The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God starts Chapter 764 from Harry Potter

"This familiar land ... finally felt again ... you did it,"

"Of course, I didn't agree with you, would you take you out? I will go to do it." Ye Yu quickly replied, "As long as you don't blame, I will let you wait too long."

"Will n't," shook his head, Altira, said: "I can do this, I am already very touched, I am the first to treat me like this."

Then, she suddenly slammed her knees, and she was serious: "So, my power will always be used for you."

"... No need to be so official."

Alphrah's actions make Yeting feel hard, wanting to help the girl, but rejected.

"I won't think, I will not feel. I will only fight, I will only kill. You are special, so, whether it is thinking, or feel, I will give you." Alira uses inhauble quality The voice said, "Killing and destruction, it is the only thing I can do for you, please use me."

Chapter 0939 Altira's Join and Mars Reconstruction

Altira's discourse made Ye Yu feel a bitache.

Indeed, for Altila, in addition to fighting almost all, as a civilized end of a civilization destroyed, she has to become a life-ended fighting for the trip and the destruction of civilization.

However, in addition, she must try it like a normal girl.

Of course, as a talent soldier and commander, Yetuan naturally does not waste Altira's talents, with her level is enough to serve as a military commander in the battle, and conquer the Earth to make a merit.

In addition, Ye Yu pays that the girl will experience the life of a normal person.

As for the personality of the girl, Ye Yu also understood.

In fact, Giant God is at the same time with elderly, the illusions and loneliness brought by loneliness, and the calm and coldness of the aggressors.

These three are three elements of their basic personality.

Since Altila's character is made up of three elements, these elements are not mixed together, but they are independent.

It is like a multi-person personality, and Altira will switch to the attitude of others because of the purpose.

Its character corresponds to the prism of the three primary colors on the sword of the Altira army.

Green: The girl's side is delicate and cute.

Red: One side of the warrior, cold and fear.

Blue: One side of the goddess, loving and gentle.

As mentioned above, it is basically a blue personality, awakening, when switching to green, fighting or anger when it is happy, and is red.

The three-color light represents the character of Altira, and isn't it two with the traffic light?

Perhaps on the moon, after the warrior is suppressed, the Altira is completely green and blue part.

But coming to the earth, all the three sides of Altila's character have reacted in this body, perhaps because the physical source is the white giant of the past as a civilized destroyer, and the dominant has become a red portion.

But for Ye Yu, even this Alira is also very cute, isn't it.

At this point, in addition to Ye Yu, both Jing Yan is still , it agrees.

After Ye Yu took Altira back to the Afu Palace, and introduced them to each other, whether it was Jing Yan or Yu Ji very quickly accepted this although it was very fierce, it was actually a natural female warrior.

Instead, Dante Lian also has Bastete. When I saw Altira, I put a big enemy, just like a fried cat.

Although it has been over more than 10,000 grunge gods from the beginning of the white giant, the gods on the earth have changed a batch, but the horror of the white giant God remains in the inheritance of the gods.

This seems to see the feeling of natural enemies, and the two have been greatly alert.

However, for the past opponents like God, Altira does not have any battle desire.

"The god is bad civilization ... However, if there is a hospice, there is no destruction." So, in the confrontation with the enemy, Alira took the initiative to pick up the sword of the army who had picked up.

In the same way to Ye Yu for thousands of years, the destruction of the destruction once it seemed to be destroyed once, long time, has become a long time.

About Ye Yu is a good civilization, you can reserve, standing opposite the Yeting is a bad civilization, to be destroyed.

Yes, it is like that.

Since Alila, Alira, which is the most hit, and the contradictions cannot continue.

"White destroyers actually put down the weapons, this kind, it can't be grateful."

"Since cut, since there is only a white deep sea tool in the brain, it will give up the battle, then let you go this time."

Thus, a battle that may play a ceiling is so incomplete.

However, this does not mean that the relationship between Alphra and the former gods can go, after that, Black Cat Baste will basically see Altila will go around, even if Alphra is The cat is very interested in the soft furry creature. A few times I want to be close to the Ya Rong, but the only white cat can be found.

Dante Lian naturally won't hide Altira, but two people will meet, the tongue of Little Loli will not be less, Altira is a bitter hand, and naturally will not fight with her mouth. Therefore, the two people will become a universal play of Dante Lane, until she feels nothing.

In short, the life of Alphrah is still very enjoyable in the Aku Palace.

However, such a happy daily end has ended.

Over time, time has passed the past few years, the people of Six countries have basically integrated into Da Qin, and the entire Kyushu has basically entered the modernization.

The Qin Emperor's opening up in space is also quite smooth. With the help of the super host BB, the ecological integration research in Daqin is more near, and the breakthrough, automation, and material compression technology of all kinds of disciplines, from the top of the mountain Development to eradication of the entire mountain range is just a problem.

The development of material technology and deep well mining technology can make geological projects in the past and temperature in the past unimaginable. Magma hotspots are now developed, inhibited and even migrate.

Nowadays, Daqin can even significantly affect the climate of the planet through the track refractive mirror and the shielding device system.

So, under the coordinating of BB and Oliana - mainly BB provides force, Olianna is responsible for implementation, "BB pro-talents don't go to the iron to dig soil this cumbersome work" BB is like it - Da Qin Dock spend a year of truck deployment level shovel and drill bit for one year.

The problem of removing macroscopic planet crosses and atmosphere is not a simple solution.

After unlocking "surface shaping", "atmospheric recovery", "surface remodeling", "crust deep project", "Climate Control Network", Qin finally started a livable transformation of Mars and atmosphere.

During this process, satellites and spacecrafts scanned to Mars, there was a huge organism like a long wings, which was equivalent to high temperatures of lava levels in the depths of the crust, and super high mystery and energy levels.

Preliminary judgment is a local organism of some Mars, but long-term survival is deep in the crust, so it is not found in the first time.

The judgment of smart computers in the spacecraft is that even the fleet of Daqin is also unable to cause killing of this organism - or now the killing concept of Daqin Fleet is not suitable for this creature.

Only as the strong people such as Ye Yu, or the rules such as the gods, it is likely to threaten such a creature.

In preliminary judgment, this creature has no hostility for Daqin, and there is no hindrance to their renovation work, but such a strong creature suddenly appears, still causing Da Qin's alert.

Chapter 0940 and visit Eden

Although Daqin's biologists and Minsheng did not figure out the foot of this creature, Ye Yu quickly judged to it:

This organism is existence as Type: Mars.

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