The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Announce the age of destruction to the world.

Immediately after Savondia's support fleet left, I withdrew with all air forces.

Reportedly, Nemisona's fleet has been making heavy space transfers in the combat airspace recently. They rescued survivors and evacuated them just in case of our surprise.

Then I dispatched a wizard to identify the skills contained in the assaulted Chronos Booster, while sending ground forces to retrieve the essence from the assaulted Booster.

At this point, the essence that we got was an enormous amount of thread, more than 26 million in excellence.

As a remnant of arming the entire continent with magical grenade launchers, I immediately took part in mass production of the magical grenade launchers.

When the time of destruction came, he intended to provide a magical grenade launcher to all the villagers.

Armed with the entire people, there is no mass damage caused by early destruction flying magic, and the instability in the rear greatly reduces the impact of forward combat.

Moreover, those killed by the magical object will vanish without proper weapons, and many of them will be eliminated by the vigilante force of the town unit.

Of course, a magical grenade launcher isn't the only thing that can handle every flying object, but it doesn't matter.

We'll provide other heavy artillery as soon as the situation arises.

The problem was the possibility of a disturbance.

Armed citizens complaining about the central government and attacking the central government.

However, when the age of destruction came, the residents had nothing to do with sleeping and complaining.

At that time, the government did not take care of the safety of its people because it was trying to defend its forward.

I'm sure it will be again, so I thought I should at least provide the residents with weapons to survive on their own.

But providing them with weapons was not the only thing that ended it.

Combat training is also required.

Magic grenade launchers are simple to manipulate, so you'll be familiar with for a week, but not in a situation where you're faced with magic.

Tens of thousands of spells have the same variety of characteristics and coping laws, so training was necessary to familiarize themselves.

By the way, it might be useful to practice injectable training with a simple description, but I think it would be worth a try if all the residents stick together.

Moreover, we are currently playing with useful resources for hunting magical objects professionally.

The mercenaries.

Recently, one of the world's airstreams is the comfort of its people, which means that if the king and its lord's army are guarded, and they have the money to hire mercenaries, they buy weapons and arm the central and regional forces with new weapons, which has caused them to lose their jobs and cause social problems.

Using them, you will provide residents with combat training as well as a militia commander who will command them to repel magic.

‘And a good propaganda effect. ’

The most important thing for the ruling party to do was to arm the people.

As mentioned earlier, people can cause chaos and lead to rebellion against the ruling class.

Nevertheless, if I actively encourage the world to take this situation more seriously.

If I'm not shot in the head, there's no reason to bring in the big bucks and arm the people.

Anyway, the reason I'm making this plan is in one word.

Humanity must not be destroyed, but a 7-year-old child must not fight the magic with a broom.

However, the best way is to delay the coming of God greatly backwards.

It's gonna happen anyway, but it's a hundred times better than it is right now.

I decided to focus on training pilots and caretakers to deal with the increased speed in the production of magical weapons, including magical fighters.

* * *

Waggle, waggle.

It's been a long time since the Josrahim Imperial Palace has been busy serving envoys from all over the continent.

The victory celebration is today.

Nemisonna's fleet was still on the continent and the war could not be seen as over, but it was too much to hold because of a message to inform the world of the victory party.

It was the truth of the age of destruction.

“Are you ready for this? ”


Baron Leon shook his head in serious regard to my question.

In preparation for this presentation, he received a glimpse of the age of doom that is to come from me.

You have to know the nature of the announcement to be ready for anything.

“Very well. Important announcement. Take care of it until the end. ”

“And if word gets out that the patrons are coming, Nemisona may attack our castle in full force. Be discreet. ”

“Yes, but I'm the only one who knows. ”

“Yes. You'd better. Okay."

Baron stood up with the paperwork covered and asked me.

“But is it really going to happen? ”

“Yes, they will. That's why we're fighting this war to stop it. ”

“So this war wasn't just a war against the Lumen? ”

“I had the wind. Thank you for coming from Kronos, or remove the Lumen Kingdom to stabilize the rear. Thankfully, of course, I'm from Kronos. ”

“I see.”

I tapped Baron on on the shoulder.

“Don't be nervous. The more crisis we're in, the colder we're gonna have to deal with everything. There's nothing good about a fuss. ”

“But · · · · · · · · ·. ”


Baron glances at me.

“But is the Grand Duke all right? ”

“Not okay. Maybe I'm the worst person in the world. ”

That's right. I'd be the worst person in the world.

It's hard for other people to imagine what the era of destruction meant, but I come back alive.

You might have to experience this twice.

My legs are so beautiful.

“Well, I see. ”

“Anyway, you risk your life and make no mistake about it. I can forgive you for making a mistake, but I can't forgive you today. If I had a happy ending, and I had a smile on the presentation board, I'd probably go crazy. Do you understand?”



I shrunk the announcement in my arms and went outside.

I memorized it because it was just a few sentences, but I needed to keep it safe just in case.

I just spoke to Baron, but I can't tolerate any more mistakes today.

* * *

The garden outside the imperial palace was infested with patrons from all over the world.

Someone was raising a glass of champagne in celebration of the last victory, and someone was having a tremendous conversation with a fellow envoy expressing concern about my war with the angel of God, Kronos.

However, as soon as Emperor Simon appeared on the third floor of the balcony, everyone stopped talking and celebrating and bowed politely and saluted.

Although it was the Scarecrow Emperor, he needed to set an example because he was a nominal owner of the Empire.

Emperor Simon said to me standing behind with an uncomfortable face.

“Jan. How long do we have to do this? ”

“We're almost there. It'll be over soon.”

“Glad to hear it. And then you die? Do you live?”

“I don't know. I think I'll live since I've had a big ball. ”

Earl Rembert, standing beside the Emperor, stared at me with a lifelike gaze.


“Don't be mad, too. Because you do.”

“Excuse me?”

“Actually, you have a lot of balls. I fished a lot.”

“What the hell are you talking about? ”

“Risk molecule.”

Earlier, Earl Lembert opened his eyes to see if he could recall the face of his fellow patriots who had left for the other world.

“You bastard! ”

“Of course, I'm still doing well. Because of the Marquis, I didn't even go to a hard-working dictator's house. Hehe.”

Earl Rembert is in a hurry to get his hands on the scabbard.


“But Emperor? ”

“Everyone sees it. Don't give me a Clutch. ”

Earl Rembert takes his hand off the scabbard.

Everyone is watching now.

If we draw our swords here, we will not be able to pull them out or hit them, and we will be forced to die by the reverse.

“Such a cunning man. ”

I wiped my face.

You can tell me the truth.

Anyway, I'm doomed for life.

And, of course, it's ruined. There are countless people with throats in my hands.

“Yes. Let's live like this for the rest of our lives. Emperor, what are you doing? Go ahead.”

It was brought to the start of the opening ceremony by Emperor Simon the Grim Reaper.

Unlike usual, the entertainment smile was heavy, but the tone of voice reading the affidavit and festival messages was fine.

I didn't want to create a cozy atmosphere anyway.

“Now, for this victory, there is something to announce to the world. I want you all to listen. ”

After what was done, Emperor Simon stepped back.

It was my turn.

I took the announcement out of my arms, launched a congratulatory remark last victory, and I got to the point.

“But we haven't won the war yet. So I would like to make some recommendations to all countries on the continent. First, arm all the people. ”

At that moment, the atmosphere of the presentation hall cooled down.

The Imperial officials were filled with complaints, but they couldn't say anything, and the foreign envoys blinked, their mouths wide open.

An envoy from the Kingdom of Billion cries out.

“Did you just ask me to arm my people? ”


“Is that really possible? ”

I nodded calmly.

“Yes, you can use only a portion of the essence from the last victory. ”

“That's not what I meant! If you don't know what it means to arm your people, how can you make such a ridiculous transition? ”

“I know. But you have to. ”

“Empire it is. Arm the foolish. Our kingdom will never abide by such nonsense. ”

The old man raises his hand, looking exotic at the chaotic skin in one of the courtyards.

It was the Wooden Chancellor sent as an envoy from Kara Kingdom.

“Grand Duke degradation. First, tell us why. ”

“It is part of the process of preparing for the emergence of the unknown oil. ”

“You mean the mystery? ”

“The extinction of humanity. The age of destruction is coming. ”

In my speech, I heard laughter picking up from everywhere.

It seemed to recognize my speech as a strange black comedy.

I aimed right at the neck of the envoy who tried to blow up the yojo.

“Don't smile. Why do you think I didn't tell you about the end of humanity when I knew? Because I knew the reaction would come. But I have to do it now. At this rate, they'll all be dead soon. ”

A messenger looks at a sword pointed at a colleague and shakes his voice.

“But it's so crazy, I can't believe it. Who in the world would believe such a lie? ”

“And you believe in the Codex of Creation. It's definitely in the Codex of Creation. The age of destruction is near. That's when it really happened. ”

I still find it hard to believe, but the envoy pretends to be a rebel.

He must also be true.

“I'll say. Do you have any proof of that? ”

“There is.”

“Then tell me. ”

“Why I started this war. How dare you imagine your own people would go to war with Kronos? ”

Everyone shakes their heads.

Not long ago, none of them imagined that they would go to war with the heavenly city of Kronos.

“To be honest, no. ”

“But I did. Because you're crazy? No, because I knew the end of the world, and I could do what I couldn't because I wanted to live. ”

The ambassador sighs deeply.

“Gao understands the Grand Duke's heart quite well, but isn't that the Grand Duke himself? ”

“It's not just the idea. In fact, Chronos has been doing a lot to open up the age of destruction. Neither did the last civil war, nor the recent events in the Kingdom of Bastein. Why would they do such a thing? It was a pre-work to open an era of destruction. ”

I explained in detail what happened to Kronos.

Everything they tried to do to usurp the essence of humanity in order to hasten the coming of God, and to use countless lives as bait to capture Copondia.

However, no matter how much I explained, everyone did not believe me.

I was still busy treating myself like crazy.

“Then bring witnesses or evidence. I just can't believe what the Grand Duke says. ”

“Good. Earth. ”

As I clapped my hands, an army of horsepower fighters rushed from above the Imperial Palace.

But they were just choreographies, and they were actually called by someone else.

It was the Temple of Alfredo.

The Holy See of Alfredo is the oldest and most powerful man in the religious world.

Everyone was appalled when the Holy Father agreed with my opinion.

“Why is the Holy Father here? ”

“What the hell is going on? ”

With a solemn voice, Alfredo warned of the age of destruction, and determined that it was the end of the coming year.

He also revealed his true identity.

“I am not the surviving son of Cardinal Alfredo, who was once known to be insane. I am the Cardinal who was framed as a madman from Kronos and lost all of his family and relatives to them. Why would I do something like that? It was because we knew the age of destruction that would come today. Chronos has long been the downfall of mankind.

I've prepared. No, we have been planning to exterminate mankind since the time we came to this world. ”

The guests couldn't help but be shocked by the successive shock announcements.

An Imperial official raised his hand high and asked.

“Holy Father? Is it true Kronos is a messenger, not a savior of humanity?" ”

“That's true.”

“Then tell me the reason. ”

“They've already spoken through the Codex of Creation. Destroying our kind. They say their mouths are absolutely true, but how can you not believe it? ”

Yes, those who call themselves the heavens honestly said that they would destroy mankind through the codex of creation.

“But · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“Can't you believe it until you hear them? ”

“Yes, I am.”

“Then hear it for yourself. Since you are one of the seven true saints, you are the only one who looks after the well-being of our people. I also noticed the downfall of humanity with this man's message. ”

As soon as the Holy Father Alfredo and I make eye contact, Savondia, who was waiting in advance, walks out to the balcony.

She walks into the air and tells everyone that she is a true copy of Bondia.

“Says I. Savondia. The reason why Kronos, our heavenly city, came to this world is not the transmission of civilization nor the propagation of faith, but the destruction of mankind. The reason for this is in the Codex of Creation. You must be sacrificed in the face of chaos and void, and other beings living in this universe.

But I dare to reveal it here. You don't have to be sacrificed. That's all you get when you leave this world. ”

He explained in detail the fact that the age of destruction is coming and the reason why humanity can survive.

The age of destruction was a necessity for the universe to survive, but there was no reason to die.

If you leave this world, that's it.

But God has sacrificed cows for generations, and he has never been the least considerate to save cows.

The reason was simple.

Since there are so many creatures living in this universe anyway, there was no need to scrape and make a sponge by saving them for no reason.

< Announce to the world the age of destruction. > End

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