The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 441 Romantic Revolution

If you ignore Linde's enigmatic appearance, you will find that he is actually very naive. Of course, not everyone can ignore this enigmatic appearance.

Using power and prestige to create a shell can confuse people the most. Even mortals, as long as they have power, will be praised as a lofty god, let alone a true god.

Millicent felt that it would probably take a lot of time for her to adapt to this change.

After the excitement on the morning of the exam day, Linde and she had been hiding on the top of the clock tower and eating sandwiches together.

The two of them had never been in such close contact before, and the closest they got was probably eating together at Sanbei Wine House, but there weren't many surprises in that period of living together.

At that time, Linde lived in seclusion in his room all year round, and any personal hygiene issues were just a snap of his fingers.

The clothes lined up and walked out of the room. They twisted across the comfortable wooden floor and entered the laundry room. They washed themselves. Their shirts and trousers were all shaking like big dogs. The ends of their shorts were caught by the wizard's robe. I got up and wrung it out, took a bubble bath in the sink with my wizard hat, and when I felt comfortable, I recited a cleansing spell to myself. The clips of the clothes drying rack heard the whistle of the faucet, and ran out from the end with a swish. They took their positions, opened the clips, and waited for the clothes drying pole to wave its long hand, throwing the clothes up one by one, and clamped them all. Dry the clothes by drying them on your head, and finally jump into the basket.

At that time, Millicent, Melina and Malika all used washing machines. Sometimes they would look at the enchanted clothes with their hands on their hips, like little animals with different personalities. Roaring and singing in the magic, the air seems to be filled with miracles.

Linde never used the bathroom. He ate normally and ate quite a lot. Sometimes when he was not studying spells, he would turn on the stove in the kitchen, study dishes, and make extra meals for himself. He would often invite them and the house elf Kali in the middle of the night. Have a late night snack together.

Millicent was also curious about this question. Among the guests in the tavern at that time was Ms. Moon Shadow. She was also asked offensive questions by a group of dwarves who were bolder than bears.

Ms. Moon Shadow said that there is a realm of annihilation in her stomach, and even if she eats all the dwarves who ask questions, she will not burp.

Linde was not sitting on the toilet facing the sea, the loneliest shit king in the universe. He just used the disappearing spell to annihilate the food he ate.

On the bell tower, Lind lay down and rested his head on Millicent's lap. It was cloudy in the Lake District today, and the sunlight was not dazzling on his eyelids. He just lay there, not thinking about anything, smelling Millicent's clothes. The cool smell of powdered soap makes you feel like a god with an empty mind.

Millicent carefully combed his hair with her hands. It was soft and strong, dry and shiny, almost like an artificial wig. There were no pores visible on his skin, no dirt or dust, and it was completely clean. Many details reminded her that the person in her arms was not a human being.

As Linde said, the real problem in love is not the process of establishing a relationship. Even if it is vigorous and committed, the real problem lies in whether a stable emotional connection can be established the day after the relationship is established. This is the key to maintaining a relationship. So love is like revolution, only about romance.

The whole afternoon passed almost in the blink of an eye. Millicent wasn't sleepy at first, but seeing that he was sleeping so comfortably, she couldn't help but close her eyes and take a nap, moving her head little by little. When he was half asleep, the head on his lap moved away, and Lind held her in his arms, lying down as a cushion, letting her lie on her side and take a nap against his shoulder.

Until the sun was about to set in the lake area, Linde woke her up, and the two of them watched the sunset, the clouds in the sky like painted pottery, and the lake reflecting the sky.

"I suddenly couldn't bear to be here anymore." Linde smiled and stretched, moving his arms that were numb from the pillow, "Love in school days, my God, how could I have such a dream?"

Half of Millicent's face had a red mark, and there was some saliva at the corner of her mouth.

He burst into laughter.

The lunch was arranged in a sloppy manner, because the academy was in a state of uproar, but the dinner was held as scheduled. Tops was happy that his school had kept its name. The young apprentice Jasmine also performed well in spellcasting practice. As for Dong Niel, He is a bit strange, but his strength can be said to be the leader of the younger generation.

So at the dinner, Topps ran the dungeon several times to collect as many ingredients as possible.

Linde is also the chef, and Millicent is the assistant cook. Whenever he cooks, he will take a small piece of it for Millicent to taste, and special plates and spoons are prepared for this. Millicent could hardly stand his enthusiasm, her mouth was full, and before she could swallow one mouthful, the second mouthful was fed to her mouth.

"I am full."

"Try the tiramisu again."


At the dinner, all the mages gathered, and people from the Kaleros classroom were also present, and they did not share the same hatred. Dong Niel was surrounded by many people asking about the blessing of silver. It was a good thing that he was outspoken. At least everyone knew that he would not lie. Baiyin Network is said to be very tempting. Who doesn't like the beauty of learning quickly? What's more, the information in the library tower is very rich, which is a fatal temptation.

Linde accepts everyone who comes, and he wants to promote it anyway. The Baiyin Network is an opportunity, but how far it can go depends on personal operation and luck. In the end, it will not become a situation where a group of magic gods gather together, but it probably will There are many legendary spellcasters.

Millicent was still approached by the instructors of Caleros. They did not pursue Botali's injury, but Millicent's sword cut off the academy's most precious Azrael staff, and they still hoped that she could make compensation.

"This staff can only be repaired by the origin mage Yazler. He is imprisoned in the volcano area. I hope you can go there with the staff and convince Yazler to repair it."

Millicent was a kind-hearted person, and she agreed immediately. The lecturers in Caleros looked at each other with meaningful eyes, as if they had reached some tacit agreement.

So she prepared to leave for the volcanic area the next day.

It was a desolate area located on the Yatan Plateau. The official residence of Volcano was located in the depths. The royal army that conquered the rebellious Rakad fought with Volcano's garrison on the broken hills. To this day, there are still many Luo soldiers who have been cut off from supplies. Del soldiers and knights camped in the volcano and survived by eating the flesh and blood of their dead companions.

Linde was ready to go on an adventure with Mi Bao without saying a word. He was also an old errand boy. This time, he used the excuse of a business trip to accompany Millicent on a trip to the mountains and rivers (volcanoes are considered poor places), which was also a happy life.

By the way, he also planned to visit the big snake Racade at the Volcano Residence - after all, he was already here.

When it was finally decided to set off, Melina also asked to follow her. Her reason was that the volcano was infested with pyromaniacs, which was a perfect reason. So the three of them formed a group and simply called Tops and the others.

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