will have no worries about food and clothing.

Therefore, Linde valued the people in the border areas, not by raising them like domestic animals and producing thinking strings for them, but simply by valuing the people's intelligence.

The more devastated the earth is and the more people have experienced suffering, the more they can usher in a great era. This is also the paradox of life. Only the laughter that emerges from sadness can make people laugh. The more beautiful things are. Death is more heartbreaking.

It is said that the moment Lacard died, the lamentations of the dead resounded through the volcanic sky, and they dispersed one by one to follow the disappearing ideal. Before leaving, he entrusted a broken military flag to Godfrey and asked him to pass it on to Linde.

When this military flag is waved, the Gemir knights can be summoned to fight for the flag owner. Linde made it a reward for completing the volcano dungeon.

The remnants of the Huoshan Mansion need to be put on trial, except for A'mai, who just joined the company and the company collapsed before she could start her business, so she was acquitted. A small vendor named Pachi in the Huoshan Residence was also arrested. He screamed loudly and said that he came to set up a stall downstairs of the company and had nothing to do with this group of people.

However, this guy always glanced at Tanis with his sly eyes, obviously he was interested in the female president of the company. He is said to be a small vendor, but the items he sells are basically scraps collected on the battlefield. It can be seen that he usually makes a living by scavenging, cheating, and performing tricks. After A'Die's identification, this guy will also be taken to the royal city.

But with Patch's ability, he can probably escape halfway. This guy came from "Dark Souls" as a guest star. He can travel around the world and should not be underestimated.

After saying goodbye to the heroic souls, Linde said goodbye to Uncle Ge.

"Goodbye, young man, you still have a long way to go in the future, but I have to stay here. I can't walk anymore. I will be buried in my hometown after I die. I hope you will take care of everything and keep your health. When you have free time in the future, come to Rodel, and I and Menggert will treat you with the best and strongest wine, the fattest lambs and squabs."

Linde knew that they would have two more chances to meet each other in the future. One was in his magically modified "Lord of the Rings of Elden", when Ge Fulei appeared as an NPC, and the other time was when Uncle Ge was dying, and Linde would come to say goodbye. .

Parting is really a very strange thing. When we first parted, it seemed that getting together was still a thing with infinite possibilities. Until the days passed, and finally at a certain moment, I realized that there would never be a chance to see each other again.

That moment is the moment when the separation is truly completed. Before that, it was actually just a separation of time and space.

In the future, Linde will meet more new friends and face the separation of more old friends. He is like a rock standing by the river, watching the water keep passing by, and every drop of water molecule is saying goodbye to him.

Millicent roughly guessed what he was thinking, so on the way back, she always pressed against his arm and said nothing. She was like a psychic weapon in martial arts novels, always speaking softly when her master was in trouble. Tremor.

After exiting the volcano, it would take a day or two to return, so they camped on the Yatan Plateau.

Because I am not in a hurry, I take my time every day. Although the teachers and students of the school are going on a trip, the magic school will not send letters urging them.

Topps and Dong Niel always took Jasmine to play dungeons together, shouting with joy all day long. They looked like Zhai. Of course, their improvement in strength was also obvious.

One night, the cold wind made the tent whine. Lind was lying on the bed, and Millicent's cold, honey-colored eyes like tiger eyes roamed on his cheeks.

The fine sweat on her body wetted her forehead, and when the cold wind blew through the gaps in the tent, it stirred up fine chicken skin all over her body. Each small bump felt like a piece of soft and elastic orange peel.

Linde felt it, so he pointed towards the tents, and all three tents began to tremble. Then thick down grew on the outer skin, completely blocking the wind. Spiritual wind circulated inside, constantly blowing out fresh warm air.

"Yeah." Millicent murmured slightly, stood up and scrubbed, using a dry towel to clean away the sticky sweat all over her body. Then she sat down at the small desk in the tent, spread out a notebook and started studying it.

Lind turned his head and saw a slender white fish along the gap between the railings of the armchair. The red hair under the lamp looked like seaweed floating in the bright water.

They chatted about their work after returning to the academy. Millicent was inexplicably appointed as the chief lecturer of Caleros. Linde encouraged her to try to accept this arrangement. This was a free opportunity. Wouldn't it be a good thing to experience a different lifestyle?

In order to appease Millicent, Linde talked a lot about his own experiences.

How to organize teaching materials, how to prepare lesson plans... The topics in magic schools are relatively free. Professors can teach whatever they want, and students can listen or walk. Whether they learn or not is their own business. The professor's job is not to let students learn, but more often to give them guidance.

After all, the magicians of Rhea Lucalia are not the little wizards of Hogwarts. Most of them have the ability to study independently. Compared with the lecturers, what they lack is just the height of their thinking.

Millicent grimaced. She was completely unqualified for such a job. What she knew was addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and the lecturer taught advanced mathematics. This was equivalent to lying on her resume and still getting the job. It will be revealed soon.

But she had no intention of backing down. Instead, whenever I have time, I download a dungeon to earn candle money and try to buy high-level pyroxene magic skills as soon as possible.

Linde had an inexplicable feeling of being taken care of by the female professor. He watched Millicent stay up late at night to read and study the lesson plans whenever she had free time, but he was like a retired old man, lying on the side and watching.

How does that sentence come about? The flower language of steel wool is tolerance and wealth.

Linde smiled to himself.

"What's wrong?" Millicent turned around and looked back quickly.

"I'm thinking that if you continue to be a professor in Rhea Lucalia in the future, I will live in the town in front of the college and run a restaurant. I will wait for you to come home from work every day, and then we will sit at the dining table. The guests were laughing and dining in the hall. You rubbed your eyebrows tiredly and talked about the troubles you encountered in college. I put food on your plate, like a cautious middle-aged husband whose salary is not as high as his wife... …”

Millicent's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Yes, and, also, there must be children in the restaurant. They are running around, coming together to beg for food, and running away to play until they can't eat more than two bites. Panting like a puppy before sitting down obediently.”

"Let's talk about this kind of thing back to Delinriel. That is my city and the hometown I prepared for you."

"Okay, anywhere will do."

The next day, the grassland outside the tent was covered with white frost.

"Winter is coming. I haven't seen winter in a long time."

"The time and space after the magic ring was broken has also become strange. It has been autumn on the Yatan Plateau for many years. Now the golden tree has fallen, and winter is finally coming."

Millicent was running on the white ground with little apprentice Jasmine on her back.

Linde stood alone on the dewy grassland in late autumn.

Melina's footsteps came and she stopped beside him, accompanying him to look at the sun on the horizon.

"Linde, are you afraid of separation?" she asked suddenly after being silent for a long time.

"Of course not. For you, time is a river that never returns. But history is just my memory. Whenever I recall the past, I go back to that time and space."

"Then you now are the memories of you at a certain time in the future?"

"Always have and never have. I have no future and no past. I am history itself."

"That's great. Then you'll never be sad."

"Melina, no one is not sad."

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