The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 418 Rejecting the President's Invitation

Everyone cheered, carrying Yang Ping, constantly tossing and catching.

This terrified Cheng Liquan and Huang Jiacai. If they didn't catch it, it would be troublesome if they fell to the ground.

Fortunately, these Americans are well versed in this way. When they are studying, they either play football or basketball. The worst thing is to play football and volleyball. It is a common thing to do this kind of ritual during the game.

The conservative Massimo has always been arrogant and arrogant. Everything is exclusive to the United States, and he looks down on other countries.

At this time, he was convinced, but he always had doubts about Johanneson's words, and always wanted to find an opportunity to ask Yang Ping how many cases of such craniocerebral interventional operations he had performed. It is impossible for an interprofessional doctor to have such a technique, which must have been born out of genius, diligence, and a large number of cases.

Massimo also joined the excited crowd. Everyone was almost crazy, just like the fans who went crazy after winning the Super Bowl in football.

After throwing it several times in the hall, they obviously did not want to let Yang Ping go. Everyone carried Yang Ping on their heads, and the celebration was to be transferred from the ground control center hall to the outside.

It was raining heavily outside, and these professors completely forgot that they were no longer the students of the year.

In the face of the rainstorm, the team just hesitated for a while, and someone shouted: Circle around the space city, go ahead.

One word stirred up a thousand waves, and the hidden youth's heart was completely aroused.

Regardless of whether Yang Ping was willing or not, the celebrating crowd carried Yang Ping into the rainstorm, sang songs, and started a joyous parade in the space city regardless of the rainstorm.

Police, security, engineers, and other staff members all joined the parade.

The joyous parade circled around the space city before returning contentedly to the ground control center.

At this time, everyone's clothes were all wet, and the rain was flowing, some people laughed, and some people shouted at the rainstorm.

After some tossing, Jim Bassa quickly told the secretary to find a way to help Yang Ping and everyone change their dry clothes.

The press conference will be held immediately, and the reporters who have been waiting all night can't wait.

But Yang Ping refused to participate in the press conference. He felt that it was a waste of time. Instead of wasting words with those chatty reporters, it was better to rest and return to China early.

Jim Bassa had to give up and took his secretary to deal with reporters.

The good news was reported to the White House, and the White House responded. Mr. President warmly invited Dr. Yang to have lunch or dinner at the White House, hoping to make an appointment with Dr. Yang.

If it weren't for saving people, Yang Ping would not be willing to return. He was in a hurry to go back. The time to return to China had been unexpectedly delayed, and he was unwilling to stay for another moment, especially if it wasn't serious business.

Yang Ping asked Boss Cheng to quickly book a plane ticket and the fastest flight, and he was in a hurry to go back.

Going to the White House to have lunch or dinner with the President is an honor that most people dream of. Lao Cheng is eager to move. What a great opportunity, it doesn't matter if you go back a day later. Unexpectedly, Yang Ping refused, which made Boss Cheng feel a pity.

A lot of rich people spend millions of dollars to invite the President of the United States to dinner in order to support their appearance, but they still leave office.

Originally, the President of the United States did not have any special way to make money after he left office. The traditional way to make money is to give speeches and write books, both of which are hard money.

Now that the world economy is developing, some rich people from developing countries, in order to maintain their appearance, find intermediaries to spend a lot of money to invite the outgoing president of the United States as a guest on special days such as birthdays.

This is a good thing for everyone to take what they need. The rich have a special face. You see, the former presidents of the United States are all my buddies. We all eat and drink at the same table and brag. In fact, it was brought by an intermediary for money, and no one knew anyone.

These ex-presidents were also happy. They took their wives everywhere. Nima had a meal, sat around the table, and offered it like an uncle. Millions of dollars or even tens of millions of dollars were obtained, and they had a meal a year. Income of hundreds of millions is not a problem. This kind of money does not need to consume mental and physical strength, just pay a little attention to the three highs.

But Yang Ping was not at all interested in eating with the president, but Huang Jiacai thought it was nothing. Boss Cheng shouted a pity, but he couldn't persuade Yang Ping.

Jim Bassa was very surprised to see Yang Ping rejecting the president's invitation. Thinking about it carefully, it is understandable. A person like Dr. Yang, who is devoted to medical skills, would probably agree to ask him to see a doctor for the president. He is really not interested in things like eating.

Jim Bassa echoed: I also don't like eating with the president. He has weird tastes, steaks are well cooked, salads have a lot of cheese and minced bacon, broths are extra-large bowls, and each meal has a lot of dessert and ice cream. , and he likes to drink a lot of carbonated drinks and burps with carbonation when he eats.

Jim Bassa added: You go, he will take care of your taste, but the chefs in the White House can't satisfy you no matter how they take care of them, you are right not to go.

Dr. Yang, you don't need to book air tickets. United Airlines will arrange a special plane to take you back. You just need to say the departure time and we will arrange it.

Then please help us arrange a plane as soon as possible. I still have a lot of things to deal with when I go back. Because of Steven's surgery, I have already delayed a lot of time, and I can't delay any more time. Yang Ping expressed his eager desire to return to China.

Jim Bassa immediately ordered the secretary to arrange a special flight, thinking of the labor fee: Dr. Yang, we will pay for the operation labor fee in full, how much do you think?

At that time, the situation was urgent, and Yang Ping did not talk about labor costs. Now that the problem has been solved, it is time to talk about money.

In the American way of thinking, they are straightforward, and they don’t have so many human relationships. If you don’t want money, they won’t feel that they owe you any favors. Instead, they think your technology is worthless.

If you receive money, they won’t think about you just because you received it, they will think it should be, and technology is valuable.

At this time, Yang Ping did not throw the problem to them, and Huang Jiacai and Boss Cheng were not good at helping them set prices.

Yang Ping just thought about it and said, Let's take a nominal fee. It's calculated according to the cost of launching the rocket. How much is the Falcon 9? You pay me as much as the labor fee.

Sixty million dollars? Jim Bassa cautiously confirmed.

That's 60 million dollars! Yang Ping bought it.

Jim Bassa has no concept of money at all. NASA's annual funding is more than 20 billion US dollars, and Steven's rescue fee is several hundred million US dollars. The fee is really a nominal fee.

This kind of thing doesn't happen often, but to establish a good relationship, in case there is a need to trouble others next time.

If it weren't for Dr. Yang and Steven's accident on it this time, he, the director, would have to be involved. Many NASA projects would have been postponed due to pressure from public opinion, and funding would naturally be compressed.

Those big aerospace companies don't say that they will tear him apart, and they will tear him apart for the president.

Thor, Boeing, General Dynamics, etc., the big guys behind them are not easy to mess with.

Now that the problem is solved, NASA has gained a wave of confidence from the public. In the future, it will not only reduce the funding, but also greatly increase the funding.

Now those congressmen are beginning to clamor for a serious shortage of NASA funding, which will lead to the Steven incident, calling on the Congressional Appropriations Committee to increase funding for NASA.

Sixty million dollars!

From Dr. Yang's mouth, it was as easy as the price of buying vegetables in the vegetable market. Boss Cheng and Huang Jiacai looked at each other. This guy is imposing.

But the Yankees are also refreshing, Jim Bassa didn't even blink an eye, and the old beauty deserves to live on the money printing machine at home, and has a lot of money.

Old Cheng sighed endlessly. Dr. Yang's operation was as fierce as a tiger, and he got 60 million US dollars. Alas, if he hadn't hugged his thighs earlier, there would be no chance for Old Cheng to follow this person now.

Life, luck comes, and it can't be stopped. Lao Cheng decided that he will definitely make time to go to that gym to donate a sum of incense money in the future. Taoist priests give guidance on life, which is too accurate.

Please wait for the time to fill in a document. We will transfer the labor fee to your account. Please ask Dr. Yang to rest. We will arrange a special plane to send you back to China as soon as possible. Jim Bassa arranged for Johannesson and Massimo to accompany Yang Ping and send him off Go to the hotel to rest, wait for the special plane to be arranged, and send them to the airport.

There are too many reporters. After the space city was unblocked, all the reporters rushed into the space city and looked for Yang Ping everywhere, but Yang Ping had been secretly sent back to the hotel by Jim Bassa.

The FBI officer called back out of breath, and the rain truck paid the fine. After testing, it was found that the modification violated relevant laws and was ordered to make corrections within a time limit.

The surgery was all done, and it was pouring rain outside, and they wanted to drive away the rain.

It's alright, you can negotiate with them slowly, we have enough patience. Jim Bassa was so angry that he only called when he was done.

The three of Yang Ping rested in the hotel and changed into dry new clothes after showering. The hotel did not know which Chinese restaurant to find a team of Chinese chefs to cook for Yang Ping.

In order not to let reporters disturb Yang Ping, FBI police and Houston police acted as his security.

Yang Ping was not used to it, and he dressed like a big man.

Smart people, including Jim Bassa and Richard, secretly asked Yang Ping for his personal mobile phone number, email address, social account, such a powerful doctor, make a friend, and get insurance for himself, in case he has any health problems one day The problem is, to use a knife, with the backing of Dr. Yang, I feel at ease.

Even several FBI officers had the cheek to ask for Yang Ping's phone number.

Yang Ping was also generous and gave them all the phone numbers.

The rest was almost over. The Chinese food of the hotel chef was ready to be served. Yang Ping was also hungry and was invited to the restaurant on the top floor.

The special plane is also ready, Jim Bassa is holding a press conference over there, and Yang Ping is preparing to return to China.

Johanneson, Massimo and others waited, preparing to take Yang Ping to the airport.

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