140. Governor(2)

It was a fairly large space, but there were only Bush and Hoyeong in this room.

Perhaps conscious of Hoyeong looking around, Bush sat down on a chair and said,

“haha. We rented this entire room out of necessity because we wanted to talk quietly among ourselves. Are you uncomfortable?”

“no. It’s not that this situation is unfamiliar.”

Hoyoung remembered the time he met Jo Jungsik.

He used to rent an entire restaurant.

“Shall we eat first?”

“yes. I heard that the Governor is a great gourmet. I look forward to it.”

“This is my go-to restaurant in Austin, no, in Texas. You’ve probably heard of it at least once. A Texas steak.”

“You mean a thick, big steak? I heard Houston is famous for Texas steak.”

“You know that, too. Mr. Yoon. As said, the Houston area is famous, but this restaurant is no less.”

Bush finished talking and called the waiter in front of the room to order a meal.

After selecting the appetizer, main menu, and dessert, the food started coming out right away.

For a while, casual conversation continued.

Then the story deepened little by little.

“How do you know Michael Dell? I heard that it is not a simple investor relationship.”

Hoyoung felt like he could understand why Bush asked to meet him separately.

He guessed that he was trying to hear something he couldn’t hear from Dell.

“I made a lot of money a few years ago. And the first company I invested in at that time was Dell Computer. Since then, many years have passed and we have done many things together.”

“A few years ago, when?”

“maybe···. Maybe around 1988?”

Bush’s eyes widened briefly, then narrowed.

He was well aware that in 1988, Dell computers were worth only a few hundredths of what they are today.

“May I ask how you found out about Dell computers back then? They are not Americans, they are Koreans.”

“At that time, most computer companies were only offering expensive computers to increase sales. At that time, Dell was almost the only one that was supplying cost-effective entry-level PCs. And at that time, the PC was just beginning to be introduced. At that time, there are probably many people who want to learn what a computer is like with a relatively cheap PC, even if it has low specifications, rather than a computer that sells expensively with the best specifications.”

“haha. okay. What a insight.”

“no. It is a conclusion that can be drawn with a little thought.”

Bush admired what Hoyeong said.

And he bombarded with questions, such as what kind of wave ADSL brings in Korea and what is Hermes Telecom’s current situation in Korea.

Hoyoung answered him sincerely.

And the more he heard Hoyoung’s story, the more Bush’s expression brightened.

“Now, after hearing the story, Dell Computer is an investor and an investment company in the end. There seems to be no further connection.”

“Well···. If you ask me, yes. There is no such thing as me getting involved in management or suggesting a future direction.”

Bush smiled with satisfaction as if he liked something Hoyoung said, and at the same time dessert was served.

“ruler. The steaks here are great, but the ice cream is truly outstanding. Some even say they come here to eat this ice cream.”

“All right.”

When the ice cream was finished, Bush spoke to Hoyoung in a calm voice.

“Have you ever heard of this? In business and politics, there are no permanent enemies or friends.”

“What do you mean?”

“I would like to propose a business.”

“A business?”

“yes. Would you like to have a serious talk now?”

Bush instructed the waiters once more, and they came in and cleared the dishes.

Then, Bush handed Ho-yeong a document.

“What is this?”

“This is the content of the business I am proposing.”

Bush’s face, which Hoyoung glanced at, had a strange expression.

‘This is why the two of you asked to meet.’

Hoyoung looked down at the paperwork without revealing anything about his expression.

“A plan to revise the ADSL business in Texas?”

“yes. Read it.”

Hoyoung read the documents slowly.

And he remembered what he had asked Francis to tell him the other day.

‘Obviously, in the first place, the governor of Texas demanded a 10% fee, and demanded simultaneous opening of the entire state of Texas.’

Hoyeong searched for that part.

And it was confirmed that there is a 5% commission rate and the phrase gradually expanding by county.

In addition, support for base station construction workers, free rental of base station sites and telephone lines, and publicity at the government level were also accurately included.

‘What the hell do you want? These are matters that have been discussed in advance?’

Hoyeong turned the page more, feeling puzzled.

And I saw a crucial phrase written near the end.

“IBM is selected as a partner for this ADSL and PC distribution business…?”

Ho-young looked at Bush with slightly surprised eyes, and Bush sent an unknown smile to Ho-young and said,

“That’s right. In fact, IBM has made a good last-minute offer, so I hope to switch PC vendors.”

“That’s why he kept asking how close I was to Michael Dell.”

“That’s right.”

Hoyoung felt a bit absurd.

“Excuse me, but do you know that I am a shareholder in Dell Computer?”

“That’s right.”

“Do you still think I will accept this proposal?”



“Now I am going to make you an offer that I have no choice but to accept. Could you listen to me more?”

Hoyoung pondered whether he should leave this seat for a while and get up, but then his curiosity arose.

So, I decided to give it a listen.

“yes. Let me tell you.”

“thank you. In fact, the conditions are not difficult. Did you agree to receive a commission from Dell Computer in exchange for this project?”

“no. There are no commissions.”

“IBM decided to pay a huge commission in return for using their PCs for this project.”

“If it’s a large amount, how much is it?”

“It’s a whopping $50 million. Obviously, I think this amount will be much larger than the increase in stock prices due to Dell Computer doing this business together.”

Bush’s expression was something of confidence.

However, soon after realizing that Hoyoung didn’t show a surprise, he raised his eyebrows and made a puzzled expression.

“Are you not satisfied with the offer?”

Bush couldn’t understand Hoyoung’s reaction.

Fifty million dollars was more than enough money for the average person to spend their whole life.

No, it was ‘money that three generations can play and eat’ that is generally said beyond a lifetime.

“Is that all?”


“In exchange for hijacking this business from IBM, the terms of the extension are only $50 million in commissions.”

Hoyoung said coldly.

George Bush was a big politician whose father served as president and himself had a long political life.

It just didn’t make sense that such a politician would do something like this for only $50 million, excluding a local company with roots in Texas.

‘This, obviously, is something other than a simple commission.’

Fifty million dollars, of course, a lot of money.

Ho-young thought that money would not be so important to Bush.

He thought about what Bush thought was most important.


Hoyeong lifted her head slightly and looked at Bush.

And now I could see what the strange expression he had been showing earlier was.

‘It’s nervousness.’

Bush kept pretending to be relaxed, but in reality he was very nervous.

And Hoyoung continued to think without a word.

I feel like I’m going to get a clue.


And Hoyoung finally came up with something.

George Bush’s purpose for doing this business.

Is he really a good person and is actively promoting the ADSL business to provide high-quality communication services to Texas residents?


then money?

Hoyoung concluded that neither was the case.

What mattered to him now was the re-election of the governor of Texas.

‘And further, Bush, like his father…’

Ho-young knew that Bush would soon challenge for the presidential election.

And what I needed now was a sponsor back then.

Hoyoung vaguely remembered that IBM was among the numerous companies that supported Bush when he became president.

And at the last drink with Dell, I remembered that he, like a young American, supports the Democratic Party rather than the Republican Party.

‘It feels like a puzzle is being put together.’

Fifty million dollars might be a lot for Bush, but it’s nothing compared to the money he’s going to run for president.

Ho-Young concluded that the essence of this work is probably the sponsorship agreement between IBM and Bush behind this agreement.

‘Two things are important to Bush now. In the short term, starting an ADSL business for re-election as governor of Texas, and in the long term, gathering support companies needed for the presidential election. To him, it is never important whether or not the owner of the ADSL business is Dell. No matter where I’m with them, they’ll think it’s over as long as the business goes well.’

Hoyeong managed to hold back the laughter that was about to burst out inwardly.

“Mr. Yoon?”

After Hoyoung thought silently for a long time, Bush called out to Hoyeong.

After thinking about it, Hoyeong looked at Bush and smiled.

“You don’t think Dell is a supporter of the Republican Party?”


Hoyoung already knew this, but asked Bush as if he knew nothing.

Then, looking at Bush, who was confused for a moment and couldn’t answer anything, he continued.

“I was aware that IBM was losing market share these days to Dell Computer and HP. However, I wondered that there was no response compared to the falling market share, but it must have been quiet because it was aiming for politics?

“under···. Haha what is that talking about…”

Bush struggled to answer, but his expression seemed to tell him that it was true that Ho-young had hit him in the head.

“The Governor made some mistakes today.”


“First of all, the governor knew that I was a shareholder in Dell Computer, but didn’t you find out how much I owned? And I guess you didn’t even find out how much my assets were?”

Hoyoung’s words were true.

An Asian who runs a business that is no different from a hole-in-the-wall shop in a small country called Korea.

He had been told by Dell that he was a shareholder in Dell Computer, but in fact he had little interest in Hoyoung.

I just met in advance today to have ADSL’s patent, and to get away from Dell and proceed with this business.

“To be honest, I have $50 million, but it’s one mana. There is no way I would betray Dell, a partner I might be with for the rest of my life.”

Bush couldn’t say anything.

Because I hadn’t even thought of this situation.

A person who can be so calm even after hearing that it is 50 million dollars.

Hoyoung looked at Bush, who was shaking his eyes as if there was an earthquake, and asked calmly.

“Governor. Can I ask you one thing?”

“What is?”

“Did you already sign a sponsorship agreement with IBM?”

Bush didn’t answer right away.

It was because he intuitively felt that Ho-yeong, who was in front of him, had already grasped the whole situation.


He let out a deep sigh.

“I was careless. Let me tell you the truth. A sponsorship agreement with IBM has not yet been signed. After you signed the proposal today, we decided to make a proper contract.”

Bush’s expression kept changing.

I felt nervousness, shame, and a little anger from earlier.

Hoyoung looked at his expression and said softly.

“May I make a suggestion?”


Hoyoung laughed softly.

And he said with a smile.

“The sponsorship. I can do it for you.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Is the governor in need of donations right now? Or do you need corporate support?”

“That’s it…”

“Think about it. Whatever amount IBM chooses to sponsor, I can contribute more than that.”

Hoyoung’s expression was more confident than ever.

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