The Domestic Hero

Chapter 945: Principal Wang, good!

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Such an atmosphere suddenly gave Wang Yan a feeling of blood and blood, and he couldn't help breathing quickly: "An, Sister An Ge. This, this, I'm not ready in my heart yet. Don't you?"

"The more you say no, the more excited I will be." Wuya Ange fluttered and smiled more charmingly. Her scorpion tail raised high, the poison needle radiating a faint blue light, full of fatal and dangerous breath.

With her current strength, the toxins bred in the tail of the scorpion, even the S-level strongman who gets a needle, will be fatally injured.

"Xiaoyan, you obediently follow me." Wuya Ange smiled wickedly. "Otherwise, my sister will give you a shot, it will definitely make you feel happy ~ Xianyu ..."

Before finishing the speech, Wuya Ange felt a burst of fog and the whole person was shocked to fly. The waist full of explosive force was instantly embraced by Wang Yan's strong arm.

The two bodies rolled over and fell on the sofa, the posture has been completely reversed. Wuya Ange is like a pink and white rabbit, suppressed by Wang Yan, the big bad wolf.

Even the deadly scorpion tail was caught by Wang Yan. He played with the scorpion tail and smiled and said, "Sister Ange, I'm a man. Even if our relationship changes, it's you who follow me 'S girlfriend has become my Wang Yan's woman. "

His hand stroked a little along the scorpion's tail.

"Don't touch ... wooh"

"Sister An Ge, from acquaintance to acquaintance. I have been very happy and satisfied along the way."

"Sister An Ge, I want to be with you all my life and let you be my woman forever."

"Xiao Yan, woo, hold me tight."


Two hours later, Wuya Ange nestled in Wang Yan's arms like a bird, with a happy blush floating on her tender and tender face, and a strong sense of satisfaction in her eyes.

The two snuggled up so quietly, enjoying this rare feeling of quietness, peace and happiness.

The emotions of the past few years have finally become positive results at this moment.

After a long time.

The blush on Wuya Ange's beautiful face dissipated slightly, and her voice was low, "Xiao Yan, what if I don't want you one day?"

"No." Wang Yan said firmly, "You have become my woman one day, and your life will be my woman. No matter who you are, I can't take you away from me."

"Woo, this is the first time I heard Xiao Yan's words from you, it is so touching." Wuya Ange's pretty eyes flew, and in turn rode on Wang Yan's body, charmingly said, "The rest is almost Let ’s do it again. "

"What?" Wang Yan dripped cold sweat, and his heart went straight, "We have been three times just now?"

"I don't care, weren't you strong before? Now, it's my sister's turn to show off."

"This, I remember, I still have a lot of things to do, I want to return to Huahai City."


"No, help me."


Time passed quickly.

At noon on the second day.

A Lamborghini drove out of the hotel, the Uya Ange in the driving seat was radiant, like eating a rare big supplement in the world, the spirit of the whole person reached the peak state.

Indistinctly, she has a feeling of transformation, which is the advantage of the pure Yang essence in Wang Yan's body.

Although Wang Yan's spirit is slightly weak, Ange's pure beauty also gave him a lot of feedback.

The universe was originally chaos, which produced yin and yang, yin and yang evolved into five elements, and five elements transformed everything.

When yin and yang are reconciled, chaos can be born.

The two of them reconciled day and night this time, and naturally they each received a lot of benefits. Especially Wuya Ange is even more energetic, and looks like a great advancement in strength.

Of course, this is an illusion formed by a temporary transformation.

Although the pure Yang essence of Wang Yan is miraculous, it will never achieve such a retrograde effect.

Lamborghini drilled like a fish on the road in the city. The speed was smooth and natural. In a few moments, the car was parked not far from an orphanage.

Wu Ya Ange took Wang Yan and walked to the orphanage for a few minutes.

Most of the orphanage buildings are left over from the Republic of China period. Although some years have passed, they are more peaceful and peaceful.

"Xiao Yan, this is the orphanage I stayed in when I was a kid. Before I grew a tail, I lived here." Wu Ya Ange held Wang Yan, and Qiao's face was covered with happiness, "All these years , I come back every year to see and do volunteer work for a few days. "

Grow a tail?

With a drop of cold sweat, Wang Yan was very distressed about Wuya Ange and hugged her shoulders heavily. Although she said it very easily, Wang Yan could imagine what treatment Ange would encounter when she grew up with a scorpion tail when she was young.

Moreover, it is still an orphanage, fearing that it will be alienated and bullied by other children.

In contrast, Wang Yan still felt that he was the happiest when he was a child. The family is simple. Although the parents do not make much money, they win the peace.

But looking at the current state of Sister An Ge, you must have forgotten those unpleasant things.

In the next few days, Wang Yan accompanied Wuya Ange as a volunteer in the orphanage. Before leaving, he also donated some money to the orphanage dean.

After leaving the orphanage, Wuya Ange went on a mission.

And Wang Yan is also officially preparing for the Super Energy Academy.

Time passed quickly.

A large coastal city in the north.

A middle school in the city that is not bad.

Senior three students are preparing for the exam actively and nervously. Only one student in high school uniform was lying on the table and sleeping.

What is surprising is that since he went to bed, instead of punishing him, the teacher who was talking about the topic did not even punish him, but the voice of the topic was quieter. A student was afraid to disturb the student's appearance.

The rest of the students seemed to be accustomed to it. While listening honestly, they looked at the student with various admiring eyes.

The bell rang, and the student stood up and walked out carrying the schoolbag. He is slender and wears a pair of glasses. He looks very handsome and handsome.

Only in that handsome and handsome, there was a pair of indifferent loneliness.

"Si Kongzhi just woke up, so handsome."

"Huh, it's such a tough guy."

"Ah, who is so good, they don't even bother to send them to Tsinghua University. This time, the city champion must be him. No wonder the teachers like him so much, our school has not been out of the city champion."

"City champion, huh, you're underestimating Si Kongzhi. Judging from the results of his mock exam this time, provincial champions are all **** things."

"Si Kongzhi doesn't even look forward to Tsinghua University, does he want to go to the world's top universities, such as MIT and Cambridge?"

"It's possible, I heard that he made tens of millions of stock investment last year, and he has the money to go to school by himself."

"Ah ~ It's really a dead person than the popular one. When I heard that he was a freshman, his grades were very ordinary, but suddenly he became conscious. You said, did he get any adventures?"

"Don't say it, don't say it, and the more you say, the more sad you will be. Let's work hard to get a 985 university entrance exam."

When Si Kongzhi walked out of the class, the gossip and words of the classmates came to his ears, and his face did not change at all. He had already heard the same words of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Huh, the wisdom of mortals. How can I guess my mind."

Si Kongzhi supported the glasses frame, with a trace of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth, speeding up to leave the class and the school. He strolled on the road, seemingly careless, but all the information around him clearly reflected his senses and senses.

The trajectory of the car, the angle at which insects fly, and the leaves on the roadside dance with the airflow. Everything was "orderly" in the chaos, and he could not escape his calculations.

"This world is really boring."

Si Kongzhi put his hands in his pockets and walked casually. Everything was no longer interesting to him.

Just as he passed by an old community, the flower pot on the balcony on the sixth floor of a building on the roadside shook abruptly, and fell downstairs.

In the front, a little boy kicked the ball and passed by.

Everything happened between the electric light and the flint, just like the coincidence in the movie where death came.


Si Kongzhi frowned slightly, according to the height of the flower pot from the ground, the acceleration of gravity, the wind speed, and the speed of the little boy's travel. The end result was that the flower pot would fall down 30 cm behind the boy.

Without hesitation, he moved.

Si Kongzhi strode out with one arrow and took a palm shot.


The flower pot was hit by him and flew out diagonally, smashing into the ground messy.


The little boy ran crying after stunned.

The other passers-by also looked at this scene in surprise. Who the **** is this student, who can slap and shoot the flower pot that is about to hit the little boy?

Si Kongzhi rubbed his painful palm and wrist, supported the glasses frame, and continued to move forward without expression. This scene just seems to have never happened.

"Cappa ~"

A few crisp and rhythmic applause sounded, and at the same time a voice of Dang Erlang said, "It's a bit interesting, but unfortunately, you didn't figure out that the flower pot could not hit the little boy."

Si Kongzhi's footsteps stopped, his pupils sagged slightly, and he looked at the applause. I saw a young man in his thirties, wearing a windbreaker, casually leaning against the wall, looking at Si Kongzhi with great interest.

Very rare, Si Kongzhi's eyes appeared a trace of surprise and confusion. He is extremely confident in his perception and memory. Even if a leaf falls around, he cannot escape his perception and calculation.

He can be sure that this older man appeared suddenly.

Yes, it just appeared suddenly.

The moment before, there was still nothing. But the next moment, he suddenly appeared there.

And even more peculiar things happened. The traffic around and the crowd passing by suddenly disappeared. Instead, there were six black men in suits with straight lines.

They wore black suits and black sunglasses, and their expressions were cold and meticulous. Just standing there can make people feel a sturdy breath.



It's not like ...

Is it a special national organization whose legend cannot be determined?

Si Kongzhi frowned slightly. He has been avoiding the exposure of his special abilities all the time, because that would bring a lot of uncertain and unknown risks.

"What happened just now was a deliberate bureau that you set up intentionally." Sikong Zhi entrusted the glasses frame. "Not to test my ability, but to test my character! You are from the state department of China."

"Huh?" The older youth was slightly surprised. "How do you know?"

"The reason is very simple, because you deliberately deviated the flowerpot from 30 centimeters." Si Kongzhi said coldly, "One is to prevent me from being able to catch and cause a real accident. Second, you also want to see I instantly judge the limit of computing power. Thirdly, you want to test whether my character sees a cold and indifferent personality. Only people from special national institutions care more about the first and third points. "

The older youth froze for a few seconds, and then laughed: "Interesting, interesting. I underestimated you. I introduce myself formally, my name is Xie Yu, and I am known as blast ..."

The word blast came out, and he disappeared in front of Si Kongzhi.

"Little prince." The last three words came behind Si Kongzhi. At the same time, he patted Si Kongzhi's shoulder with a smile, "Young man, I'm behind you."

Unexpectedly, Si Kongzhi didn't even return his head, but instead supported the glasses frame and said lightly: "Since the day I awakened, I have calculated that there must be more than one superpower in the world. From your show Judging from the abilities and nicknames, you are a superpowered person who is good at wind and speed, and has some narcissism, Secondary Two, and IQ is not high enough ... "

There was a drop of cold sweat on the face of the little prince Jie Yu, who was also a seed young man trained by the National African Bureau, but he was described as narcissistic by this younger generation. Secondary two, IQ is not high enough, self-righteous ...

Xie Yu got a little hairy and hummed, "Excuse me, where is my IQ is not high enough, I think I am right?" For narcissism and secondary two, he is the default.

"Because you didn't see it, I calculated the 30-cm gap, but why do I still have to fight with my wrist injured?" Si Kongzhi said coldly, "So your IQ is not high enough, and you are right. I comment. "

Xie Yu's expression was stagnant: "Then you talk about it, you clearly calculated the gap of 30 centimeters, why do you still want to do it?"

"Because I am a person, everyone can make mistakes." Si Kongzhi said lightly, "Even if there is a very small calculation error, or a small probability of other unexpected changes in the results, I don't want the little boy because of me Died due to mistakes. Under this premise, a minor injury to the wrist is not a price. "

Xie Yu's eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

at the same time.

On a black official car across the road. Little Rabbit's sister Zheng Weiwei sat down and said, "Principal Wang, this is all the information of Si Kongzhi. I personally think that he is qualified to be trained as a 'key student'."

Our principal Wang Yan, leaning comfortably on the back seat, looked at this scene with a smile and said: "It's a very interesting young man, Xie Yu was not beaten lightly by him."


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