193 – 66. I picked up the dog


The dog welcomed Judah by wagging its tail and sticking out its tongue.

Judas was in a state of self-destruction for a moment as he looked at the bright dog.

Elijah asked vaguely.

“Are you even afraid of dogs?”

“… No it’s not.”

Elijah chuckled at the blunt answer.

Even though she knew everything, she asked the question to tease her.

“Ha…. I really want it. Hehe, really. It’s absurd. “How did you mistake him for a ghost?”

Judah smiled at her helplessly, knelt down on one knee and petted her dog.

The dog seemed familiar, rolling over on her stomach and feeling Judas’ touch on her.

“Originally, people mainly see what they want to see. It’s a kind of prejudice. I first thought it was a ghost, so I guess I saw it as a ghost. “It is difficult for a person’s perception to escape from a set framework.”

Looking back on the testimony, there is nothing wrong with what was said.

An opponent who crawls on the floor on all fours.

Because it is a dog, it naturally runs around on all fours.

A strange color that shimmers in black and mixes with white.

That’s the color of this dog.

Black fur mixed with white fur.

‘Was it a border collie…? . Anyway, it must be that type of herding dog.’

From noble mtl dot com

Doubts still remain.

“But why did you steal people’s food?”

A dog that sometimes stayed in Jericho’s front yard when he lived there.

And I also lived here and there, moving from place to place in the homes of people in the neighborhood.

It means a dog that likes and follows people.

There is absolutely no reason to steal food from people.

“Well…. “I don’t know, but not everyone likes dogs.”

“… Ah. But.”

Recently, Jericho has enjoyed a greater revival than before as a base city.

Several new people flocked from outside Jericho.

Among them, there was a person who hated dogs, and it is possible that he treated this dog coldly.

It was just Elijah and Judah’s guess.

Judas carefully felt various parts of the dog’s body.

“There are no injuries…” . Seeing that the joints are still intact, I don’t think it was hit. “By the way, she was a female.”

When we lived together, I didn’t pay attention to gender, so I never checked it carefully.

She was a dog that moved from house to house, so I didn’t see her often.

But looking at it now, my breasts look prominent.

“… “You lived under the same roof with that bitch?”

“Ellie? What is that… “Do you mean it?”

“Hmm, hmmm.”

After clearing his throat a few times, Elijah pretended that nothing had happened.

Judah was dumbfounded by that shameless appearance, so she laughed.

‘He doesn’t care about the species of the object of his jealousy….’

Her jealous nature to the point of being annoying was just lovely, so she wasn’t without problems herself.

“But it wouldn’t be good for him to eat the food that people eat….”

While Judah was worried, Elijah organized her thoughts.

She had expected from the beginning that it was not her ghost.

There is even a possibility that the source of the rumor may be an animal.

However, unanswered questions still remain.

‘Grunting sound. And, why did she stay here when she had trouble moving around? … ‘No way, that’s it.’

“Woof! Woof woof!”

The dog bit Judas’ sleeve and led him away.

It is a movement as if it is taking you somewhere.

“Huh? “Why are you doing this?”

The place the dog was trying to lead was a pile of boards placed on the castle wall.

The spot where the dog was hiding until just now.

“Is there anything important in there?”

“I guess so. “I’m a stranger so you might be wary, so I’ll stay a few steps away.”

The dog wandered around in front of the pile of boards.

Judas carefully removed the pile of boards so that they would not collapse.

Soon, something hidden inside was revealed.

It was a very small, clumsy creature.

“… Eh?”

Those wriggling things were four baby puppies.

Things that I couldn’t even open my eyes to yet were stuck together.

“Puppy… ? “Is this a bastard?”

“That’s why I couldn’t leave this place. Because there are so many people, it’s hard to move it alone, and I’m worried about leaving it behind….”

The cause of the groaning sounds that sound like a child being in pain has also been revealed.

It was the sound of these puppies cooing.

It’s quiet now, probably because he’s sleeping.

“Umm…. “Maybe these guys are good.”

At that time, the puppies wriggled.

I felt like I woke up when the light suddenly came on.

The mother dog, who was wandering around, hurriedly approached her as if to reassure her.

Then lie down on your side in front of the puppies.

The cubs clung to their mother and began sucking milk.

He clucks hard.

The sight was almost like a struggle.

A total of 4 animals desperately hold on to their positions to suckle.

Judah and Elijah watched in silence.

It was a mysterious sight.

It was just an image of a dog giving milk, but it had a magical power that I couldn’t bear to not see.

The mystery of life and growth.

I also felt something like the wonder of nature.

But it goes beyond that.


It was very cute.

Even a squirming puppy.

The mother dog lying calmly in front of her.


When a puppy tried to slip, Judah gently supported her buttocks.

They are small enough that you can catch two in one hand.

And it is soft like rice cake.

‘What are these bean rice cakes…’ .’

In fact, the color combination was like white rice cake with black beans on it.

Meanwhile, Elijah felt like she was going to cry.

It is a strange feeling.

There is absolutely no reason to cry in front of her cuteness.

But for some reason, I felt that way.

Something unknown fills her plump chest.

The two looked at the scene as if they were fascinated and then spoke.

We opened our mouths at the same time.

“Shall I take you with me?”

“Shall we raise them?”

The two made eye contact.

A moment of silence.

I soon end up laughing.

I didn’t think it was a kidnapping.

It seems like this dog always needed someone to trust and ask for help.

That’s why she led Judah’s hand.

“But I’ve never raised a dog…. “I wonder if I can do it well.”

Judas became worried later.

She has never even thought of raising animals in the first place, let alone having any experience raising them.

UEL is a bit of an exception.

In the beginning, Yuel grew up well on his own.

Most of the management was done by Bradley, who was the stable keeper at the time.

Because they are not ordinary beasts but spiritual creatures, they do not need human management.

On the other hand, these dogs are truly pure beasts.

You will need help to take it in and raise it.

Elijah also took a step back from his hasty impulse.

She could not take life lightly.

If you are thinking of growing it yourself.

“I heard that May raised a dog. “She is also a veterinarian who can treat animals.”

In fact, it was May’s responsibility to check Yuel’s health.

“Well, even if we don’t raise it, it would be better to take it in and feed it something rather than leaving it here.”

Her compromise also made sense.

Anyway, it was decided to take him first.

Judah carefully held her puppies in her arms.

She felt like she was holding several warm rice cakes.


“I’m jealous….”

Elijah was worried that the dog would be wary, so he did not touch it hastily.

I was curious and envious of what it would feel like to touch those small things.

“But wouldn’t it be better to let go of your guard against Ellie in advance?”

“Umm…. That’s right. “Do you think trust can be formed so easily?”

Elijah gently squatted down.

She made eye contact with the mother dog wandering at Judah’s feet.

She learned that facing a beast head on is an aggressive attitude.

Elijah slowly approached the dog.

Fortunately, her dog did not avoid her.

‘As much as she trusts Judah, does she have a certain amount of trust in me, who is close to him?’

Elijah slowly extended his hand to her dog.

The dog sniffed his hand.

She waited until she had had enough, then stroked her head.

Don’t be burdened, do it gently.

The dog stuck out his tongue, panted and slightly closed his eyes.

It was as if he was smiling at Elijah’s touch.

As if she felt good, she raised her head and rubbed Elijah’s hand more actively.

Elijah smiled contentedly.

“That’s nice.”

A certain level of trust has been secured.

Elijah looked at Judah and nodded her head, and she immediately used the teleport.


The main palace of the palace.

She arrived at the garden in front of the Sky Palace.

The dogs couldn’t open their eyes and didn’t know what was going on, and the dog was looking around in confusion at the sudden change in the situation.

Next to her, Elijah stroked her head as if to reassure her.

“Your Majesty?!”

The maids who were cleaning the garden were startled.

Even though you know that the owner can suddenly appear at any time, you can’t help but be surprised if you encounter it in person.

“Don’t worry about it, just do what you’re doing. “More than that, can someone please bring May?”

“I’ll come back!”


One of the maids rushed out with her gun in hand.

The other maids glanced at Judah and Elijah while cleaning.

To be exact, the small creature they brought with them.

The dog was walking around and sniffing the surroundings as if they were amazed.

Judah was holding all the puppies, and Elijah also took a peek at one of them.

“It’s so light…. And it’s very warm. It’s like bread dough….”

The toothless puppy yelped in her arms.

The sounds and gestures were enough to melt the hearts of the maids.

But the emperor and Gukseo couldn’t dare to approach the dog they were carrying.

I just had expectations in my heart.

If the day comes when those puppies can run around freely in the imperial palace, it will be a very happy day.

May immediately came running with the maid.

As soon as she saw the dog running around the garden and the puppy they were holding, she smiled brightly.

“Oh my. “What kind of puppies are these?”

“I found it by chance when I went to check supplies.”

“These are babies who have barely opened their eyes. Be cute. “Could you please put it down first?”

Judah and Elijah carefully put the puppies down on the grass.

“Dogs have an important sense of smell. “When coming to an unfamiliar place, it is best to leave it free so that it can smell the smell and adapt to the environment.”

“Hmm. “You should be careful.”

This was a fact that Judah and Elijah did not know.

Several puppy puppies were wiggling and exploring their surroundings.

Because it was so small, it seemed like it was crawling on the floor.

The mother dog came over and gathered the puppies, who were scattering here and there, into one place and began to lead them.

Everyone was looking at this with joy.

Mei also smiled and called for her attention.

“Let those kids adapt first. Let me check a few things with you two. “Did you bring me here to raise you?”

“Yes. If possible.”

“What experience have you had raising animals?”

Both shook their heads.

“Are you going to grow it indoors? Or outdoors?”

“Well…. She hadn’t even thought about that. It would be nice to have a place where those kids are comfortable. “We can’t stick around and take care of them all day.”

“Then outdoors would be nice. Since they are a sheep herding breed, they need a lot of space to run around. “The imperial palace is also spacious.”

May asked about where the puppies stayed and what the environment was like, and she organized this and that in a document.

Yuda once again felt that Rep. Lee was an expert.

Usually he sees Gale more often than May.

This is a measure she received because she was wary of Elijah being with another woman.

“What if we let them stay together at Yuel’s barn?”

“You don’t think Yuel would like it?”

“Moon deer are gentle animals as long as you don’t make them angry, so they’ll be fine.”

“If you don’t like it, you’ll find somewhere else.”

Elijah spoke firmly.

Her attitude was that she would actively respect Yuel’s wishes.

“Yes. That’s how it should be. Shall we go first? “It would be better to show them early where they will be staying and let them get used to it.”

“Yes. “Let’s go right away.”

Judah clapped his hands to get the mother dog’s attention.

The mother dog pricked up his ears and followed him, wagging her tail.

After that, four wiggly puppies followed.

Judas, who took the lead, suddenly became the figure of a dog leading.

Elijah deliberately stood a step away from her and took in her wide-eyed view of her appearance.

Judah walking ahead and the mother dog and puppies following him.

Just looking at it warms a corner of my heart.

A new guest came to the imperial palace.

Puppies who have become a family to stay with.

I read in a book that violence is often passed down from generation to generation.

It is difficult for a person who is not loved to love others.

So sometimes, Elijah would seriously wonder if she could start her own family.

When she was young she didn’t even realize she was a victim of domestic violence, but now she can see it.

So she became more worried.

But when she saw that man who loved her generously, she was confident again.

With Yuda, she will be able to create a harmonious and happy family.

Elijah felt the warmth welling up in her chest, and the girl he loved clung to his side.

She said, crossing her arms.

“I love you.”

Judah grinned and responded calmly to that new confession.

“I love you too.”

She walked side by side and kissed briefly.

It was nice to hear the sound of dogs following behind.

Elijah held Judah’s strong arm tighter and walked in front of her.

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