The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 633 Case Discussion Full of Gunpowder

Case discussions are held in the meeting room of the Organ Transplant Center of Sanbo Hospital.

When Yang Ping arrived, the conference room was full of people, and Yang Ping found a chair in an inconspicuous corner to sit down.

He glanced at the participants in the conference room, many of whom he did not recognize.

These unfamiliar experts must be experts from the Outer Academy, and Yang Ping knows most of the director-level experts of the Sanbo who can participate in this kind of meeting.

When the medical office called to inform, they also said that there were experts from other hospitals participating in the meeting, but they did not expect to invite so many. It is estimated that some surface warrior is working hard. It is Qin Xiaowei's sponsor. Now that Qin Xiaowei has an accident, he must be active. If you are a little negative, you will be scolded by netizens.

To carry out organ transplants, one must obtain the qualifications granted by the Ministry of Health. The highest qualifications for organ transplants in Nandu Province are Nandu Fuyi, Fuji and Provincial People's Hospital. In addition to the qualifications for kidney, liver, pancreas and small intestine transplants, they also have the qualifications for heart and lung transplantation. Qualifications for transplantation.

Sanbo Hospital currently has qualifications for kidney, liver, pancreas and small intestine transplants.

Qin Xiaowei and Li Jun's operations are liver transplantation and kidney transplantation, which are within the scope of Sanbo Hospital's qualifications, and they are willing to operate at Sanbo Hospital. As for making it so grand, more than a dozen experts from the outer courtyard gathered together.

Director Zhao from the medical department had to participate in such a large-scale case discussion. In addition to presiding over the meeting, he also had to coordinate in various aspects.

Now Qin Xiaowei is a celebrity. Since his success in rock climbing, not only has the number of fans soared, but he has also dominated the hot search list for a long time.

The stock of the outdoor sports brand Surface Warrior directly doubled, and it is still rising. The hospital naturally pays attention to this kind of patient who is widely concerned by the society.

It's not that I don't pay attention to other patients, but that I don't treat other patients so solemnly.

Whether grandness is a good thing or a bad thing should be viewed in half.

If the technical strength of the attending hospital is insufficient, the patient cannot be transported, and the treatment encounters difficulties, then the out-of-hospital consultation is a timely help to make up for the deficiency of the attending hospital, which is a good thing.

Conversely, the attending hospital has sufficient technical strength and the treatment is very smooth. At this time, too many consultations with experts from other hospitals will only add to the chaos.

So sometimes, this emphasis is not a good thing, but a bad thing.

For example, once a rich man was admitted to the ICU of Nandu Fuyi, and after careful treatment, he was successfully transferred out of the ICU. The family members felt that since they were a rich man at the top of the ranking list, he could not see a doctor like ordinary people, which seemed unqualified, so they invited 30 Many domestic and foreign experts conducted multiple rounds of consultations.

As a result, everyone had different opinions, and no one dared to take responsibility to make the decision. The family members were also confused. They listened to this expert sometimes, sometimes to that expert, and finally listened to the opinions of American experts. They went to the United States for surgery. Unfortunately, Stay on the operating table after surgery.

Sometimes, one expert is enough to treat a disease, but there are too many experts, and it is easy to make mistakes.

Just like in a war, one commander is enough. A dozen commanders, one said to attack, one said to defend, and one said to retreat. They just put on an offensive posture, but they received an order to retreat. When they retreated halfway, they immediately issued a new order to say attack. I can only be exhausted, so why fight.

Yang Ping has seen this kind of thing a lot.

Sometimes family members have to invite many experts, and the hospital can't help them.

In the identity of Qin Xiaowei Company, the surface warriors invited more than 20 experts, including those from the Imperial Capital, the Demon Capital, the Southern Metropolis Attached One, and Huaxi. Well-known experts in this field have been invited almost all times. To reflect the importance he attaches to Qin Xiaowei.

The chairman of the surface warriors was still crying in front of the media, and he almost knelt down with his legs limp.

The oval conference table in the conference room is full of experts, and many people are sitting on the periphery of the conference table. Yang Ping is sitting on the periphery now.

Director Zhao of the medical office was already in place. He looked at the mobile phone on the conference table from time to time. The time had not come yet, so he had to wait.

Surface warriors have invited more than 20 experts, and there are still more than a dozen who have not come. The next batch has arrived, and now only a dozen or so have arrived. A director next to him said softly to Yang Ping.

Yang Ping saw that it was Director Zha of the Department of Nephrology.

Yang Ping nodded, thanking Director Cha for the information.

Director Cha, don't you sit forward? Yang Ping absolutely said that nephrology is also the main department.

Director Zha shook his head: Now the organ transplant center plays the leading role. We are just a foil. Lao Liu and Lao Li are very active. They want to get a two-way transplant. Things that can be solved in the hospital are now so complicated.

Director Lu of the Department of Urology was also right next to him: Surface Warrior and the video platform are the driving forces behind it. Because of this incident, the stocks of the two companies have skyrocketed. At such a critical juncture, they certainly don't want Qin Xiaowei to have an accident. How long can they last? It’s only going to last for as long, so we spend money to invite so many experts.”

After kidney transplantation was separated from the Department of Urology, the patients for this kind of kidney transplantation have nothing to do with the Department of Urology. For Director Lu, he also came to join in the fun. Professional is also very familiar.

That's Professor Wang from the Organ Transplant Center of Imperial Medical University. He's crazy. He's the only one who speaks in every meeting. He doesn't know how to respect people. Director Lu is very familiar with Professor Wang.

Yang Ping glanced over and sat at the position with the best view of the projection screen. This position is the C position for case discussion.

This man is slightly fat, straight, with a big mouth, glasses, and not much hair.

It was time for the meeting. Director Zhao started the case discussion in his baritone voice. After some skillful opening remarks, the doctor in charge reported the medical records.

The medical records of Qin Xiaowei and Li Jun were projected on the screen, and everyone was engrossed in the screen listening to the medical report.

After the report of the medical records, Director Liu and Director Li briefly explained the next treatment plan of their team and the difficulties they encountered, and hoped that all experts can help.

Everyone stared at the screen, digested the medical records they saw and heard, and asked questions about details that were not clear.

After a short period of deliberation, everyone began to prepare to speak.

Case discussion is also a time to show the level of doctors. Although surgeons can use the knife as much as possible without talking, but this kind of case discussion that gathers experts from all over the country obviously needs to use their mouths to show their own level.

Maybe the condition is really complicated, or maybe Professor Wang is present, and everyone is afraid of being bullied, so no one speaks for a long time, and everyone is in a wait-and-see state.

This operation is definitely not possible. The risk is too high. Both of them are currently in poor condition. One has just stabilized and was transferred from the ICU. He was on ECMO for so long before, and his cardiopulmonary function is not very good now. The other is just out of danger. , Triggering multiple organ failure at any time, if such a major operation is performed, they will not be able to survive any complications, surgery is not a gamble, whoever performs this operation is purely annoyed, anyway, if it were me, I would definitely not do it.” From the imperial capital Professor Wang is domineering. Seeing that everyone is silent, he speaks first, cuts straight to the point, and expresses his point of view.

And the point of view is very clear, this kind of operation can be avoided as much as possible, which is a thankless task.

Professor Wang likes this feeling, he talks endlessly, and the people next to him agree, and then wave the flag and shout.

However, Professor Pei, who was present in the magic city, did not buy his account. Professor Pei is Professor Wang's opponent. They both carry out liver transplantation and kidney transplantation, and they are all authorities in this field. Relatively speaking, Professor Wang has a higher academic status and belongs to a Brother, Professor Pei is the challenger, at the level of the second brother. The relationship between the two is similar to the relationship between Britain and Germany on the eve of World War II.

As long as they are required to participate in the usual academic meeting, it will definitely become a rivalry between the two.

Get angry, it's not so serious, doctors don't take risks, what kind of doctor is there, which operation is not risky? Surgery is dancing on the tip of a knife, seeking benefits in risks, neither doing this nor that, what about the patient? How can there be so many stable surgeries? It’s rare that risky patients are waiting to die?” Professor Pei from Modu did his part, and his words were harsh.

The case discussion started with the smell of gunpowder from Professor Modu, the imperial capital.

In fact, the academic circle is also divided into factions, and no one who engages in technology is convinced. It is common for everyone to fight with each other at academic conferences. Sometimes there will be a rhythm of rolling up their sleeves and fighting on stage, which is very interesting.

The two factions have always fought openly and secretly, and there are many incidents of fighting in academic meetings, so naturally they will not show weakness to each other on such occasions, and they will see each other with bayonets when they meet.

The operation was done beautifully, and the patient disappeared. Are some doctors doing less?

Professor Wang from the imperial capital sneered, obviously pointing something.

Professor Pei from Modu did not show any weakness: It sounds like someone has a 100% success rate of organ transplantation. I have never seen someone who often walks by the river without getting his shoes wet.

If you don't understand the indications for surgery, go back and read the book carefully. Surgeons don't strictly grasp the indications for surgery. Surgery for the sake of surgery is no different from a butcher. These two patients, who are undergoing such a major operation at this time, are basically close to death. Take it easy, treat conservatively first, and you can last for a while. Professor Wang really had a violent temper, and even used the word butcher.

Professor Pei looked indifferent: Indications have absolute indications and relative indications. It is better to have no books than to believe in books. If you follow the books, why do you need so many doctors to discuss? Anyway, follow this book for treatment. That’s fine, in my opinion, a doctor who hides when encountering difficulties and risks is a coward, and all doctors are cowards like this, so let’s just close the hospital.”

Seeing that the fire is getting hotter and hotter, Professor Yao from Nandu First Attached is worried that the situation will get out of control. As the leader of the medical community in Nandu Province, this is his own territory and he has the responsibility to maintain order.

So Professor Yao immediately put out the fire:

These two patients are really contradictory. Do it. The risk is very high. Don't do it. I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future. You see, the effect of Qin Xiaowei's artificial liver has not been good. If he doesn't perform the transplant, it may cause a chain reaction in the future. Organ failure led to kidney failure. Not only did he lose his life, but he also couldn’t donate a kidney to Li Jun. If Li Jun’s fistula cannot be saved this time, how can he do dialysis if there is no place to make it next time? Don’t do it, do it. And the risk is very high, so I invited all the big experts to come to consult and discuss to see if we can find a way to get the best of both worlds. The more favorable thing is that these two patients are willing to take the risk of surgery, and their financial conditions are also very good, so they can bear it to a certain extent. force.

Professor Yao has been to Sanbo Hospital several times to discuss the illnesses of Tan Xiaowei and Li Jun with directors Li and Liu. He has a good personal relationship with Sanbo Hospital.

The academic circle of Nandu Medical University has always been self-contained, and it also feels that it is no worse than the imperial capital, so it is considered a corner of the national academic triangle.

If you count the West, that's one side of the Academic Quadrangle.

Now the two professors in the capital of the imperial capital are firing on their own territory, completely ignoring what is said in the field of organ transplantation in Nandu Province.

So Professor Yao must come forward, both as a mediation and as a warning, here in my territory, don't be so tempered, and give me some face.

Professor Yao from the First Attached to the Southern Metropolis eased the atmosphere, while the professors from the Imperial Capital Demon City stared at each other, and then managed to suppress their anger.

A cultural person is a cultural person after all, and he can still control his emotions.

In fact, quarreling at the academic meeting is not a bad thing, but a good thing, which shows that everyone can speak freely. When Yang Ping was in the Municipal People's Hospital, the case discussions were very quiet.

As long as Director Wu speaks, everyone will either be silent or praise wildly.

Yang Ping clearly remembers a case discussion. A 50-year-old male patient had a left femoral neck fracture, which was still incomplete and without any displacement. The conventional treatment was three hollow nails to solve the problem. At that time, everyone thought this way.

However, Director Wu wants to perform total hip replacement for the patient, and he also needs to use the latest ceramic artificial joints. The cost of the artificial joints alone is more than 100,000.

As soon as Director Wu opened his mouth, Director Fu was the first to agree: Director Wu's opinion gave us a sudden insight. We have yet to learn more, and we don't have the heart to serve patients wholeheartedly, so our thinking is limited to a few nails.

At that time, a doctor retorted: Such a young patient, who is classified as type I by GARDEN, absolutely cannot be replaced with artificial joints. Internal fixation of fractures should be performed first. If it fails, then joint replacement is considered. The failure rate is very low, and the success rate is close to 100%. Even without surgery, conservative treatment, the success rate is still very high.

In the end, this doctor was brutally eliminated because he did not meet the requirements of the post. Slowly, the atmosphere of the case discussion was very friendly. After Director Wu spoke, he was silent except for agreement.

So seeing today's case discussions like this is full of gunpowder, it shows that no matter what, this is a real expert, and this is a real discussion.

Each person expresses his or her own opinion and speaks freely. Discussion is about arguing. The two professors, what other opinions do you have? You can express your own opinions directly. Dean Zhao encouraged the two professors to argue, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

It's not yet decided whether the winner or loser, how to do it in half a catty, it still needs to be debated.

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