The Greatest Showman

Chapter 720: Hot discussion torrent

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The first round of screening was over. More than a thousand spectators left the screening hall in an orderly manner, as if sardines were out of the gate, and the dense crowd merged into the sea. Discussions, surprises, and arguing were endless, everyone’s cheek The expressions are different, but the remaining tears and excitement are very similar.

More importantly, everyone is expressing their opinions and can't wait. This is not just a simple comedy movie, nor a profound work of art, but a cleverly presenting the philosophy of life in a humorous and humorous way, and the aftermath of the movie is lingering after the end of the movie.

"...I was most impressed by the scene where Adam hugged his mother before the last operation. That was the only time Adam shed tears, and I couldn't cry so much." Hope said as he said, his eyes panned again. It became red, but the smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed, and he spoke happily. Involuntarily, his steps began to jump.

"In the second half of the movie, I couldn't cry anymore." Tessa said in agreement, "To be precise, I kept crying and laughing, just like crazy. I have to say that the young master acted so well, really. Great! Some clips are even better than "Love Is Crazy", I'm not sure if I'm crazy!"

"That's right, I think so too!" Hope and Tessa clasped their fingers together, and both jumped up at the same time, but they were not conspicuous in the crowd, because everyone gathered in twos and threes and talked loudly. Expressing their opinions, the reaction of the two of them can only be said to be a small wave in the ocean.

"When you saw the last part of Kyle and Adam joking in the car, didn't you cry?" Graham rubbed his eyes, and couldn't wait to express his opinion, and excitedly joined the discussion. Among them, "...Jesus Christ, I always thought Kyle was a bad friend and had been using Adam. But who knows, at the last moment, it was the feelings of this good friend who wept the most."

Graham's gaze turned to William, trying to find sympathy, but William avoided his gaze in embarrassment: He was crying too badly today, and after almost one-third of the time, his eyes started to turn red, and then the embankment was completely broken. .

This brief silence left Graham confused. He didn't understand what happened to William. He was about to ask, but there was a voice beside him, cutting into their discussion, "No one thinks this movie is very funny? I just can't stop."

Turning his head, he found that it was an unfamiliar face, which looked like a college student. The other party was neither strange nor embarrassed. He said directly, "I thought Seth would be the laughter of the movie. But in fact, the point of the whole movie is. It’s all on the young master, smiles, tears, and wonderful performances, **** Christ, I really don’t know what else the young master can’t do. Have you noticed? The young master really has a lot of small expressions, haha, I'm almost laughing!"

"That's right, the young master's little expression is so pretty!" Tessa was the first to agree, "I can hardly come over, raising my eyebrows, sticking out my tongue, pursing my lips, snickering..."

"Yes! Have you noticed that the young master snickered? Every time the corners of your mouth rise involuntarily and then quickly converge, the subtle expression is really beautiful. And the comedy effect is really great!" Tessa both yelled in a selfless manner.

Hope, Graham and others standing nearby were helpless.

"No one of you mentioned the young master's bald head?" On the other side, there was another voice, a girl who looked like a college student. Hope and Graham turned their heads together, she was a little shy, "Sorry," I accidentally heard your conversation just now." I first expressed my apologies for "eavesdropping", hesitated for a while, and paused, after all, he didn't hold back, "The thing that impressed me the most was that the master simply shaved his head clean That scene, wow, I mean, wow!"

There is no words, just "wow", which is enough to express all the shock in my heart.

"I know!" Hope nodded and continued to agree, "More importantly, the young master is so attractive even if he has a bald head!" Now, it was the two girls' turn to start screaming and shouting.

Graham turned his head to look at his friend, and pushed William with his elbow, with a grumpy expression, "Are you not going to join?" The girls next to him were idiots, their quiet and indifferent It seemed a little out of place. Then Graham suddenly jumped up, jumping up and down to learn the look of Hope, and began to scream, "Wow!"

The comical appearance made William chuckle, after all he did not hold back, he laughed, and then pushed Graham away disgustingly, an expression of "I don't know you", which made Graham speak loudly. laugh it out.

It's unbelievable to say that a comedy movie has triggered such a heated wave of discussion, which reminds people of the "hangover" the year before last, an absolute topic of work, and it also ushered in such a heat wave after the premiere; however, Tonight’s enthusiasm is different. It’s not the kind of "hangover" kind of hilarious and hearty, but the humor and reflection brought by every link, every detail, and every performance. It’s worth chewing and careful. taste.

The flood wave composed of more than one thousand viewers, the sound of chirping and joking, the joy of eyebrows, and the gestures of hand gestures, finally said goodbye to the haze brought by the accident tonight, which made people feel the frenzy of the premiere.

Following the crowd, he left the projection hall and came back to the outdoor plaza. The sky was full of stars above his head. Hope accidentally hit Tessa’s back and noticed that Tessa stopped. "What's wrong? Tessa?"

Tessa did not speak, but raised her chin and gestured to the front. Hope looked in the direction and was shocked involuntarily. Even the people behind William, Graham and others stopped one after another.

At this moment, there is still a turbulent sea of ​​people gathered in the entire square. Looking around, there are at least 1,500 people or more. The bustling crowd is standing on the square in an orderly and orderly manner. The night is quiet. , The raging wind, the raging heat, in a trance, this is not a winter night in December, but a midsummer night in July, people are standing on the street with beer and cigarettes and chatting happily. So, in groups of three to five, spend the good time of Friday night together.

Before entering the cinema, after leaving the cinema, the scene on the square seems to have not changed. The tireless patience and perseverance are really amazing, and there are even more signs of heat. The accident on the red carpet tonight did not affect the audience's enthusiasm.

It's not just Tessa, Hope and other people who just finished watching the movie were shocked; people who were standing in the square waiting for the second screening were also shocked, especially when they saw the excitement and heard those comments. At times, even if there is no communication, they can clearly feel the gurgling excitement and excitement.

It was just a momentary pause, and the two waves of people converged and merged into one.

"Guys, how about the movie?" Someone asked Tessa, "Is this really a comedy?"

Tessa looked back at her friends, then smiled brightly, "Trust me, this is definitely a movie you won't want to miss. Regarding the specific matters of the movie, you won't want me to spoil the surprise. Yes!" Tessa blinked, and then saw the oncoming group chatting and discussing.

"I just said, I will never be disappointed!"

"The blue gift is the guarantee of film quality!"

"But I am not interested in Renly, I like Seth Logan!"


Hope poked her head out and interjected, "Then you will like the combination of Seth and Renly." Then, ignoring the young people, she patted Tessa on the shoulder and moved on. "Ah, I really want to watch it the second time. If it weren't because they haven't watched it, I will turn around and go in and continue to line up now..."

"It's okay, it will premiere tomorrow, and we will watch it again when that time comes. I am really curious about the little expressions of the young master, God, I swear, this is definitely the young master I have never seen before. I suddenly felt ~www. young master is actually quite suitable for comedy. He has a talent for comedy."


The discussion is still in full swing. It is the same for those who leave the Alice Tully Hall and those who enter the Alice Tully Hall. This night, it seems that it has just begun until this time.

The fact is also true. At the end of the second screening, the hour hand had already reached 12:30, and the leaving audience was still full of voices. It seemed that it was destined to be a sleepless night. The energetic shouts of young people came from the square, "Go!" Let's go to the Midnight Show!" There was a huge response.

Yes, it was past midnight at this time, and "The Anti-Cancer Me" has entered the first day of its official release. There are no previous comments from film critics, no guidance from the Rotten Tomatoes Index, and it is still a quiet midnight scene. Don’t forget, it’s a cold and long winter night, but nothing can stop the enthusiasm of these crazy audiences.

The premiere, which was accidentally interrupted, was given a different meaning. As Lan Li said, unintentionally, the "anti-cancer me" has become a work for the occasion. Every audience who has experienced the accidental chaos of the red carpet firsthand has feelings after watching the movie. The regret and fear in the heart, the confusion and anxiety in the heart were healed in the process of watching the movie, and interpreted different meanings.

So, despite the delay of four hours, the carnival finally came at midnight.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Lan Li. After leaving the Alice Tully Hall, Lan Li went all the way to the hospital. This was the hospital where Lauren Messler was recuperating, and it was also the hospital where a small number of wounded patients were sent to.

After midnight, the hospital gradually quieted down. This is a good thing. The tranquility of the emergency room means that no accidents happen; the absence of reporters means that the injured can get a quiet rest.

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