Chapter 32 - Nine Children

When I woke up in the morning, Ji Yayun asked me why I didn't go back to my room to sleep.

I got up from the sofa and looked towards my room. Just as I was hesitating, not knowing what to say, Sang Lan's door opened. She and Su Yan walked out one after the other.

Su Yan glanced at me, still wearing the same numb and sorrowful expression from yesterday, as if nothing had happened last night.

I went to the door of my room and opened it. There was only a mess on the bed.

During breakfast, I couldn't help but ask Sang Lan how she slept last night.

She said it wasn't very good, and she had a nightmare for the whole night.

I asked Su Yan again. She shook her head and didn't say anything.

From the looks of it, she really didn't seem to know that she came to my room last night.

I am sure that was her last night, because I had difficulty planting a strawberry in her long white neck from the start, and the red mark was in her neck.

After breakfast, Sang Lan said that she would go with Su Yan to the Public Security Bureau.

I sent the two of them to the Public Security Bureau and brought Ji Yayun to find Ling Hong.

Along the way, I asked Ji Yayun if she had any unusual experiences before.

She said that she didn't, said that Sang Lan was actually a very obedient girl.

She asked me what was the reason for Sang Lan's entanglement with the mother.

I told her not to ask about it. It was the same thing, not to get involved, or it would only get more and more entangled.

Ji Yayun tried to call Ling Hong again, she put down his phone, but worriedly said that no one would pick up the phone.

Ling Hong's home was in an old-fashioned residential area in the old city, less than ten minutes away from the Shadow Tower.

"How is her family?" I asked Ji Yayun as I went upstairs.

Ji Yayun said: "It's not bad. She and Fang Gang are classmates in university, Fang Gang's family takes advantage of the money. Xiao Hong's photographic work won a big prize, and many units were fighting to get her to be a photographer. "She wanted to open a Shadow Tower a long time ago, so she didn't change rooms and saved up the money to open the Shadow Tower now."

"Right, are she and Fang Gang both local people?" I asked.

"No, Fang Gang is local, Xiao Hong is from Suzhou like me."


I was about to ask again when I heard heavy, hurried footsteps upstairs.

A bespectacled youth carried a person on his back and hastily ran down from above.

"Guan Fei!"

Ji Yayun was startled when she saw the person he was carrying, and shouted: "Xiao Hong!"

The young man's head was covered in sweat. As he ran, he said while gasping for breath, "Sister Hong, you've cut your wrist, quick … "Hurry to the hospital!"

It was only then that I saw clearly that Ling Hong's two wrists were wildly wrapped in bloody cloth.

Ji Yayun and I ran down the stairs and helped to carry Ling Hong to the carriage before we sent him to the hospital.

Outside the operation room, Ji Yayun kept wiping away her tears.

I could only comfort her and advise her to think the best way.

The doctor came out of the operating room and said that it was a good thing that it had been delivered in time. If he had been any later, he would not have been able to save her.

Ling Hong was sent into the sickroom. Not long later, a woman in her twenties arrived at the sickroom and started crying before even entering.

Ji Yayun said that the girl was called Qi Weiwei and was Shadow Tower's makeup artist.

Previously, the person who carried Ling Hong downstairs was called Guan Fei. Previously, sshe was invited as a driver by Shadow Tower and later learned photography from Ling Hong, so he could be considered Ling Hong's disciple.

I asked her if Ling Hong had any other relatives in the area.

She said while wiping her tears, Ling Hong's parents had died in a car accident when he was still in university.

After Ling Hong woke up, she hugged her and even Qi Weiwei was crying so hard that tears fell from her eyes.

I couldn't stand the sight, so I went to the stairwell and smoked a cigarette.

"Who are you to Sister Yun?" a voice suddenly asked.

I turned my head and saw that it was Guan Fei. I took out a cigarette from my cigarette case and said, "I am her friend."

Guan Fei received the cigarette, took out a lighter and flicked it open with a "ding" sound.

He took a drag from his cigarette and sighed. "I knew Sister Hong couldn't hold it on by herself, so I got Weiwei to accompany her. This idiot ran out early in the morning to buy some new phone." It's fortunate that I came in the morning. Otherwise, Elder Sister Hong would have … "Sigh …"

Maybe it was because of my major, but I kept an eye on him.

He was a sunny looking young man, probably two years older than me. He wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses and was quite tall.

"How long have you been in Shadow Tower?" I asked casually.

"The Shadow Tower hasn't even opened yet and Sister Hong has already hired me to be her driver. Sister Hong is a good person and very kind to me. She said I was young, had no future driving, taught me photography, and she was like my own sister. " Guan Fei wiped the corner of his eyes and took a long drag on his cigarette.

I stared at him for a while. "You went to the Liantang Town to take pictures?"

He was stunned for a moment. He rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, I went there with Sister Hong, Weiwei and Brother Fang."

"You have only been to the Liantang Town once?" I asked quickly.

Guan Fei was stunned again. He stopped smoking and looked up at me.

His lips moved, but just as he was about to say something, he heard a strange shout from under the stairs, "Holy sh * t!"

I was about to turn around when someone grabbed my wrist.


The man yelled in my ear and pulled me down without a word.

He let go of me when we reached the lower level and opened the security door. He put his hands on his knees and bent over, gasping for air.

When I saw his appearance, I blurted out, "It's you!"

This person is actually Dou Dabao, who once lived in the same ward as me!

Dou Dabao gasped for breath, he straightened his waist and grinned: "I saved your life, you must repay me well!"

He was still holding a piece of cigarette in his right hand. He took it and pressed it into the trash can at the side.

"Why are you here? "What did that mean?" I asked him doubtfully.

Looking at the people shuttling back and forth in the corridor, Dou Dabao twisted his neck, making a mistake. He raised his hand and put it on my shoulder: "Bro, your luck is bad, you've bumped into a ghost!"

My eyelids twitched. "What?"

Dou Dabao looked around, then approached me and said each word softly, "I have Yin Yang Eyes, I can see ghosts! You were being haunted just now! "

Stunned, I looked him in the eye, frowned, and pushed his hand away.

I don't have a good impression of Dou Dabao. Or rather, I have a special prejudice against people with thick beards. I feel that the reason they don't shave is because they are lazy.

Dou Dabao is about the same age as me, but he has a full beard that hasn't been shaved for a few days. Half his face is covered with strands of hair, making him look extremely sloppy.

The key point was that this guy was not a normal good guy, but a lecherous and vulgar one.

When we were sharing the same ward, he kept asking Sang Lan if she was my wife, whether Ji Yayun was my mother-in-law or my sister's aunt, and even asked me in secret if I had a mother … Women... Double... Fly …

"What's the matter with you?" I pushed his hand away from me again.

He stared blankly, his expression cold as he revealed a disdainful smile, "Xu Huo, as an ordinary person, I can understand why you would not believe that there is a ghost in this world. But since we met, it proved that we were fated to meet. I have to remind you: you are haunted! "

F * ck …

As a exorcist, you were pointed at by the nose and told me: "You have been possessed by a ghost."

Why did it feel like someone was blocking Ruban's door, jumping around and cursing him, saying he didn't know how to work as a carpenter?

As if seeing through my disdain, Dou Dabao rolled his eyes and said, "You better not believe it. Why would I lie to you? The development of the Liantang Town, my family has just been demolished. "

I was stunned and put my arm around his shoulders. "Big Brother Dazhi, what did you mean by those words just now?"

Dou Dabao swung his shoulders and pushed me away, staring at me obliquely: "Do you believe in evil?"

I hesitated, then nodded. "Yes."

Dou Dabao glared at me again, but then leaned in front of me and said with a suppressed voice: "You brat, honestly tell me, are you the legendary Nine Generation Child Body?"

"What?" I was confused.

This Dou Dabao, could it be that there was something wrong with his mind?

Dou Dabao looked around again, and leaned his head over to ask: "Do you believe that there is a ghost in this world? Do you believe that I have the Yin Yang Eyes? "


I nodded, but in my heart I had already come to a conclusion.

Dou Dabao suddenly put his hand on my shoulder, pulled me in front of him, and said word by word in my ear: "You brat, you must be the reincarnation of a boy from the ninth generation.

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