The Domestic Hero

Chapter 994: Come to the door to do things

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"It's almost up to the highest record in history." Anatole's younger brother Igor was shocked, and said, "Boss, this ice queen is really terrifying, and she can be so favored by the goddess. You say that she will be in the future. Will it be a demigod? "


In addition to the ancient times, the tribes also had some demigods. After that, especially in the past thousand years, the tribe has never been a demigod. This is the dream and expectation of every tribe member.

"Shut up!" Anatoly stared at the young man fiercely, his words full of jealousy, "Demigod, I will reach it sooner or later."

Wang Yan on the side glanced at him contemptuously. This is really a big talk, not afraid of flashing his tongue. You are so old that you have n’t even reached the legendary level yet, so you ’re thinking about demigods. This is really too much.

During the talk, the time had reached thirty-nine minutes.

But in the entire pool of ice elements, there was still no movement at all, the cold ice mist continued to boil, and there was no sign of Nanlian coming out.

At this time, even Berissa was a little uneasy. She is very confident. This time, she is preparing to break through the highest record of her predecessors. But I don't want to, I haven't been on it yet, Nanlian took the lead in setting a record.

She made her frown straight, secretly panicked.

Forty minutes.

Wang Yan was a little nervous, but his mental strength was unable to break through the blockade and enter it.

The rest of them whispered.

At this time, the high priest Salalton paused and said: "The winter goddess is watching us, and they are quiet for me. Nanlian is being baptized and is very safe."

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Time, after a full hour.

While Wang Yan was slightly uneasy, Hantan surged violently, and a beautiful figure was like a goddess, stepping out of the ice and mist, and finally fell like a fairy in front of everyone.

Her long hair was already white, and her eyes were as clear and moving as the most magnificent ice sapphire. The whole temperament was exquisite and clear, without any trace of dirt and dust.

Originally, she was slightly similar to the statue of the winter goddess. After this baptism, she was similar to that of the winter goddess seven or eight times.

"Sister Nanlian, are you okay?"

Wang Yan stepped forward, holding Nanlian's small hand nervously and concernedly. Suddenly, a bit of chill came from her cold little hand. The chill was very pure, but it was extremely cold.

Even Wang Yan's pure Yang body, which was just the most yang to the extreme, shivered in a moment. The fire of the pure sun rises in the body, and it takes three full efforts to dissolve the chill that is very powerful in the law.

When that chill disappeared, the ray of cold ice implied that in Wang Yan's body, there was a crystal clear crystal.

Nan Lian came back to her and hurriedly took back her small hand and asked with concern: "Xiao Yan, are you okay? Just now I was still in the meaning of the principle of ice, not intentionally."

"It's okay." Wang Yan smiled happily. "Congratulations to Nanlian, that wisp of law is very profound, and you are expected to be promoted to S rank." At the same time, Wang Yan was a little surprised, inside the body The crystallization of the ice law is very tiny, but mysterious.

Call ~

Nan Lian breathed a sigh of relief, his face relaxed: "I am in the Frost Elemental Pool, and I really benefited a lot. It made me have a deeper understanding of the law of Frost. But I want to be promoted to the S level. accumulation."

She said so on her lips, but everyone at the scene could feel that the ice queen Nan Lian was really only one foot away from the S-class. Even if there is no adventure afterwards, she can become a legendary strongman in a short period of one and a half years and a long period of two to three years.

At her age, once you break through to the legendary strongman, the chance of achieving a demigod in the future is also great.

Even Bai Lisha was very envious of Nan Lian.

"Congratulations, Queen of Ice." The red tank smiled smirkfully. "Your current breath gives me a very strong feeling. If you take part in the youth conference with your current strength, there will definitely be one of the top four. You have a place. "

At the last youth conference, the strong were like clouds, and the half-step S-class with less strength was most likely unable to enter the top ten. Only those really top half-step S-classes are eligible to compete in the semifinals.

The young strong who can enter the semi-finals are not far from the S level. The red tank is so praised that it already has a high rating for Nanlian.

In addition to Anatoly, the two tribal youths showed even more awe in Nan Lian's eyes. It doesn't matter the position, this is awe of the instinct of the strong.

Only Anatoli was a little dissatisfied, his face was somber, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what to think about.

"It's time for me to play." Belisa looked right, took a few deep breaths, and slowly walked towards the pool of cold elements.

"Belissa, come on." Nan Lian said to her, "As long as you open your heart to the goddess, you will definitely gain something."

Berissa was shocked, and the thankful voice said: "Thank you, Miss Nanlian."

At the same time, the red tank hesitated a little and said: "Belissa, don't force it, just do what you can. No matter what happens, I will protect you."

Berisha didn't look back, but just nodded her head gently, and walked into the pool of cold elements without looking back.

Everything is calm.

Time passes by one minute and one second. Soon, it reached 20 minutes, which is already of an excellent standard. But obviously, it should be far from the limit of Berissa.

Half an hour passed while everyone waited breathlessly.

This is already a very rare genius level achievement, and there is a hint of relief on the face of the red tank. The tribal patriarch Cole also gave a happy look to his daughter.

Looking back at Anatoly, his face was darker again. Nan Lian's outstanding performance, it's okay. But he didn't expect that even Berissa could easily support it for thirty minutes.

Every minute after the time, Anatoly's eyes became more gloomy.

Thirty-eight minutes, thirty-nine minutes!

Berisha refreshed the records of her predecessors. Without Nan Lian Zhu Yu in front, such achievements can already make the tribe members celebrate. Suddenly, at this moment, a thick fog surged violently in the pool of ice elements.

Wang Yan's eyes were sullen, and the secret passage was almost the same. The other people's ideas are similar to those of Wang Yan.

I just didn't expect that two or three minutes passed, and Balissa still didn't show up. Obviously, she was already struggling to survive. It was just that everyone didn't expect that she was forced out by a huge force when she squeezed forty-five minutes.

The red tank took a step forward and caught Berissa, who was relatively petite, and asked nervously, "Parissa, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just for a long time, and my body has been slightly bitten." Berissa's face was full of whiteness after the injury. However, her spirit is very vigorous, and there are waves of the ice law in her body.

Obviously, she got a huge benefit in this baptism. Forty-five minutes, although it was not enough for Nanlian, it was already the best in history. You know, her contemporary patriarch's father is only 28 minutes.

At this time, although the patriarch's eyes distressed her daughter, she was more proud of her daughter's willpower.

The ice mist in the lake of ice elements gradually dissipated, and it was found that the water in the lake had been shallowed for a long time. Patriarch Cole was also stunned: "It's amazing, just Nanlian and Bai Lisha, they consumed a third of the ice elemental water.

One-third of the number in the previous elemental baptism ceremony was already used by almost all personnel.

Today, after the two of them have consumed so much, it is really unheard of.

Next, Anatoly's two younger brothers were a little calm. They couldn't help swallowing saliva nervously, in case the water of the ice element was lost, wouldn't the hope of life be ruined.

Anatoly, the Tiger of the North, looked at their unlucky faces, and he couldn't help but feel sulky. He waved and said, "You two go to baptism first, I'll be the last one." The strength and potential of those two younger brothers are far inferior to that of Berissa. How much can they consume?

The two younger brothers were very grateful, and they weren't hypocritical either. They entered the lake of ice elements for baptism. Sure enough, their strength and potential are common, one insisted on 21 minutes, and the other was only 19 minutes.

The whole pool is only one layer shallower, and at least five layers are left.

Anatoly was determined that even if he was self-confident, he didn't think he had the ability to wash 50% of it. He simply looked at Wang Yan with a provocative look and said, "Son of Flame, you are a distant guest and a distinguished guest, and you have done well in the hunting ceremony. You are eligible to enter the pool of ice elements for baptism. Please.

The previous conflicts with Wang Yan still made him cherish.

Now there is finally a chance to revenge.

"Me?" Wang Yan pointed to his nose, still laughing. This Anatoly is really a little boyish. Clearly knowing that he is a body of flame elements, he was also allowed to enter the lake of ice elements to baptize.

Where is help, clearly is murder.

Although Wang Yan's strength is very strong, it is still not as strong as the winter goddess of hunting. When he enters the Hantan, he will inevitably suffer backlashes. Not only will he not get the slightest benefit, but he may also suffer damage and repair.

"Anatoly, you are too much." Berissa squinted angrily. "You know that the Son of Fire is harmful and harmful. What is your intention?"

"Well, the Son of Flame is so strong, and he can still hold it for dozens of minutes." Anatoly said with a shrug. "If he doesn't have the courage to do so, it's as if I didn't say it."

While Balissa still had something to say, Wang Yan laughed: "Since the tiger from the north of the earth wants me to play, then I'll go and play, anyway, it is also idle."

The original Wang Yan, under Perissa's persuasion, had some trouble.

But now, since someone took the initiative to ask for something, how can Wang Yan miss this opportunity?


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