The Greatest Showman

Chapter 719: Special experience

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The movie ended. The movie ended when Adam and Catherine had their first date. To be precise, the date hadn’t even started. After sending away the chat bulb Kyle, Adam walked to Catherine, and the two stood face to face. Shang could not help but smile, warm and brilliant.

This made Catherine a little bit shy, biting the tip of her tongue lightly, "So?" But Adam didn't respond, just looking at her with a smile, which made Catherine startled slightly, tilted her head, and asked again, "What are you doing now? ?"

Adam looked at Catherine’s eyes quietly, the smile at the corner of his mouth converged little by little, and squeezed into a straight line, but the disappearing smile fell on the bottom of his eyes, like the gentle moonlight and stars falling on the surface of the sea. Little, shimmering, the vast sea-like eyes became bright, full of stars.

The movie ends here. Adam and Catherine’s date has not yet begun, because it is a story of the future. In the real world outside of the movie, with his feet and hands, he once again mustered the courage to write a brand new future.

Tessa smiled, and smiled from the bottom of her heart. After "Love Is Crazy", "The Anti-Cancer Me" also used Lan Li's performance to put an end to the movie.

In "Love Is Crazy", Jacob's mixed, cold, vast but desperate eyes penetrated the big screen and rippled in the hearts of every audience. The weight of the whole story fell here, curled up. The after-rhyme triggered an unimaginable wave of reflection; and in the "anti-cancer me", Adam’s warm, bright, brisk and happy eyes lit up the whole world, and the halo of bright stars tore the curtain of the night Open, as if you can see the golden future vented by the bright sun.

The look is just a look, no extra lines, no extra moves, no pretentious interpretation, just relying on those dark brown eyes, it tells an infinite story.

Tessa deeply felt that in the future movies starring Renly, could it all end with his eyes? She is serious!

The movie was over, the subtitles began to appear slowly, and the lights in the theater gradually turned on. Tessa could clearly see that many people lowered their heads in a panic, dealing with the embarrassment on their faces, not only the audience, but also the reporters and guests. However, this is not the time to make fun of others, she My condition wasn't much better, so I quickly lowered my head and took out a tissue from my pocket and began to wipe it.

There was a small movement in the entire auditorium, but no one spoke, and there was no obvious change. Suddenly, a voice rang abruptly, "I want to fall into you." The source of the voice was a male, rough, slightly hoarse.

This is the final stage of the film, Kyle's lines; at this time, people involuntarily think of the last shot of the film, and it seems that they have responded to Kyle's reaction again. The ridiculous and spoofed feeling of joy rushed over her face, Tessa "pouched" and laughed, but before the laughter had completely erupted, another voice rang out at the scene, "I want it too." This time it was one. Women, with playful joking and ridicule in their voices, and uncontrollable chuckles after speaking.

In an instant, the whole audience burst into laughter.

Lan Li turned his head silently and looked at Ryan Gosling, who was covering his face with his hands, as if he was regretting, why he was talking more; then he looked at Jennifer Lawrence with a calm face, and he did not hide himself at all. gloat. Losing friends is indeed a loss of friends.

Amidst the lively laughter, Tessa stood up and began to applaud. She knows that her actions are a bit reckless. She also knows that "The Anti-Cancer Me" is a commercial comedy. She also knows that after the accident tonight, everyone is feeling a little heavy. But it is precisely because of this that she has to stand up and applaud even more.

This is a film about the impermanence of life and the preciousness of life. It is a film about the restart of life after experiencing the test of death; it was precisely at the premiere of such a film that it was embarrassing. The accident of this is really a huge irony, which makes people sigh, helpless, and angry.

Tonight, "The Anti-Cancer Me" is a work for the occasion, and it conveys the true thoughts in Lan Li's heart: he is not the Lord of the Rings in the "Lord of the Rings" series, and it is not worthy of people's reckless huddling. And love; rather than those enthusiastic shouts and crazy support, he hopes to use performances to build a bridge of communication and seek the resonance of fans in the world of movies, just the album "Don Quixote" general.

Tessa never really understood the album "Don Quixote" until today. She finally understood the reason why Lan Li recorded the album, and finally understood the source of the album's name, and finally understood the admiration and fanatical enthusiasm of the senior professional fans, hidden in the melody and lyrics of "Don Quixote". Behind it is a real and pure soul.

What's interesting is that at the beginning, Tessa paid attention to Lan Li only because of his appearance; but now, Tessa is sinking because of Lan Li's performance. Tessa decided that after going back, she would listen to the album "Don Quixote", which is a different field from movies and also showed a different blue gift.

So Tessa stood up. In order to "fight cancer for Lan Li. She doesn't care whether other people will respond, and she doesn't care whether it's right at this time. She just wants to stand up and tell Lan Li loudly: She understands. So, she just like that. Done.

Tessa’s applause was not abrupt in the noisy laughter, but it was not obvious, but she didn’t care, she just slapped her hands persistently, staring at Lan Li with scorching eyes, and fully filled the turbulent emotions in her chest. Vented out.

Then there was William, then Hope, then Graham and others... The audience in the theater stood up one after another, their faces still awkwardly messy, tears that were not wiped clean, glowing The bloodshot eyes, the corners of the mouth with a smile left, every detail clearly showed what they had experienced in just one hundred minutes. It's true, there is no way to refute it. Therefore, they gave up arguing and joined the applause, expressing their inner emotions with applause.

The applause, louder, brighter, fiercer, fiercer and fierce, like a tsunami that gradually rises, gathered together and shocked in the echo effect of the Alice Tully Hall. The entire theater, even Lincoln Center began to tremble slightly, and the unimaginable wave of emotions once again awakened the ups and downs in the process of watching the movie.

At this moment, the charm of the movie is so fascinating,

The applause lasted for three full minutes, and there was still no sign of stopping. The main creative staff walked to the front desk and called the curtain call, but they only made the applause more crazy. They experienced the red carpet, experienced the accident, experienced the screening, and experienced the ups and downs. At night, the audience once again twisted into a rope, regained their inner enthusiasm, and unreservedly dedicated it to the crew of "Anti-Cancer Me". From the beginning of the movie to the end of the movie, tonight’s premiere was finally complete.

In desperation, Seth directly plugged a microphone into Lan Li, and then "threw" Lan Li out to attract firepower. At the end of the tumultuous applause, Lan Li's pressed hands finally calmed the boiling waves, "Thank you." Lan Li's voice was passed through the microphone, and then someone shouted at the scene. "Master, you are really handsome, even if you have a bald head." This immediately caused everyone's laughter, and the people behind Jennifer, Ryan, Donald and others laughed awkwardly again.

Lan Li also laughed dumbly and twitched the corners of his mouth, "I think, this is my biggest gain tonight." A self-deprecating sentence successfully triggered another wave of laughter, "Thanks to everyone who came to the scene, thank you everyone An audience who calmly watched this story. This is the story of our screenwriter Will Rissel. Fortunately, the happy ending in the movie has also been achieved in real life, although I am not sure about Catherine’s section……"

This little complaint successfully made the crew members and the audience laugh.

Lan Li paused slightly and then said, "Fortunately for tonight, the accident did not cause more damage. I really hope that this movie will leave some good memories. Bright this night. Thank you!"

With simple and restrained words, Lan Li did not deliberately sensationalize or sigh, but the words that have been clicked to the end clearly convey the inner feelings. This is enough. There was applause again at the scene, no whistle, no scream, no cheers, just applause, but compared with the applause at the opening, it was full of vitality at this time, and the light of hope was gradually brightening.

The premiere is over here. Because of tonight’s accident, Lionsgate had to cancel the question-and-answer session and orderly arranged for the audience to exit; but the main creative staff did not leave. At 11 o’clock, the second session of "Anti-Cancer Me" will be held. It is free to show, and audiences who are willing to stay to watch can still enter the Alice Tully Hall. Watching the movie is one part, and the short-term communication with the creators is another part.

As a result, the crew members stayed, and the guests and friends left one after another. At the same time, the audience, reporters, and film critics also left.

This is undoubtedly a special premiere experience, even for reporters and film critics. After going through the excitement, going through the madness, going through the accident, and going through the touch, when I left the cinema, I seemed to have tasted Adam’s life, and I seemed to re-examine my own life, especially after tonight’s shock Had to fall into deep thought.

So, is this premiere a success or a failure? Will accidents have positive or negative effects? Is "The Anti-Cancer Me" an excellent work or is it bad? What about the feedback from film critics?

The premiere has come to an end, but the aftermath of the movie has just begun. 8)

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