The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 271 Becoming a fifth-level supernatural power user

"Unfortunately, we haven't seen that pet plant."

"No, maybe we've all seen it before." Principal Nie's eyes lit up, "Do you still remember the wild high-level heterophytes that appeared twice?"


"Those two times, this Cen Wen was on the scene to perform missions."

"I go……"

"All we see are the roots, not the body."

"But the size of the roots is enough to explain the hugeness of the main body."

"That's true."

"So, when she was on a mission, she let her pets out to enjoy the nutrient solution for free?" The people on the government side reacted, their eyes widened, "Financial funds pay the bill?"

"Yes, such a high-level heterophyte, whether it is wild or domesticated, will you give it?" Everyone in the military smiled narrowly.

"Give it, give it."

The government's flags and drums are silent, and there is no dispute. If it is confirmed, it will be paid in the future.

Collect planetary finances and support a full-level plant pet with an owner, hehehehe~

"We had such a heated discussion, but the problem is that this is all indirect evidence and lacks direct evidence." Li Nanxing's senior official said Youyou, who was the one who spoke the fewest in this online meeting.

"It doesn't matter whether there is direct evidence or not. The test report tells everything. Whether this Cen Wen is that Cen Wen or not, it is always true that she is a high-level boss."

"Yes, when she wants to expose herself, she will expose herself. We rushed to her excitedly to ask her to expose. Be careful that she will fly away with a slap. Old bones like us can withstand a few slaps from her?"


The eye-popping news was revealed, and the meeting came to an end, and the entire Li Nanxing sneezed with a stomp of their feet, and all the participants reached an agreement to maintain the status quo and wait for Cen Wen to develop.

At the end of the meeting, Principal Nie sat silent for a long time looking at the black screen.

He also kept one thing secret, that the wheelchair-bound friend next to Cen Wen was not an ordinary person either.

But she is more low-key than Cen Wen, but judging from her teaching achievements, this person is probably a person with spiritual or brain abilities, and the level of abilities is unknown.

What is your own level, and the level of your close friends is roughly the same.

Cen Wen himself is a high-ranking boss, and that Jiang Shan has to continue to observe, maybe there will be some surprises in the future.

The next day, Cen Wen and Jiang Shan woke up and didn't stay any longer. The factory sent them to the airport, where they boarded a flight back to Longshan Town.

After returning to the town, Cen Wen went to the school, interviewed the current Minister of Justice of the Student Union, and handed over the drafting of the contract to the creditor.

Then she put it aside for a while and went on with her holiday-free life.

The legal department came forward to discuss in detail, and then discussed more details. The two parties even used the holographic network to hold several online meetings, and also blocked many other pharmaceutical companies who came to make preliminary contacts for Cen Wen.

The factory got the instruction from Li Nanxing's top management, and fully cooperated with Cen Wen to meet all her requirements. Don't be afraid of losing money. If you work with her, you won't lose money.

The director of the pharmaceutical research department who talked to Cen Wen earlier was not stupid. He realized what happened to Cen Wen when he saw the report. After getting the news, of course it is a green light. Everything is easy to talk about, and you can come as you like.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of September, at midnight on October 1st, Cen Wen opened the website and waited for the lottery. Just like last year, he was still ranked second.

She immediately put up a leave notice, sent a message to the Minister of Justice, and turned off the phone to sleep.

On the morning of the 2nd, the Minister of Justice brought an assistant, drove the car of the Ministry, picked up Cen Wen, and went into the city to the superhuman center together.

The people from the legal department of the second pharmaceutical factory arrived in Dufeng City two days in advance, and they also lived in a hotel near the superhuman center.

The two parties met at the gate of the superhuman center, lined up together, and watched as Cen Wen took the number from the number machine and followed the navigation to the examination room.

Levels 4, 5 and 6 are intermediate levels, and the test methods are not bad. Cen Wen passed it easily and became a level 5 (full) wood-type ability user.

Back in the lobby, she showed her new certificate to the people on both sides who were waiting for her. Everyone came to the hotel room where the other party was staying, turned on the live broadcast camera for each other, and entered the online conference room. Witnessed by the teachers of Longshan Military Academy, Cen Wen signed the contract for her six-level customized supernatural supplement.

After the signing is completed, the signing bonus and one-year six-level customized supplements will be in place immediately.

She opened a bottle on the spot, and after taking a sip, it didn't taste good, it had a faint sour taste, but the sour taste came from the specially added medicinal materials, which were good for her injuries, so the whole bottle was stuffy in one mouthful, as medicine drink.

At the same time, Cen Wen also got a collection staff card for the planting base of heterogeneous raw materials of the second pharmaceutical factory and a map of the route to the base.

This kind of base has always been built in a place far away from human habitation. Not only does it need a large site for planting, but it is also afraid that the alien plants will slip out and hurt people. Therefore, it is quite far from Longshan Town. It takes at least half a month to go out to do some work. Call back and forth.

Different types of heterophytes have different harvesting periods, so they can live all year round. Once the harvesting period of two heterogeneous plants is very close, they may have to live in the base for a month or so until the work is finished. come back again.

As usual, several small teams take turns in a planting base, but Cen Wen asked to do it alone, and since she is a big boss, the factory unanimously agreed to designate a medium-sized base covering an area of ​​more than 5,000 square kilometers and give her full responsibility.

After handing over all the items, Cen Wen served as the host, and had a luxurious meal in the hotel at lunch time, and the host and guest parted happily.

Not long after she returned to the town, the townspeople who had been waiting all the time saw that the signboard of her shop had been updated, and the power level had been changed to level five (full), so they hurriedly took pictures and posted them online to share.

At the same time, the official account of the second pharmaceutical factory also sent a message, announcing the good news of signing Cen Wen, and congratulating her on becoming a fifth-level wood-type superhuman.

This surprised many pharmaceutical companies who were waiting and watching. They did not expect the second pharmaceutical factory to move so fast, without any rumors in the early stage, and signed the contract abruptly, making them think they still had a chance.

The Internet is quiet, and the netizens who always join in wherever there is excitement, are as quiet as chickens.

No matter how slow people are, they will realize that Boss Cen's upgrade speed is not normal.

No one discussed it, but they all agreed tacitly that this was an invisible boss who was recovering his strength.

There are also voices of yin and yang strangeness in the world.

Competent netizens quickly picked out from history a man with the same name, same name, and same ability, whom he sees every year in history textbooks.

While ordinary people were still hesitating and doubting, Cen Wen's history fans, who had been silent for a long time and couldn't find any fun, began to carnival.

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