108. Gapjil (3)

Jo Nam-shik could not easily accept the current situation.

“Which company do you want to buy from?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you that. There was a request to keep it private until the contract was fully signed.”


Nam-sik Jo clenched his fists in anger.

‘Ah, what’s going on like this?’

Right now, he was doing as Ho-young told him to, and Jo Nam-sik’s current reaction was the same as Ho-young had said he would react this way.

However, he was filled with anxiety when he saw Cho Nam-shik angry right in front of him.

“Don’t be too angry. In fact, they asked me to sell all 30% of it. I will buy it for 700 billion won. However, considering my relationship with the boss, I decided to sell only 15%. We have already lost 100 billion won and sold our stake to the boss.”

However, unlike his anxious mind, Park Byung-jin spoke calmly.

As Hoyoung said, his acting skills were good enough to become an actor.

Jo Nam-sik calmed down at Park Byung-jin’s words and thought calmly.

‘The stake purchased from Gaia Investment is 15%. If you buy only 15% here, the more you need is 20.1%. You have to buy that much share from market share. 40% stake in Anam Industries, which is currently released on the market. Half of them I must secure.’

Jo Nam-sik thought for a long time, and Park Byung-jin waited in silence.

“after···. Could you please wait a moment?”

“As much as you like.”

Jo Nam-sik left Byeong-jin Park at a seat in the coffee shop and spoke to his secretary in a corner so that no one could hear.

“Find out how many shares you can secure in the Anam market right now. How many shares are free, what is the price and how many shares are available for purchase right now.”

“I have already sent someone to get some rough information. I will tell you to find out more.”

“okay. Well done. And I have one more thing to know.”

“What is?”

“Find out where the family of the owners of Anam Industries is now trying to sell their stake.”

“All right.”

After hearing the instructions, the secretary ran out of the coffee shop, and Jo Nam-shik returned to his seat across from Park Byeong-jin as if nothing happened.

“Sorry for making you wait so long.”

“no. We’re sorry that we made you make a difficult decision. Your heart is heavy.”

“Are you really heavy-hearted?”

“Yes, really.”

“Then give me an additional 5% stake.”


“It means to give us more than 20%. Then, 15% will be taken over at 250 billion as we promised in the beginning, and the remaining 5% is now 15% at 350 billion, so we will add more and take it at 120 billion.”

“Then are you saying that you will acquire 20% of the total for 370 billion won?”

“you’re right.”

Park Byung-jin’s pupils shook.

Since I hadn’t heard of this situation from Hoyeong beforehand, I couldn’t find what to say in an instant.

“Isn’t the reason you can’t sell us your stake because the price doesn’t match? Then there won’t be any reason to say we can’t sell just because we offer a higher share price than elsewhere.”

“Oh, wait a minute. Soon after, I was on the phone with my father… No, can I discuss it with the president? I hadn’t even thought of a case like this, so I think I should ask the president’s opinion.”

“All right. Come on. If you want to refuse my offer, you will have to come up with a reason that will make me understand.”

“ha ha ha. Could it be? Please wait a moment.”

Park Byung-jin bowed his head slightly, got up from his seat, and tried to head to the corner, but then went out of the coffee shop.

‘What kind of people did you bring so many people with?’

Inside the coffee shop, Jo Nam-sik’s bodyguards numbered five.

So it seemed there was no place to avoid their ears in the coffee shop.

Park Byung-jin went up to the roof of the building to look around and make a phone call.

Fortunately, there were no rats around.

“hello? Are you Hoyoung?”

– Is the negotiation over already? Did it end sooner than expected?

“No, it’s still in full swing.”

– But what did you call about?

“They say it’s a dragon of fame, but it’s not that easy. What did Jo Nam-sik say a while ago…”

Park Byung-jin explained to Ho-young about Jo Nam-shik’s proposal.

– You mean Jo Nam-sik made that suggestion?

Hoyoung was able to grasp Jo Namshik’s intentions.

‘Did you think 20% of the market share was too much, and 15% was worth it?’

I could be sure that Cho Nam-sik was conscious of his market share.

– older brother. Well done. Just sell it for that price.

“Can I go over 5%? Then your plan…”

– Enough. Aren’t you supposed to go soon? Jo Nam-shik may be suspicious, so go down quickly.

“Once I get it. Can’t we just pass 20% cool?”

– you’re right.

“Okay, I’ll call you back later.”

Park Byung-jin hung up the phone and went back to the coffee shop.

Strangely, when I called Hoyeong, I felt that my anxious mind was gone.

Upon entering the coffee shop again, the first thing Park Byung-jin saw was Jo Nam-shik with a nervous face.

I couldn’t see Nam-sik Jo’s expression just a moment ago, but when I looked at it with a calm mind, I could see it.

‘Jo Nam-sik was the same person after all.’

Park Byung-jin sat down, recalling the obvious fact.

“Thank you for waiting. The president made the phone call a bit longer.”

“it’s okay. What does the president say?”

“He said to sell it. Actually, I was scolded for asking for such good conditions haha.”

Jo Nam-sik’s face softened slightly at Byeong-jin Park’s joke.

“Then 370 billion won for a 20% stake. You agree. Would you like to sign a contract right now?”

Jo Nam-sik hurried to sign the contract, perhaps wondering if Park Byung-jin would change his words again.

“It would be nice to be able to sign a contract right now. Then, when will the payment come in?”

“There are still hours left for today, so if you wish, I will deposit the money right away.”

“yes. Because that is the most important thing to us.”

Park Byung-jin smiled with satisfaction.

Looking at Park Byung-jin like that, Jo Nam-sik laughed at him inwardly.

Even though it is said to be hundreds of billions, I did not like him who sold the company out of greed for money.

“ruler. I signed here. Then, I would like to ask for your deposit.”

“All right. Thank you for your hard work.”

Park Byung-jin and Jo Nam-shik shook hands once before going their separate ways.




“Yes, boss!”

Cho Nam-sik’s subordinate ran into the president’s office in a hurry.

It was the same employee sent to find out the current market stock situation of Anam Industries in the stock market.



The subordinate burst open the door of Jo Nam-sik and entered without knocking.


Jo Nam-sik said in an angry voice.

“Ugh. Ugh. It’s a big deal.”

Jo Nam-sik, who was angry at the word “big deal,” and the secretaries who came after him to stop him stopped their actions.

The subordinate took a moment to catch his breath and said.

“Anam, the stock of Anam Industries is strange.”


“The stock is immovable!”

Cho Nam-sik jumped up from his seat.

“Say it again! Details!”

“Market stocks do not move at all. As instructed today, I placed a buy order at 1.5x the market price. The number of shares secured today is too small, even assuming that such an unlimited buy order in such a short period of time will bring the stock price close to the upper limit.”

“how much···. How much did you get?”

“It’s still day one, but we’ve only secured 4%.”



Cho Nam-sik, in extreme anger, threw the nameplate.

The nameplate barely passed through the head of the subordinate.

“4%? Are you saying that now?”


“You’re not saying sorry, you’re saying you’ll find out right away! Get out right now and find out what happened!”

“All right!”

Thinking that the subordinate was really dangerous, he hurriedly left Jo Nam-shik’s room.

Jo Nam-sik also instinctively realized that the current situation was not serious.

“15% in Gaia, 20% in Anam, and 4% today. The total is 39%? Up, dangerous!”

Nam-sik Cho looked for a way to overcome this situation when it went differently from his idea that he expected to secure about 15% somehow.

At that moment, he remembered a young man with a handsome face who had been smirking at him.

“Yoon Ho-young!”

He remembered Yun Ho-yeong’s request to contact him as soon as possible if he needed more shares.

Then, he immediately took out his cell phone and dialed the number he had saved for Yun Ho-yeong.

Turururu- Turururu-

The short call waiting tone felt too long to him.

He started to get impatient when the call waiting tone repeated three or four times.

When he hangs up and calls Ho-young again.


– This is Yun Ho-young. hello?

Yun Ho-yeong’s voice was heard, and Jo Nam-shik spoke without delay.

“Yoon Ho-young! I have a favor to ask you.”

– yes? Oh, are you the CEO Namsik Cho?

“you’re right. Are you busy right now?”

– no. I was dealing with overdue office work right now. What are you doing? The voice doesn’t seem to be in a hurry.

“That’s right. Please help me.”

– How can I help you?

Jo Nam-sik thought Yoon Ho-yeong’s kindly speaking voice sounded like that of an angel.

“I would like to purchase some more shares of Anam Industries.”

– Anam Industries?!

“yes. I will pay the price somehow, so please sell the stock.”

– How many pros do you need?

Jo Nam-shik momentarily shook his head.

‘Should I buy only 39% of the stock I have secured and 10% from Yun Ho-young? not. Let’s get out safely If you take over 11% and present an amount of about 300 billion won, it will be enough. The amount of money short of the company’s funds…’

Nam-sik Jo, who was thinking about the size of the slush fund he had hidden, finally made a decision and said.

“I want to buy 11%. I will give you 300 billion won.”

– You mean 11%? That’s a bit difficult…

“What trouble do you mean? What is the price? If so, we will match the price as much as possible. I’ll give you another 50 billion. Instead, I will give you 50 billion by bill first.”

– It’s not like that. I don’t already have an 11% stake in me.

“I beg your pardon! Are you saying it was already sold elsewhere?”

– yes. sorry. Most of the shares have already been sold and I only own 2%.

Jo Nam-shik felt a dizziness in his head.

“2%···. Pass that.”

– All right. The price of the stake is 70 billion.

“70 billion!”

– Why is that?

“The price is too high! 70 billion? How do you come up with such a calculation?”

– The price that the boss suggested earlier is 350 billion at 11%. Then, if you do a rough calculation, wouldn’t 70 billion come out at 2%?

Jo Nam-sik was at a loss for words.

The condition he spoke of in a hurry was a situation that held him back.

But he had no choice.

If he failed to secure more than 50% of the shares and take control of Anam Industries, the nearly 700 billion won he had used so far would be nothing.

The 1 trillion won he had originally prepared to acquire Anam Industries was the sum of the funds given by the group and the funds from Myungsung Electronics Semiconductor.

From a long-term perspective, the amount of money brought in after receiving permission from his father to pour all of the revenue from having the right to 8-inch wafers, the R&D cost for the wafer, and the land and plant establishment funds to expand the factory into the acquisition of Anam Industries. was

“Sell even 2%. I’ll send someone over there right now. Where are you?”

– I just came out because I have business to do in Gangnam. Send someone over here.

“All right.”

After hanging up the phone with Hoyoung, Jo Namsik called Park Byungjin this time.

If you include the stake that Hoyoung decided to sell, the required stake is now 9%.

The share he needed was only 9%.

“hello? Byungjin Park!”

– president. How did you get in today? What did you contact us about?

“The share we decided to buy earlier. We will buy the rest of the 10%. I will give Mr. Park Byeong-jin more money than the company he said he was buying stocks from.

Park Byung-jin paused for a while before speaking.

– Nope. What should I do? I sold all of my stake a little while ago. I am no longer affiliated with Anam Industries.

“What···. I beg your pardon?”


Jo Nam-sik dropped the receiver without realizing it.

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