The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 242 The rocket is a machine that goes to the sky

The repair of the spaceship not only tests the professional level of the mechanic, but also tests the physical strength and willpower. It was tiring work. Qiao Jiani wears an exoskeleton to help carry the ship's parts, while Rocket has Groot, the tree human, to help.

Tony shook his legs uneasily in the auditorium. He knew that the key to victory was not to restore the spaceship to its original state, but to restore power with as few maintenance steps as possible.

Whoever is more "lazy" and knows how to deal with emergencies will be able to take the lead.

This is entirely for the consideration of the war situation. After all, in the ever-changing battlefield, the repair window left for the damage control department is always fleeting, and the repair conditions are limited. Many parts may not be spared, and nano-printing can only be used to make do.

So this is an art of improvisation. Repairs should be made as much as possible, and unnecessary parts should be temporarily discarded. Everything is to ensure combat effectiveness.

To achieve this, in addition to having a deep understanding of the structure of the spacecraft, it also tests the practical experience of the mechanics.

The Rocket guy has been in the Xinghai for many years. He is really an old man. His ability to respond on the spot is at its peak. Give him a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron. He can rub out powerful guns. Qiao Jiani was kissed by Ms. , Ten years of hard work and hard work are just for a blockbuster, all kinds of mechanical knowledge are clear in her chest, the structure of the spaceship has been established in her mind in 3D, and any mistakes are clear at a glance.

The progress of the two in the early stage was actually comparable. The enthusiasm of the audience was also aroused at once. Everyone talked a lot, originally they were not optimistic about Qiao Jiani, but now they couldn't help secretly praising her.

"Lin, do a divination, who will win this game?" Tony looked at Linde expectantly.

Hearing this, the Hogwarts top student's expression became very suspicious. Linde talked about him from left to right, saying that the future cannot be predicted, everything is possible, and as a scientist, one should not place one's hopes on metaphysics.

Tony shook his head, "Lin, you don't know this. In fact, people who work as mechanics are somewhat superstitious. Repairing machines is a metaphysics. Sometimes you can't check it no matter what methods you use. Problems can be repaired after being patted casually, and some old antiques are working well, but they are damaged after being repaired.”

He turned his head and patted the alien giant next to him. Both arms of this old man were replaced with metal prostheses. He looked like a professional. "Friend, do you think mechanics are superstitious?"

The alien brother nodded in agreement of course, "That's for sure, I believe in machine souls, and the most important thing to maintain is to make the machine souls happy."

The corners of Linde's eyes twitched, buddy, you came from Warhammer 40K next door, right? What about the machine soul, why don't you say Om Messiah?

Since he couldn't convince Tony, he reluctantly started divination.

"Come on, drink this cup of tea." Linde resorted to the most scientific divination technique at Hogwarts, observing the tea dregs method. He made the tea slowly, making it hot on purpose so Tony could drink it slowly. Unexpectedly, as if this guy had become a buffalo, Ton Ton drank the hot tea dry.

"for you."

Tony's tongue was swollen, and the other companions also cast curious glances.

Ms. Yueying showed a smirk, a good show is about to be staged, and next she will appreciate the authentic way of fooling the gods.

Linde was holding a teacup and muttering something, his eyes suddenly turned white, his body trembled, and his tone seemed to be erratic as if possessed by a ghost.

"I saw... oh, I saw a man, standing on the podium... yes, someone won..."

Overjoyed, Tony pressed, "Who won?"

"Whoever wins stands on the podium, and those who don't win don't stand on the podium." Linde muttered sinisterly.

"Uh, so who the hell is on the podium?"

"The people standing on the podium..." The wizard's voice became deeper and deeper, like a fish bubbling and bubbling in water.

Tony, Gali, Stan, and Yermengard all put their ears close to Linde's mouth, like a group of curious babies, only Ms. Moon Shadow started to laugh.

"It's the one who's on the stage—the one who wins."

"Isn't this pure nonsense?" Everyone was speechless.

Ms. Moon Shadow arched her waist with a smile, from a full moon with a protruding front to a curved crescent.

"Do you know divination?"

Linde was in a hurry, "My divination has always been effective! Just wait." He lightly rubbed the Infinity Scepter, and the time gem lightened slightly, revealing the torrent of the future in front of him.

"I saw... wait... there is a situation." Linde withdrew his gaze, "This final cannot go on, Supreme Evolution has sent Sovereigns to capture the rocket."

"Soverin people? I seem to have heard of it." Ms. Moon Shadow recalled for a moment, "I heard Corey talk about the Soverein people with golden skin, and they are a group of arrogant and rude egomaniacs. But their military strength It’s outstanding, and its strength cannot be underestimated.”

Everyone can't help but feel sorry for the fate of the Rockets.

The raccoon on the field was fully engaged. He briskly directed the tree figure Groot to help him disassemble the fairing of the spaceship, revealing the complicated internal pipelines. He probably knew which ones to connect at a glance.

A "spaceship" is similar to a "rocket", a machine that goes to the sky and the universe.

Raccoons are good at repairing spaceships, no matter how broken they are, they can fix them. Because this skill was his hope of escaping from the laboratory. For a raccoon who yearns for freedom, the skills of repairing and driving spaceships can save his life.

Not only can you save your own life, but also the lives of your companions.

89P13 is the number of the experimental subject, Rocket is the name given to him by the raccoon, carrying the hope of freedom for his partners, he promised to take everyone to the sky, escape the endless transformation experiments, and start a new life.

They agreed to escape together in a spaceship, but only the rocket went to the sky in the end.

No matter how fast the spaceship drives, time and space cannot be reversed, and he will never be able to return to the beginning.

But it doesn't prevent the Rockets from making some quick money with this cooking skill. He still wants to continue wandering. Without credit, it is very difficult to survive. He is not a tree, he can live by sticking his feet into the soil and basking in the sun.

Rocket took a look at Qiao Jiani's progress. Although she was trying hard to catch up, the gap was gradually being pulled away. In fact, hard work and practice cannot create miracles, and the objective gap is not so easily smoothed out.

Is Supreme Evolution smart enough? The evolution that allows a creature to span millions of years in an instant, from a ignorant beast to an intelligent race. The Aoge Group he founded is the top biological company in the universe. He also has the ability to transform a barren planet into a cradle of life.

But such a great scientist will still be troubled by a topic for decades, but the rocket can see the problem at a glance and provide a solution.

If wisdom is a kind of superpower, there are very few people in the universe who have this ability, and Rocket is one of them.

After several hours of hard work, both sides in the finals finally repaired their five spaceships, and the rocket was half an hour faster than Qiao Jiani.

The final outcome depends on the results of the organizer's acceptance.

Xandar's mechanics began to inspect the ship.

The audience awaits the final judgement.

At this time, a group of golden-skinned Sovereigns suddenly broke into the arena. Their soldiers were loaded with live ammunition and full of majesty. The leader was a woman wearing a crown with a high status. She was the high priest Ayesha.

"89P13!" Ayesha fixed her eyes on the raccoon, "I finally found you."

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