The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1026: The Great Rising Kingdom (Part 2)

There are twenty people around the commander. He himself is the strength of the sixth-order entry stage. His two adjutants are not much different from him. The remaining eighteen people are all soldiers at the top of the fifth rank, only one step away from the sixth rank.

Judging from the current strength of the mermaid, they can't be stopped at all.

that's the truth. After they appeared, they were immediately noticed by the mermaid warriors on guard around the altar.

Using the unique language ability of the race, the mermaid quickly notified the information.

Soon, all the mermaids received the information and quickly returned help. The altar is the top priority, the mermaid can be destroyed, but there must be no problems with the altar!

The mermaid attacked the commanders without fear of death. Abruptly, with his life, the commander and his soldiers were dragged forward.

After the commander cleared some of the mermaid, the first generation mermaid king arrived. Yu Mu and the mermaid king came together.

The arrival of two sixth-tier and one fifth-tier peaks made the commander frowned.

His worst prediction came true. The merman tribe has a sixth-order strong. Moreover, this sixth order is still stronger than his sixth order.

Even so, I still can't shrink back.

The ancestor Mermaid King looked at the commander who rushed towards him, frowned, manipulated the water flow casually, and bound the body of the commander and his two adjutants.

Then, the spear made of water pierced their defenseless heart.

No resistance. It's like a commander slaughtering those mermaids. The first generation of mermaid kings dealt with them so lightly.

The gap in strength is one aspect, and environmental factors are the most critical. As a life in the ocean, the mermaid clan has the ability to control the flow of water. The ancestor mermaid king, a monster that has lived for more than a thousand years, is even more powerful in the control of water currents.

Fighting with such a monster in the water, even if the strength is beyond the first line, it may not be able to retreat.

After the commander fell, the soldiers he brought could not escape death.

The commander who was hit hard did not die on the spot, but it would not be too far away. The mermaid king glanced at him and ignored him.

Without the troublemaker, the ceremony can proceed normally.

The commander just lay in the cold water and watched the ceremony continue.

After the ceremony was completed, countless merfolk raised their hands. That strange black cave, like a pattern, floated slowly, rising higher and higher, and gradually came to the surface of the water.

Black, slowly spreading. Soon the sea surface of the entire space was soaked. The turbulent water surface calmed down, like a mirror.

Among the six royal cities, the six beings who were the lord of the city wore crowns and stepped on the void, step by step to the front of their respective royal cities.

Afterwards, they lowered their heads together and performed Saslow's most noble courtesy toward the center. A etiquette used only when welcoming the soldiers returning from glory. Here, greet the return of King Saslow.

The calm of the water was broken. A pointed object appeared in the center, slowly rising.

That is the spire of a tower, the central and highest building in the royal capital of Saslow.

Gradually, the outline of the entire royal capital appeared. The royal capital, like a shadow, occupies the entire space.

Starting from the highest position, the darkness faded quickly. The capital of the once glorious kingdom has returned to this continent.

Time has not left any traces in this city. The magnificent palace in Jinbi, neat and bright neighborhood. The army station that wraps the core of the city and the royal tombs of successive kings. There is also the highest wall inscribed with countless defensive magic.

The six city masters saw this scene and began the final announcement.

"In the name of the City of Fortune, the night of the assassin's assassination has passed. Welcome to the royal capital and Saslow!"

"In the name of the city of prisons, the guardian of the barrier is re-established, welcome the royal capital, welcome Saslow!"

"In the name of the Sleeping City, the guards will no longer hesitate to guard, welcome the royal capital, welcome Saslow!"

"In the name of the city of war, the knights are ready to conquer, welcome the royal capital, welcome Saslow!"

"In the name of the City of Wisdom, the bishop's knowledge fills the dynasty, welcomes the royal capital, welcomes Saslow!"

"In the name of the garden city, the empress's weakness fades away, and welcomes the royal capital and Saslow!"

They raised their right hand, and the crown above their heads cast a dazzling light.

"A thousand-year dynasty, a country of redemption, emerges, grows, loses, rebels, saves, and perishes. Experience everything, see through everything, and gain a new life from decay. The new kingdom will no longer be haze, and the new kingdom will inherit its former glory. , The new kingdom will rise to the supreme pinnacle. This is Saslow! This is Saslow! At this time, here, the glory reappears, the glorious new life!"

Accompanied by the singing of the six city lords, countless souls arose in Saslow's capital. This is the remains of Saslow in the past. Including the old Saslow, but also the people of the new Sasrow.

They are all beings bound by Saslow. Now they are free. Because of the glory they held fast, someone has now taken over.

In the palace of the royal capital. Yu Tu walked out slowly, and the crown of Saslow appeared on his head.

The crown turned from gold to white, and then it became more shining, like a diamond.

The wings of the Fallen Heaven unfolded behind him, and the marking lines belonging to Saslow appeared on the wings, and the power of darkness faded and was soaked with new power.

In the end, Yu Tu's wings also became like a crown.

He walked step by step to the sky above the royal capital. The brilliance of the body is getting brighter.

His own breath is constantly growing. The sixth-order barrier that shackled him quietly shattered, and the power that Saslow had accumulated over the past thousand years directly pushed Yu Tu to the mid-level sixth-order peak.

His preparations were also replaced by a new set of costumes. The exclusive costume of King Saslow. It is also a battle armor passed down by the Saslow emperors. This represents the recognition and true recognition of the kings of Saslow. It was also at this time that Yu Tu officially succeeded the fourteenth king of Saslow.

No, it should be Saslow, the new first king. Because Saslow under his leadership has cut the past. Just like Saslow once cut off the wrong past. The current Saslow also cut off the old past and entered a new stage.

Yu Tu stood in the void and sat down slowly. The pure power condenses into a throne, allowing him to look down on this land.

"My name Yu Tu, I declare here. Saslow, I'm back."

In the next moment, the seven kings shine at the same time, and the seven kings are connected together without a magic circle. Become a whole. This is Saslow. The legendary Saslow!

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