The Domestic Hero

Chapter 934: Son of Flame! How can you look like this

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The shock wave of the ball stopped for a moment, and then the sound barrier was exploded. With a brazen gesture of unbridled swept away in all directions.

Wang Yan is like being in the hottest tropical hurricane whirlpool. Every trace of air and every free energy turned into a terrible monster at this moment.

In this environment, even a house made of steel will be torn into pieces.

Wang Yan and the Fire Hammer have to withstand a strong reaction force and insane current. Every inch of his muscles, every cell, has exceeded the limit of tolerance.

"Boom Boom ~"

A near-sound sounded in Wang Yan's body, and the powerful cells that had just been replaced because of promotion to the S-class, burst like tiny bubbles.

As soon as the blood came out of the capillaries, it was torn into particles by manic force.

The Fire Pheasant Spirit was severely hit, and the energy structure-like psychic was almost beaten and collapsed, hurriedly huddled into the deepest part of the Fire Hammer, and trembling in the face of the panic.

But even so, Sky Thunder, which has turned into broken plasma, still has no intention of letting it go. The manic plasma penetrated the fire hammer and reached its depth ...

Under the manic effect of the plasma, the fire pheasant spirit was constantly washed by the violent wind and shower, baptized, almost to the edge of being broken.

It's a long story, but even the whole process didn't last for half a second.

After the round energy ball exploded in the air, Wang Yan and the Fire Hammer descended from the sky like a falling meteor. With a bang, they smashed into the lava.

The lava lake is blooming like a firework, and the thick magma on the lake surface is rippling.

The entire flame ban area seems to be in a state of mania and riot. The red rock is broken and cracked everywhere, the steep stalagmites collapsed, and the underground hot columns burst like a flame fountain.

The red fire in the sky burned clouds and formed vortices in the violent rotation. They were densely scattered in the air, like the eyes of a **** demon.

The entire flame is forbidden, everywhere in extreme violent rage, the environment is still several times worse than when Wang Yan came in. Even if the S-level strongman enters this environment, he will be trembling with fear and shrinking.

At this time, Wang Yan, the whole body was already immersed in the melt. The intense geological activity brought the temperature of the melt to more than two thousand degrees. At this high temperature, most metals will melt into a liquid.

But there are wonderful changes around Wang Yan ’s body. Those smelts seem to have been restrained by a certain legal force. They are a few centimeters away from Wang Yan ’s body, as if they encountered an invisible force, which is liquid The shape slowly flows.

The temperature transmitted to Wang Yan's skin is only a few hundred degrees.

Ordinary humans will turn into a pile of coke in a few hundred degrees environment. And Wang Yan, but his skin was a little flushed.

At this time, he was half awake and half comatose, but at least 30% of the cells in his body were damaged to varying degrees. Under the ancient operating mechanism of the body, stem cells are constantly dividing into functional stem cells, repairing the damaged tissues of the body.

For ordinary people, nine lives are gone.

And the strength has reached the level of Wang Yan, and has been called a land fairy in the eastern world. They have the ability to overturn the river and the sea, and their vitality is strong to the level of the sky.

Therefore, although Wang Yan was seriously injured at this time, he was still alive. The S-grade inner pill essence that has not been digested before, at this time acts as a nutritional agent in the body, giving a large amount of nutrients and energy to the reorganization of the tissue.

The regenerated cells are stronger and tougher than the original ones. His heart is constantly beating with rhythm, and his physiological mechanism is gradually recovering.

The fire hammer, suspended in the magma next to Wang Yan, was motionless, as if "dead". The material of the fire hammer is an extremely rare top material. Once it is cast, even the uncle can't be melted. It is naturally more than two thousand degrees.

"Ao ~"

The ancient Yanmo came to the magma, crouched by the lake, and began to protect Wang Yan. The power of the previous Sky Tribulation made this ancient flame demon faint. At the same time, it is also determined that Wang Yan is the bloodline of Zhu Rong and its young master.

Time passed by bit by bit. The flames stirred by Wang Yan and Tian Lei forbidden the ground, and gradually returned to silence. And Wang Yan, still submerged in magma, hasn't seen anything for a long time.

Just half a month later.

At this time, in the starry sky tower.

Several deputy deans and professors said admiringly and flatteringly to the Saladin: "Master Prophet, you are indeed a descendant of King Solomon. This seal arrangement is very clever."

The ancient seal that had been broken in the past half a month has been perfected again. And through the clever design of Saladin, it can be turned on and off at any time. Of course, compared with the original strength is far inferior, absolutely can not stop the bombardment of the ancient flame demon.

No way, whether it is material craftsmanship, or repair to strength. There is no way to compare the Saladin with the original Star God. You know, God of Starry Sky is not inferior to the existence of Saladin's ancestor King Solomon.

Now Saladin is obviously still younger.

"Miss Lydia, what do you think of this seal?" Saladin didn't take care of those flatterers, but looked at Lydia with a pleased expression.

Lydia's pretty brow furrowed slightly, seeming to be absent-minded, her eyes staring blankly at the seal. Over the past ten days or so, she was not feeling well.

Her grandfather's injury has stabilized, and at least he has recovered. With some magical means, and invited high-level priests to heal from the Holy See, he has at least been able to walk around.

But the problem is, Wang Yan went to the Flame Forbidden Place to heal, and he did n’t know what happened.

Especially ten days ago, there seemed to be a huge burst of energy in the Forbidden Fire, which was violently shaking. Lydia wanted to go in and found that she couldn't get in at all. There were manic energy storms everywhere.

This has kept Lydia worried until now.

"Lydia, Miss Lydia." Tal Saladin called out with concern, "Are you all right?"

"No, it's okay." Lydia suddenly looked back, and said in a panic, "This seal is very good." After a pause, she said with some uncertainty, "The son of flame will not be trapped inside. bring it on?"

"Of course not." Saladin said helplessly. "Pharaoh's guy is very powerful. Even if I want to seal him, I can't help it." To be honest, Saladin really wanted to treat the Pharaoh. Sealed in the flame forbidden place. Hang, that guy is too pitted. Unfortunately, this kind of thing can only be considered.

"Your Highness Saladin, will you say that Wang Yan is in danger?" Lydia said worriedly. "For so long, he hasn't heard anything."


Saladin's helpless face, in the flame forbidden land, what danger can the Pharaoh encounter? Did n’t even see the ancient Yanmo, kneel and lick the kid? This really made Saladin have a feeling, both Sheng Yu He Shengliang feeling.

"Miss Lydia, you can rest assured." Saladin's mouth could only say with relief, "Pharaoh is the son of the flame, the flame explosion can't hurt him at all, maybe he is now with the beautiful The succubus soaked in the hot springs and happily bathed in the mandarin duck bath. "At the end, Saladin couldn't help but slander.

"Ah? The child of flames is not the kind of person you said." Lydia's face blushed, and she gave him an angry white. "I believe that the child of flames is a gentleman who is clean and self-righteous."

Clean yourself?

gentleman! ?

Saladin almost vomited, and his self-esteem was traumatized by 10,000 points. Sure enough, the old saying of Hua Xiaguo was answered, which is called Xishi in the eyes of a lover. Lydia looked at Pharaoh's eyes, then he was good. If you just poke your ass, you will say that Pharaoh's posture is so handsome and handsome.

As he was talking, under the seal that Saladin had just laid, energy surged. The new seal seemed to have suffered an energy shock, and it shivered slightly.

Just as Saladin was about to step forward and check it out, to see what happened.



There was a loud noise all day, and the entire Starry Sky Tower buzzed and trembled. Immediately, the new seal was like an egg that fell on the concrete floor, burst suddenly, and the debris rushed to the top of the starry sky tower.

"I'm going to go!" Saladin's eyes burst out, and he was distressed. "Seal, my seal." This was his hard work for more than ten days. In order to please Lydia, he also paid for it. Some rare materials.

At the same time, a slender figure emerged from it. He carried the hammer around and looked around, cursing angrily: "Who is it, and what **** shut me in?"

The figure was scorching with fire and domineering, exuding a powerful suffocating breath.

That's not who Wang Yan will be?

"Poof!" Saladin didn't vomit blood and fainted. What was it that shut you in? Is this a seal that can be opened at any time? You can just send a message inside, we will open the seal, okay?

Ooo, the seal that I worked so **** was hit by your hammer.

"Son of Flame!"

All the worries in Lydia's heart dissipated at this moment, and she covered her mouth in surprise and said inexplicably, "You are fine, it's great."

"Hi, Hello Lydia." Wang Yan said frowning at Saladin after casually saying, "Old Sa, is this your seal? This protection is a bit weak. "

Weak, weak your sister!

Saladin was about to cry without tears. Suddenly, he suddenly glared and said, "Old, old king. Why don't you wear clothes? You wouldn't really take a hot spring with the succubus?"

No clothes?

As reminded by Saladin, Lydia also suddenly recovered, screaming and covering her eyes in a hurry, and suddenly said, "Son of flames, you, you, how can you be like this."


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