[I hereby announce that Cen Wen is still alive! 】

[She is Cen Wen in history! 】

[The high-level supernatural beings back then saw people dead and corpses, and those who died after the war were even buried in the state. Only Cen Wen was inferred to be dead, and even human tissues were not found. It is inferred that she was instantly vaporized by the high temperature of the self-explosion. 】

【No trace for three hundred years must be a dormant state similar to plant seeds under severe injuries. A seed can germinate again after being dormant for thousands of years under the right environment! 】

[She is definitely not dead! She survived! 】

There is obviously no evidence, but after history fans have repeatedly publicized these words on the Internet for a few days, the general public also thinks it is hard to be true?

Self-detonation did not die?

The escape ability of wood-type supernatural beings is so strong?

Li Nanxing officially issued an announcement, saying that he can understand the love of history lovers for Cen Wen, a historical hero, but the remarks circulating on the Internet are completely false and rote. body, the parties have the right to sue in order to defend their reputation.

Various media thought this was good news, and contacted Cen Wen one after another to interview her, but they were all rejected on the grounds that she did not want to show her face in the mirror, and the online interview was also rejected.

The reporters came up with the trick of pretending to be patients to block people in the town, but they were all stopped by the security equipment entering and leaving the town.

Ordinary people who want to come in as tourists are also blocked.

In this important military academy, strangers are not allowed to enter without an appointment.

It is said that he came to see a doctor, so he had to show the hospital's appointment records and medical records, otherwise he would go all the way to Longshan Town to see if he caught a cold and got sick?

The townspeople who once posted their addresses on the Internet began to be harassed by netizens all over the country, paying them to secretly take a photo of Cen Wen, so that everyone can see what she looks like.

The townspeople don't pay attention, everyone is not stupid, it is a local honor to have a big boss living in this town, how about offending people if they are full?

There are quite a few patients in the hospital and the accompanying family members who are eager to move, but Cen Wen wears a mask when he goes in and out, and candidly take pictures of her, which is the same as the face she saw in the live broadcast in the past. There are no valuable photos at all. She would still notice it and stare at her. At that moment, the patient and family members felt that they were only one step away from ascending to heaven.

The military and police system learned that she had successfully upgraded, and wanted to find a difficult case for her, but not long ago, a special global crackdown was launched. Although several long-established black markets have not been completely wiped out, they are also The sphere of influence has been shrunk, and the Li Nan planet is peaceful, and there is no major case worthy of her action, unless she is sent to another planet.

This is of course not possible. The bosses of this planet and the residents of this planet have not enjoyed the benefits a few times, so how can they just send it to other families? It’s too bad.

Li Nanxing's top executives suppressed this shocking news with aspirations.

The school stopped sending missions, and Cen Wen also saved a lot of work. Otherwise, daily online classes, medical treatment, school missions, plus a collector, all with one mind and four tasks, would not be able to keep her busy.

Her time arrangement can only be used in three ways, from morning to night without a break, not even holidays.

Jiang Shan took the list of all kinds of different plants in the planting base given by Cen Wen, and wrote a new script, which can issue reminders two weeks in advance according to the harvesting period of each different plant.

At the same time, after sorting out, I also found that the harvesting period of many different plants in that planting base is very close, and some even have to be carried out together. Under Jiang Shan's ingenious design, the small script will accurately remind.

Cen Wen hadn't received the small script for a week, and a reminder popped up that there was work at the end of October.

Two weeks later, Cen Wen set off to work, changed planes, flew for a day, and finally met the staff who picked up the plane, and arrived at the planting base comparable to a natural park.

The base is heavily guarded. The office buildings, dormitories and living quarters are located at the outermost edge of the entire planting area, separated by a wall. After crossing the wall, you walk into a large forest created for planting different plants.

Different types of heterophytes are planted in different places according to their growth habits. The heterophytes and ordinary plants are intertwined inside, and transportation is not available, only walking.

So this is also a purely physical activity.

This time we will collect two kinds of heterophytes, which grow in two directions, one east and one north, and the harvest period is only about a week.

The workload is very large. In the past, two teams had to be sent, one team was responsible for one type.

Therefore, when the staff at the base learned that only Cen Wen was arranged to come, they were a little worried about whether it would work, and even wondered whether the factory had taken the wrong medicine.

Even though Cen Wen is famous, in the eyes of the base, being able to finish work on time is the real skill.

Of course, Cen Wen would not bother to explain whether he could do it or not, he just had to work.

After resting overnight, in the early morning of the next day, Cen Wen took the space provided by the base and buckled the supply bag, and walked into the wall.

【Baby, it's time to work. 】


After walking a few hundred meters, Cen Wen gave an order, and Emperor Zhi drove to the small planting base.

Relying on the dense vegetation here, not afraid of being photographed by satellites above the head, the small rattan regained its original body, and one of its thick roots arched up to serve as a stool for Cen Wen, leading her to teleport directly to the north and picking the ones there first.

Cen Wen didn't need to pick them himself. These alien plants waiting to be harvested actively cut off useful parts of their bodies, and the rest of the plants turned into nimble fingers to transport the things perfectly.

Cen Wen stayed here for three days. During the whole process, the plant pets led the plants to work, and she was only responsible for supervising the packing.

In the space deduction supply bag given by the base, except for the necessities for her to eat, drink and rest, the rest are boxes for things, and the boxes are packed and taken out to be counted, and the bill can only be paid after confirmation.

In the past, when the teams came in to harvest, it was inevitable that there would be loss, but Cen Wen worked without loss.

Three days later, after the harvest is complete, move the place and continue.

The staff waited in fear for a week, and then saw Cen Wen come out of the room safe and sound.

"It's all done, let's count."

The staff took Cen Wen to the cold storage, where the items were taken out of the space button and counted and sorted on the assembly line.

But when they saw boxes of perfect materials passing by on the conveyor belt, everyone present was surprised and delighted, and their worries about Cen Wen disappeared.

Cen Wen returned to the dormitory to rest for the night, and the base sent a car to take her to the airport early the next morning.

"Boss Cen, it's a happy cooperation. See you in three weeks."

She leisurely went back to the town to continue her life. At the same time, the base also airlifted the raw materials that had been processed overnight to the second factory, exaggerated Cen Wen, and the director of the plantation base exhausted his ability to blow rainbow farts , Praise that this is the best decision the factory has made in these years.

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