109. Gapjil (4)

– president? What’s up, boss?

Jo Nam-sik barely came to his senses at the sound of Park Byung-jin’s voice over the receiver.

“Who did you sell it to?”

– You mean the stock?


– Now that the deal is finalized, I can tell you. It is a company called Amkor Technology.

“Amkor Technology?”

Jo Nam-shik tilted his head.

He had never even heard of a company with that name.

“What company is that?”

– I’m not sure exactly. It has its headquarters in New York, and it has a great interest in the semiconductor business?

“You don’t even know what kind of company it is, so you mean you sold all your shares?”

– It didn’t matter which company it was. It’s just that we can match the amount we want.

Jo Nam-sik was dizzy.

This is because, if all of the shares were withdrawn to a corporation located abroad, it would be close to impossible to get the shares back.

“Can you give me the contact information for the Amkor Technologies Acquisition Officer?”

– Hmm···. Okay. Instead, please keep what I said a secret. Amkor Technology is an incredibly conservative operation.

“thank you.”

After hanging up the phone with Park Byung-jin, Cho Nam-shik immediately called Amkor Technology, but hesitated.

‘Wait, there’s one thing I need to check before that.’

And Jo Nam-sik called Ho-yeong.

Hoyoung answered the phone as soon as the phone beeped a few times.

“Yoon Ho-young?”

– president? Why did you call right away? It’s still before I meet the subordinates I’m sending.

“I have contacted you because I have something to ask you.”

– Please speak.

“Mr. Hoyoung, did you sell 13% of your stock in one place? Or did you tear it up in several places and sell it?”

– I sold it whole because I wanted to buy it in one place.

“Where is it?”

Hoyeong was unable to answer Jo Nam-shik’s question at once, and hesitated.

“If it is difficult for you to tell me, please confirm one thing.”

– Well···. Okay.

“Is the name of the company you bought stock from Amco Technology?”

– How to do that… Oops!

Jo Nam-sik bit his lip at Ho-yeong’s slip of the tongue.

“All right. thank you Mr. Yun Ho-young.”

After hanging up the phone, Jo Nam-sik was filled with astonishment.

‘They’re trying to hijack the Anam industry!’

Jo Nam-sik jumped up from his seat.

He couldn’t stay still.

‘That’s why the market share was immovable! I need to figure out how much market share I have at Amkor!’

Jo Nam-sik immediately ran out of the office.

“Boss, where are you going…”

“Stop talking and follow me! Are you waiting for the car?”

“yes. We are waiting in the parking lot. Shall we raise it to the first floor?”

“Right Now!”


The secretary called the driver, and when they went downstairs, the car was already waiting at the entrance.

The place where Jo Nam-sik headed was Yeouido.

“Who is the most competent PB in Myungsung Securities?”

“seaweed···. This is Manager Kim Moses.”

“Find out if you’re off work now.”

The current time was past 7pm.

“Boss, but Manager Kim Moses…”

“Any problem?”

“I am one of the closest aides to President Cho Jung-sik.”


Jo Nam-sik eventually spat out harsh words.

He never wanted to tell his father about the situation.

However, it was obvious that if he ran to Jo Jung-sik’s aide, it would be known to his father through his older brother.

Although Jo Jung-sik is his older brother, he was not the kind of person to overlook his misfortune.

“Then who should I go to?”

“Why don’t you rather go to another securities?”

“A different class?”

“yes. I think that would be more advantageous for confidentiality.”

Jo Nam-sik frowned for a moment and then said.

“Okay. Do you know of a place?”

“yes. There is someone I know on the side of preferential securities.”

“okay. Go there.”

The secretary explained the destination to the driver, and the car with Cho Nam-shik moved quickly.

‘damn. If this matter is resolved somehow, I’ll have to plant people in the securities side as well.’

He regretted not planting anyone other than semiconductors in the group.

But regretting it now is of no use.

He thought about how to solve this problem.




“Anam industry? You mean the hottest stock.”

“It’s a hot topic?”

“yes. how many months has it been? There was a place that went on to buy all market stocks at 1.5 times the market price. Lately, I have been buying as per the asking price and hitting the upper limit every day.”

Jo Nam-sik felt that his mind was getting farther away.

“I’m sorry to say, but did Myungsung Securities say anything while working on this project?”

“Isn’t that why I came here because I didn’t have that?”

Cho Nam-sik said, biting his teeth to hold back his anger, and the PB of preferential securities, realizing that the atmosphere was not serious, shut his mouth.

“So you know what I’m asking of you?”

“You’re asking me to collect as much stock as possible in Anam Industries, right?”

“you’re right.”

“Then, the most important thing is the upper limit of the purchase amount.”

“Without an upper limit. Please collect them by any means possible.”

“What is the target?”


The PB of Woori Securities narrowed his eyes and said.

“It’s 11%…. It might be a bit tough. But we will try our best.”

“All right.”

Jo Nam-sik lowered his head as he saw PB answering without confidence.




Ten days have passed since then.

And now this is New York Airport.

In New York, two men were meeting and saying hello.

“Chairman, wasn’t it difficult to come all the way here?”

“no. CEO. I was able to come comfortably thanks to the first class flight that the representative gave me. How long have you been doing the work you need to do here?”

“Almost done. Representative registration has been completed, and we will be able to start working in earnest from next week.”

The two men shook hands and looked at each other for a moment.

and then

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”


They burst into laughter without any fuss.

“older brother! Thank you very much for your hard work. There must have been a couple of tasks here, but you’ve already finished them.”

“Compared to what my brother did, I did very little. It took a lot of hard work to get here.”

The two who made the New York airport buzz were none other than Hoyoung and Park Byungjin.

“Then, how much stake did you end up securing?”

“53.1%. It worked efficiently.”

“No, then when the hell did you get that stake? Your brother must have been a little scared too?”

Hoyoung laughed.

“Do you know what I hate most in the world, bro?”


“It’s about taking an adventure that may or may not happen.”


“No matter what I do, it is my way to thoroughly plan and prepare and only do things that will be 100% successful.”

Park Byung-jin made a puzzled expression.

“Then what does that mean?”

“When I suggested to Nam-shik Cho that he would not split my stake in the purchase, I had already secured 50.1%.”

“Wow···. I’m really glad I’m on the same side as you.”

Park Byung-jin stuck out his tongue as he looked at Ho-yeong, and Ho-yeong laughed at Park Byung-jin.

“ruler. Stop talking nonsense and go to work.”

“yeah. Okay. Chairman, I will go this way.”

Park Byeong-jin playfully escorted Ho-young, and Ho-yeong followed him by playing the rhythm with him.


Hoyoung sat face to face with Byungjin Park in the conference room at Amkor Technology’s headquarters and held a meeting on basic company operations.

Ho-Young and Byung-Jin Park secured the management rights of Anam Industries and changed its name to Amkor Technology.

To be honest, Amkor Technology was virtually an evolution of Anam Industries.

To put it bluntly, it was a newly established company by Gaia Investment after absorbing Anam Industries, but all executives and staff members were retained, and Amkor’s CEO was also decided to be Park Byung-jin.

However, the market capitalization was incomparably higher than a month ago.

In this background, along with Hoyoung’s active investment, Jo Nam-sik’s inevitable investment was also together.

The astronomical amount of money that Hoyeong and the family of the owner of Anam Industry received from Jo Nam-shik would all serve as a foundation for the development of Anam Industry.

“But there is a problem.”

“What’s wrong?”

“How much is our share secured by Jo Nam-shik?”

“He worked hard. We got close to 46%.”

“Wow. Was it really dangerous?”

“Haha, it started with 50.1% in the first place.”

“Oh it was.”

Park Byung-jin scratched his head and continued.

“Anyway, even if we secured management rights, 46% is a figure that cannot be ignored. If you try to fight as the second shareholder, you won’t be able to win us in the end, but it’s a shame that can make it difficult.”

“That’s right.”

“Do you have any thoughts about him?”

“Of course there are.”

Park Byung-jin put on an expression that said yes.

“What? Let’s get to know a little more this time.”

“Wait a few weeks.”

“Is it okay to just wait?”

“yes. If you wait a little bit, you will be contacted. He will want to sell his stake.”

“why? Our man, no, I think Amkor Technology has enough potential… Development of 12-inch wafers as well as 8-inch wafers will soon proceed, and DRAM production and sales volume will increase more and more in the future?”

Hoyoung smiled.

“Cho Nam-shik will not be interested in the future. The funds that were raised to acquire the shares of Anam Industries would have been the amount to invest in Myungsung Electronics in the future. Perhaps, they would have tried to solve the cost of plant expansion or technology development at once by acquiring Anam. But it failed.”

“ah! You mean it wasn’t just money for investment. Then, would you like to ride a poop rope now?”

“Is that right?”

Hoyoung and Park Byungjin looked at each other and smiled relaxedly.




same time.

It was midnight in Korea.


Jo Nam-shik, who was sitting on the couch, rolled away the bottle that he had missed.


And the bottle stopped when it touched someone’s foot.

“Ugly guy.”

Hearing the voice, Jo Nam-shik was startled and jumped up from his seat.

“Ah, Father!”

“If you drink like this, what will you do?”


“I heard the general circumstances from this secretary.”

Jo Nam-sik glared at the secretary for an instant, and the secretary sneaked behind Cho Hee-chang.

“Don’t think about what to say. I said it because I said that if I didn’t blow properly, I would bring you down.”


Jo Nam-shik could not answer his father’s words.

No, even if you had a hundred mouths, you couldn’t have anything to say.

“So, how much money went into it?”

Jo Nam-sik kept his mouth shut despite Cho Hee-chang’s question.

“I can’t speak quickly!”

“700 billion…”


Jo Hee-chang could not answer right away.

I didn’t get angry because the amount was so unrealistic.

700 billion won was a burdensome amount even for him, the greatest conglomerate in Korea.

However, Jo Hee-chang was a man with the potential and determination to build a company called fame from scratch.

He made a decision in his heart.

“Anam? I also found that it is a good investment. But now Myungsung Semiconductor is in the midst of expanding globally. We must not stop investing in our reputation here.”


“Dispose. Contact them and tell them they’ll return it for half the price you bought it. If Amkor, which acquired Anam, really took over Anam with the intention of running it, it would not refuse a way to secure management rights.”

Jo Nam-sik nodded.

“All right. father.”

“And from now on, you will be demoted from the position of president.”


“Are you deaf? For a while from now, go down to vice president and build up internal stability in semiconductors. Then, your brother will support you as much as possible for the amount you will invest in semiconductors.”

Jo Nam-sik had a lot to say, but he couldn’t talk back in the current situation.

‘Adjustment ceremony…’

With this incident, Jo Jung-sik is one step ahead of himself… No, I desperately realized that I was one step behind.

When he thought of that, his clenched fists tightened without realizing it.

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