The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 293 Tracking Wormtail Thousands of Miles

James and Snape had something in common because of the experience in the dream.

They all have a common goal, which is to resurrect Lily Evans, but they don't know each other's real purpose.

There are many resurrection methods given in the "Practice Guide", and the most feasible one is the Crucible Recovery Ritual.

The host of the ceremony needs to make a magic cauldron, prepare the resurrection potion, and master the magic of evocation. It involves three fields of alchemy, potions and spells, each of which can only be attempted by masters.

Snape knew that he couldn't do it alone, so he had already reached a cooperation with Dumbledore. This great wizard also suffered from the loss of his sister, and he would definitely spare no effort to resurrect Ariana. Snape will be in charge of boiling the resurrection potion, while Dumbledore will be in charge of studying the ritual of spirituality.

James told the old bat that he can solve the problem of the crucible, which is actually very simple. James himself was resurrected from the crucible by Linde, and now the magic cauldron is still in Godric's Hollow, the old house of the Potter family In the living room.

After building the mastermind, Snape could finally try to concoct the resurrection medicine. This process was doomed to experience countless failures.

He planned to continue to let the female teaching assistant Collins take over as a substitute, so that he would have a lot of free time to practice potion skills.

Speaking of Collins, it took Snape several days to realize that she wasn't at Hogwarts, taking the train south the day before Christmas.

"She's probably staying with her family." The old bat locked himself in his office, staring at the boiling potion in the cauldron. His thought was just a bubble floating in the tumbling potion, and it was fleeting.


Lily emerged from the Dursleys' house on Christmas Eve, trying to keep up with the four Gryffindor pups ahead of her on a crooked homemade broomstick.

Eventually, she landed in Grimmauld Place, London, a Muggle community that Lily knew was also home to the oldest and most respectable Black family home in the wizarding world.

Sirius Black received the four young wizards at the door of Twelve Grimmauld Place, and he and his godson embraced.

Lily in the distance looked at the disfigured Sirius with doubts and sadness in her eyes. In her impression, this wizard was always handsome and radiant.

What happened to turn a heartthrob into what he is now?

Lily kept the agreement with Linde firmly in mind, even though the doubts in her heart were overwhelming, she still held back and did not step forward to reveal her identity.

There is always a price to be paid for resurrection, and Lily has made up her mind to protect Harry even if she remains anonymous for the rest of her life.

The four of Harry stayed overnight at Black's ancestral house, and Lily found a nearby hotel to rest for two hours. Before dawn, they continued to watch at Grimmauld Square.

Relying on the skills honed during the fight against Voldemort, Lily was not found at all.

Christmas day.

A wizard named Remus Lupine came to meet Sirius. He was wearing a patched wizard robe, and the only possession on his body was a dilapidated leather suitcase. He looked sick and haggard.

The two of them, one is a black dog and the other is a wolf, and they haven't dealt with them very much since they were students. But now the old friends meet again, one is a fugitive, the other is a poor man, looking back on the past, I have to admit that the other is the only friend left in the world.

Sirius and Lupine drinking at the table.

Lupine said, "Twelve years, Blake."

"Yeah, I didn't like you very much before, Moonface (Lupin's nickname). But now I just want to have another drink with you. Is this considered growth?" Sirius has an old face, sitting opposite Lupine, too, had early gray hair.

"It can only be said that suffering is a strange thing. We have all tasted it, and of course I hope someone can feel the same." Lupine closed his eyes, "I haven't dreamed of Hogwarts for a long time, let alone you."

"But you came here as soon as you received my message."

"Because I haven't forgotten about you. Padfoot (Sirius' nickname), Prongs, Lily...and, of course, Wormtail."

"The good people are all dead, but the traitors are alive and well." Sirius raised his glass, "To my friend."

The two drank heavily.

Lupine put down his glass and asked, "Have you found out about Pettigrew's whereabouts?"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Sirius had a headache, "No, I only have one piece of news that I don't know if it is reliable - Pettigrew is looking for a snake named Nagini. This is what Harry told me, and He heard it again from a transfer student named De Lin."

"De Lin?" Lupine's expression changed.

"Why, have you heard of him?"

Lupine opened the small suitcase he carried with him, and found a copy of "Transfiguration Today" and a copy of "Daily Prophet" from the middle of the suitcase.

"This De Lin is very powerful. According to reports, he is a transfer student and he studied at a place called Winterhold College before."

Sirius scratched his head, "What Winterhold College? I've never heard of it."

"Yes, that's why some people suspect that he has fake academic qualifications. However, he published an important paper not long after he entered Hogwarts, and he was hailed as the youngest master of transfiguration in the contemporary era." Lupine opened "Transfiguration Today ", to find the papers published by Linde that year.

Sirius flipped through the pages in a hurry, with a twisted expression, finally threw the magazine, and said sarcastically: "What are you talking about? Transfiguration touches stones and falsifies history? Why doesn't he say that he is Merlin? It's obviously a deceit. Muggles can't be fooled."

"The part of tampering with history was later clarified as false by himself, but turning stone into gold can indeed be done." Lupine said seriously, he took out his wand, tapped the wine glass lightly, and the glass material was transformed into a piece of soft bread.

"Here, have a taste." Lupine handed over the bread in the shape of a goblet.

"Are you crazy?" Sirius looked stunned, "Gump's law has said that Transfiguration cannot conjure food."

Lupine calmly stuffed the bread into his mouth and began to chew.

Seeing that he really swallowed the bread, Sirius still couldn't believe it for a while, until he tasted it himself, and finally accepted this outrageous fact.

"After learning Essence Transfiguration, I have never been hungry again. You know, it is difficult for werewolves to find a job. Now I don't have to worry about food and clothing."

Sirius held back for a long time, and said: "Awesome."

"The name Nagini sounds familiar. I heard that wizards in the Indian subcontinent call snake people Naga. Does Nagini mean Naga girl?" Lupine rubbed his chin and analyzed.

"Are we going to India?" Sirius hesitated, "I heard that it's dangerous there. There was once a fire dragon who drank the water from the Ganges River and died of diarrhea and dehydration. Will we die in another country if we are in such a physical condition?"

"It's better to look for the traces of Pettigrew first, and then I will go to Knockturn Alley to inquire about it. You stay here and don't go out."

At this time, Harry and the others were also discussing countermeasures.

Hermione calmly analyzed: "Pettigret will never dare to appear in front of wizards. Even if he has to, he will definitely disguise himself. There are a lot of such wizards in Knockturn Alley. He will definitely try to get a magic wand. We You can ask any wizard who has lost his wand, or go to Ollivander's and ask if anyone has a wand."

Harry gently rubbed the scar on his forehead, and whispered, "I can feel that Voldemort is in London, and he hasn't gone far. Wormtail (Pettigret's nickname) is with Voldemort."

"Do we have a way to deal with Voldemort?" Hermione was a little worried, "Do we need to contact Master Brearina?"

"There is no need to ask for help. We have two adult wizards here to help. However, some battle preparations are essential. We need staffs, enchanted weapons, and alchemy potions."

Harry took a deep breath and said with a serious expression: "The Killing Curse is very dangerous. If you get hit, you will definitely die, so the next step is to learn how to move stealthily. Wormtail doesn't know we're looking for him. Voldemort may be able to detect me. In short, the illusion spell, the invisibility potion, the invisibility cloak, you must use all means to hide your tracks, and then defeat the enemy with one blow!"

Ron and Neville chose to store their IQ on their two companions. They only needed to ask who they wanted to beat, and then they could rush forward.

The four most capable wizards in Gryffindor's third year are all here. Harry has maintained an unbeaten record in the Dueling Club so far.

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