139. governor(1)

Confusion subsided faster than expected.

Even when the real-name financial system was first implemented, banks complained of discomfort that financial transactions could not be made without an identification card such as a resident registration card, driver’s license, or passport, but they quickly adapted to that.

The aftermath of the real-name financial system had a tremendous impact on the stock market.

Until now, it was possible to trade stocks anonymously, so you could not disclose your stock ownership unless you did so.

But now, ownership of all shares has been disclosed.

At the same time, the stock market began to stir.

“Gaia… Investment?”

“What the hell is this company doing? An investment company?”

“I heard it’s an American company?”

People working in the stock market were astonished when stock information was disclosed.

27.3% of Myungsung Electronics, 9.2% of Myungsung Mulsan, and 11,1% of Myungsung Life….

This is because it occupied a huge share of the net exhaustion affiliates of the Myungsung Group, which is the best company in Korea.

And it wasn’t just fame.

A company called ‘Gaia Investment’, which I had never heard of before, owned all of Korea’s leading conglomerates’ stocks and promising venture companies’ shares to some extent.

But the problem was that no one knew the information about Gaia Investment.

The real-name financial system brought Gaia Investment to the surface, but it was completely unknown who owned the investment company and what the entity was.

only one. Except that it is an investment corporation in the United States.

However, people quickly turned off their interest in Gaia Investment.

This is because Gaia Investment was not attempting a hostile M&A, and the media did not pay much attention to it.

However, while people’s attention was fading away, Gaia Investment was growing in size metallurgy metallurgy.

And H&H has significantly expanded its staff this time.

The existing Hangeul Office, Chronos, and game development departments were maintained and a new team was created.

That team is the Financial Systems Team.

Hoyoung actively talked to Jinchan Lee to establish a new financial system team.

Even now, there was an in-house computer system used within the financial sector.

However, since the current financial system was not out of its primitive form, it was clear that the financial system created under Hoyoung’s leadership would create a great sensation.

Hermes could have taken the lead, but Hoyoung handed over this task to H&H.

Hoyoung had more important things to do, so he thought it would be more certain to leave it to his seniors.

And, Hoyoung was currently in first class on a flight to the United States.

“President. It feels a little strange.”

Miru said to Hoyeong, who was reading a book.

Hoyoung couldn’t understand what he was saying at once, so he raised his eyebrows and closed the book.

“why. Where are you sick?”

“Not like that. The person we are going to meet now is not an ordinary person, is it?”

“Oh, you mean Governor Bush?”

Miru nodded.

The reason why Hoyoung and Miru are heading to America.

It was to meet with Governor Bush to secure the ADSL contract in Texas.

“yes. It’s probably the first time I’ve met such a big person.”

“haha. You’ve met Steve Jobs before, haven’t you met Bill Gates?”

“They are great too, but is it because they are entrepreneurs?”

“Recently, I also met the chief of staff for political affairs.”

“I heard and met a lot of really great people.”

Miru had a look of surprise.

“The governor is a great man, of course, but we don’t have to be intimidated. After all, the reason he wants to meet us is because he needs us.”

Miru nodded slowly.

Everything Hoyoung said was right.

“Well, it’s actually nonsense for me to call him a great person.”


“I’m always with the greatest man, so what’s wrong with the governor?”

“yes···? Oops. Could you please stop saying that in front of me?”

Ho-yeong did not understand what he was saying at first, but soon realized that Mi-ru was making fun of him when he saw Mi-ru’s playful smile.

“ha ha ha. sorry. But please know that these are absolutely not empty words.”

“Oh, I see.”

Ho-yeong brushed off Mi-ru and started reading again.

However, the feeling that Miru sincerely thought of her was not bad.




“Mr. Yoon. Are you?”

“Yes, but who are you?”

Upon arriving in America, Miru and Hoyoung were a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, a tall white man was waiting for them at the arrival hall.

“I’m sorry if I surprised you. The governor has sent you to treat them with the utmost care.”

Hoyoung turned to Miru and asked.

“Chief. Was it something that was discussed in advance?”

“no. I just found out…”

The white young man smiled and said.

“It is our Governor’s position that a guest who comes to see him cannot be neglected. Please forgive me if you felt I was being rude.”

“I understand for now. In the future, I hope there will be no schedules that we don’t know about.

“yes. Thank you for your understanding.”

Following him out of the airport, a luxurious-looking sedan was waiting.

And, apart from the attendant, there was a driver.

“I will take you to the hotel. Come this way.”


Miru checked the car carefully.

Then he whispered to Hoyoung.

‘President. It really looks like an official vehicle.’

Hoyoung nodded at Miru’s words and said.

“All right. Thank you for your kindness.”

“yes. Today as well as when traveling by car in Texas, you can use our vehicles. Including the driver, of course.”

“thank you. Let’s go to the hotel for now.”

“All right.”

As Hoyeong and Miru loaded up and got into the car, the car started moving slowly.

The hotel we booked today was very close to the governor’s residence.

This trip to the US was the most efficient because I didn’t schedule anything other than meeting the governor.

While Hoyoung was thinking about this and that, the attendant in the passenger seat spoke to Hoyoung.

“The Governor said Mr. I really want to meet Yoon.”


“yes. Because the governor is really interested in young talent.”

“Thank you for considering me a talented person.”

Hoyoung seemed to know what the attendant was talking about.

George Bush was called a talent collector by the time he became president.

If the ability was outstanding, he was a person who recruited into his camp regardless of his background, whether it was white, Asian, or even black.

“You have a humble personality. It’s not often that our governor pays attention by sending a car like this. You can be proud of yourself.”

It may have been said without much thought, but depending on what you hear, it could be very unpleasant.

Hoyoung glanced at Miru’s face.

It’s a face I don’t like very much.

Perhaps saying that he could have that pride offended him.


“Perhaps the governor can be proud of himself.”


“It is not uncommon for our president to travel such a long distance for one small thing. So you can be proud of yourself.”


Miru returned exactly what the attendant had just said to Hoyeong.

And the attendant had no answer.

He just realized that his words were rude.

Hoyoung smiled and said.

“there···. I haven’t heard your name yet.”

“This is Lucas.”

“Oh, Lucas. I apologize for what my group just said.”

“no. There is nothing to apologize for.”

Lucas said nothing.

Here, if he showed a bad temper, he would have to admit that he had slipped a moment ago, so he looked calm.

“Go a little further and you will arrive.”

As Lucas said, the car that had only been passing on the highway was passing through the city.

“I understand that the appointment with the governor is the day after tomorrow. Do you have any plans in mind for tomorrow?”

“no. There is no specific schedule.”

“Then could we have dinner together tomorrow evening?”


“yes. Actually, I’m not asking you to dine with me.”

“So what?”

“I am saying this because I want to know if you can get to know the Governor first before the official meeting. He wants to treat you to dinner.”

Miru glanced at Hoyoung, who nodded.

“I see. Dinner bought by the governor. I’m already looking forward to what a delicious dinner it will be.”

“You can look forward to it. Our governor is famous for being a gourmet.”

And after a while, the car arrived at the hotel.

“Then I will see you tomorrow. The car is here, so please use it comfortably. I will instruct the driver to stay at this hotel as well.”

“All right. Please make sure to tell the governor that I really appreciate it.”

“yes. Then rest in peace.”

Lucas gave Ho-young the driver’s phone number and left the hotel.

Hoyoung and Miru checked in and met at Hoyoung’s room.

“There seems to be a reason why Bush wants to meet me separately, right?”

“Looks like it. It looks like there is something I want to talk about just the two of us with the president.”

There was someone to share with George Bush.

It was Michael Dell who made this meeting possible.

When I first made the appointment, the original date was supposed to be tomorrow, but Michael Dell suddenly had an urgent matter and postponed it to the day after tomorrow.

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with meeting you. If I meet him in advance and figure out what kind of person he is, I think I can make a better offer in the negotiations the day after tomorrow.”

“yes. I think so too.”

“like. Then, I have no plans until tomorrow evening.”

“That’s right.”

Hoyoung smiled.

“Then, would you like to have a drink after a long time? I think there is a bar here on the 7th floor.”

“Still, alcohol… Could something happen?”

“I didn’t mean to drink so much to get drunk. And if you need to go somewhere in a hurry, you can just ask the driver. Isn’t it?”

Miru thought for a moment, then finally nodded.

“All right. Then, shall we simply have a drink?”

“okay. Let’s go now.”

It was a procrastination that I declined a few times, but it was a pleasant face when I actually went.


evening the next day.

Hoyoung had arrived at a restaurant in Austin.

It was a three-story high-end restaurant with one side of it made of glass.

The driver took Hoyeong and Miru to the restaurant without saying anything, as if he had received orders in advance.

“Maybe Mr. Yoon. is it?”

“you’re right.”

Upon entering the restaurant, the man who seemed to be the manager recognized Hoyeong at a glance, as if he had been told that an Asian man would come around this time, and started talking to him.

“Come this way.”

Then, he took Hoyoung to the top floor of the restaurant.

On the top floor, there was a room for private dining.

“You can go in here.”

“thank you. master.”

After briefly thanking the manager, Hoyoung opened the room door without hesitation.

Then a middle-aged man saw him and got up.

“Five! Nice to meet you. That’s Mr. Are you Yoon?”

“That’s right. Are you the governor?”

“you’re right. I am George Walker Bush. They are often called Bush.”

Bush reached out to Hoyoung, who lightly held his hand and shook it.

Bush’s eyes flashed very briefly.

He felt that Hoyoung’s attitude was not normal.

Not intimidated at all, not servile and confident.

Bush was also a veteran who survived the political arena for a long time and went through all the odds.

However, he had a hard time hiding his admiration at the first impression of Ho-young.

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