The Godfather of Surgery

Chapter 417 Game Over

When all doctors lift the heart to the throat.

Richard gets bad news: Clouds are starting to gather over Houston, and if nothing is done, there will be heavy rain.

The house has been rained all night, and the ship has been hit by the wind again. Bad things always like to go together.

The rain attenuation of torrential rain will have a bad impact on the Ku wave of satellite communication. Dense raindrops will not only absorb the energy of the radio wave, but also scatter the radio wave, which will reduce the quality of satellite communication and even cause collapse.

spaceX's satellites are fully supporting the operation, although the communications headroom should be sufficient for possible rain. However, the ability of rainstorms to destroy satellite communications must not be underestimated.

Richard cheered up and reported the matter to Jim Bassa.

Use artificial rain-repelling techniques! Jim Basa ordered.

Richard conveyed NASA's opinion to the supporting meteorological company, and several rain trucks of the meteorological company set off. They had to drive to a suitable location and launch rain bombs to disperse possible heavy rain.

Three guide wires, one pauses slightly, and two advance side by side, alternately, maintaining this rhythm, and the three guide wires approach the target aneurysm in an orderly manner, little by little.

GG's artificial intelligence medical brain's alertness to aneurysms has been raised to the highest level, and the ambulance's red light is constantly flashing.

Some of the doctors in the hall had already stood up, and some were drinking water constantly. Professor Massimo forcibly held his breath to keep himself calm on the surface.

If the bright red alert light is converted into a sound, it must be a constant tearing and screeching sound, which reminds the doctor that the largest aneurysm is about to burst.

It's raining in Houston!

Richard was dumbfounded when he got the news.

Jim Bassa's heart tightened: What's the matter, don't they claim to have rain-repelling skills?

I'll ask! Richard shook his head, refreshing himself with this movement.

After a few minutes, Richard shook his head: Several rain-driving cars were impounded by the traffic police, and the FBI officers were negotiating with them, but—

But what? Jim Bassa roared, in a pinch, what are these bastards going to do.

They were reluctant to let them go, they said they would enforce the fines and conduct necessary tests on the detained vehicles, and threatened to let the FBI officers get out of the way, otherwise they would be charged with obstructing official duties. They said the FBI had no authority over them. Chad's original report.

Jim Bassa frowned, stretched out a finger, rubbed his temples, and addressed the Houston traffic police as the director of NASA. The answer he got was unexpected: It's useless for the president to come, let alone the director of NASA!

The complicated police system is a headache, the traffic police of these state governments are completely outside the federal government, and they are right that even if the president comes, they can ignore it.

--- Jim Bassa cursed a foul language.

When confronted with these thorn-headed traffic policemen, Jim Bassa was helpless. During the Cuban missile crisis, the camouflaged missile vehicle secretly carrying nuclear bombs in the United States was detained by the traffic police for five hours due to overloading. On the phone, he scolded the general severely.

Jim Bassa walked out of the window, and the heavy rain began to pour down over Houston. With the communication margin of the satellite, the picture was barely able to support.

Dr. Yang, I'm sorry, it has already started to rain heavily in Houston, and communication may be affected. At present, it is only barely supported.

Although this would disturb Yang Ping's surgery, Richard felt that he still had to inform him so that he could be mentally prepared.


Yang Ping just answered briefly. At this time, there is no other way than to speed up the operation. Any panic and hesitation are a waste of time.

Lao Cheng couldn't hold back and wanted to stand up, but Huang Jiacai signaled him not to move around, sit down obediently, and don't walk back and forth.

Yang Ping's hands switched back and forth on the handle, and the movement accelerated.

The guide wire moved slowly and accelerated, and all the doctors in the hall left their seats and moved forward, as if they could see more clearly.

Staff were also infected by doctors, staring at screens and clenching their fists.

God, there must be no communication failure, must not-- This is everyone's wish.

We hold hands so that God can feel our hearts, just like our hands are held tightly, and the communication will remain steady, one woman suggested.

She had already stood up, grabbed the hand of the person next to her, hand in hand, and quickly spread to both sides. Everyone stood up and grabbed the hands of the people beside her.

Soon, people in the entire hall were holding hands, holding hands tightly.

Let's pray together-- the woman appealed to everyone with her eyes closed.

The guide wire is getting faster and faster, maintaining a rhythm of one break and two movements, crossing the most dangerous bifurcation again and again at an alarming speed, approaching the target.

Yang Ping had to speed up in order to complete the operation before the rain fading destroyed the communication. He sat in front of the console, and his glasses displayed the 3D images of virtual reality realistically in front of his eyes, as if he was there.

His hands and ten fingers were wrapped in the control collar, far above 400 kilometers. Under his control, the four mechanical arms moved forward, rotated, and swung, and various subtle movements turned into the direction adjustment of the tip of the guide wire.

The movement of each finger corresponds to the movement of the robotic arm, and the elbow is supported by a soft support. This kind of robotic surgery requires a unique sense of engagement, which will allow the main surgeon to have no space for the surgical target.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, the rain attenuation is getting worse, delays, interruptions or collapses are imminent.

The high tension and constant anxiety made Johanneson's stomach cramp, and the pain in his heart seemed to be twisted, as if the stomach and all the surrounding organs were twisted, and the heart was forced to output powerfully to maintain this large amount of energy. consumption.

Dr. Massimo and Eugene, as well as the doctor in Johanneson's field of vision, their clothes were like being fished out of water, and the last high-speed run was like an escape from the end of the world.

The sky is coming, and everyone is fleeing.

Even if dozens of satellites join the communication support, it will not help. In the face of nature, human technology appears insignificant and pale, and the first screen freezes.

At this point, the bright red light disappeared and turned into a comfortable green light.

Three guide wires are in place, several spring coils are delivered precisely to the target position, release! The most dangerous and important operations are completed.

Johanneson let out a long breath, as if the breath that had been gathering in his chest for years was finally spit out.

The whole person fell into the mud, detached from the left and right hands, slumped on the chair, on the screen, that beautiful whole brain angiogram, a few spring coils were accurately placed in the best position, without the slightest deviation, this is the world The most beautiful picture.

Slowly, a blood clot forms and the shock of the blood flow diminishes until it is eliminated, the balloon begins to shrink, and finally there is nothing.

The embolization was successful, and the embolization of three aneurysms was successful once.

The picture trembled for a while, and then there were irregular delays and freezes, but it would not affect the operation. With memory, Yang Ping began to control the guide wire to retreat.

The guide wire was withdrawn slowly. When it was completely withdrawn, Susan applied gauze compression to the puncture point to stop the bleeding, but she forgot that there were three places to be compressed, and she only had two hands.

At the puncture point of the left radial artery, which was too late to be compressed, the moment the guide wire was pulled out, the spurted blood immediately floated in the air like a string of red agate, then deformed, and finally gathered into a mass like a crystal ruby.

Seeing this scene, David Hawley immediately put on gloves to help press the puncture opening. The crystal ruby ​​split into two and floated in the air.

Game Over!

Yang Ping let go of his hand, pulled his fingers out of the finger cover of the operating handle, and took off the virtual reality glasses.

Boss Cheng and President Huang opened the safe room, and the hall was silent.

what happened?

Yang Ping was puzzled when suddenly a screaming woman's cry broke the silence, the whole hall rioted, and the people holding hands scattered, slumped on the seat.

Game Over? Ambiguity?

“The Operation was successful!”

Yang Ping sat back on the console seat, put on the communication headset, and shouted into the microphone. The sound was transmitted to the space station and resounded throughout the hall.

The wailing people stopped crying, and after a while, the hall exploded immediately, everyone jumped up, and the warm applause was like a tsunami, one wave after another.

Massimo shivered, his hands were stiff, and he applauded mechanically. This operation was simply a work of inhumanity.

Game Over!

This joke is too big. Just now, except for a few doctors in the specialty, who knew that the operation was successful, others thought the operation failed and it was over.

If it weren't for the successful surgery! remedy, Jim Bassa's heart couldn't hold it.

Jim Bassa bowed and stood up, as if he had climbed out of a falling ice cave. He wanted to take everyone to thank the Chinese doctor.

On the surface, he looked calm and calm, but in fact, his heart was overturned, so that when he stood up, he staggered, his eyes were dark, and Richard next to him supported him.

But Richard was no better, holding Jim Bassa with one hand and the back of his chair with the other.

It's okay, let me take it easy. Jim Bassa supported the back of the chair himself.

Orthostatic hypotension caused by high tension, after a few seconds, the blood supply to the head returned to normal, and a clear vision was restored in front of the eyes.

Richard followed behind Jim Bassa, Johanneson, Massimo, and Eugene joined them, and others joined the team one after another. Yang Ping stood at the door of the safe house, Jim Bassa ran up, and tightly Hold Yang Ping.

Then he tried to hold Yang Ping's face and kissed him fiercely, but Yang Ping forcibly pushed him away. The respected Dr. Yang does not have these special bad habits.

Looking at Yang Ping's outstretched hand, Jim Bassa woke up, yes, shake hands!

Jim Bassa twisted his neck and held Yang Ping's hand tightly with both hands.

So grateful, really, so grateful, you saved Steven, you saved us.

It shouldn't be a big problem. At the same time as the embolization, I did the anti-slip embolization treatment before and after. You can use the calculation to simulate the situation of his return to the flight and fall at a high speed to accurately judge whether the spring coil will fall off. If it does not fall off, 4 weeks later. We can return to the voyage smoothly, if there will be a separation, then we have to find a way, if necessary, craniotomy. Yang Ping explained to Johanneson and Massimo.

No matter what, now that the mountain has been removed, we will slowly figure out what to do next.

Champagne! There should be champagne at this time! Jim Bassa yelled.

Johanneson reminds: Dr. Young has no interest in champagne, why don't you have a glass of apple cider vinegar.

But no one heard these conversations, everyone lifted Yang Ping and threw it up.

Boss Cheng and Mr. Huang were on the side, very worried, ready to deal with possible accidents at any time.

Yesterday there were too many surgeries to update, and a chapter from yesterday is now supplemented.

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