The God of All Worlds Begins with Harry Potter

Wanjie Law God starts Chapter 763 from Harry Potter


Sighted, the Yeting finally opened.

"Is it a trouble? BB?" His tone brought the favor and helplessness of the pilgrimage girl, "So much tentacles, do you want me to eat bad?"

With his opening, the surrounding tentacles will be retired from the speed of three points, soon retreat the space crack, then the cracks have disappeared, just like never appeared.

As the tentacle leaves, the girl in black jacket appears in front of Yund.

" ~, don't say this, the creator adult," the girl smashed the head, telling the very horrible discourse with cute tone, "This is the difficulty late night show of BB. It is dedicated to you. ~ ! Why don't you accept BB pro? "

If the average person faces the terrible enthusiasm of the girl, it is afraid that the soul is to be scared.

But Ye Yu saw more girls, such as BB's illness girls can't let him be afraid, let him feel some ... Meng? .

"Get it," the random shrugged, Ye Yu said, "I am not a magical girl."

"But ... BB sauce really wants to use the tentacle to seize the creator adult, then imprison him ~" Stay this sentence, BB is awkward, the poor tone will be willing to be like Meet her wish.

But if the girl is more than anyone, it is terrible than anyone: "Don't want the creator to go out, don't want the creator to leave ~ You have enough me to be around."

With the BB's discourse, the surrounding spatial space is immediately turned into a narrow macrosis, the X-rack, the bed and chairs of the bound device, the collar, the mouth, the whip ... should be seen, let people look I want to enter.

BB in it also replaced pink nurse clothing and winking the eye of Ye Wei.

"How? Chuang · created, big, people ~, if you feel the reincarnation to your tentacles, it's not a good room to BB sauce. Oh, hehehe, hehehe, hehehe! Hey, strange? Why do you want to escape!? I spend a lot of mind and prepare! You see, this tiger stool is my new oh? I am very interesting, I must go to see it ... Oh, no matter what you want What kind of feelings can be thoughtful. This time you must let you enjoy a complete service slowly ... "

Sure enough, the girl like BB should not make her too proud.

Chapter 0938 Altira's Recovery

BB's joke is not further.

What tentacles, what small rooms, and finally were canceled by her, but for the response to Yudu, the BB mouth is still very dissatisfied.

"What is, the bb relatives are so enthusiastic to show some of your own people, preparing for the creator adults, actually refused, really unexpected man, hey ~ ╰ (╯ ^ ╰ ) ╯ "

"Can't, what you can't afford to imprisonment."

"Hey, it is so worthy of playing toys worth playing with the creator."

"It is really sorry to give you this impression."

In trouble, the two left the core of Mooncell.

Controlling MoonCe11, gaining the huge computing force of the solar system, even if BB does not play Mooncell, it can achieve all the wishes of all the desires with information ability, Mooncell can play a huge role in Daqin.

For example, it is responsible for all calculations in the production of Daqin industrial production.

For example, we have predicted the development of Daqin and develop a suitable plan.

For example, participate in all government affairs of Daqin, monitor the entire Daqin, ensuring that no malignant incidents violapsed in violation of the "big Qin Loss".

With BB, even if Qin's colonial land is all over the entire sun, Ye Yu also does not need to worry about the implementation capacity of the central centralized power system to keep up with the population and territorial growth.

He can be very proud to say every person of his people:

"Big Brother is watching you!"

Of course, the existence of BB and Mooncell does not mean no accident.

At least one thing is Ye Yu as Qin Shihuang needs worry.

That is, BB will not do things.

With BB, even if the creator of Ye Yu, the little demon character will be fully striped, Ye Wei does not believe that she is now holding something in the people of Daqin.

So, before the BB, Ye Yu said that she taught her until she was guaranteed to do things according to Ye Wei, and never accidentally.

"Okay, good, the creator is really awkward! I know that I am the kind of battle that will say 'obeys the rules? I want to see the painful expressions!' But create The adults have repeatedly listened to it too much. BB pro will definitely, comply with the conventions of the creator adults for love, strong tears, and comply with the conventions of the creator. "

No way, who makes this child are created by Ye Yu personally? Today, I can only believe in her a little.

Then, Ye Yu temporarily left BB and went to the unknown field in Mooncell - located within Mooncell, but not in the field of Mooncell.

That is to isolate the external memory of the predator to the moon - the photon network to block the boat.

After the Raiders Mooncell, Ye Yu finally made the gods Alphrae experienced a beautiful look.

Of course, before Yafu, Before defeating the predator, Altira is still unable to leave this imprisonment, otherwise it will still have a monster that destroys civilization because of the control of Toykun.

However, there is no Mooncell's interference, and Yeting can completely let Altira's consciousness leaving the punch boat, projection to the body created outside.

For Altira, this is nothing to feel the outside world.

In order to create a body that is completely and Altila's consciousness, Yetuan returns to the earth and came to the grassland outside Qinguan.

Since Da Qin completely completed modernization, the nomads on the grassland will never have to threaten Da Qin: machine guns and cannons have become their dreams, so the Huns said that the Demon of the Qin army said, and moved toward the West.

And Ye said, in that, in the past, there is now the grassland of the Huns, hidden from the taboos from prehistoric civilization.

That is the huge descendant of the giant God in the ground, and is also the holy place of the Hungary.

Because the desemers of the white giants are too huge and terrible, they are regarded by the Huns as a miracle, so these Hungarium has established the temple in the desperation, and the generations of the world will be worship.

And the desire of this white giant is the raw material and reference of Ye Ji to make Altila's body.

What is the body and her more accompanied by the body of Altila?

So, in accordance with the prototype of Altila, a girl who has almost owns most of the "civilized destroyer Sai Fulu" is born in the efforts of Yund.

That is a beautiful girl with a brown skin.

Although the body is slim, there is no strange white texture on the brown skin.

She has a red pupil, but her hair is white.

White gauges who are only hidden, the white gauze makes people think that a white long hair is considered.

Basically, the giant gods in the body of the girl and the gods in the starboat room are generally no two, but the size is adjusted to the normal human size.

However, when the awareness of the giant god Altila is put into this flesh, the personality of the wake-up girl is dedicated to the stone room, and the girl is very different.

That is absolutely calm and proud, and it is essential to kill.

But when she was aware of the environment where they were, the powerful killing immediately disappeared.

The fighter-like expression has also become soft.

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