Chapter 33 - female ghost s in the stairwell

The reincarnation of the ninth reincarnation of a child …

I had an urge to vomit blood.

Even though I am poor, I am still a normal man, boy … He seems to have given it to someone else in high school.

When I looked at Dou Dabao again, his face was filled with seriousness, as if he wanted to delve deeper into our discussion, and it really made me speechless.

"You transferred to this hospital?" I tried to change the subject. I was beginning to suspect that the guy in front of me was in the hospital not because he was physically ill but because he was mentally ill.

"Mhmm, I came over the second day after you were discharged from the hospital. The kidney department is the most famous place here. My father only helped me get into bed after having a good relationship with someone else." Dou Dabao nodded.

I seem to recall that he was hospitalized for kidney disease. Could it be that his urinary tract was infected with brain cells?

"You really don't believe I can see ghosts?" Dou Dabao asked me quietly with his eyes wide open.

I frowned and glanced back toward the stairwell. "Where's the ghost?"

Dou Dabao said in an even lower voice, "Right on the stairs. While you were smoking, there were at least seven to eight female ghost s surrounding you. Each one of them looked very fierce, as if they wanted to tear you into eight pieces. "

Seeing how serious he was, I started to feel a little vague in my heart.

Seeing a nurse walking by, I pointed at Dou Dabao: "Miss nurse, can I trouble you to take a look, is my friend having a fever?"

"Oh, which room is he in?" The nurse stopped and turned to look at Dou Dabao.

I took the opportunity to wrap a long hair around my finger.

The young nurse asked Dou Dabao about his ward number clearly and said that she would come over later to take his temperature, then walked over to the nurse's desk.

The hair that was wrapped around my hand was naturally cut off. She didn't notice in the slightest.

"What the hell are you doing? Do you think I'm crazy? " Dou Dabao frowned and glared at me.

I twirled the woman's hair around my fingers, then tied it into a knot and stuck it to my left eyebrow with saliva.

Dou Dabao's eyes lit up, "Overbearing the eyebrows, open the ghost eyes! You know about the Yin Yang Art? "

I went into the stairwell and up the stairs.

Guan Fei was already gone, there was not even a shadow of him at the place where the two people were smoking.

I tore off that ball of hair and threw it into the trash can. I was blinded by my own thoughts and actually believed this brat's nonsense. If his luck was so bad that he could be surrounded by seven or eight female ghost, then he would really have no need to open his Yin Eye.

"Yi, that's not right. Logically speaking, if those female ghost wanted to harm you, they should have been following you around. "Why is she gone now?" Dou Dabao talked to himself as he scratched his head.

At this moment, I no longer had a temper. I remembered hearing about the Ten Lotus Pond from him before, took out my cigarette case and gave him a cigarette, also lighting one for myself. If it wasn't for him, there still wouldn't be any clues regarding Ji Yayun. I don't like owing favors.

Dou Dabao took a deep breath of the cigarette, and continued muttering: "If I'm not pestering you, then I'm pestering the four eyes, could it be that he is the reincarnation of a ninth generation boy?"

"You saw a ghost, we have two people here, why are you only dragging me away?" I was curious.

"I don't know that Four Eyes." Dou Dabao said as a matter of fact.

I nod my head in trust. Even though this fellow is vulgar, he is upright. If he isn't a mysterious person, he would be a good friend to me.

"You know how to open the Ghost Eye. So you believe in ghosts?" Dou Dabao asked excitedly.

I nodded again.

Dou Dabao nodded his head and took a drag from his cigarette, his eyes narrowing as he exhaled the smoke rings: "What kind of ghosts have you seen before? Have you seen Hanged Ghost and Water Ghost? "

Seeing him like an expert in deep exploration, I was speechless for a moment.

At this moment, an old man dressed in a disease suit robe walked in from outside. She and I hurriedly stepped aside.

"Thank you." The old man nodded and walked down the stairs.

After finishing my cigarette, Dou Dabao asked me what I was doing in the hospital.

I said I would accompany my friend to see the patient.

His eyes lit up as he asked me which friend I'm accompanying, a great beauty or a little beauty.

I smiled. I didn't plan on arguing with this fool any longer. Just as I was about to head out, the sound of sobbing could be heard from the corridor.

Dou Dabao's expression suddenly changed, and pulled me along as he walked out.

Arriving outside a sickroom, I jolted when I saw the people crying all around the sickbed.

Through the heads moving around, the person lying on the bed was the old man who had just come downstairs.

"Can you really see ghosts?" I asked Dou Dabao, still in shock.

Dou Dabao grinned: "Now you believe I have Yin Yang Eyes?"

I was about to say something when his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.

Startled, I turned around.


Turning around, I bumped into a woman.

"Xu Huo?"

The one I bumped into was actually Ji Yayun.

I looked at her, then turned back to look at Dou Dabao, feeling like a hundred mud horses were lining up in front of my chest.

Damn it, I thought I saw something terrifying … This was like seeing a beautiful woman turn into a pig-brother in a second!

Seeing that Ji Yayun's expression was still a little dazed, I asked her how Ling Hong was doing.

She said that Ling Hong had stabilized her emotions and was sleeping, so Qi Weiwei and Guan Fei was with her.

Thinking about Guan Fei's behavior when he was smoking just now, I was stunned.

Ji Yayun said: "Xu Huo, I still want to accompany Xiao Hong in the afternoon. Let's go to the cafeteria first and eat something."

"Aiya, it's dinner time, let's go together! There's no oil or water in the cafeteria here. I'll treat you guys, let's go to the restaurant outside! " Dou Dabao shouted as if he was faking his corpse.

Other than the school's cafeteria, I've been working in the hospital's cafeteria for the past few years. I've long since stopped feeling cold from the cafeteria's food and just said that I'm going out to eat.

The three of them arrived at a small Sichuan cuisine restaurant outside the hospital.

Once he sat down, Dou Dabao said to the owner of the restaurant, "Big plate of meat, chili spicy chicken, boiled meat, fried loach!"

I dumbfoundedly looked at the disease suit on his body. After a long while, I finally reacted. "I heard that you're a nephrotic. Which of the things you ordered is something you can eat?"

Dou Dabao rolled his eyes. "It's rare that my parents aren't in the hospital. Can't I not indulge myself?"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so I took the menu and ordered two light vegetarian dishes.

"You know Yin-Yang magic, eating?" Dou Dabao asked.

I shook my head and looked at Ji Yayun: "She's from the south, so she's not used to spicy food."

When the dishes were served, Dou Dabao could not hold back and asked for two bottles of beer.

I couldn't get away for a while, so I snatched a bottle.

I poured a glass of beer for Ji Yayun and poured a cup for myself as well. I said to Dou Dabao who had already started eating and drinking heartily, "Bro, you don't stop from talking about this disease of yours.

Dou Dabao stuffed a large piece of meat back into his mouth, picked up his beer, and touched it with mine. He said vaguely: "Once in a while, it's fine."

Occasionally … The owner of the restaurant looks at you as if you were his own son, occasionally even once.

After I ate for a while, seeing that Ji Yayun did not touch the chopsticks much, I picked up her chopsticks and picked up some dishes from her bowl.

"You can't do this. If you don't eat or drink, where would you get your essence energy from?"

"Thank you." Ji Yayun forced a smile, and accepted the chopsticks but did not move.

I snatched the remaining half bottle of beer from Dou Dabao and clinked the cup with her, blew on the bottle, and said:

"Ling Hong just couldn't think of it properly. After committing suicide once, she won't have the thought of taking a life anymore."

Ji Yayun nodded, she raised his wine cup and took a sip.

I told her to eat more.

After a while, I asked, "What is the relationship between that Guan Fei and Ling Hong?"

Ji Yayun was startled, "He is Xiao Hong's disciple, he drives the car usually for shoot."

Seeing me shake my head, she frowned slightly. "You can't be thinking that there's something between him and Xiao Hong, right?"

I hastily shook my head. "That's not what I meant. You know what major I study, I just think this person is a little strange. "

"What major are you studying?" Dou Dabao asked.

I said, "A doctor."

Dou Dabao glared again, "Do you think that Little Four is sick? What disease? Psychosis? "

I was speechless with him again.

I thought about it, and felt that now was not the time to talk with Ji Yayun, so I chatted with him.

I asked him when he found out he had the Yin Yang Eyes.

There were two types of Yin Yang Eyes. One was innate and the other was acquired. If it was the Yin Yang Eyes, then this person's physique must be rather negative and should be prone to disasters.

Dou Dabao's answer surprised me once again.

He actually said that he only found out that he had Yin Yang Eyes after he transferred to another academy, and was able to see ghosts. He even said that he finally understood that everyone around him said that there was something wrong with his head.

That was because he could see things that others couldn't. When he greeted those 'people' in a friendly manner, he would be talking to himself in the eyes of others.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when I heard this. This brat was not only a lecherous pervert, he was also a fool.

"How did you live so long?" I finally couldn't help but ask.

Ji Yayun pulled me under the table, "Don't talk nonsense."

I scratched my head. I really didn't understand, according to Dou Dabao's explanation, he was born with a Yin Yang Eyes, which was the so-called Yin People. Logically speaking, it was the easiest for a pervert to provoke ghosts and ghosts. Yet, he had muddle-headedly greeted ghosts for over twenty years …

Dou Dabao understood what I meant and scratched his head, "I have never been able to tell which ones are human and which are ghosts. I have always felt that the people around me are very kind and friendly, and I didn't think about harming me."

"Right!" He suddenly clapped. "Speaking of evil spirits, this is the first time I've seen one in the stairwell." At that time, those female ghost surrounded you, it looked like they wanted to harm you. If not for that small four-eyed man. "

Hearing him talk about the female ghost in the stairwell, I immediately frowned.

Previously, he thought that there was something wrong with his mind, but now that he knew that he really had Yin Yang Eyes, he couldn't think of anything else.

I have officially become a exorcist, and am much easier to provoke than ordinary people. However, it's not like I would be surrounded by seven or eight female ghost just because I smoke a cigarette.

Besides, it hasn't even been three days since I used the Blood Talisman Willow Leaf to open the Yin Yang Eyes.

If I'm surrounded by seven or eight female ghost, it's impossible for me to not see it …

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