The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 292 You're Done, New Year's Show

On the second day of the Christmas holiday, which was December 26th, the second floor of the White Tower had been transformed from a biological cultivation room into a printing and publishing house, where wizards were doing complicated work, but the scene seemed to be in order.

Snape poured a pot of ready-made potion into the cultivation pool. Under the stimulation of the medicine, the main brain became active and excited, beating like a heart, and continuously pumped out silver-blue smoke, which spread over the pool. Pile up into clouds.

These smokes are magical polymers that carry thinking strings, and will be used to make ink, and the text and graphics drawn with this special ink will dry up and disappear soon, and then the information will be automatically synchronized to the memory area of ​​the main brain.

In this way, Hogwarts' rich collection of magical tomes can be included in the mastermind database.

This step is equivalent to the Internet era of Muggles, digitizing paper books for easy access, dissemination, and storage. If there is any new information in the future, it can also be uploaded to the main brain by this method, which is equivalent to a network cloud disk.

Professor McGonagall used a wide-mouthed glass bottle to collect the silver fume, and the smoke collected at the bottom of the bottle to form a viscous liquid with a texture similar to mercury, and its color was brighter than mercury, as if a huge amount of glitter had been mixed in. Whenever a half-liter bottle of memory substance is collected, the next production process can be carried out.

Hagrid kept many soundbirds. This kind of petite and harmless magical creature would not sing in its life, until the moment of death, it would call out all the sounds it had heard in life. Its feathers were often used to make Veritaserum and Memories. Grinding the blue feathers of the soundless bird into powder and mixing it in the memory substance can slow down the natural volatilization of the memory substance and greatly increase the shelf life.

Finally, the processed memory substance is blended into the pigment to form a special ink.

There are several rows of old-fashioned printing machines on the open space on the second floor, which run automatically after being enchanted, and copy the magic books around the clock. It is estimated that it will only take three days to copy the entire Hogwarts library.

Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout acted as book porters, carrying stacks of books, running back and forth between the main castle and the White Tower. They walked together, talking and laughing, seeming to be able to do a job with ease .

At the same time, James is also making the "Spellcaster's Introductory Manual". This book is equivalent to a personal terminal connected to the server, which can upload and download data, and communicate with the main brain. There is also mutual induction between the "Manuals". In terms of function, there is nothing wrong with a parchment mobile phone called the magic world.

James's alchemy skills are quite good, and he is handy when making the "Handbook". He is not only responsible for hardware manufacturing, but also responsible for software development. He often discusses with everyone to add functions to the "Handbook".

The most basic use of the finished "Handbook" is to replace traditional textbooks. Students can easily refer to the textbooks in the handbook, and they no longer need to run around with a large stack of books.

The second is that you can communicate with Helena Ravenclaw in the main brain by writing, which is similar to Voldemort's diary Horcrux. Ms. Helena has a very personality. If she can make her happy, she will not hesitate to answer many questions. If she is upset, she will just throw out a list of books and let the students look up the materials for self-study.

James made a map of the Marauder when he was a student. He added this part of his creativity to the "Handbook", adding a map of Hogwarts, which can display the real-time location of the holder of the "Handbook" and set the navigation location. The route guidance will be displayed in the map book, so you don't have to worry about getting lost in this complicated magic school.

James was very considerate in keeping the school's secret passageway a secret, a bottom-of-the-box prank secret that wouldn't be interesting if everyone knew about it.

Linde proposed a ranking system, which was a good idea, and the professors were happy to see students working hard for personal glory. The ranking of college points, the ranking of study time, the ranking of Quidditch points, etc., are bound to cause a wave of enthusiasm in the college.

Professor McGonagall disagreed with the ranking of duels, thinking that this was to encourage brawls among students, but the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts insisted on promoting it, and he guaranteed that no student would die in a duel if he was there. Final duel rankings are still in place, but only students in fifth grade and above are allowed to enter the leaderboard.

There are two weeks of Christmas vacation, and these busy professors regard this period as a happy and fulfilling time in their lives. They have completed the preliminary work of building the mastermind, and then only need to distribute the "Manual", and then there is long-term server maintenance and user experience improvement.

It can be said that the main workload is over, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief, take advantage of the last few days of the holiday to catch up on sleep and prepare to return to campus life.

When the new year came, a sumptuous banquet was held in the auditorium, both to celebrate the festival and to celebrate the completion. Although the school was empty, everyone still managed to enjoy the festival with gusto.

Dumbledore called all the house-elves from Hogwarts to the Great Hall, and set aside a long table for them alone.

The headmaster raised his glass and gave a speech, "My friends, we gathered together and bid farewell to a fulfilling and wonderful year. Thank you to all the teachers at Hogwarts. Your hard work has cultivated the next generation of wizards, and they will be better than our generation. The old guy is smarter and knows more knowledge. In addition, on behalf of all the teachers and students, I would like to thank Mr. and Ladies of the Elf for their hard work, thank you for your magic and labor, and prepare three meals a day for us."

The house-elves were overwhelmed and overwhelmed with emotion. They immediately became grinning, but gradually they were also coaxed into laughter by the festive atmosphere.

Everyone enjoyed the dinner together. The long table was piled with crispy fried pork chops, mellow red wine stewed beef, roast squab with crispy bones and tender meat, roast suckling pig with an apple in its mouth, and various traditional potato dishes with British traditions. Unlimited pumpkin juice, butter beer, and a variety of drinks for adults.

When the banquet was over, the professors improvised again and performed the play "Fountain of Good Luck", which tells the story of an unlucky Muggle and three unlucky witches looking for the legendary Fountain of Good Luck. Collection of Stories". Dumbledore plays the hapless Muggle, and the three female professors are readily available.

Linde sat in the audience and watched the show with the three students who stayed in school, all the house elves, and the ghosts who came later.

Sir Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor, sat next to Lynd, who was impressed by the performance and told a story about the former headmaster's time in office.

"Many years ago, Professor Herbert, who taught herbalism, planned to adapt "The Fountain of Luck" into a pantomime and put it on the stage of the Christmas celebration. The result of their performance at Hogwarts was that the hospital was overcrowded! Because teaching magical creatures Professor Kettleburn of the protection class put a fire ash snake that had been cursed with expansion as a prop. Then the fire ash snake exploded! Hahaha, Merlin's stinky socks, the whole auditorium was on fire at that time , and two actresses fought for a male partner, and the scene was a mess... Anyway, mime performances have been banned in schools since then."

"But now they're in a play, aren't they?" A Slytherin fifth year shrugged, watching Lynd's expression warily.

"It's a drama, but since the performance accident, the story of "Fountain of Luck" has never been put on stage. It's a pity. Dumbledore was also a member of the crew back then. He had just entered school at that time. It's Transfiguration, and he's so old in a blink of an eye."

The transfer students concentrated on watching the performances of the professors on stage.

Dumbledore is dressed in armor, holding a rotten iron sword, and dressed like a knight. The three female professors also made themselves beautiful, imitating the words and deeds of medieval witches. Snape, who was in charge of the set, was hiding in the background, but his face was sticking out of the curtain. With his gloomy expression after staying up too much, it was like a sallow dead head hanging in midair. Hagrid put on a prop leather case of a big earthworm for himself, and lay on the ground, stumbling and speaking his lines. There was only one sentence in total, and he returned the words three or four times.

These old guys may be drunk, and they did not maintain a dignified demeanor at all. During the performance, it was difficult for each of them to express their expressions. Laughing is a common thing. As far as the effect of the show is concerned, it is not at all. Qualified, but the ghosts, elves and students in the audience were very happy to see it.

The ghost of the fat friar said: "The Fountain of Good Luck is undoubtedly my favorite story, but many wizarding parents feel that it promotes incorrect ideas that are friendly to Muggles, clamoring to remove this story from the Hogwarts books. Deleted from the library. This is simply intolerable, but fortunately Dumbledore has insisted on not letting them succeed."

The Slytherin hesitated and looked unhappy, the Hufflepuff nodded in agreement, and finally the senior Ravenclaw shrugged noncommittally.

The show came to a successful conclusion in a cheerful and imperfect way.

At the end of the story, the three witches gave the Muggles the chance to bathe in the Fountain of Good Luck, because their troubles had been solved on the way, and the Muggles fell in love with one of the witches, and they confessed successfully on the spot. Finally, the four of them went together leave. Professor Geller, who was in charge of the narration, stood on the sidelines and said loudly: "The four of them lived happily for a long time, but none of them knew or suspected that the water in the Fountain of Good Luck has no magic at all. So, my friend. My friends, the real magic is not in the mysterious springs, but in the good hearts of people."

A dark lord who advocated the rule of wizards actually advocated peace and friendship. Linde felt that this scene was more magical than the entire story of "Fountain of Fortune".

Everyone in the audience applauded vigorously, regardless of how well the temporary crew performed, those actors are principals and professors!

The laughter continued until midnight. When the New Year came, everyone came to the open space outside the castle to set off fireworks, bringing colorful warmth to the deserted Hogwarts.

"Happy New Year!" shouted Hagrid.

"Happy New Year, Professor." Linde smiled at Dumbledore.

"Go back, go back and have a good rest, see you after dawn." The drunken Professor Flitwick muttered.

"Good night . . . good night! Friends."

When they returned to the castle, the magnificent Falbert fireworks were still hovering in the night sky, like a hundred glowing birds flying under the clouds.

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