The Domestic Hero

Chapter 995: There are fat sheep everywhere

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Poor Anatoly, he did n’t even know Wang Yan ’s glorious name of the child of flame, and there were some bad rumors secretly circulating. Especially those guys who ate all kinds of sorrows on Wang Yan's hands, secretly called Wang Yan as a child of disaster.

That is, no matter where he goes, there will be various disasters.

For example, on the Liuli Island in Nanyang, it was originally a project department that killed FBG. As a result, even the abyss lord came out to show a show, which almost wiped out the big guys.

In another example, in the Holy Land of the Bright Holy See, Wang also played pigs and ate tigers all the way. In the end, even the God of Light was alarmed and blackmailed.

Not to mention the Youth Conference, under the wind and rain of someone, Emerson, the dean of the Starry Sky Academy, was almost not scared of a heart attack. In the end, he said privately among a group of old friends that a son of flames came to attend the youth conference. His life was at least ten years old.

After that, he went to the Starry Academy for a business trip. Naturally, some unpleasant things happened, and he was also involved in the frightening Black Demon Venerable.

These are only a part of the record of Wang Yan, the "child of disaster". After he set foot in the superpower world, there are countless deeds of pitmen. The places he has passed are all turbulent and messy.

The most terrible thing is that no matter how things develop, the winner who wins the laugh is usually Wang Yan, who makes a lot of money and returns.

Now that this tribe and his party honestly say that Wang Yan wants to be low-key, after all, this may involve the future mother-in-law. Before shaking the prestige among the tribes, it was also to avoid the harassment of Xiao Xiao.

Afterwards, even in the hunting competition, Wang Yan originally wanted to be low-key, and wanted to get just a prey to pass the game. Unexpectedly, just a few Thunderbirds came back.

At this moment, this Anatoly jumped out and found the abuse again, Wang Yan couldn't help but tickle his hands, and didn't fish for a cruel one, and some were sorry Comrade Anatoly, again and again, like a fire Enthusiasm.

In Anatoly's provocative eyes, Wang Yan couldn't hold back anymore, and began to put his sleeves on to prepare for a big show, let him see what he called the hidden nickname, "child of disaster", "son of greed".

"and many more!"

The red tank stopped Wang Yan, and his burly body stood in front of Wang Yan. He said with a straight face: "The son of flame is a valuable guest of our Polar Bear Secret Service. In this scene, my red tank will take him."

Speaking, he didn't want to be stopped by others. He took a giant step and strode meteorically to the lake of elemental ice. In order to prevent frostbite, his muscles swelled up constantly. When he entered the cold lake, he had been transformed from a burly man into a humanoid monster.

"What the hell!"

There was a drop of cold sweat beside Wang Yan, and I have to admit that the guy in the red tank was still very loyal. He jumped out and took the matter without saying a word. But which one should you take? I obviously can solve this wave and get some benefits.


With a loud bang, when the red tank jumped into the lake of elements of ice, because of its own weight, it exploded a large splash. Those "water splashes" splashed into the air, and immediately turned into fog and ice.

They are like clouds and fog, covering the whole cold lake.


The strong freeze made the red tank and other tough tough guys unable to help moaning. Unlike Nan Lian, Bai Lisha and others are themselves ice attributes, they can absorb the power of those ice.

The red tank can only rely on its strong physique to resist.

Berissa frowned slightly, and glared fiercely at Anatoly. Had this guy not provoked indiscriminately, would the Red Tank suffer this kind of suffering?

The patriarch Cole, who was on the side, spoke to comfort her daughter and said, "Belissa, don't worry too much about the boy in the red tank. Although he can't absorb the power of the ice element, such a rare alpine is hardening his physical strength It's still very beneficial. "

Berisha blushed slightly and smirked at her father: "Which one is worried about him?"

"Hehe." Seeing her daughter rarely showing the gesture of the youngest daughter, the tribal patriarch Cole also smiled with satisfaction.

Anatoly, but turned his eyes straight, glanced at Wang Yan from time to time, still seemed unwilling. The red tank is a strong physical body, entering the pool of ice elements, although it does not get any benefits, it can rely on the physical strength of the physical body to carry it hard.

However, Wang Yan is different. He is a flame attribute, and has a strong conflict with the ice attribute. If he wants to carry it, it is much more difficult than the red tank.

Time, one minute and one second passed.

Twenty-five minutes later, there was a sound of "wow", and the burly body of the red tank came out of the pool of ice elements. At this time, his body was covered with a layer of ice crystal armor, white In one piece, there was a bit of stagnation and rigidity in action.

This makes Wang Yan can't help but increase the power of the Frost Elemental Pool by one grade. You must know that the red tank is a holy power that is sanctified by the flesh.

That guy, even if he was thrown into the steel-making furnace, would not necessarily burn him to death.

But such a cold lake has frozen him like this, showing how powerful the cold in this cold lake is.

Suddenly, the muscles of the red tank stretched and fluttered invisibly like a high-frequency shaking head. "Click", the thick "Ice Crystal Armor" cracked into pieces, "哗啦啦" fell to the ground, exposing his red iron-like muscles.

When I walked up, I rang. Not only is he as burly as a tower, but even the density of every muscle fiber is higher than that of iron stone. The overall weight is almost heavier than robots of the same height.

Such a terrifying atmosphere made Anatoly and others unable to resist a half-step backward, instinctively swallowing saliva to express fear.

In fact, the flesh is as strong as the red tank, and even the ancient Tyrannosaurus Rex is weakly like a chicken in front of him, and can easily be shredded.

"Lao Tan, are you happy?" Wang Yan asked with a smile.

"It's cool, it's cool, it's a rare opportunity to take a bath in the lake of elemental ice, and feel that the whole person's soul is much more pure." The red tank grinned heartily, "but if you want to go in and try, I I suggest you do not exceed twenty minutes. "

"Lao Tan, you're wrong." Wang Yanhuan said, rolling his eyes with his hands. "You can soak for 25 minutes, why can I only soak for 20 minutes? You seem to be more powerful than me." of."

The law of ice is a branch of the law of the water system, which theoretically has a certain restraint effect on the flame. However, the attributes are similar, this is relatively speaking. When a certain element is powerful to a certain degree, it can naturally sweep all other attributes.

The red tank laughed: "I didn't say that I am better than you. In terms of physical strength, you are the only person I have ever seen who can carry me hard. It's just that the law of the element of ice in it is too powerful to suppress With your flame element, I ’m afraid you will get hurt because of it. ”

What is the ability of red tank hard resistance?

Anatoly and others looked at Wang Yan, and they couldn't help shaking their heads in their hearts, whispering secretly, you are too much for the red tank? We admit that the Son of Flame is very powerful, but wanting to carry you with the flesh alone is purely a joke.

Looking at his thin arms and legs, it's really incomparable.

Indeed, Wang Yan's figure is among the Orientals and belongs to the slender and symmetrical shape, the kind of figure that is thin and undressed. However, compared with the "combat nation", this figure is still slightly "thin".

No one will believe that Wang Yan can compare with the red tank in physical strength.

"Son of flames, it is better to bet on us." Anatoly, the tiger of the Northland, thought it was an excellent opportunity. He immediately felt that he could not miss it, and he was full of excitement. Twenty minutes is the limit. Every time you exceed one minute, I lose you 10 million US dollars. If you are less than 20 minutes, I lose 10 million US dollars every minute. "Chance, this is a shame before the snow. opportunity.

Wang Yan looked at him in surprise, without making a sound.

Anatoly thought that Wang Yan was counseling. He looked at Wang Yan provocatively with his chin and said: "Son of Flame, you are also a famous person anyway. Will you not even have this little confidence?"

"Uh ..." Wang Yan touched his nose and said weakly. "It's not that I don't have confidence. I just bet 10 million one minute. It's too pediatric. I can't help it."

"What?" Anatoly shuddered, staring at Wang Yan with a cloudy face. He thought he had gambled a lot and wanted to take advantage of it. But I don't want to. At least tens of millions of dollars in gambling games, the son of flame would be so dismissive.

Immediately, he suddenly recovered, and the spirit was more excited: "Son of Flame, since you want to play bigger, it is up to you. I will accompany Anatoly to the end."

He was so confident that even such a terrible red tank could only stand in the cold lake for 25 minutes. It is already a miracle to be able to stay for twenty minutes with the restrained attribute of the Son of Flame.

"It's not good, everyone is a friend, and it's boring to gamble money." Wang Yan hesitated with a chin on his chin.

As soon as such an expression appeared, he immediately let Berissa and the red tank catch a cold, and came, and the boy of the flame started again. At the Youth Conference, he used this method to pit big guys away.

If you are replaced by your own person, the red tank will also remind you. But Anatoli was arrogant and arrogant, and he had continued to show great hostility before. Even if it is pitted by the son of flame, it is only a good show.

Poor Anatoly, really knows too little about the Son of Flame. Immediately into the suit, excitedly put Wang Yan to the "fire pit": "Your flame son is also a well-known person, will not be so counseling, so afraid of losing?"

"Okay, okay." Wang Yan's expression was forced to go up to Liangshan, with an uneasy expression. "Betting, betting, it is still ten million dollars a minute. But every minute, the bet doubles. Anatoly, dare Don't you dare? "

With that, he stared at Anatoly with a provocative look.


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