The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 159: Taobao shop increments, fights

"Brother-in-law, let's not mention the past, we will look forward to it, and it will definitely not be too bad in the future." Zhao Ting said.

"Okay, Yan, look at Zhao Ting running outside to take care of things. This vision is different."

"Brother, you work hard and strive to become a manager in charge. You can get a lot of money by sitting in the office every day, drinking tea, blowing on the air conditioner, but don’t get up and early every day, and work hard to earn money. The key is not to earn money. A few dollars." Qi Lixin was very emotional.

Zhao Ting is depressed. I don't have such high expectations of myself. Your expectations of me are really high and the pressure is really great.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you and my sister, is there something wrong?" He asked out of concern.

When Zhao Yan heard the question from her brother, she said angrily: "That bastard, he followed your brother-in-law, and he also made mutton puff pastry at the Da Zhang labor market. At first sight, he was secretly learning from our family. I I'm so angry, I really want to smash them. Your brother-in-law said to leave him alone. I feel unhappy."

Qi Lixin told the result of his observation again. He said: "I really want to smash him, then where?"

Zhao Ting just listened to his brother-in-law, he thought about it, and asked, "Brother-in-law, why don't I find a few people to get him a meal while it's dark, and carry him at the door of our house. This is obviously a deliberate grab for business."

You really deserve to be sisters and brothers!

Qi Lixin hadn't been so angry before, but after hearing what the brother-in-law said, he was angry too, his fists were loosened and clenched, his knuckles creaked and his hands were itchy.

This is a clear grab, no wonder I always think that the turnover has been able to break through 1000 recently, but it can't be broken. It turns out that the problem lies here!


The development of everything has its own laws, just as the real economy was hit to a certain extent after the global economic crisis last year, and the emerging Internet shopping began to grow further in China in this environment.

At the beginning, Taobao had no guarantee of quality because of its ‘good quality and low price’, and there were too many ‘fake products’, which made people feel like a concentration camp selling fakes.

It also wants to make a breakthrough, and it also wants to get rid of the title of ‘fake concentration camp’ which sounds very low. For this reason, Taobao is also making various adjustments in private.

For example, it used to focus on the promotion of common items such as clothes, shoes and hats, but now the promotion of such products has gradually reduced the proportion.

Taobao Mall, which just went online last year, began to pay more attention to the promotion of daily necessities.

Starting in late May, Zhang San began to feel that the sales increments of the six Taobao store accounts he registered before and after have increased significantly, but this change is imperceptible. As a store, he can only use the back-end sales. The increase in data and the increase in turnover are used to judge that the platform has promoted it, but he really doesn't know why it is promoted.

This matter is very fascinating.

Zhang San couldn't figure it out, and finally decided to ask Xia Zekai.

However, two consecutive calls were made to Xia Zekai, but they were not connected, and the call prompt showed that the other party was busy.

At the same time, Xia Zekai received a call from his dad at his home in Qiyun Garden Community.

After Xia Weicheng got through the phone with his son Xia Zekai, the first sentence was: "Boss, I heard your sister-in-law say that you are not going to work and have you opened a shop?"

Xia Zekai wanted to slap himself. The cousin and cousin knew about it, and so did the cousin, but Xia Zekai just forgot to tell his parents.

"Dad, I opened a shop. It didn't take long after it opened. The business was unstable and busy for the first two months, so I didn't tell you." Xia Zekai said.

Xia Weicheng didn't care about this. He was very happy when he heard his son admit that he had opened a store: "Okay, you can do it yourself now, it's a long-term skill."

"Son, you really show us old Xia's parents."

"By the way, you have enough money. I heard that opening a store to buy goods is very good. You are not short of money. I have something here. If you use it, take it first." Xia Weicheng has the sincerity of most parents.

Xia Zekai directly refused: "Dad, those money, you just keep you and my mother to spend, I don't use it."

"Dad, how is my grandpa now?" Xia Zekai asked.

Speaking of this, Xia Weicheng's tone was a bit low, and he said, "Let's do that."

He was also very helpless. There were not too many ups and downs in this tone. Xia Weicheng and his elder brother Xia Weiguo had enough mental capacity to accept that the cancer was at an advanced stage, and what else could they say.

Xia Zekai said, "Dad, or I will transfer 20,000 yuan to you, and you will take my grandpa to see it again."

"Forget it, just keep your little money for your own use. Your mother and I still have more than 30,000. If you want to be able to cure it, we will pay for it, but the problem is that we went to Jicheng Hospital last time. When the time came, the doctor asked us to come back, saying that it would make your grandfather happy and maintain a good attitude, which is better than taking medicine." Xia Weicheng said so, he was very calm.

Hearing the old father's words, Xia Zekai didn't say anything else.

Xia Weicheng asked about the two granddaughters. Hearing his son describe how the girl and Tong Tong were naughty and mischievous, Xia Weicheng laughed happily.

At the end he said: "Your mother misses them both, Boss, you do it yourself now, and you have more time. If you have time, you can bring them back and visit more."

"Well, look at the time on Saturday and weekend. Xiyun works from Monday to Friday. She is relatively busy, so it's not a good idea to ask for leave." Xia Zekai said.

It doesn't matter when, from Monday to weekend, there is no difference between Xia Weicheng and his wife Zhou Yinghong.

While talking, the two men again talked about Xia Zekai and his younger brother Xia Zejiang.

Xia Weicheng babbled: "My second child called me some time ago and told me that he was going to take the postgraduate entrance examination. You said that he has almost finished his undergraduate studies for 4 years, and is he still going to graduate school? He is also in his twenties. Just marry a daughter-in-law and have a child, can't you work before taking the exam? You have to follow me."

"Dad, if he is willing to go, you can just let him go. If the money is not enough for me, I will let him pay me back when I go to work to earn money." Xia Zekai said this, amused Xia Weicheng.

"It's been over more than ten years, and I'm still short of ten thousand dollars. That's okay, I won't tell you more, I have to go to the station." Xia Weicheng muttered.

When Xia Zekai heard this, he finally told him: "Then you can ride your motorcycle slowly, and don't go to anyone else to drink at night. It's no good to drink too much."

"Wow, I started to take care of me before I drank your two or two drinks. It's also an unscrupulous person. If you don't talk nonsense with you, I'll hang up." Xia Weicheng hung up the phone directly.

Xia Zekai looked at the black screen of the mobile phone, recalling the tone of his father's last words, obviously a little unhappy that he was in charge of him drinking.

As soon as he put the phone away, Xia Zekai wanted to lie down for a while, but before he lay down, the phone rang again.

Bring it over and see that it was Zhang San calling him.

Xia Zekai was puzzled, but still connected: "Xiao Zhang, something?"

"Boss, the sales of our Taobao store are up, and now there are more than 50 orders more than usual." Zhang San said with a bit of excitement.

These more than 50 orders represent a turnover of nearly 1,000 yuan, how could he not be excited.

Xia Zekai still has a lot of thoughts, he asked: "Your contacts have been promoting, or have you started to drain traffic?"

"Uh, I thought the boss was promoted by your contact." Zhang San was stunned. He didn't do anything, and neither did the boss. What's the matter?

There is weirdness in this matter.

Xia Zekai said: "More traffic is a good thing, so don't think too much about what to do or how to do it, and strive to use all the six ovens."


This wave of Taobao Mall promotion is continuous. For several days, Zhang San has a deeper understanding of this wave of weird situations by looking at the background data.

"Ding Ding"

"Ding Ding"

Ali Wangwang on the computer has been thinking about it all the time. You don't need to guess that this is because a customer contacted them to inquire about the product.

At this time, Zhang San was busy, and Liang Wenxiao was even busier.

Zhang San is mainly responsible for the maintenance of store content items. Liang Wenxiaocai is more like a full-time store customer service. She opens seven or eight chat pages at the same time, chatting with customers, and explaining the advantages of the product to customers.

Before I could finish talking to this customer, the blue label of Ali Wangwang in the taskbar area at the lower right corner of the computer began to flash again. This is another new customer looking for customer service. Liang Wenxiao did not dare to delay, so he opened it quickly.

She didn't have the time to drink a sip of water when she was busy, but she was really at ease in her heart, which was much better than the previous few days.

Zhang San has a spirit of unstoppable research. He wanted to find out what caused the increase in traffic, so he logged in to the browser and typed in'My Taobao store's recent sales increase', looking for what he wanted. Vocabulary, dozens of pieces of information came out immediately after browsing the page.

He browsed it carefully, and it really made him see similar questions and answers. According to the answers given by netizens, Taobao Mall has now begun to increase the promotion of daily necessities, and the promotion of clothing, shoes and hats. Obviously small.

A bright light flashed in Zhang San's head, and he quickly opened the Taobao website, and saw the slogan ‘Tao Tao Tao, Tao You Like’ in a prominent place on the page. The more you look at it, the more interesting it becomes.

After browsing the page again, he found one of the options of ‘life category’ and baby daily necessities, clicked it, and browsed it again, and he suddenly realized it.

On this page, he had already seen the soluble beans mixed in various daily necessities, but he didn't know how it was approved. It was obviously a snack, but it was put into daily necessities.

Zhang San clicked on the picture, and he saw that the shop name of the Rongdou brand read "Jingtong Food".

"No wonder, but Taobao was so picky, why did it return it to the promotion?" Zhang San was puzzled, and could only be attributed to Lao Ma's madness again.

After this happened, he did not forget to call his boss Xia Zekai.

Xia Zekai couldn't figure out the reason, but it did not prevent him from taking advantage of this opportunity to sap the wool, and instructed Zhang San to take advantage of this opportunity to ship as much as possible, and do a good job in store sales.

Xia Zekai himself began to seriously consider the question of how the Qzone log would drain traffic to Taobao's online store.

Things like Taobao Mall’s current amount of measurement for no reason are temporary after all, and Xia Zekai will not hope to make a fortune in this situation. What he has to do is to stabilize the current sales channels.

But his QQ space log views have increased, but it has not yet reached the point where it can be scaled up.

For this, Xia Zekai thought of Pan Qin for the first time.

"It seems that I haven't seen Sister Pan again in the past few days. The renovation of the new house has not been finished yet?" Xia Zekai muttered.

It is impossible to wait, so he called Pan Qin directly.

As soon as the call was connected, Pan Qin's voice on the opposite side seemed lazy and weak. This made Xia Zekai couldn't help thinking: "Sister Pan, are you still busy? If it is not convenient, I will hang up. I'll call you later!"

"Bear stuff, I gave you a bear heart and leopard courage, and I dared to molest your sister." Pan Qin scolded him with a smile.

This is normal.

"Let's talk, call me at this point, what's the urgent matter?" Pan Qin asked him.

If you are not in a hurry, you will definitely wait until one day to pick up your child, and talk about it when you meet.

"Sister Pan knows my heart, Sister Pan, it's true that I'll ask you something about the core." Xia Zekai said very politely.

This is the ability of others to eat. If you have no relatives and no reason, you can teach him directly for what reason.

Without even thinking about it, Pan Qin asked him, "Do you want to follow me to learn QQ space log drainage?"

"Yes, Sister Pan, just talk about the conditions, and say how much money." Xia Zekai was very open-minded at this time.

He knew in his heart that all things related to interests must be paid.

Pan Qin liked Xia Zekai's knowledge very much. She laughed and said, "The conditions must be there!"

"Say!" Xia Zekai happily agreed, this is normal.

But he didn't expect Pan Qin to say only one sentence: "Someday I have time, please ask me to have a meal."

"It's that simple?" Xia Zekai felt it was too simple.

Pan Qin smiled: "Otherwise what do you think?"

"..." Xia Zekai didn't say a word, he knew that he owed personal love again.

He would rather spend money, it's really not easy to pay back this thing.


Towards the end of the month, when Xia Zekai was busy developing the online store of Jingtong Food Factory, he suddenly received a call from his cousin Zhao Yan, saying that Lao Qi was taken away by the police station, and there is no letter yet.

Xia Zekai was dumbfounded at that time: "Yanyan, you say it again, what is going on?"

"Brother Kai, I don't want to cause you trouble, but I really can't help it. I don't know who to call." Zhao Yan cried and said.

Lao Xia is having a headache now, what else can I say.

After he asked that his cousin was in the store, he hurried to ride an electric bike.

When I got to the place, I found out when I asked. It turned out that Qi Lixin opened a'Da Zhang mutton pao pie' shop because someone nearby followed suit. He was a little depressed. Taking advantage of the fact that the shop was not busy, he went over and went to the other party to reason. I didn't know what happened, so I finally started, and then someone from the migrant worker called the police.

"Brother, I really can't do anything, you have to help me." Zhao Yan cried and said.

Xia Zekai scratched his head. This matter is not complicated, but you have to find the context. Speaking of which, the second brother now has more resources than his.

Xia Zekai didn't dare to delay, and quickly called Xia Yunhui. He briefly said the matter. Xia Yunhui didn't respond with a word, so he hung up the phone.

In less than twenty minutes, Xia Yunhui drove to this side. Xia Zekai was afraid that his second brother would not know the place, and he was still waiting for him in a prominent place on the side of the road.

"Lao Qi opened the shop here?" said the second brother Xia Yunhui.

Xia Zekai nodded and Zhao Yan also came out of the store. After seeing her second cousin Xia Yunhui, she felt sad again, and her eyes began to weep.

"Brother, what can I do!" She cried again.

Woman, it's messed up at the critical moment.

Xia Yunhui is indeed very knowledgeable. He said, "Yanyan, don't worry, do you know where the store is? Take me there."

"Okay, brother, I'll lock the door." Zhao Yanyan also knew she had to lock the door quickly.

A few guests came over just now, but Qi Lixin had done such a big thing, and she didn't want to make money anymore.

"Ze Kai, I heard Brother Li said that you are hiring people again, what's the matter, you are still too busy?" Xia Yunhui asked on the way to that side.

Xia Zekai didn't intend to hide it either. He said, "Brother, I just rented a workshop to produce Rongdou. This centralized production makes it easy to increase the quantity."

Xia Yunhui raised his hand and put it down weakly, not knowing what to say.

This uncle is really unexpected!

"Brother, that's it." Zhao Yan suddenly said, and she pointed to a store along the street with a ‘big mutton cake’ on the front left, which was also made of blue and white color steel plates.

Xia Zekai glanced at it. The store door was open, and there was a fat woman in the store. She couldn't tell how old she was.

She was sitting in a daze on a chair in the shop right now.

When the brothers Xia Zekai and Xia Yunhui walked in, the fat woman thought she was a guest, so she subconsciously stood up to greet the guest.

But after seeing Zhao Yan, her face immediately changed: "It's you, why, don't think that someone is here, I am afraid of you?"

The brothers Xia Yunhui and Xia Zekai glanced at each other, and they were speechless. People who didn't know thought they were landlords and bullies and came to the arena to seek revenge.

Xia Zekai said at the right time: "This kind of thing has happened, it must be solved, how do you want to solve it?"

"Brother, the man from their family was also taken away." Zhao Yan said.

The feelings are taken away.

Xia Yunhui thought for a while and asked, "Yanyan, what did the police station say when they took them away? Is the attitude good or bad?"

Zhao Yan was panicked at that I couldn't remember it for a long time. When she heard the second cousin's inquiry, she kept shaking her head, saying that she didn't know.

"Well, how come I feel like calling the two of them over for questioning, maybe they will be put back later?" Xia Zekai suddenly came.

Hearing what his cousin said, Xia Yunhui also felt like this. He asked, "Yanyan, do you know which police station took the people away?"

"It's from the Dazhang police station, I heard it." Zhao Yan responded quickly this time.

The fat woman in the'Da Zhang Lamb Pao Bing' shop has been standing by her side. Hearing what Xia Yunhui said, she asked anxiously: "You said that my man can be released. Is it true?"

"If it's true, I won't do it here. Let's go and go to other places. Will it work?" The fat woman shook her head.

When she said this, the brothers Xia Yunhui and Xia Zekai didn't know what to say. ,

Zhao Yan also froze for a moment, and asked her: "Are you going to move?"

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