The Game Touches Reality

Chapter 1025: The Great Rising Kingdom (Part 1)

On the surface, a city army is fighting the monsters of the abyss. Small-scale friction battles like this can now be seen everywhere in the Continental Mountains.

Just when they were desperately fighting, there was a shock from the earth. Intensified and gradually turned into a disaster.

Both sides distanced vigilantly. Even so, many people were swallowed by the sudden cracks.

A gap appeared in the sky.

That is the result of the purest force tearing apart space.

Soon, a huge shadow appeared in the crack. Then, the city commander who noticed the shadow on the ground opened his eyes wide.

He saw a city, a city floating in a space storm.

The pitch-black city once again expanded the space cracks and forced them out.

It was a huge city not inferior to the size of the secondary main city. It just appeared above the battlefield, about a kilometer in the sky.

If this city is smashed down, not many lives on the battlefield can escape.

And this is not the end.

Another crack appeared. This time, it was a crack torn apart by a brown-red chain. The spearhead of the chain plunged into the void, nailing the crack in the space.

With the drag of the chain. A brown-red city was dragged out of a crack. Those chains are the things on the city walls. It looks like a living thing.

Subsequently, the third spatial crack appeared. Compared with the first two, the environment in the crack has become a blue state. Along with the light blue smoke, a dark blue city slowly appeared. Even the surrounding sky was dyed dark blue, like night.

Then, the fourth city appeared. This time, the sky was brutally shattered, and a huge doll tore open the space with bare hands. In the violent space storm, he reached out and grabbed the pure white chain, dragging the white city out.

In the fifth city, purple stars appeared in the sky, falling one by one, forming a three-dimensional magic array with a six-layer structure. In this way, the purple city was not teleported here from afar through the magic circle.

Then, the sixth red city appeared silently in the air.

On the ground, the troops in the abyss have already withdrawn. The city's teams are gathered together, looking at the frightening scene in the sky.

The emergence of six cities the size of a secondary main city is obviously not a trivial matter. Moreover, this ability to hang the city in the air also sent the commander into a bitter chill.

If this is the strength of the enemy, then this is an absolute disaster. Because no army can threaten a city at a height of one thousand meters.

Just as the commander was guessing the origins of the six cities, the six cities had begun new actions.

The city that had originally formed a circle slowly opened, and the magic group visible to the naked eye floated from the city, connecting the six cities to form a magic circle. As the distance between cities increases, it gradually improves and strengthens.

The commander had never seen such a magic circle. The magicians in the team had never seen such a magic circle.

The unknown is always the most terrifying. Now, the commander had no chance to take the team to evacuate. When the six cities began to connect, the entire space was isolated. It's like, forcing this space into another world space.

Desperate power.

The magic circle completed its composition and slowly sank to the ground.

Then, water began to gush out.

The commander's location was also covered by the magic circle. The land under their feet began to become damp, gradually being occupied by water flowing out of thin air. The salty breath confirmed the commander that this was sea water.

This made him even more alarmed. You know, this is inland. Near where the three continents meet. Since the recombination of the three continents, the nearest coast has been tens of thousands of miles away.

If these are really sea water, then this magic circle can be teleported across continents. Still the kind of horror magic that can be completed quickly and built.

Let's imagine. When the two sides fought anxiously, the six cities were teleported to the enemy's base camp and the magic circle was deployed. Send troops thousands of miles away directly into the enemy’s headquarters.

Such a powerful magic circle made the commander feel intensely uneasy.

His only idea now is to survive, not that he survives, but that someone in this team can survive. Live to convey this amazing news to the city lord.

Afterwards, water flowed continuously from the magic circle, and the blocked area was gradually filled with sea water.

Because it is just ordinary sea water, the commander and some powerful fighters can still move freely in the water and guarantee their own safety. But those weak fighters have no choice. They can only try their best to ensure that they float on the water, look for floating objects as much as possible, ensure their physical strength, and find a way to save themselves.

But soon, this behavior became a luxury.

One mermaid came out of the water. They stretched out their sinful palms and dragged each soldier into the bottom of the water, leaving them in this area forever in pain.

The commanders hidden in the sea were also attacked. It's just that the commander and others are powerful, even if they don't occupy the right place, they can already solve these ordinary mermaid fighters.

They successfully avoided the pursuit of the mermaid, hid under the water, and saw a scene that frightened them.

A country of mermaid slowly rises in the magic circle.

Mermaid, as a creature of the deep sea forces, has always been the enemy of the mainland. Although the deep-sea attack only affected one city in Lanfrac, other cities also received relevant information.

It is certain that the deep sea is not a friend.

And now, a city of deep-sea forces has appeared on the mainland in grandeur, and no one can stop thinking about it.

Relating to their current environment, a crazy idea flashed through the commander's mind.

The deep sea wants to sink the continent into the ocean and completely destroy the continent.

Judging from the current scene here, it does not seem to be a luxury.

"They must be stopped!"

The commander has made up his mind. The monsters now appearing are still within the range of his ability to cope. He thinks he can do it once.

The goal was placed on the looming magic circle. If the magic circle is destroyed, it is estimated that the transmission will end. It is even possible that the blockade of space will end.

Just when he was ready to do it.

An altar rose slowly from the ground.

And around the altar, there are a large number of mermaid neatly arranged, singing mysterious songs.

"Could it be the call of an outside god!"

Seeing the altar, the first thing the commander thought of was the information in the information that the deep sea forces outside Lanfrak had summoned the outer gods.

Before he could think about it, he immediately took his men and launched an attack beyond the altar.

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