The Domestic Hero

Chapter 933: Wang Yan! Against the sky (4000 big

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Suddenly, the catastrophe brought Wang Yan to his heart.

Of course, Wang Yan had heard of Tianguai. There are also many records about the catastrophe in the internal data of the China National Bureau of State and African Affairs. According to legend, after the superpowers become stronger, the world will give a test. If they pass, they will be at ease, but if they pass, they will be wiped out on the spot.

Of course, this is an old saying.

According to modern scientific research theories, the original consciousness of the universe excludes powerful creatures. Because the stronger the creature, the easier it is to damage and destroy the universe itself.

This is like a human body that instinctively repels cancer cells, because cancer cells can cause human suffering and death. As a result, the human body has an immune mechanism. Once the cells become cancerous, the immune cells will attack the cancer cells.

For the origin of the universe, Tianlei is an immune body. Once a creature becomes strong and threatens the universe itself, it will activate the Sky Thunder immune mechanism to kill that creature.

In other words, Wang Yan's promotion to the legendary level has triggered the immune mechanism of the universe, but it can only be turned into gray. Don't look at him now in the folds of space, but even the folds are part of the universe and cannot escape the immune mechanism of Tianlei.

What makes Wang Yan feel even more tragic is that the red sky-ray thunder obviously envelops a large number of flame elements, and its power is much higher out of thin air. Compared with the clear thunder recorded in the text, the power is still stronger than the number of chips, so that he has instinctively felt the threat.

Of course, Wang Yan knew that if he was promoted to S-level, there would be a thunder to clear it. But I always felt that it was too bizarre and unreliable. Secondly, I didn't expect that I would be promoted so quickly, I didn't even have mental preparation, and I almost forgot the matter of Tianlei.

For a time, Wang Yan wanted to cry without tears, but this time it was too inadequately prepared.

Don't look at Wang Yan thinking so much, but in fact all thoughts are completed in a flash. I ca n’t escape. Complaining and regretting are useless. In today's plan, there is only one way.

When Wang Yan saw the scarlet sky thunder, and then his thoughts turned, his whole body filled with pure Yang Qi, just for a moment. His hands were empty, like an ancient giant holding down the falling sky, full of mysterious and ancient taste.

Between his two fingers, a shield formed by condensing pure yang real energy was quickly formed, and each shield was condensed as a substance, like an energy shield in a science fiction movie. This kind of shield, Wang Yan is confident that even if it is an armor-piercing shell, he never wants to penetrate it.

And this level of shield, Wang Yan condensed seven at this moment.

There is not enough time, otherwise Wang Yan can condense a dozen layers in one breath, and dare not say that it is anti-nuclear bombs, but he still has confidence in preventing large-scale missiles. At this point of his strength, most thermal weapons' killing effects are not obvious.

Only a nuclear bomb or the like can threaten his life. As for some conventional missiles, as long as they are not in the core explosion area, he is absolutely confident to save his life.

Just a moment, the crimson sky thunder hit Wang Yan's shield. At that moment, Wang Yan felt like he was smashed with a sledgehammer by the thunder **** in the sky. His body sank drastically, and his blood and blood boiled.

At the same time, Tianlei, like a spear, penetrated Wang Yan's powerful Qi shield.

"Pop" "pop" "pop ~"

A rhythmic trembling sounded, and each shield was broken like a porcelain plate that fell to the ground.

The power of the red sky thunder was extremely fierce, and he shattered six shields in the blink of an eye. It didn't stop for a little half a second until the last one.


The last shield was shattered.

However, Wang Yan labored to install seven shields, which were not completely useless. During the process again, the energy of the scarlet sky thunder was almost consumed by more than 90%.

But even the remaining 10% is enough for Wang Yan to withstand.

The remaining power of the sky thundered on Wang Yan's palm, and instantly blasted his hands into a scorched black. A powerful current poured into Wang Yan's body. The huge impact shocked Wang Yan from the sky. "Bang Dang" crashed into the hot melt, and it also set off a wave of flame.

"I depend!"

Wang Yan only had time to open his mouth and scold, and he was completely obliterated by magma.

Fortunately, his current physique is already extraordinary, and the flame affinity can be called against the sky, so he will not be burned to death. But the impact of Tianlei in him is even greater.

He felt numb and weak all over his body, feeling that every cell was in paralysis, even if he wanted to raise a finger, it was extremely difficult.

Fortunately, he survived the first thunder alive.

But sadly, the second Sky Thunder is already gestating, and Wang Yan can already feel the constant accumulation of energy in the sky, and the power seems to be more terrifying than the first.

"My mother, the universe, the universe, when did I offend you?" Wang Yan couldn't help but whispered, "Whether I'm Wang Yan, I'm a good young man who helps my grandma cross the road."

However, no matter how whispering Wang Yan whispered, Tianlei should always fall.

When the thoughts moved, the magma beside him swam like living creatures. They converged into a giant umbrella with a diameter of more than ten meters, which was like a big mushroom on top of Wang Yan's head.

This is the result of Wang Yan ’s use of the power of the law. In a small area, the magma has done things that almost violate the laws of physics. This has almost reached the limit of the power of Wang Yan ’s law.

Don't look at Wang Yan's volcano eruption before, which caused the destruction of the world.

But in fact, igniting the volcano is just because of snobbery. It's like making a fireworks and firecrackers lit with matches.

While Wang Yan mobilized the magma to form a protective layer, he mumbled a bottle of S-grade inner pill essence, and the pure energy exploded in his body instantly. Instantly dissipated the Thai half. An "infinite" force seems to awaken in the body.

The basic value of a bottle of S-Class Nedan essence has exceeded that of a luxury private jet, and it is still priceless. Those ordinary superpowers who have accumulated a lifetime will not necessarily be able to save this level of treasure.

Even many half-step S-level powerhouses will regard S-level inner-dan essence as a treasure. Only when they are sufficiently prepared to advance to the S-level will they be willing to break through the bottleneck.

But Wang Yan uses it as a "red bull" to supplement energy. In a sense, this is extremely wasteful.

But with his life at stake, Wang Yan can no longer manage so much. The A + grade inner pill essence is far inferior to the S grade inner pill essence.

What if there were so many babies left behind when they were killed by Tianlei?


The ancient Yanmo in the distance shouted in exasperation, revealing its worries about Wang Yan, but no matter how worried, it would not dare to come over. Sky Thunder is the universe's own immune system. If anyone dares to disrupt it in this situation, the cosmic immune mechanism will trigger a more powerful Sky Thunder, and even the disruptors will blast in.

"Oh, uh!"

Wang Yan once again propped up a multi-layered shield above his head, and after he reached the nine-layered shield, the second Sky Thunder had condensed successfully and threw down mercilessly. This thunder is still a bit thicker than the previous one. Obviously the power will be more amazing.


The mushroom umbrella-shaped magma shield was shattered and shattered in a tenth of a second. Countless magma fragments flew all over the sky and a meteor shower started. Subsequently, Tian Lei burst into the remaining nine layers of shields like a bamboo.

Fortunately, this time, Wang Yan's preparations were more thorough. After the nine-layer shield was completely destroyed, Tianlei had little power left. Wang Yan's whole body trembled and fell into magma, but his life was saved.

But Wang Yan didn't dare to relax at all, because according to past experience, there was a third thunder. And the third thunder is often the strongest one. Since the beginning of time, I do n’t know how many superpowers have worked diligently to the S-level, and have not yet had time to enjoy the joy of success.

This is the so-called Sky Tribulation.

However, in modern times, due to the development of information, social technology is constantly improving.

After studying the process of Tianlei, the Superpower Agency has already had a full understanding of the mechanism of Tianlei. Since it is a mechanism, there are always loopholes. Just like the National African Affairs Bureau, a field dedicated to crossing the thunder was built. The area is controlled by the array method all the year round. From time to time, scientific and technological forces are used to disperse the clouds. There are a large number of facilities on the ground to conduct lightning diversion and other means.

Of course, the construction of this torture site has only been started twice. The rest of the major forces have their own plans for crossing the robbery.

After targeted restraint, few people in modern times have survived the S-Class Sky Tribulation.

Wang Yan was careless this time. He didn't expect to be promoted to S rank so quickly. No matter whether it was external environment preparation or psychological preparation, he had no achievements. Moreover, Wang Yan suffered a catastrophe this time, a bit bigger than expected.

Perhaps the universe's "judgment mechanism of the immune system" has judged that Wang Yan's strength is too strong, and ordinary Heavenly Tribulation has little effect on him, so he started the stronger Heavenly Tribulation.

But in any case, the facts are already in front of us. What Wang Yan can do is only to work hard to solve this problem.

The problem is that the third Sky Thunder is extremely powerful. Even if Wang Yan lays down ten defense shields, it must be fragile like paper.

The third thunder, has just begun to brew.

All of Wang Yan's thoughts were completed in an instant. The next moment, he already had a rough-looking red hammer in his hand. The original color of the fire hammer was not like this. It was slowly changed into this color after the fire pheasant was dead and begged for the bei Lai.

Under Wang Yan's long-term support, although the Fire Hammer and him can't reach the point of communication, they also feel the connection of blood. As soon as the fire hammer was held in his hand, the pure yang true energy in Wang Yan's body instantly infused away, and the whole handle of the fire hammer burned flamingly, as if it were part of his body.

"Haha, it's my turn to play the Pheasant again. Who is it and who dares to provoke my boss?" Huo Pheasant's arrogant mental fluctuations pervaded the air.

Its recent intellect soared, and the flame incorporeal partly emerged from the fire hammer, turning into sharp tooth claws, spreading its claws with fierce expressions, and an overbearing look of Gu Pan Zixiong.

It likes this image. Some worried enemies can't be frightened before they start fighting, and their fighting power drops by three points.

But this time, before it was too arrogant, it sensed that a force that was destroying the world in the sky was forming. The fire pheasant suddenly became an agitator, condensed his mental fluctuations, and weakly communicated to Wang Yan: "Boss, this, this seems like a thunder?"

In the long process of attaching to the fire pheasant sword, he still sensed several days of thunder. Although he said that at that time, it was not as wise as it is now.

"Yes." Wang Yan's face was calm, and the power in his body was constantly accumulating and being infused into the fire hammer. "You are my best companion, so at this most critical moment, it is time for us to fight together. . "

Infused with a large amount of pure yang true qi, the hot flame in the fire hammer expanded a bit again, and the fire was like an artifact warhammer.

"Guru ~"

Under the wisdom of the fire pheasant, I instinctively told it that the situation seemed to be not right. I couldn't help but swallowed and said, "Boss, shouldn't you think ...?"

"Yes." Wang Yan said calmly, "Since the last one is unstoppable, what defense is there? The best defense under the world is offensive! Pheasant, this time it's up to you."

Fuck, Fuck your sister!

The soul of the fire pheasant spirit is shaking, can't help but secretly violently swear, grandma, you are letting the body spirit carry the thunder.

"Come." As Wang Yan's pupils tightened, he saw that the third sky of thunder was about to form in the sky, and the red-red plasma surged in the air, as if to smash the earth.

After a moment of thought, Wang Yan's body burst into the sky like a shell.

Because he went all out, there was a hot flame burning around his body and on the fire hammer, like a meteor flashing backwards, blasting towards the sky in the opposite direction.

The momentum is like a rainbow, and there is another incomparable color.

"I understand that sentence now, the superpowers are going against the sky. Since the sky is going to destroy me, what if I poke the sky into a hole?" Wang Yan's heart was filled with this thought, his eyes full of Be sharp, firm, and determined.

At the same time, the third Sky Thunder was bred, it was like a red spear tearing through the sky, and it was blasting towards Wang Yan.

Wang Yan clenched the warhammer tightly and slammed it from bottom to top.

This blow is already the strongest blow he has played until now. Even if it is a state-of-the-art tank in front of it, it can easily be smashed into a discus, which is not much stronger than a can.

Both movements are extremely fast.

All of a sudden, the hammer head and the red lightning slammed into it.

Time seems to freeze at this moment. At the collision of the red lightning and the hammerhead, the violent squeeze of energy exploded and burst a ball shock wave.


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