The Domestic Hero

Chapter 946: Admission Notice! Niu Bai

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Xie Yu was also a young officer in the East China Branch, and his performance at the SAFE dinner was okay. Later, he participated in the national war and received the award from the General Administration, which was listed as the key training goal.

There are certain inclinations in resources and tasks.

Under the vigorous cultivation of the National African Affairs Bureau, he has also recently been promoted to the B level, and has realized the field. No, I heard that Wang Yan is going to personally try out some of the key student Miaozi who are observing. He volunteered and ran in.

The result was already obvious. This was not pretended, but was despised by a high school student.

As for the little rabbit sister, it was the personal assistant of Linghu who was sent by Wang Hu to assist him in establishing the Super Energy Academy.

"Yes, this Sikongzhi not only has outstanding ability, calmness, but also the key to knowing how to reduce mistakes to a minimum." Little Rabbit's sister also feels good about Sikongzhi, "the future is a talented talent."

"Yeah." Wang Yan nodded and smiled again, "However, if Xie Yu engages in this, the other party may be afraid of lowering the evaluation of our college."

When Wang Yan was speaking here, Xie Yu said helplessly: "It is really a talented person from Jiangshan, boy, congratulations, you have successfully passed the test and obtained the first student to become a superpower college. qualifications."

"Super Academy?" Si Kongzhi frowned slightly. After a second, he shook his head and refused to say, "Sorry, I'm not interested in your college."

"What !?" Xie Yu looked sullen and said angrily, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"If you have poor hearing, I can repeat it again." Si Kongzhi said with the glasses frame, "The first student means that your college has just been established and has no teaching experience. Second, I do n’t think that my Competence also requires you teachers to teach. I do n’t think you can teach well. Third, if the country needs me to work, I can consider joining a special department. "

"Rampant, it's really rampant." Xie Yu was angry and said angrily, "The General Administration has stipulated that the staff of the National African Affairs Bureau must pass the unified education of the Super Energy Academy. And it is systematic and professional. For young people like you, education will only go higher. "

"National African Bureau !?" Si Kongzhi's eyes moved slightly, and said lightly, "Is this the abbreviation of the name of our national special institution? Ha ha, I repeat, I don't want to go to school again, nor do I need to go to school.

"Arrogant, do you think you have such a little superpower?" Xie Yu sneered and said, "Yes, you are excellent among young people. But your mental strength and computing ability, it is C It ’s just a grade evaluation. And you have n’t learned skills and exercises yet. I ’m afraid that even D-level, no, E-level superpowers ca n’t beat it. ”

Si Kongzhi was silent for a few seconds: "Xie Yu, right, what level are you in the game?"

"Me?" Xie Yu froze for a moment, and replied, "I just got promoted to B level, which is quite good among the younger generation."

Si Kongzhi said lightly with the glasses frame: "It turns out that you are only class B, aside from the actual combat effectiveness, the theoretical gap between us is only one level."

"What can't be called B level?" Xie Yu said angrily, "I can reach level B at my age, and the achievement field is already very powerful. The gap between levels is very different. I don't know if there How many people are stuck at the C + level and cannot get in. "

"I'm sorry, you definitely didn't include me." Si Kongzhi said indifferently, "I'm sorry, I'm going home." In this little conversation, he has received a lot of information.

With this information, he is confident enough to find his own direction. As for going to school, that is impossible. His self-learning ability is far beyond what the teacher can teach.

After being speechless for a while, Xie Yu also felt a little embarrassed. He just recruited a student. He would get this point. He blamed this boy for being arrogant.

Is it impossible to recruit students to force coercion?

Si Kongzhi ignored the understanding feathers, ignored the majestic black men, and strode forward.

At this moment, suddenly!

The sky crossed a meteor, and that meteor was getting faster and faster, almost lighting up the entire sky.

Si Kongzhi just took a half step, and instantly stopped on the spot, a drop of cold sweat kept sliding from his forehead. With his terrifying mental power and computing power, he has instantly determined that the direction of the meteorite attack is his side.

After five seconds, the meteorite will hit him hard.

With the brightness and speed of that meteorite. Once hitting the ground, the explosion must reach at least ten kilometers. Within this range, most buildings will be destroyed and 90% of people will die.

Especially the core area will be completely razed to the ground, and even an ant cannot survive.

Horrible, terrible!

This is already a catastrophe level disaster, purely with explosive power, I am afraid that it is not inferior to an ordinary nuclear bomb.

Si Kongzhi did not run and did not bark.

Because he knew that no matter how he ran or how he called it, it was useless.

Dead, this time is really dead.

After his repeated calculations, he never had any hope of surviving.

For the first time since awakening superpowers, he felt so helpless for the first time. Under such anxious Tianwei, he is weak as a trivial ant.

"Ah ~"

I thought that our company's life stage was just beginning. Unexpectedly, luck is so bad.

Before leaving the school, he died first.

His heart was full of fear, unwilling, and his whole body shook uncontrollably. The proud control ability seems to have been completely away from him.

His pupils contracted, and the meteorite had hit the top of his head at a rapid speed, so fast that his keen sense could not be captured.

At this moment, his body had been soaked in sweat, and his legs were soft and he almost knelt down.

Just when Si Kongzhi was about to close his eyes and refused to accept his destiny. Suddenly, the "meteorite", which reached several kilometers per second, stopped.

That's right, it just stopped tens of meters above Si Kongzhi's head in violation of the laws of physics.

"Hey, how is this possible ..." Si Kongzhi's pupils shrank and looked at this scene in disbelief. At this moment, he finally saw clearly that it was not a meteorite, but a fireball burning with flames.

The fireball has a diameter of two or three meters, exuding a fiery flame and a ruinous strong momentum. His keen sense told him that the flame Jedi is different from ordinary fire.

As long as he was so daring to provoke a little bit of trouble, he would definitely be burned to death, leaving no bones or scum left.

Although it is not a meteorite, he believes that once this fireball explodes, its power will never be inferior to that of a meteorite.

Si Kongzhi, who received atheistic thoughts from an early age, could not help but have a wonderful feeling at this moment. Is this a **** showing miracles?

It's incredible, it's terrible.

His body was soaked, but he just barely stood still. No, to be precise, he dared not move. He was afraid that he would be turned into scum as soon as he moved.

Xie Yu was also dumbfounded and murmured: "It's Wang, President Wang." Although Xie Yu was a few years older than Wang Yan, the difference in status between the two parties made him even unable to call him by his name.

As he said, in the world of superpowers, the first level is one. He is a small B-level superpower, and Wang Yan is already an S-level, and the gap is a world apart.

S-level, that's the first level of land fairy, you can't find much if you go through China. Even the general director, Han Hongbo, is only an S-class.

Wang, principal Wang?

Si Kongzhi also murmured his interface, his eyes full of terror and shock, "No, is this, this is the power exerted by humans? No, no, this, how is this possible? How can human power be comparable to a nuclear bomb?" class!"

"Boy, what do you know !?"

Xie Yu saw that Si Kongzhi was terrified, and suddenly burst into anger again: "Our principal Wang is an S-class character. In our China, he is called a land fairy. His every move represents panic. . Small characters like you, like ants, can easily crush you. "

Rao was calm with Si Kongzhi's calmness. Land fairy? I originally thought it was just a legendary title. Unexpectedly, there are really terrestrial first-level figures in this world.

In his view, Xie Yu was also very strong, so fast that his dynamic vision could not be captured. But no matter how strong he is, he is still within Si Kongzhi's understanding. But the mysterious principal Wang is too powerful and terrifying.

He could have done such an unbelievable thing. If he wanted to, he might destroy a city.

I am afraid that such a person is a totem figure of our country, is the true patron saint of the people?

After fear and shock, Si Kongzhi's pupils burst into a terrifying light. He has always felt that the world is getting more and more boring. In terms of learning, if he wants, he can be admitted to any school in the world.

On the economic side, if he wants, he can make 100 million in one year.

With extremely clear logic and powerful computing power, there are fewer and fewer things that interest him.

I didn't expect that the world I can touch is just a corner of this real world. In the world of the earth, there are too many unknown and novel things waiting for him to discover.


The big fireball hovering above his head changed. It shrank smaller and smaller, and finally even its shape changed. In a few breaths, it turned into a thin red square.

Its surface is as dazzling as red glass, with a hot gold body, and a few words written like dragons and dragons-the admission notice!

Not waiting for Si Kongzhi to react, Xie Yu on the side couldn't help but exclaimed: "God, this is the materialization of elements! It's incredible."

Materialization of elements?

Si Kongzhi's pupils shrank, does this mean condensing the flame into matter? This is really challenging his knowledge system and breaking the limit of his nerve endurance.

Unlike Xie Yu's solicitation, Si Kongzhi almost reached out this time without hesitation and pinched the admission notice. It is only a few millimeters thin, but it is heavy at the beginning, the surface is extremely smooth, and the flame glaze continues to rotate.

What a nice view!

Si Kongzhi had never seen such a beautiful and magical substance, and unconsciously, even his mind was dragged into it, becoming a bit dazed.

I do not know how long it has been.

He gradually recovered, suddenly awake.

Xie Yu, the little prince of blast, suddenly disappeared. Those sturdy men in black are also gone. As if, they never appeared in general.

The surrounding environment, I don't know when it was restored.

There is a lot of traffic, and there is a lot of people.

"Big brother, what's wrong with you, big brother?" The little boy playing football dragged Si Kongzhi's sleeve.

Si Kongzhi suddenly woke up and looked at the ground where the flower pot fell.

Unexpectedly, the ground was clean and there was no sign of being smashed by flower pots.

"How can it be!"

Si Kongzhi's pupils shrank, and his back spine was chilling straight. Suddenly he looked up and saw that the flower pot was still well placed on the balcony on the sixth floor.


Si Kongzhi was in a trance and looked at his right hand. The "admission notice" was still in his right hand. The font was flying dragon and phoenix, and the flame glass body was slightly hot.

It seems that only this "admission notice" can prove that everything he experienced before is not false.

Super Academy!

There was a trace of confusion in Si Kongzhi's eyes.


After a few days.

A developed coastal city in the south.

Outside an expensive private elementary school, students came out in twos and threes and were picked up by luxury cars that had already been waiting outside.

"An An, I'm going to trouble your car again to take me home today." A fat little chubby girl said a little embarrassedly carrying a schoolbag.

The little girl named An An, wearing two beautiful little braids, wearing a white pleated skirt, looks like a little princess. After hearing the words, she smiled and said, "Zhizhi, it doesn't matter, are we friends?"

It is now.

Two Mercedes-Benz parked on the roadside, with a luxury babysitter in between. Several men in black suits came out one after another, protecting the two little girls in the middle.

A 30-year-old man in a black suit headed by him, said respectfully to An An: "Miss An An, my name is Ajie, I came to pick you up for you."

"Ajie?" An An said with blinking innocent and watery eyes. "I've never seen you, and where has Uncle Xiang gone?"

"Brother Xiang is not feeling well today, so I'm here." A Jie, a black suit man, said with respect and respect, "Miss An An, please get in the car."

Ann blinked and scanned the bodyguards, nodding cleverly and said, "Uncle Jie, then trouble you." She held Zhizhi's little hand intimately and got into the luxury babysitter.

The bodyguards in suits got on two Mercedes-Benzes one after another, protecting the luxury babysitters one after another.

Not far away, in a black ordinary car, the hairy legs of the hairy face grumbled and said: "I said, Principal Wang. Just such a little girl, is it worth your time to do the entrance test? Alas, Little girl, it ’s so easy to follow a stranger into the car. I personally think it ’s OK to export her. ”

Wang Yan sat in the back seat, flipped Erlang's legs through the data of "An An" and smiled and said, "Brother, don't underestimate this little girl. I'll bet you, if you are shut down with her On a small island, the two can only live one, and she must have survived in the end. "


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