151. God Demon Token

Translator: Ning LL

“Stand still.” The King caught the boy by the waist and held the latter up.

There was a complete silence in the air and the place which had just been noisy was now in a weird atmosphere. However, the King didn’t even give a single glance to those people and only protected the boy who nearly slipped over. But then he saw the boy spraining his foot, so he just took the latter up directly.

Feng Xi was light. Though he was not as light as a feather, the King still felt as if he was carrying nothing.

“You sprained your foot by standing. I really cannot let you alone anymore.”

The King weighed the boy in his arms with his eyebrows knitted. The boy lost some weight these days. Lately Feng Xi always went out, so that chubby boy had turned thinner than before. ‘He needs nourishment.’ With that, the King started to think about how to make the boy in his arms gain some weight.

“That’s an accident! An accident!” Said Feng Xi emphatically.

How could he know there was a rock under his foot? If he knew about that, he would never step on it. He had wanted to make a stylish landing, but now he nearly embarrassed himself. Such a shame, a shame! Even a rock tried to hurt him. Damn rock.

“Be careful next time, the rock doesn’t have eyes.” The King joked with no expression on his face.

Feng Xi raised his head and looked at the King for a long while. Suddenly, he bit the King’s shoulder and sobbed, “My foot doesn’t have eyes either. It is not my fault.”

He was not a fool and understood that his leader meant that Feng Xi had a pair of eyes but still hadn’t seen that. However, in that case, he didn’t have the time to see if there was a rock under his foot. The rock should be blamed for being at the place where he landed.

The King smiled without saying anything, feeling that his boy becoming more and more like a lord.

“By the way, who wants to take my lobe away? It’s you guys, right?” Feng Xi suddenly raised his head. As he remembered this serious matter, he, face bulging and eyes goggling, looked to Ming Qianxia and the other people at once. It seemed that he would put up a desperate fight with the guy who dared to touch his lobe.

The King frowned lightly. As he looked at the people in front of him, he already knew who was responsible for this without needing to hear Luo Nanshu’s explanation. There was not another possible family besides the Dino family which ignored the King’s warning.

“This lode doesn’t have an owner. It’s against the rule to take forcible possession of it.” Po Ying walked out and said that.

They heard what the boy in red had said clearly and realized that he must be the ‘owner of Emerald Dragon Mountains’ that Luo Nanshu had mentioned. Feng Xi and the King looked very unfamiliar to those guys and they didn’t know which family they were from. Emerald Dragon Mountains was situated in the northern area, so it was reasonable for a few experts to show up here. Then those people assumed that the boy and the man were merely two experts in the northern area.

Thinking of that, they calmed down at once.

“What is the rule?”

The King glanced at the everyone there with an indifferent look. His nonchalant attitude showed that he wasn’t looking down upon those people now because they were actually even not qualified to be disdained by him. It was not that the King wouldn’t get angry but that few things would irritate him. Right now, what the Dino family had done had already upset him a bit.

Under his gaze, those people felt their blood freezing and their eyes fell on Po Ying right away.

Po Ying felt as if his soul was trembling when facing the King’s stare. However, now that everyone was putting their hope on him, he could only nerve himself and said, “If you can beat us, we’ll never get anything related to the lobe.”

There was no exact definition of his word ‘us’. Po Ying was playing word games now, but no one there was stupid.

“You are not qualified.” Any word games and tricks wouldn’t work on a transcendent person like the King.

“You… you are too overconfident!” Po Ying had never met such an arrogant person like this. ‘Isn’t he afraid of my family?’

“So my leader is overconfident, does this have anything to do with you?” Feng Xi glared at Po Ying immediately, “I’ve told you that this lode is mine. Why do I have to beat you guys like an idiot? You are not my parents, why do I have to get your permission? You are so annoying!”

Po Ying had never heard a theory like this before and got so angry that his beard was up.

‘How dare a young man yell to me! That’s so outrageous!’

“This is robbery! There is a rule in God and Demon’s Kingdom that a lobe without an owner couldn’t be divided privately and the ownership of the lobe could only be decided by Nine Grand Heaven Gods of the middle area. At last, a competition will be held to determine who will get the lobe. If you want to keep the lobe to yourself, you’ll have to wait for the God Demon Token from the God and Demon Tower!” Furious as Po Ying was, he still hadn’t lost his sense and cleared up the confusion with a few words.

“Is there such a thing?” Feng Xi never realized that mining would be so difficult. Still, he wondered what was God Demon Token.

“That’s right. Generally speaking, if a lobe doesn’t have an owner, it would be divided by others through competition according to the rule in God and Demon Kingdom.” That was actually a very unfair way. The ones who attended the competition were all from the big families or large forces, and the self-cultivators would have no chance. Even if they did have a chance, they would have to quit the competition because they lacked strength. Luo Nanshu was the most familiar with this because he had participated in this kind of competition three times.

“Who made this absurd rule?” Feng Xi, dumbfounded, felt more and more upset as he heard the rule.

Luo Nanshu coughed and continued, “Actually, this rule was made by all the Nine Heaven Gods of the middle area in order to prevent the bloody battle for the lobe. However, the rule benefits not only just the big families. If a self-cultivator finds the lobe first, he or she could still compete for one third of the lode with the people from second-class families.”

Luo Nanshu’s grandfather was one of the Nine Heaven Gods, so he couldn’t speak ill of his own grandfather. That was his family after all.

“Then what is a God Demon Token?” Feng Xi asked.

“The existence of God Demon Token is like the Way of Heaven. It has arbitration right in God and Demon Kingdom and was set up by the guardian of God Demon Tower. If anyone dares to violate the rules in God and Demon Kingdom, he will receive God Demon Token according to the seriousness of his crime. Once the God Demon Token is sent from God Demon Tower, it will come after the person who violates the rules until he dies!” Luo Nanshu showed a serious look on his face which was rarely seen.

“My leader, do we have to participate in the competition? We have to share it with a lot of guys… Then we won’t have so many things left to us.” Feng Xi didn’t like this method of sharing because he felt that his lobe was about to be divided in this way. However, he always didn’t like the feeling of being chased.

The King rubbed his head and comforted, “The rule could only restrain the weak creatures. It doesn’t mean it cannot be changed.”

After he had said those words, everyone was astonished.

‘Was this man implying that they didn’t want to follow the rules in God and Demon Kingdom?’

‘They wanted to possess the whole lobe even if they know how powerful the God Demon Token is?’

Luo Nanshu and the men beside him had felt strange about the King’s identity long ago. They knew that the King wasn’t an ordinary person, but never did they realize that he could ignore the rules in God and Demon Kingdom. If the King and the boy decided to break the rules of God Demon Tower, they would never live a safe life in this place. Luo Nanshu and the other two men with him wanted to persuade the King, but they also knew that the latter would never change the decision he had made.

Zong Wuqing had been standing outside the circle the whole time. Though he seemed to be on the same side with Luo Nanshu, he was more like an outsider.

Also, Zong Wuqing was the first one who noticed the weird reaction of Ming Qianxia and the elder in green. Or say, ever since the King and Feng Xi showed up, Ming Qianxia and the elder in green had started to behave strangely. At first, they seemed astonished and then a bit happy. At last, the two men both looked awe-stricken and respectful. It was truly surprising how changeable the looks on their faces were.

With their reaction alone, Zong Wuqing could be certain that they knew who was the King.

There was only one guy who could make the proud and arrogant nether people show such an awestruck look. Zong Wuqing confirmed his guess and covered his surprised feeling with his gentle and elegant smile. As he looked away from the two men quietly, he happened to look right into Huan Ye’s flickering eyes. Only until then did Zong Wuqing know that he was not the only one who find the truth.

Right at this moment, five glows of golden light appeared on the sky and landed in front of everyone quickly. They were the other five gold puppets that the King had just summoned.

Now, the fifteen gold puppets were together, which meant that Feng Xi and the King had fifteen gold puppets who were in the nine grade of Exalt God realm. In other words, the puppets outnumbered the experts at the same level among those people and also were much stronger than them. The power from the fifteen puppets formed a huge pressure which suffocated everyone there. Then, frights appeared in those people’s eyes.

The King took a look at them and then raised his hand. After that, the fifteen gold puppets all looked to Po Ying with a horrifyingly murderous intention.

“Kill anyone who doesn’t leave in ten seconds!”

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