The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 238 Prepare to go to prison

In the Arctic Circle of Xandar Star, the resource station of the Nova Corps is shrouded in icy cold winds. This is the northernmost man-made building complex on the planet. Under the ice layer as thick as 200 feet, there are rich combustible ice deposits. The aliens in winter clothes Workers drove heavy mining vehicles as big as houses across the northern ice sheets, and the car radios played popular songs.

Near the North Pole, in an area that even mining vehicles would not set foot in, there is a round hut half buried by the wind and snow. The president of the Machinists' Guild is here to tune up the neutrino monitor. The temperature outside was minus ninety-four degrees Celsius, and inside it was a pleasant twenty-one degrees Celsius.

A month ago, a sudden stellar storm swept across the cosmic space with a radius of two light years. Although most of the high-energy particle flow was offset by the Legion's space-based barrier and the planet's magnetic field, there were still some charged particles pouring in from the poles, forming a magnificent and gorgeous At the same time, Aurora also burned down the chairman's communication equipment and detectors, leaving him in a predicament of isolation from the world.

The days of being alone and waiting for rescue are long and imaginative, until this day, two unexpected guests came to the hut.

A magician, an old man who draws cartoons.

The magician Linde visited in a blizzard, his steps were brisk, and no snow touched his shoulders, as if the atmospheric turbulence had given him a snow cloak covering 200 kilometers, and the wind that could tear rocks did not disturb the neckline of the wizard robe.

When he knocked on the door, the president thought for a while that there was a Digo outside the door. This kind of alien giant ape, like a polar bear, is the top consumer of the food chain in nature and knows how to knock on the door to coax the prey out of the shelter.

"Hello, President Winslow, I have accepted the entrustment of the Mechanics Association to visit you."

Chairman Winslow's skin was bright yellow, looking like a tropical orange, "Are you alive? Damn, I still think who can run around in the Arctic in this weather. Please come in."

Linde walked into the house. At that time, the heating was broken, and the food was basically out. Fortunately, the high-energy battery can last for four hundred and seventy years. Winslow relied on the induction cooker to heat the copper pipes to heat the house, so it didn't freeze into ice. Tuozi.

The magician waved his hand, and the garbage in the room automatically lined up and got into the compressor, and the radiator gurgled and released hot air.

After a while, they gathered around the stove and began to enjoy hot pot.

Linde recounted the experience of the past two days. In fact, he did not come here specifically to save people, but to help the mechanic headquarters escort a batch of star-shaped titanium gears to the North Pole resource station. According to the mechanic stationed there, the president has not been there for a long time. Show up, and then come to visit for everyone.

As for Stan, it was Linde who found the old man hunting for sex in a bar when he was helping the legion police officer search for smuggled goods in Central City.

They reunited after a long absence and were full of joy. Stan happened to spend the last credit in his pocket, so he left with Linde without hesitation.

Speaking of which, Linde is very curious about how he ran from the earth to outer space inexplicably. This Creator God is a mortal body and cannot travel through the universe with his body at all.

Stan looked innocent, saying that a few big-headed bald heads brought him here.

Listening to his description, Linde also understood that the so-called big head and bald head should be the observers.

The race of observers has appeared since the birth of the universe. It has a longer history than other civilizations, and its technology is extremely advanced. As their name suggests, they like to observe the evolution and development of other life races, so they are always behind the scenes. Become the conqueror of the universe.

Generally speaking, they don't interfere with civilization, but because observers intervene in many major events in the comics, they got the nickname "Interventor".

When Stan was wandering in New Mexico, he accidentally got into the Observer's spaceship, and then came to Xandar in a daze. The penniless old man on earth survived these days by hooking up with alien women and eating their soft meals.

"Let's go after this meal," said the president, Winslow, "I have to go back to the headquarters. Speaking of which, the five-year skill competition is about to start, and I won the championship three times in a row."

Linde took out his mobile phone and looked at the local planetary calendar. A week had passed. At this time, the skills competition had already passed the audition and two rounds of competition, and the semi-finals and semi-finals were about to begin.

He calls Tony to show his concern for the crew.

"Stark, how's the game going?"

Tony sat in the waiting room and adjusted the tool, and replied in a relaxed tone: "It's a piece of cake, well, for the time being... Quinn is not here, he was caught by the Legion law enforcement officer for fighting in the street, and he is already squatting He's in prison... Ms. Moon Shadow said don't worry about him."

Linde asked about Jiali again.

"The little girl is cheering for me in the auditorium." Tony said goodbye in a hurry when he heard the radio call for the contestants to come on stage, and hung up the phone.

Qiao Jiani on the side kept taking deep breaths.

"Relax, girl. We're not in the finals yet."

Qiao Jiani looked frequently at the auditorium, as if looking for someone.

Tony knew what she was afraid of as soon as he guessed, "Your father knows that you are an impostor? You will definitely be beaten when you go back."

"Alas(;д`)ゞ" the tomboy had already found his father with a gloomy face, he sighed, and then immediately became firm, "No matter what, I won't give up. Mr. Stark, let's win this A damn game!"

Tony quickly stopped, "Children are not allowed to swear."

The announcer displayed the names of the contestants.

"No. 1: Kagarten; foreign aid: Tony... No. 4: Varina; foreign aid: Rockets, Groot..."

"Yo, Huojian." Tony raised his chin, "We finally met."

The little raccoon clicked his tongue, and there was no emotion on his furry face, but he looked like a plush toy, whether he was happy or angry, he could look cute.

"Earth star bastard, you didn't get selected. I hope today's test questions are difficult enough. I don't plan to see your kidney-deficient face again in the finals."

Tony asked the blue-skinned girl beside him, "Do I have kidney deficiency?"

"No, you look good, but you have dark circles under your eyes."

"I've stayed up late for the past few days, and it's normal to have dark circles under my eyes." Tony moved his hands and feet and walked towards the workbench.

At this time, that annoying Varina leaned forward and squinted at Qiao Jiani. The little girl was staring at Qiao Jiani shrewdly and sinisterly, like a frog locked by a poisonous snake, she froze in place and dared not move.

"Is that Kakaten? Humph, why do I remember that you don't have that name?"

"Perhaps your memory is wrong. My name has always been Kagarten, hehehe." Qiao Jiani laughed dryly.

The referee came over and asked if there was anything unusual.

Varina's expression was excited, she opened her exaggerated and gorgeous lips, and just about to say something, Qiao Jiani quickly waved her hand to indicate that there was nothing unusual.

The referee urged them to return to their workbench as soon as possible, and Varina gave Qiao Jiani a hard look, "I advise you to give up this round of competition, otherwise, you and your tuberculosis father, and Earth Star All the old hats are ready to go to prison."

Tony checked the incomplete blueprint provided by this competition on the workbench. The requirement of the competition is to complete the blueprint within the specified time and produce the finished product according to the specific design requirements.

The jury will score the machinist's work according to the four dimensions of the completeness of the blueprint, the robustness of the finished product, practicality and aesthetic value. The one with the highest score at the end wins. Theoretically, if an arena is full of stinky chess baskets, you can advance just by messing with it casually.

But in this competition, Tony met Rocket Raccoon and several other well-known players. If he wants not to be eliminated, he must spend ten points.

"What's wrong?" He turned his head and saw Qiao Jiani's pale face, "That old woman threatened you?"

"Mr. Stark, or we give up."

"Who said you would never give up?"

"But if things come out, you'll go to jail, too."

Tony told Qiao Jiani, "Just relax, I know a few great friends, nothing will happen."

Qiao Jiani thought Tony was just bragging.

According to Tony's guidance, she made the finished product with quick hands and feet, and frightened. This time, she designed a snow self-prospecting machine. The number of parts required should not exceed 400. There are general-purpose mining machines on the market, including the lightest ones. There are five hundred components, so the skill competition is a test of real skills, and fools who only know how to follow the script will not go far.

Unsurprisingly, Tony's design got a high score and successfully advanced to the next round.

At this time, Varina, who had been idle for the whole game, took the initiative to submit a complaint to the referee. She asked to re-examine the identity of the No. 1 player, because she suspected that this person used someone else's mechanic certificate, which was tantamount to cheating on the field.

The blood on Qiao Jiani's face disappeared instantly.

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