The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 243 Dark Elf Sovereign

"89P13, you ran here."

"Do I know you?" Rocket grinned.

"Experiment 89P13, you will be Sovereign's best gift to Lord Supreme Evolution." Ayesha's haughty and contemptuous eyes couldn't help trembling slightly when she touched the title of Supreme Evolution, which was a sincere awe of the Creator .

"Who are you talking about?!"

Rocket froze in place, his raccoon face was wrinkled like a wet rag, his bean-sized black eyes narrowed suddenly, and the hair on his arms exploded like steel needles. They may all bite like crazy.

Ayesha walked slowly in front of the raccoon. The aesthetically pleasing slim dress was embellished with pearls and jade tassels, and her proud and gorgeous golden face was like an ancient icon.

Such an amazing beauty, when she mentioned the highest evolution, she sincerely bowed her knees.

"The lord I'm talking about is your creator. The one who gave you life and wisdom. Everything about you belongs to the lord. He is the majestic lord who controls the destiny of civilization. We noble lords Vaelin is nothing but a humble creation of the Lord." Ayesha tremblingly looked up at the sky.

"Fuck you, fuck you!" the raccoon screamed, "I'm a free man, sir!"

"We take back his property on behalf of the Supreme Evolutionary Lord, and even the Nova Corps has no right to interfere." Ayesha waved her hand, and the soldiers surrounded the rocket.

The tree human Groot stood in front of the raccoon, and was immediately fired upon by the plasma gun of the advanced civilization, causing his body to be carbonized violently.

"I'm Groot!" The tree man roared and waved his arms. The tough vines extending from his hands suddenly pierced the armor of the Sovereign soldiers, strung them into candied haws, and swung them left and right, scaring the high priest Ayesha crouched with her head in her hands.

"Kill that tree!"

Groot, whose legs were carbonized, was unable to escape, so he could only stand still and accept the fire. The wooden armor on the surface of his body peeled off, and the vines inside his body were burning.

"Hang on, Groot!"

The rocket got into a spaceship, kicked down the legion mechanic who was undergoing acceptance, and started the engine at maximum power. This was the best time for him to escape.

But never leaving his friend behind, the raccoon drives the spaceship and charges at the Sovereigns.

"Go to hell, Sovereign bitch!!!" Through the glass window, Rocket smiled wildly at Ayesha, "Go to your goddamn creator!"

The audience exclaimed.

The Sovelins remained calm in the face of danger and fired continuously. The outer shield of the Nova spacecraft was overloaded and shattered, and then disintegrated.


The rocket in the cockpit fell to the ground, like a little furball on fire, and he rolled desperately to extinguish the flames on his body.

At this time, the raccoon's thin body was burnt pitted, with melted hair and scorched skin sticking together, his arm was cut by spaceship debris, and the long and narrow wound revealed white bones deep in it. He looked like a scorched animal. chicks.

Rocket whimpered in pain like a puppy, hissing, "Groot! Are you okay?" One of his eyes was blinded by melting hair, and the other was blinded by smoke. It was so red that I could only squint.

"I am...Groot." The tree man with only one head left tears as clear as dew.

"No, I won't go alone! I won't be alone!" Rocket gritted his teeth, roared and raised his gun to fight back, but his eyesight was limited and he couldn't aim, and all the ballistics deviated from the enemy's body.

The Sovereign soldiers were taken aback, and then laughed at Rocket's battle of trapped beasts.

Groot's head was kicked away, and Gu Lulu rolled to Qiao Jiani's feet. The little girl was frightened by the scene before her, but still subconsciously picked up Groot.

"I'm Groot!" New vines slowly protruded from the neck of the tree man's head. The vitality of this race is very tenacious, just like weeds, but now only Groot is left, and all other compatriots are extinct.

Qiao Jiani seemed to understand Groot's words, and she quickly said, "You can't go...ah!"

The tree man's head bit Qiao Jiani's arm, and the pain made her let go. Groot fell to the ground, and the vines around his neck were like spider's legs. He quickly crawled towards the surrounded rocket, determinedly and without hesitation.

Qiao Jiani's arm was bleeding a little, and she stared at the scene in front of her in a daze.

The rocket was stepped on by the high priest Ayesha. This little raccoon with a poisonous tongue, who was always triumphant, was pressed down on his back, and all the air in his lungs was squeezed out. He didn't even have the ability to make a sound. Panting heavily, the only eye that could be opened was firmly fixed on the Sowerin.

On the road to his friend, Groot aimed another black hole.

"Mr. Rocket!"

Just as Qiao Jiani took a step, she was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders by someone behind her.

It was Tony. He had already put on the magic armor. At this moment, he was standing out of thin air. The six vector nozzles behind him shot out blue jets, like long and narrow wings of light. Standing here is Kama Taj's disciple, the Archangel with a heart of steel.

Sovereign soldiers fired at Groot's head.

The plasma beam was emitted out of the chamber at four times the speed of sound, and the afterimage left in the vision dragged a blue trail.

The last member of Groot's clan was about to die here, but a small snake suddenly appeared and swallowed the plasma beam with its mouth open.

Ms. Moon Shadow floated in the air like a feather, and lifted Ayesha up with her hand. The two women were suspended in the air. One had purple skin like a dark moon, and the other had golden skin like a scorching sun, but Ayesha was like a firefly facing Ms. Moon Shadow. Just as bleak.

"It's a beautiful product, but its mind is pure and crude, far inferior to that little raccoon." Ms. Moon Shadow gently stroked the top of Ayesha's head, "You look pretty good, do you want to consider becoming my believer?"

"Who are you?"

"I am Moon Shadow. Hello, mortal."

The Sovereign soldiers raised their guns to aim at Moon Shadow, and Tony flew over them, and a circle of colorful arcane missiles popped out of his arm, surrounding the Sovereigns like a swarm of bees.

"Don't move around, boys." Tony said in a relaxed tone. "Who doesn't want to blow their heads?"

Jiali walked through the crowd, hugged the dying Rocket in her arms, and softly comforted, "Oh, little raccoon, don't be afraid."

"Fuck you... I'm not... a raccoon..." Rocket bared his teeth, "Why save me?"

"Because you're cute." Gali squinted and smiled.

Lady Moon Shadow stared at Ayesha, "Believe in Azura."

Ayesha's body trembled, "No, Lord Supreme Evolution will not allow it, Sovereign is his property, you can't do this..."

"A free life is never anyone's property." Ms. Moon Shadow caressed Ayesha's face, "Don't be afraid, child, I made a promise with you in the name of Azura, if you believe in him, he will protect you your people."

Her eyes reflected a magnificent kingdom of God, where the beauty was blinding, and in the depths of the supreme palace, there was a majestic throne, on which Azura's glorious shadow sat.

"I believe in you." Ayesha made a vow with God in the joy of crying.

Ms. Moon Shadow smiled in satisfaction, "Then I will bless you."

Ayesha's golden and bright skin suddenly dimmed, like the sun in an eclipse, her round ears elongated, and her eyes became scarlet.

All Sovereigns developed the same mutation.

"From now on, you are Dunmer, the dark elves."

The former Sovereigns bowed down respectfully, and said loudly: "May the great Azura guide your way forward."

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