The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 440 Tragedy of God and Man

The highest point of Rhea Lucalia Academy is the bell tower, which is higher than the spire of the big library. It is thousands of meters above sea level. It is usually covered by clouds and fog. When it is clear, you can overlook the entire Lienia Lake District. The world seems to be able to be carried with one hand at your feet. stand up.

Before the internal fighting in the academy, the bell tower was not only the tallest building, but also the centerpiece of a large regional magic circle. Everyone in the magic circle can receive strange telepathy, allowing them to learn to control spiritual power like a magician. Even newborn babies are magicians in the magic circle.

Being immersed in such an environment all year round, the probability of the academy cultivating powerful mages is greatly increased.

This is also the heritage that the college is proud of.

Lind and Millicent sat side by side on the edge of the top floor of the clock tower. The big bell hanging above their heads was silent. If it rang one day, it might wake up the old zombies in the ashes cemetery. Of course, it might also announce that the college was once again glorious.

Today, the bell tower is still sleeping in the smoke of historical wars, quietly waiting for its mission to be carried out again.

"The exam was quite interesting. A large group of people sat together. There were no quarrels. They were just doing their own things. Everyone was like a group, but they were very wary of each other. I was really nervous when I was doing the questions. There seemed to be a wheel in my head. I was spinning, writing, and worrying about timeout.

"Everyone is writing their own papers, and the atmosphere is very stuffy. Moreover, when there are more people, there are many small thoughts. The mages here are very introverted and sensitive, and they are not straightforward enough.

"I still prefer the wilderness, with only the wind and your thoughts for company. The living creatures I encounter along the way either want to kill me, or they are businessmen doing business. It is very convenient to deal with these guys. Either kill them, or make peace with them. I make deals angrily. I probably won't meet them again in the future, so I don't have to think about their evaluation of me.

"Actually, I am also afraid of being criticized. When I think of you, I feel that these people are not important. But what if everyone's opinions are exactly what you think of me? You can know the gains and losses by learning from others. I am Those who are worried like this do not want to be bound by worldly comments, but on the other hand they are eager to be recognized.

"Ah, you must laugh at me for pretending to be noble. People always have some contradictions. The philosophers on the earth all say so. Sometimes I really miss...I miss the time when I didn't understand anything and just wanted to be simple. Just following you around is like a little animal without a home. But that's too silly, and I can't even tell whether I admire you or love you. I still love you."

Millicent was sitting obediently, with her legs hanging together in the air and her ankles interlocked. Lind asked her to hold her right hand in the palm of her hand. She put her left hand on the brick and slightly raised half of her shoulders. She recounted every thought she had during the exam, and Linde was beside her, gently playing with the red-haired girl's slender fingers, childishly.

After the exam, they fled to the bell tower. Millicent chopped the invigilator without any fatal blow. Bertali broke his arm and was put on a stretcher and sent to the school hospital. His screams of pain continued through the long hospital. The corridor echoed over half of the campus, but there were very few people who sympathized with him.

Botali himself went crazy. As a professor, he challenged an apprentice and lost. He was really ruined. But all Botali could do was to make a desperate move to kill Linde's female companion and let him experience the pain.

"Do you still hate him?" Linde asked.

Millicent blinked lightly, squinted her eyes and smiled as warmly as water, "I don't hate him, how could he hurt me, how could he hurt your heart? I just feel pitiful."

"Yes. If I were just an ordinary apprentice, then the professor's targeting would be a disaster. But now, I will not hate any mortal. They are too far away from me, aren't they? I Millicent, my Miba, promise me something."

"Please tell me."

Lind looked at Millicent in silence. His gaze was like a time gem, revealing the countless directions of fate. All the future scenes reflected in his eyes were like a silvery glare, so cold that it was daunting. But Millicent didn't hide. She glimpsed the future from those eyes - all the loves that ended in tragedy.

The love between God and man is destined not to have a happy ending.

Millicent saw that in some distant future, she would die of old age as a mortal. Linde made a copy of her life. He, the only player, read the files repeatedly, experienced countless encounters with her, and fell in love with her. A final farewell. Linde remembered her ten thousand moods, while Millicent's memory was always reset when loading files. In the end, after a long time, their love turned into a living corpse. Linde sealed the copy, Seal it forever, and in the eternal time to come, if you occasionally glance at this past, there will no longer be any inner disturbance.

This is the best ending for love.

She glimpsed the second ending: Millicent successfully embarked on the road to becoming a god through hard work. With Lind's help, she easily obtained godhood and endless life. Their love ended abruptly, and from then on they They are just two gods who are closely related, and the color of love has not faded through the ages.

This is the best outcome for Millicent's personal interests.

Before she could taste it carefully, she was attracted by the third ending.

With the long-term relationship and cultivation in the Holy Sea, Millicent's respect for Linde gradually overshadowed her love for him. She completely regarded Linde as the master of life and the master of the soul. She became the most loyal and humble servant of God, full of holiness. As for love, it was just a crazy memory that was too young to look back.

All love will die, but some love will be carried to the grave by time. Death makes love immortal, and the love of gods, as early as the beginning, has turned into a flash of fireworks due to eternal life.

Just like Millicent herself said, to dispel a hundred years of loneliness for Lind, what about a thousand years later, ten thousand years later, or a hundred million years later?

She suddenly understood for the first time why Linde was always so lonely and sad.

Because after the man who claimed to be the most powerful fortune teller in Hogwarts could truly foresee the future, he saw everyone's ending, including his own.

Even so, he is still smiling, always cheerful and enigmatic in front of others, and punishes evil and promotes good, which is in line with the world's impression of a white wizard. He should have been playing in the world like this without being sad, until a little girl who didn't know the heights of the world pulled the sun down from the sky and gave him a bottle of magic potion called love.

The scorching sun has its shortcomings, and it withers away because of love.

He will live with scars for the rest of his endless life.

Millicent cried sadly, choking in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Shh, don't say you're sorry. I need you to do something now."


"From now on, you have to forget that I am God."

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