The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 237 You Earthlings Treat You Very Cruelly

"That bitch!" Quill walked out of the sixth repair shop that rejected them, with a dejected look on his face, "I didn't expect her to be quite powerful in this area."

"Now it seems that he is the real boss, unlike someone who just talks about it." Tony teased Xingjue in a flattering way.

Seeing that the deadline for registration was approaching, they couldn't find a local mechanic who was willing to help. They seemed to have received the news in advance, and when they saw the Earthman appearing, they refused directly.

Just when the two elders were at their wit's end, the former tomboy quietly walked up behind them, "Hey." She greeted suddenly.

"Wow!" "Damn!"

Both Tony and Quill were taken aback.

"It's you." "You are... Qiao Jiani, right?"

"You haven't signed up yet? I can help." The blue-skinned girl looked nervous, with her hands behind her back, her fingers intertwined uneasily, unintentionally acting like a child acting like a spoiled child.

Seeing her expression, Tony knew that the little girl was determined to get involved, "Show me."

"What?" Qiao Jiani stared at the earth star vigilantly.

"Your father's certificate as a mechanic."

"...Is it obvious?" The tomboy showed timidity, and just as she was taking the documents out of her pocket, she suddenly realized, "No, please promise first, I will share half of the prize money of the competition."

Quill couldn't help teasing eccentrically, "Isn't it? If you don't do anything, you will get half of it? That crazy woman is not as cruel as you."

"I... I need money, and there's no one to help you, right? It's either 50-50 with me, or nothing at all."

Tony squinted his eyes and smiled. This playboy looked like a slutty big brother. He leaned over and looked at Qiao Jiani, and asked kindly: "What do you need money for? Well, let me guess, you want to buy a decent set of clothes and iron them again." hair, so that I can feel proud in front of my friends."

"Leave my business alone, just say you agree or disagree."

Quill and Tony looked at each other, turned their heads and walked away knowingly, and sighed, "it took me a long time to earn so many credit points, and a fool would agree." That crazy woman's mechanic, this kind of work is not earned by rich fools."

It's easy for two aliens to play tricks on a child who has no experience in the world.

Sure enough, seeing that they were about to leave, Qiao Jiani hurriedly stepped forward to stop them, "How much do you want?"

"Ninety percent. We'll reimburse you the registration fee, and give you 10% of the bonus." Quill opened his mouth, and his heart was darker than that of the capitalist Tony.

"Not enough, too little." Qiao Jiani shook her head. She hesitated for a while, looked around, and saw that there were no pedestrians, so she gritted her teeth, leaned forward, squeezed her thin chest, and interlocked her fingers in a pitiful gesture. Look, "Well-meaning gentlemen, give me some more money. The money I earned is not for my own enjoyment, but for my father to perform systemic circulation reconstruction surgery. Seventeen years ago, he followed the imperial mining fleet to Andromeda to explore positive electronic wealth." I accidentally inhaled some poisonous gas during the belt collection, and my physical condition is getting worse and worse. As long as I can have an operation, I can live for a few more years."

Tony and Quill fell silent for a moment.

Quill turned his head away, "Don't do this, little girl, where did you learn the dirty tricks? My fellow townspeople and I are both honest and gentlemen."

Tony asked her, "How much does the surgery cost?"

"130,000 credits."

"The total bonus is only 50,000."

"As long as you have 30,000 points, you can get a loan for surgery, and the loan will be repaid in installments for 30 years. I have calculated it. After the surgery, my father will work for another three years, and I will be able to be admitted as a junior mechanic. The monthly payment, if I work harder, pass the internal selection, and become an on-the-job mechanic of the Legion, and save money, I can pay it off in five years."

Qiao Jiani is indeed very knowledgeable, carefully breaking down every plan she has for the future. It seems that she has done this arithmetic problem countless times. Free birds.

"The family can save four thousand points, and the rest will be saved for dad to buy antagonists. If the bonus is 50-50, I just need to find a way to get another thousand points." She spoke quickly. .

Tony asked her, "How long would your dad live without the surgery?"

"...the doctor said that if you don't stop taking the medicine, you can last for four or five years, but if you develop drug resistance, it may only last for eight months." After Qiao Jiani's excited expression subsided, what was left on her young and immature face was Confused and depressed.

Quill muttered something in a low voice, and he asked: "Hey, sister, have you ever thought that if the fake mechanic identity is revealed, you will never be able to pass the exam in your life. No matter how good the abacus is, you lose One step and there is no future. Do you want to take such a risk?"

Qiao Jiani smiled childishly and cheerfully, "Who knows what will happen in the future. Anyway, I will seize every opportunity I have."

Tony shrugged and smiled, and held out his hand, "Have a nice cooperation."

Qiao Jiani asked hesitantly but excitedly, "50-50?"

"Yes, one person and half, after all, you have taken a lot of risks."

"That's the deal!" Qiao Jiani's slender blue hand grabbed the pale and generous palm of the Earth Starman, and she pulled Tony and ran to the registration point, "Let's register now!"

Xingjue watched the two of them rush away, and was stunned for a moment, "Damn, no one asked my opinion?"

"Abandoned by your companions?" A passer-by seemed to have been watching secretly for a long time, and at this time she took the initiative to approach Xingjue who was alone.

Xingjue was in a bad mood, turned his head to look at him, and swallowed the phrase "None of your business" in his throat.

He saw a green-skinned alien girl, not the green-skinned orc in the worldview of "Warhammer", but a sleek, heroic and wild girl who fell into Peter Quill's strike zone everywhere, belonging to Take a look, even the child's name is beautiful.

Quill smiled coquettishly, and began to hook up with this beauty.

"Yes, this bastard is always like this, and I, Xingjue, hate people who don't keep their promises the most, because I am as good as I promise. Beautiful lady, what is your name?"

The Green Beauty smiled, "Gamora."

Headquarters of the Society of Machinists.

The scene was crowded, and the contestants basically invited foreign aid, and the most invited a team of twenty people. There are more or less traces of mechanical transformation on the mechanics, either with iron hands or artificial eyes. Tony complained when he saw this, this place looks like a cybertron paradise.

Qiao Jiani squeezed into the registration office with Tony.

"Name, race, origin of species..."

"Tony, human beings, from Earth..."

The alien buddies around did not hesitate to offer ridicule, "Earth star? Where are the country bumpkins? They came to Xandar to beg for food."

"Hey! Shut up!" Qiao Jiani stared back unflinchingly, like a aggressive little hen.

The staff at the registration office said feebly: "The physical examination and qualification review are in Area F on the second floor of the venue. Hurry over there after registration."

Tony dragged the angry Qiao Jiani to the second floor, passed the loose qualification review, and both of them had to undergo a medical examination.

A red-skinned doctor held a hand-held scanner, which could penetrate the human body, check out various physiological data and genetic information, and then automatically compare it with the health standards of different races in the database.

"Is this a lighting lamp on your chest? There are still shrapnel in your body that haven't been removed." The doctor knocked on the reactor, but didn't understand its function. "This is considered a second-degree disability, so it won't pass."

Tony put on a look of surprise, "What? It's not a light, it's Art Deco from my home planet Earth, like a tattoo. We like to stuff a few shrapnels in our veins and dig a hole in our chest for an electromagnetic We use iron to absorb the shrapnel. If the electricity is cut off one day, the shrapnel will go through the heart and kill us. We use this method to remember the shortness of life and remind ourselves to cherish time."

Hearing this, the doctor looked like he had seen a ghost, and the alien giants who mocked the weaklings of the earth stars were also awed, and they patted Tony on the shoulder one after another, saying that their earth stars were all ruthless people.

Tony managed to fool him with his nonsense, and Qiao Jiani struggled when they left the mechanic headquarters and on the way home.

"What's wrong?" Tony could see that she had something on her mind.

"You...are you also saving money for surgery? How much will it cost? I just calculated it. If the interest rate is higher, I can lend more money, so I can only need 20,000 credit points, or less. gone."

Tony waved his hand very freely, "It's not necessary, it's a 50-50 split. And if I want to heal my injury, I can heal a long time ago. You may not believe it, but in my hometown, I am a billionaire. Been the world's richest man for two years."

Qiao Jiani asked again and again, and confirmed that Tony was really not short of money, so she breathed a sigh of relief, "I've decided, when I retire, I will travel to your hometown. Can you entertain me then?"

The alien Tony laughed, "Of course, we've agreed."

"It's a deal!"

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