The Grand Prince Has Run Away

Savannah's weakness.

At the same time, the six Valkyries, including Erudia, rushed in unison.

Looking at these girls, I was impressed.

I told him to come, but not all six of them at once.

“Take it!”

A longsword with a Valkyrie with red hair flew by my side.

Following her, I forcefully kicked off the deck, blurring her aggression, and dug into it.

With a good chance to strike, I gripped the urethra tightly, but I had to quickly step back against a chunk of magical lava that had a dark-red haired valkyrie.

Suddenly, the sound of chains and chains flew to me.

The slender metal bat, connected to the chain, crashes the metal deck along my swiftly rotating gaze, creating a massive explosion.

I gritted my teeth as I pushed back, beating at the scattering deck debris.


I use the rebound to break the buoy hatch and get inside.

Then he took out the communication station and quickly ran out a narrow corridor full of black smoke and contacted somewhere.

“Zambe. This is 17 kilometers northwest of the Lexington Mountains! Get on the horn! ”

Then Euroa breaks through the wall of steel and enters.

I immediately threw the communication shaft somewhere and blew the space apart.

An Euria that evades when she rotates her body in a panic.

Soon, the chamber had just blown off one side of the corridor with a long cut from where she was.

As Euroa hurriedly rises to her feet, I try to blow the gap again, but the incoming Valkyries fold over and jump straight through the ceiling to enter the bridge.


There are several Elven agents on the bridge trying to take complete control of the crashing booster.

I ignored them and fled out through a huge hole, blowing gravitational pull at the bridge wall.

Cockpit passed by my side as he flew into the air.

Whether he was hit by a Mana Beam or lost a part of his wing, he was flying in a rotation, but the pilot was never seen escape from the nostril equipment.

I looked around and checked the battle situation.

‘What a pity.’

As expected, the damage was significant.

Over 200 kilometers of air power were being used in front of the elaborate firing of the Chronos buoys.

A horsepower squadron swiftly passes through the air and pours countless chunks of black iron over the nearby blue buoys.

Judging by the shape of the falcon, it looks like Hamel's army is coming for backup.

A pale blue buoyant that rolls around the hull with countless explosions following it.

The chaos bombing attack seems to have worked.

However, the light blue buoyancy continued to control the hull and aimed the sack at Hamel's troops.

As I was about to strike the spiral sword toward the light blue buoyancy, Euroa and the five Valkyries flew in and stopped me.

“I can't run anymore! ”

Hamel's horsepower fighters are crashing down with a fierce beam of gunfire. Pilots escaped from a large number of gases, but not some.

I took a deep breath with the pilot as I watched an explosion of a horsepower fighter crash into the ground.

“Hehe. I don't blame you. It's a war that kills each other. ”

You shout Euroa.

“What are you talking about? ”

“It's simple. Don't blame me if I kill you here. ”

“It doesn't look like you have anything to say to us surrounded. ”

I shrugged my shoulders and laughed bloody.

“But don't make a fuss about it. It's the life of the world that suddenly wins when you're in a fight, and suddenly when you're in a fight. ”

“But that's not going to happen to you today. ”

“You'll see. ”

I raised the tide.

Immediately, the surrounding Mana shakes fiercely with my shivering smile.

This intense Mana wave that axed me and the yojo produced processable power, and then my body soared high in the sky, wrapped in Mana storms.

It was one of my new skills, the Dragon Run.

It was a technique that threw me away in a spiral sword storm, but it was also a great way to use it to defend my surroundings and escape.

But today was a little different.

The whirl that burned me turned my head like a fluttery snake, and rushed towards the Euroa and the five Valkyries.

A sky-haired valkyrie fires a storm arrow with a large Mana in its bow, but it fades away like a wind blown by a hurricane.


Eroa and the Five Valkyries that scatter horns. I quickly passed between them, creating a big collision with the pale blue buoyancy.

A pale blue buoyancy with a broken side is pushed against my gravitational sword, plummeting toward the nearby hills.

But there was one drawback to this technology.

I feel dizzy. I flew a V-interest sign to the Valkyrie, touching my forehead with dizziness.

“Two. I'll send the other eight soon. ”

I look back with a strange gaze, not a shivering smile.

There are numerous Elven agents escaping from the stimulus I just received, including a full-body armored woman who appears to be a Valkyrie.

She swiftly flew over here and helped surround me.

“Dare. Destroying my buoyancy? I'll never forgive you! ”

I had a taste for it.

This is more than just an upgrade.

I just flew a buoy to avenge Hamel's troops, and the Valkyries surrounding me increased from six to seven.

“Oh, shit. ”

Magic has exploded everywhere.

The enormous path of water that Euroa shot burst through me, pushing me back and forth, through which the sickle of the wind flew and struck me in succession.

A sharp hailstorm immediately erupted, zigzagging and evasive maneuvers.

I just flinched my hand with the tide.

It was because of the numerous attacks by the flying Valkyries that were attempting to counterattack.

At that time, a longsword with a few meters of Aura Blade dug toward my side.

I hurriedly held back the tide, but soon I was struck by a hunk of gathering lava and crashed to the ground without a hitch.

As expected, the pager seemed inevitable.

Two or three would be worth it, but seven were too much.

But the crisis did not end here.

Six Valkyries have been oppressing me, ruling over the Mana around them.

It seemed clear that my intention was to control nature's mana to block my movements and skills.

Euroa approaches me as she stops in midair.

“Surrender and I will spare your life. ”

“I'm sorry, surrender is the way to die. ”

I spit out a formal word and grabbed Jojo's blade.

She tied up most of the mana around her and excluded the majority of my Mind Master abilities, but I still had a sidekick.

Knowing this, Euroa puts a watchful eye on the Jojo.

“Still no sign of Vivial Hill? ”

“It's not a hill, it's a mountain. Of course, it's because I can't use it properly. ”

“But that's it. We're just as careful as we are about that sword. Even if you have the armor of God, you cannot face the seven of us at the same time. ”

I glanced down at the illumination with a smile on my face.

My yojo met me and got quite a boost.

Now that I've become the world's most recognizable sword in the Sacred Hall of Orcs.

I should have done it a long time ago.

“We'll see about that. ”

Euroa narrows her eyes.

“You're going all the way? ”

“Once I start it, it's all about the ending. ”

“Gear's digging my grave. ”

“No. I'm digging your graves. ”

“Sinner beyond redemption. Die!”

Euroa flew towards me in a terrifying fashion.

Soon, the pillars of water that she shot merged into one and struck me with enormous pressure.

As I got closer to the ground, I plunged into the water column and shot a spiral sword, piercing its water pressure and hurtling towards Euroa.

However, with a slight gap, the swarm of flying swords swirled in the air and opened the distance again.

“An unclean man who refuses mercy. You will never leave this place alive. ”

“Repent, wicked man, before the mercy of heaven! ”

A scolding valkyrie bursts out from everywhere.

Then I was impressed.

I also get annoyed by the nagging of lovers at home, but I also hear it here when life and death come to me.

We'll make it through a full-blown attack, but his nagging isn't much help.

“Shut up! You'll fight like hell! ”

A Valkyrie follows me very quickly, spreading its wings of light behind its armor.

I tried to block my approach as I flew the helix sword, but she narrowed my distance sharply as she turned the storm around with a swift swallow spur.

Valkyries in combat mode are faster than anyone else.

It is several times faster than the Mind Master's aerial movements and shows the speed of the ship than the nostril knights.

I had to stop her multiple sharp sparks from allowing her access.

The end of Euroa's spear burrowing towards my back.

I quickly dodged a reverse turn, but I was unable to stop the blade from grabbing on some of my waist.

But even Euroa was not harmed.

In the heat of my back, I blew away a piece of adrenaline from the chasm.


A succession of other Valkyries swung their swords.

Fragments of the blowing aura leave behind glass wounds with a violent collision, but I don't mind fighting with them.

At that moment, Mana's energy flashes in the shape of a grappling hook.

It was a Valkyrie technique with green hair, and it stretched out through complex curves and caught up with the illumination.

She grins as she grabs the Mana hook.

“It's over!”

“What's over! ”

I take a big step back while placing the yojo.

Soon after, a huge explosion erupts, blowing away the green-haired valkyrie with Mana's hook.

It was a fierce heavenly sword I learned from Old Cloud.

I left it with a rainbow, but I ended up using it.

The Euroan rush flies over and raises a valkyrie with confused green hair.

“What the hell was that? Is that the power of your sword, too? ”

I shook my head.

“No, it's the Mind Master's technology. ”

“It can't be. We are stopping the power of your Mana. ”

I called Jojo to help me catch the scabbard again.

“Not all of us. I only stopped your level of power. ”


“Didn't you know? It seems silly to be pushed, but I have a much higher water supply than you. You are the minds masters created. Whereas I am almost at the extreme mind master. It's never the same. Isn't that right?”

“Nonsense! How can man be stronger than we, who are heavenly beings? ”

I looked around the Valkyrie and said,

“You're in a bit of a pickle, but now seven can't help me, can they? Then you should know. You don't have to explain everything to me. ”


“And · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

“And what? ”

I smiled gladly at the scent of a group of light rising in succession nearby.

“Some are stronger. Right here, right here. ”

Soon after that, we launched cannons from about a dozen carriers that appeared behind the Chronos buoy.

Chronos' buoyancy, surrounded by sudden flashes and shells, attempts to resist, but it is meaningless.

Several buoyancies were plummeting towards the ground, losing their buoyancy as it was pierced.

Euroa opens her eyes in shock.

“W., can't be a copy of India · · · · ·? ”


I shivered, alternately looking at myself and their dependence, which was sunk in a fierce attack by Euroa.

“Are you really holding hands with Savannah? ”

“Don't you see? ”

“Are you crazy? She's a mad Valkyrie about to destroy the world! ”

“No. The only Valkyrie trying to save humanity. ”

“Humans! Do you believe that madness?" ”

“Uh, trust me. ”

“Don't be fooled. You're being deceived by her scheme. ”



“There's a lot going on, and I've seen it with my own eyes. There's not much truth to be sure about. You're the ones who are destroying our kind, and the Savior is over there. ”

An Euroa with furious eyes, full of spears.

However, behind the gentle wind that bends around her, she lays her spear sack and breaks free.

The other Valkyries opened their eyes to wonder what had happened to them, but soon after, they collapsed, just like Euroa.

I looked at the gray-haired woman who tied up the confused valkyries with an unknown energy.

It was a copy of the book.

They're looking back at me, but I'm sure.

If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have been able to beat the Valkyrie Seven so quickly.

I told her in a nice tone.

“You're not going to kill me? ”

Savondia speaks calmly.

“Bondi are good kids. ”

“He's also a sinner who will kill many people in war. ”

Savannah looked at me.

“I'm going to persuade them to help me. ”

“Huh. Is that even possible? ”

“If they find out they've been deceived, they'll cooperate. ”

“The age of destruction must come to pass. Kronos will make it to the end. ”

“It doesn't matter. One of the seven is enough to move your mind. No, is it the fever? ”

Suddenly, Savondia disappears, then reappears, bringing three more with her.

Of course I'm confused.

I whistled in awe.

It seems that the difference between a soul master and a mind master is greater than the difference between a sword master and a mind master.

Handling time freely, there is no way to deal with it.

“I'm done for once. ”

“What are you going to do if you take one? ”

“Public relations. ”

Savondia opened her eyes to see if she had any idea of my intentions.

“These are my brothers and sisters. ”

“Those who tried to kill you at the same time. ”

“I didn't know. ”

“But in some ways ignorance is a sin. Sins you didn't try to know. Sin blindfolded from the truth. You know?”

Sarvondia frowns and turns her pack.

“There's no time. We need to get out of here before Nemisona gets here. ”

“The excuse is: ”

“Anyway, there are enough of these battlefields for public relations. Goodbye.”

After the disappearance of Savondia, I gaze back at the blazing earth.

The wreckage of an aggressive floating battleship and the bodies of scattered Elven agents.

Of course, as Savondia said, we can instill enough hope that Humans can defeat Chronos, but the herbs aren't quite as effective as the Valkyries.

Why? Valkyrie symbolizes the sky.

"Savannah's a poor woman, too. Sometimes, you ignore Celia because of your affection. I like that. ’

But the war is not over yet.

There are still about 20 boosters left, led by Nemisona.

< Savannah's weakness. > End

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