The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 927 Why don’t you eat?

In addition to CAR-T cells and chemotherapy, there is a new method for treating diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Switzerland's Roche Pharmaceuticals' gaffetuzumab. The entire treatment cost of this drug is about half of that of CAR-T cell therapy, which is almost the same. 600,000 to 1 million, and the treatment effect is also very good.

It can be seen that the pharmaceutical industry is still dominated by Europe and the United States. It is difficult to break through the technical barriers established by these pharmaceutical giants for hundreds of years. In fact, their biggest technical barrier is their R\u0026D database. These databases store the data of all scientific research experiments over the past century. These A small part of the data comes from successful experiments, but most of it comes from failed experiments. The data from failed experiments is the company’s real top secret and has greater long-term value than successful experiments.


Because these data are the routes that the pharmaceutical giants have clearly failed to follow after trial and error, these are the most precious. With this data, they will not take the same wrong route again.

Later, other companies lacked a large amount of trial and error data, and the experimental routes formulated after painstaking efforts were often routes that had been proven wrong. However, these companies often did not know that they had invested money, manpower, and time in vain, and waited until ten years later to find the solution. Discovering that you are wrong is tantamount to taking the wrong path of a large company all over again.

In this way, latecomers will never be able to catch up with these pharmaceutical giants. Therefore, in the pharmaceutical industry, the vast majority of companies are very stable and have always firmly grasped the top of the industry.

Unless a company suddenly breaks out under the support of a new theory, this possibility is extremely unlikely.

And even if such companies exist, most of them are controlled and invested by pharmaceutical giants. Because they know what is right and what is wrong better than anyone else, they cast their net everywhere with their abundant funds.

Yang Ping's new method is very simple and takes only one week. Qualified T lymphocytes are packed in sterile bottles and sent to the ward of Sanbo Hospital.

These T lymphocytes, which perform the task of destroying tumor cells, are injected into Li Ruizhong's body through infusion. For safety reasons, various rescue facilities are placed in Li Ruizhong's ward, and Yang Ping and doctors are waiting in the ward in person.

Although this technology is Yang Ping's reserve technology, it is the first time it has been used on patients in reality. People's lives are at stake, so care must be taken.

After all the modified T lymphocytes were injected into Li Ruizhong's body, Li Ruizhong believed in Professor Zhang and was not nervous at all, so he treated it as a bottle of normal saline and chatted with the doctor during the infusion.

After transfusing a whole bottle of T lymphocytes, Li Ruizhong didn't have any adverse reactions, and it was just like usual transfusions.

It’s hard for Li Ruizhong to imagine how many years it would take him to weld for just such a bottle of stuff, which costs 1.2 million yuan on the market. Even if he earns 10,000 yuan a month, he would have to work overtime for ten years without eating or drinking. You can drink this bottle of stuff day and night without eating or drinking. This is the value of knowledge.

I remember that I didn't pay attention to my studies and didn't care about my academic performance at all. Now I think about how ignorant I am. If I were given a chance again, I would definitely study hard.

''We've all lost, right?

When the nurse was about to remove the tube, Li Ruizhong stared into the bottle, as if there was still a little bit of infusion left.

Already lost!

said the nurse.

Li Ruizhong looked at the bottle and then at the tube. It was true that after losing it, this thing was worth 1.2 million. If you keep a little bit, it might be worth tens of millions. You must not waste it.

What did you do with the bottle?

Recyclable medical waste.

Can you leave this bottle for me? Li Ruizhong asked the nurse for a bottle containing T lymphocytes.

The nurse asked confusedly: What do you want the bottle for? We need to handle it specially and can't give it to you.

If you don't give me the bottle, I'll pour some water in to wash the bottle. Can you leave the water for washing the bottle to my head office?

Li Ruizhong begged, thinking that there must be some residual medicine in it, so rinse it with water. There must be medicine in the water in the rinse bottle, so he should keep it and drink it so as not to waste it.

You want to clean the bottle with water?

The nurse didn't know what he meant.

Li Ruizhong said honestly: It's a pity that the 1.2 million bottles are wasted. Rinse the bottles again and keep the water from the rinsing bottles for me to drink.

The nurse almost laughed out loud: It's useless if you drink it. Don't worry, it's all been put into your body.

The nurse put away the bottle and left, leaving Li Ruizhong with a pity look.

Seeing that Li Ruizhong didn't react at all, everyone felt relieved. Other doctors were unsure, but Yang Ping was confident. In the system laboratory, this technology has been verified by a large number of experimental subjects.

Although the rules of the system indicate that the experimental subjects are no different from real human bodies, Yang Ping is still very careful, and in reality the procedures must be followed.

The next step is to check whether the tumor cells in Li Ruizhong's body are reduced every day. Li Ruizhong is not only treating the disease, but also the first experimental volunteer.

For safety reasons, Li Ruizhong will continue to be hospitalized, so that if special situations arise during the process of T lymphocytes amplifying and killing tumor cells in the body, he can deal with them at any time. If he is at home, there is nothing he can do if an accident occurs. Timely discovery, let alone timely processing.

As long as he can be cured, he will stay in the hospital. Li Ruizhong is very cooperative with the doctor. Now that things are like this, he still cares about the money from work. People are more important than money. Li Ruizhong understands this truth, not to mention that there is a small shop at home, and his daily income can Maintain basic life.

If it weren't for Professor Zhang's brainwashing, Li Ruizhong's mind would be blank now, his mood would be extremely low, and he would feel that his life is gray.

After being brainwashed, Li Ruizhong now feels that his life is bright. He still wants to enroll in an on-the-job college and learn the most cutting-edge electric welding technology. If given the chance, he will weld big ships.

The factory director brought people to see Li Ruizhong and also sent him 30,000 yuan, which was a donation raised by the factory employees. It was a sign of everyone's support.

While the child was studying at school, Li Ruizhong's wife also ran over to see him and take care of him. Seeing Li Ruizhong's relaxed look, his wife was relieved. She had a store to look after at home and couldn't always close it. Closing the door meant losing her income. So there is no way, my wife can't come over all the time, she only comes over every one or two days.

Once people have beliefs, ideals, and goals, things are different. After several exchanges with Professor Zhang and being brainwashed by Professor Zhang, Li Ruizhong seems to be a different person. He keeps searching for information about electric welding on Taobao. Books, because I went to junior high school and have a little foundation in Chinese, mathematics, physics and chemistry in junior high school. Although it is difficult to read the book, I can still barely understand it.

Welding Process, Mechanical Drawing, Metal Process Heat Treatment, and Electrical Technology, Li Ruizhong bought four books in one go and had them delivered by courier to the downstairs of the hospital ward. He started reading in the ward, and every day during his hospitalization Life is very fulfilling.

He sometimes goes to the outpatient clinic on the first floor for a walk. When he is free, he will sneak into the clinic to chat with Professor Zhang. Professor Zhang is also very enthusiastic and never thinks he is in the way. He will always chat with him for a while.

Jiang Li saved her life from the brink of death and recovered very well. She can already get out of bed and walk around the hospital and is ready to be discharged.

This little girl is very considerate and grateful. She bought a large bouquet of flowers for the doctors and nurses, wrote a greeting card by herself, and hid a lot of gel pens inside the flowers. The little girl understands doctors and nurses. Yes, the doctors and nurses at the Institute of Surgery discovered that there were pens in the flowers and immediately started snatching them.

I have seen people sending flowers, fruit baskets and banners, but I have never seen people sending dozens of pens hidden in the flowers. This is how doctors and nurses understand what they think.

Hermès Wang Changxin's business in Africa is getting bigger and bigger. He often calls Yang Ping and asks Yang Ping where to put the full moon wine. His golden crib is ready.

This guy really gave me a gold crib. Rich people are rich people, but can this thing be used?

At the same time, Hermes was still asking about Sisi's condition. During his hospitalization, Sisi was his patient. Hermes felt that this child was particularly strong and gave Hermes a lot of spiritual encouragement during the low period of his life, so he always recognized Sisi. The idea of ​​a goddaughter.

Hearing about Sisi's tumor review, Hermes was very sad. He decided to come back with his wife to see the little guy. Hermes' wife also liked the little girl very much.


in the Systems Space Laboratory.

K therapy for tumors is ongoing, and the original K factor can only work in an in vitro laboratory environment and cannot work in the body.

Yang Ping has modified K factor countless times, and finally made the new K factor adapt to the human body environment and play a role in the human body. Now the modified K factor is still a dimer with two special protein molecules at both ends. , after this dimer enters the human body, it will bind to the marker protein binding point on the tumor cells. Of the two binding points, one shields the anti-apoptotic ability of the tumor cells, that is, it restrains the tumor cells' resistance ability, and the other binding point activates Apoptotic program of tumor cells.

According to the normal operating mechanism of the human body, once abnormal cells such as tumor cells are discovered by the body's surveillance system, the normal result is to initiate the apoptosis process and execute it as a death penalty. However, tumors have anti-reconnaissance capabilities and can Escape this kind of surveillance, and then openly divide and conquer cities and territories.

K factor in current K therapy can disable the anti-reconnaissance mechanism of tumor cells and initiate their apoptosis program.

If the experiment is successful, Yang Ping will then conduct clinical experiments using experimental subjects in the system laboratory.

Of course, being Yang Ping will also transform the results of the system laboratory into the real laboratory, so that the real laboratory cannot lag behind the system laboratory too much, so as to improve the conversion efficiency of his own scientific research results.

Yang Ping will not always intervene in real-life experiments. He will let Tang Shun and his team explore for a while, and then after a certain amount of trial and error and encounter difficulties, he will intervene in a timely manner. This will appear more reasonable and not too abrupt.

Because the cell material in the real laboratory comes from Sisi, in order to make the experiment progress faster, various cells from Sisi's body are often extracted. Sisi cannot go to school now and can only live in the ward.

Fortunately, Sisi has already completed her primary school courses and started studying middle school courses on her own. For her, being hospitalized will not delay her courses.

This little girl has self-discipline that belies her age. She lived a very regular life while she was hospitalized. She went to bed on time at ten o'clock in the evening, got up at seven o'clock in the morning, washed up, ran in the hospital's sports ground, had breakfast, and went to the classroom to study after breakfast. , she reads books and studies by herself, and when she has questions that she doesn’t understand, she takes the textbook and asks the doctors in the department. This kind of life does not feel boring to her at all.

A corner of the classroom has become Sisi’s learning garden. The brothers and sisters in the department particularly like this little girl, and they will help find various learning materials for her.

The doctors at the Institute of Surgery are all top academics and can be Sisi's free tutors. Sometimes the whiteboard in the classroom comes in handy. Whichever doctor is free, he will use the whiteboard in the classroom to tutor Sisi.

Li Guodong returned from Guandu Hospital after finishing his support. The old director of Guandu Hospital no longer suffered from back pain and was now full of energy and vitality.

The old dean called Li Min and asked him to study at Sanbo Hospital for at least one year, so that he could study with peace of mind and not worry about work in the unit. The old dean said not to mention just one year, and he would have no problem working in front-line clinical work for another ten years. .

According to Li Guodong's feedback, the old dean is now very cautious whenever he encounters patients with lumbar disc herniation. He will definitely advise the patients to go to the county for lumbar MRI if they have recurring long-term low back pain. Without exception, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If a snake bites you, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.

The old dean is in good health, and Li Min is relieved. Otherwise, he would always be thinking about work at home. Li Min has also fully entered into the state of further study here, and is proceeding in full accordance with the route arranged by Yang Ping, in an orderly manner, step by step. forward.

Little girl Sisi was eating, and Zhang Lin was full. He was teasing Sisi: Sisi, don't you want to be a doctor? How about I give you a test?

Well, whatever you want to take the test! Sisi took the rice into her mouth without raising her head.

Zhang Lin smiled strangely, took out his mobile phone, and showed Sisi those disgusting pictures of Jiang Li's liver hydatid surgery to make Sisi sick.

Sisi, go through these pictures one by one. If you can still eat without any fuss, it means you are suitable to be a doctor. Zhang Lin laid his hand flat on the dining table and pushed it in front of Sisi.

Sisi was very curious. She lowered her head and looked at these photos, slowly appreciating them one by one. After reading dozens of photos, Sisi continued to put rice into her mouth, her expression unchanged, her heart not beating, and she ate with gusto.

Any more? I've finished reading. Sisi asked.

Why didn't he react? Zhang Lin himself felt that he had a bad appetite. Why didn't this little guy react? Xiao Wu on the side was also curious.


Xiao Wu called up a video of the surgery on his mobile phone. In his field of vision, he saw white intestines, a scalp-numbing liver eroded by hydatid, and sticky liver cyst fluid flowing everywhere.

Sisi lowered her head and stared at the video, still chewing the food in her mouth.

After the video was played, Sisi said, Is there more?


Zhang Lin and Xiao Wu said at the same time that they were not so disgusted by Sisi at this time that the brothers could not hold up chopsticks themselves.

Sisi picked up the food as if nothing had happened and said, Why don't you eat?

Oh, we are full, we are full, you eat slowly!

Zhang Lin Xiaowu put away the unfinished lunch box and walked away dejectedly.

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