194 – 67. Elijah, who was loved, wanted to run away.

He walked to Yuel’s barn.

The place was too large to be a barn for a single moon deer.

It was large enough for multiple families to use.

When the dogs came to an unfamiliar place, they lowered their posture and started sniffing around.


Yuel ran towards Judah and Elijah but stopped.

He seemed confused by the appearance of a creature he had never seen before.

Judah went first and scratched her face.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. They’re not bad kids. “You don’t have to be on guard.”

The mother dog was looking around and found Yuel first.

She tilts her head slowly.

Once to the left and once to the right.

Then she approaches cautiously.

Yuel looked down at the dog and brought his nose slightly closer.

“Wow, you’re so kind.”

It was an attitude of not being cautious.

The mother dog was also the same.

“That’s right, that’s good. “You’re doing great.”

Elijah held a bunch of puppies in her arms as they were too difficult to crawl.

It was doubtful whether the puppies could even see Yuel, as their eyes were awkwardly opened.

Elijah said to Yuel while showing her puppies.

“What do you think? “Can we stay together in the future?”

It is a smart spirit creature that understands words.

You may be thinking about Elijah’s words.

One of the puppies was shaking and yelping in Elijah’s arms.

“Uh, okay. “I’m sorry, I’ll drop you off.”

When Elijah carefully put her down, she crawled into her mother’s arms.

Yuel lowered his posture to the floor and looked at them intently.

“I guess you don’t like Yuel either.”

“Wow. I guess you like it. “We can stay together.”

Others could not interpret it, but Judah and Elijah, who often cared for Yuel closely, were able to interpret Yuel’s behavioral reactions.

May asked, adjusting her glasses.

“Uh…. “Then is it okay for me to stay here?”

“Yes. Yuel gave permission.”

“That’s good.”

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May immediately gathered dry straw and prepared a place for the dog to sleep in her corner.

It was a home where a mother dog and her four puppies would live together from now on.

Maria, who heard the news, also came to the barn.

“Ellie? “You brought a dog?”

“Yes, yes. “Look at this.”

Elijah cupped her dog’s butt and lifted her up to show off.

The puppy looked around with a puzzled expression.

“Isn’t it cute?”

Maria gasped for a moment and covered her mouth.

“Oh my, no, oh my, my God…” . How can this be so cute….”

With her trembling hands, she touched Elijah’s puppy.

It was so small and delicate that I was afraid to even carelessly pet it or hold it.

So she just poked and prodded with the tip of her finger.

The feel of the ungrown, fluffy fur and warm flesh was truly amazing.

The puppy sniffed her finger at her prick.

“Oh, where did I find such a lovely creature…” .”

“I found it by chance when I went to Jericho. “The mother dog used to follow Judah, and I guess she needed someone to help her.”

“Judas is the one who will become really great, huh…. Doing things like this….”

Maria’s eyes were spinning before her eyes.

Her head felt dizzy in front of her excessive cuteness.

Judas looked around the barn, which had already become crowded.

Elijah holding his puppy as if showing off, and Mary losing her senses in front of him.

May is checking the dog’s condition.

Yuel sits on the floor and greets his new family.

Bradley was surprised when he returned from cleaning the back of the barn.

And, next to him was a mother dog.

It was a relationship that started at Jericho, where I stopped by briefly.

It was just an unknown dog wandering around the neighborhood, and the relationship from that time continued to this point.

Judas knelt down on one knee and stroked the dog’s head.

“Let’s get along well from now on.”

The mother dog barked energetically as if responding.



Elijah is busy.

That is the original position of emperor.

She is constantly bombarded with documents asking her to decide on something.

Furthermore, Elijah is the emperor who unified the continent.

That means a lot of work.

Also, as a great wizard who was called the second coming of the mythical era, Elijah also participates in battle.

Most of the battles to conquer the demon world were Elijah’s responsibility, and the distance humanity has advanced to date was all Elijah’s credit.

She has no choice but to be that busy.

Judas, who follows her around, is objectively not as busy as her, but she is busy in her own way.

But there was no shadow of fatigue on either of their faces.

It was always like that because we just loved being around each other, but these days, other reasons have been added.


“Ah! “Ang!”


Every time I returned home from work, it was thanks to the dogs running to greet me.

Originally, after finishing work, I came to the barn and greeted Yuel, but puppies were added to the situation.

It grew rapidly in just a few weeks, and unlike before, when I opened my eyes with an unfair expression, my eyes became brighter.

Perhaps due to the difference in growth rate, one animal’s eyes were still half-closed and droopy, giving it an unfair look, but it was just as cute.

However, because she was still young, her running form was somewhat immature.

Sometimes he falls, or strangely runs in a diagonal direction. Things like that.

Anyway, it was cute so it wasn’t a problem.

“Oh, yes, yes. How have you been?”

Judah knelt down on her floor, flapping her ears and catching the charging puppies with her whole body.

The guys, who were swinging their tails so hard that they couldn’t be seen, randomly attacked and hugged me.

Unlike him who actively greeted and spoke, Elijah was quiet.

She just squatted down next to her and carefully petted the puppies that were rubbing at her feet, one by one.

Her face was full of happy and contented smiles.


Shabby fur characteristic of immature animals.

Soft and warm flesh.

Somewhat clumsy movement.

Elijah was sure that there would be no one whose heart would not melt before this sight.

“Everyone’s stomachs are chubby, as if they just had a baby.”

Judah said, looking at her puppies.

These infinitely small guys have bulging bellies, and they are extremely cute.

She also thought it was a bit absurd.

It’s a cute creature that just came here after being breastfed.

‘Is it similar to Ellie in that respect? .’

Just looking at Elijah doing nothing makes her feel good, and she finds him cute for no reason.

She couldn’t say they had nothing in common.

The two decided to settle down.

When Judah sits against the wall, she sits with Elijah’s back in his arms.

My daily life now is to play with my dog or Yuel and have normal conversations.

Elijah leaned over Judah and picked up one of her puppies.

“I think he still has trouble opening his eyes.”

Among the four dogs, he was the one who looked especially unfair.

“Is this okay?”

Judas said, offering one of his hands for the puppies to nibble.

She said, “May said there was nothing wrong with her health, so she doesn’t have to worry…. Or maybe she just has small eyes?”

“I guess so.”

The puppy that was lifted was writhing and groaning.

“Okay, I’ll drop you off.”

Elijah carefully put down her puppy.

Walks around on the floor.

It wasn’t disappointing.

The very next puppy tried to climb into Elijah’s arms.

Elijah smiled happily and hugged her puppy.

Beside the two, the mother dog was lying comfortably resting.

It was a languid and peaceful time.

These days, it’s always like this when I come back and rest.

After resting tiredly, we sometimes fall asleep before dinner and have everyday conversations.

Sometimes Maria comes and plays with the dogs.

She said as Elijah gently petted her puppy.

“I think I should go to the sea in the summer.”


“Wow. By then, the construction of large ships that are important for this conquest will be completed. I’m going to test drive it myself and check the supply route. “We are planning to gradually open up the blocked maritime trade routes, but I think I need to confirm that with my own eyes.”

“… “There’s never enough work to do.”

“If you do it in advance, you can play with Yuda longer later.”

“That’s a very smart idea.”

Elijah laughed lightly.

“And, there is something I want to see.”

“What do you want to see?”

“Wow. That….”

Just as I was about to say something, Yuel hurriedly approached the two.

It was a rough step that seemed to be grumbling.

Judah and Elijah looked up.

Yuel fell down in front of them with her chin on her back and tapped Elijah’s shoulder with her horn.

“Uel? What’s the matter. What’s going on?”

Elijah asked her, gently stroking her horns.

Yuel just glanced at Elijah and her puppy in her arms with a dissatisfied look in her eyes.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Hmm. “I think I know.”

“Huh? Why? What?”

“Maybe I’m upset?”

“… “You’re upset?”

Yuel wriggled his head as if in agreement.

“Why… ?”

“Well, Yuel didn’t like me this much when I first brought him here, right?”

At that time, Elijah was not as interested in Yuel as he is now.

It was a time when the light of emotions had faded.

On the other hand, Judah went to see Yuel whenever he had time.

It was to receive magic power through the horn, but it was also fun to spend time playing with Yuel after training.

But now.

As soon as several dogs are brought in, Elijah is giving them all his attention.

It seemed reasonable for Yuel to be disappointed.

“Ah…. Umm….”

Elijah seemed embarrassed and didn’t know what to do.

“Oh, what should I do…” .”

It was rare to see her in embarrassment, as she was always confident and calm, so her Judas watched her with amusement.

“Umm…. Yuel?”

The clear eyes of her moon deer glanced at her.

“I didn’t know you felt that way. Sorry.”

Elijah touched Yuel’s chin and apologized honestly.

This was possible because it was a spirit creature that understood everything she said.

“I will pay more attention from now on. So, will you make up with me?”

Yuel, fluttering her ears, laid her chin down next to Elijah.

It was something I did only when I was at ease.

“It looks like it’s been resolved, I’m glad.”

Elijah smiled as if relieved.

“… “I guess this is how Judah felt when he was jealous of me.”

“Wouldn’t it be similar?”

“I see…. “It’s not bad, is it?”

“Um… ?”

Judah also laughed as he saw her playfully smiling.

As she kissed the top of her head, she suddenly became curious.

“But I became curious again. “What does the name Yuel mean?”

“… Yes?”

Elijah lifted her head.

He is in my arms, and when I look up, I see Judah’s face.

“You’re asking because you really don’t know.”

“Uh, um…. Was there any way for me to know….”

“To give you a clue, it is a combination of letters taken from a certain name.”

“… !”

The clue was like a revelation, and gave Judas the greatest and deepest understanding of the world.

Jude of Judah.

El of Elijah.

“… Was that our name?!”

“Wow. “I really didn’t know that I didn’t know.”

“Oh my god.”

It was shocking.

I can’t believe I didn’t know this until now.

If you want to know, it was a combination that was very easy to figure out.

I felt like I had been stabbed in the back by a completely unexpected twist.

Even though there is no such thing as a twist.

“Go, go. But it’s been quite a while since I named Yuel.”

The name was given to us when we were young when we couldn’t even predict the possibility, let alone being certain that we liked each other.

Of course, Judah was shaken from then on.

Elijah answered calmly.

“Because I liked it back then. “I didn’t know it at the time.”

Looking back, it was a fond feeling.

If you don’t like someone, you wouldn’t name something important after that person or yourself.

Judah grinned at Elijah’s confident answer and pressed his lips to her head.

And she said without thinking.

“It’s cute.”

“… ….”

However, there is no response from Elijah.

It’s so quiet.

My body suddenly became stiff and stiff.

As she looked down, her ears slowly turned red.


“… Uh, huh? Nana?”

She reacted like someone who had woken up for the first time in a while.

‘Why are you doing this?’

Judah’s reaction was very unfamiliar.

This is my first time seeing Elijah like this.

After thinking about it carefully, I realized.

It was a more dazzling and powerful realization than when I heard the origin of Yuel’s name.

‘This is the first time I’ve told Elijah that he’s cute…’ !’

I know very well that her poems are so cute that I can’t stand them all the time.

However, she never said it out loud.

She always smiled happily on the inside.

It’s not that I didn’t say it on purpose.

It just happened to be like that.

And she said those words for the first time today.

Elijah said that she was cute, something he had never heard from her before, and her face turned bright red.

‘Hoo…. ‘This would be fun to make fun of.’

I can feel her being nervous in my arms, not knowing what to do.


At that moment, Judah’s voice lowered.

“Ooh, huh? Yes… ?”

Judah grabbed her chin with one of her hands and made her look at him.

The face that is touched by her hand is hot as if it were burning.

The eyes that look up are shaking mercilessly.

The sight of her not being able to come to her senses because she was embarrassed by being called cute was even more cute and lovely.

So, what I am saying now is not just something to tease, but is also pure sincerity.

Judah looked straight at her face and she smiled and said.

“It’s cute.”

“… ….”

Looking at Elijah, who seemed to be steaming from her head, Judah smiled mischievously.

“Ellie, you’re so cute.”

“Uh, uh, ugh…” .”

Elijah wanted to run away.

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