The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1702: Heads-up two women

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The Dark Lady was sullied in her heart, but said on her mouth: "His Royal Highness, there are so many loyal and loyal warriors following. But just because the warriors are rare, His Royal Highness should not be sacrificed easily."

"What does the Highness Lady want to say?" Wang Yan said, "Speak directly if you have any ideas, don't turn around."

"Heads-up." The Dark Lady said with her head high, "Since everyone loves his subordinates and doesn't want them to sacrifice in vain. It is better for our commander to decide the victory and defeat to determine the final result of the game. How do you see His Majesty?

"Heads-up?" Wang Yan was slightly stunned. "Did the Saint want to take the initiative to give me the fruits of victory?" He didn't think he would beat the Dark Saint.

"Of course not." The Dark Lady said, "Since it is me and Princess Darksong who are working together against you, naturally it is me and Princess Darksong who are working together to fight you. Remember, it's the one who beats you. , Angel, succubus counts everything. "

"It sounds like it's not a heads-up, but a group fight." Wang Yan stared innocently, "His Highness's single-headed logic is really weird."

The Dark Lady blushed secretly, rolled her eyes and said, "Your Highness Mo Yan laughed, you are a famous son of God. Do you want to bargain with us on such things?"

"That's enough." Wang Yan nodded and said, "Although most of my men are born as slaves, I also have very affection for them and don't want them to sacrifice innocently."

This remark came out.

Wang Yan's subordinates all called for willingness to sacrifice for His Highness, and requested that Mo Yan never promise to single out.

"Okay." Wang Yan reached out to stop all the voices on the scene, and said lightly, "Since I have made a decision, that is the case." In fact, in Wang Yan's opinion, the proposal of the Dark Saint is good.

Especially that dark song princess is very likely to be Uya Ange. If you let her lose too many personal soldiers, wouldn't you have to find your own account after all?

"What's your opinion about Princess Dark Song?" The Dark Lady secretly breathed a sigh of relief and turned her head to ask Princess Dark Song.

Princess Ange ’s golden mask could n’t see her expression, but just said lightly: “I have no opinion. Please also ask Your Royal Highness Demon to withdraw the flame demon first.”

Since Princess Ange admitted to heads-up.

Naturally, Wang Yan will not embarrass them any more. After a sudden change of thought, the ancient Yanmo was ordered to put away those flame elements and return to it.

The war butchers who escaped from the dead breathed a sigh of relief, staring at the mysterious flame demon with dreadful eyes.

Now that the two sides have reached a heads-up agreement, the next step is naturally that their respective commanders retreat, leaving a tens of miles of space for the three players to play.

They are all demigod-level powerhouses. It is really necessary to fight each other in such a large field.

The three are still standing like horns, just a few miles away from each other.

At this time, Wang Yan took a deep look at Princess Ange. She wore a golden mask to isolate all prying eyes. His body was also worn in a set of exquisite armor, which made him unable to distinguish.

"Everyone is their own people." Wang Yan said with a smile, "The game is still based on learning, don't arbitrarily give up, and anyone who can't bear it will surrender."

"Who's with you?" The Dark Lady took off her robe, revealing a complete battle skirt, holding a soul-cutting scythe and gazing at it, "If your Highness is afraid, you can surrender."

"Don't talk about life or death, please ask Your Highness for forgiveness." Princess Ange said lightly and made it clear that she didn't want to pass through her house.

"Okay, let's get started." Wang Yan shook his head helplessly. However, they can keep their hands, but he can't keep their hands. Not to mention that one is most likely to be Uya Ange, even the Dark Lady, he can't die.

Otherwise, the little teacher will cut him off when he returns. How good are some of the ladies and sisters to Wang Yan, they can't let them down.

"Do it!"

Princess Ange held a long whip of a sub-artifact, and with a snapping sound, she disappeared into the sky. After counting the interest, she turned into a faint shadow and suddenly appeared behind Wang Yan.

The long whip hit his head and turned into a giant whip of several tens of meters. The root of the barb on the whip, once he was hit, he had to take off half of the skin.

"Come well." Wang Yan threw a punch in his backhand, which turned into a giant flame.


Under the impact of the two, the dark magic energy and the flame energy exploded with each other and spread like fireworks in all directions.

Such a violent energy shock wave, even if an ordinary legendary strongman is in it, will be shocked and flew away. If it is those A-level strength creatures, it will basically be directly crushed by the scattered energy.

This is the power of the demigod demon king, just the shock wave generated by the battle, can make the weak one dead and injured.

On the side of Princess Ange, the shocking power from the feedback made her tremble, and her eyes were shocked. Although the combat power of this magic flame has been estimated for a long time, he did not expect him to be so powerful.

This single game is probably a fight.

And Wang Yan was also faintly shocked. Although the attack just did not exhaust his full strength, it was also an unstoppable force for ordinary deities. And the dark song princess took the trick abruptly, still in a way that was not affected at all.

It seems that she is not easy. At least better than the prince of the night blade in the upper half, deeper hidden.

The two immediately wrestled, one was afraid to go all out, the other knew that the strength of the other was so great that they could only cope with wandering. For a time, it was quite similar, colorful.

What is the Dark Lady doing?

I saw a dark magic power surging around her, and a strange magic circle appeared in her left eye. As the magic circle shone, a horned demon king with a chain roared out and yelled to kill Wang Yan.


Wang Yan hurriedly retreated Princess Ange, with a shocked expression on his face, "What does it mean, Her Royal Highness? Don't let me use my soul to fight pets, but I have summoned the ghost of the sheephorn devil?"

"His Royal Highness is unparalleled in warfare, what is it against our two little girls? Presumably there is one more horned demon king, and it's nothing." Light and gorgeous, carrying a huge sickle is like twisting a straw.

A simple blow is a blade of high energy condensed by dark energy. The space is cut like a tofu, exposing the dark four-dimensional space.


With an innocent face, Wang Yan easily flashed the fatal blow of the Dark Lady, and backhand punched the claw demon Baffer away. When the body twisted, the Devil's skeleton crackled, and the already tall and mighty body swelled again.

His whole body ignited a fighting spirit, and he smiled heartily: "It's interesting to have one enemy and three, then let's fight."

The Dark Lady's eyes were stern, she had never imagined that Wang Yan's strength was so exaggerated, and she could really achieve a position of one enemy and three enemies. Is it possible that his combat power is already comparable to that of the Devil?

This is also the scene where she couldn't collect Wang Yan's previous power, otherwise she certainly wouldn't come up with such a heads-up idea. With three dozens and one, it looks beautiful. But really fighting with Wang Yan seems to be barely a tie.

In this fight, it took a full five or six minutes to play, and the earth has played countless ravines, but it seems that there is no way to win or lose.

"Princess Ange, I'm afraid it won't work like this anymore." The Dark Maiden said, "We will make a big move together, let's kill Mo Yan first." The Dark Maiden also has a bitter voice, don't look at it with three dozen The fight was very lively and there was no difference.

But she knew very well that it was Wang Yan who had not yet exerted all her strength, fearing that they could hurt their hands and feet. She is so terrified that Wang Yan is now gritting her teeth, she can't lose, she doesn't want to lose.

Destiny is only in the hands of power.

"it is good!"

Princess Ange seems to play very hard, and the voice is a little hoarse.

Almost at the same time, the two women made a big move at the same time.

I saw the darkness of the Dark Lady's breath condensed, a vast and unmatched dark demon could continue to gather in her body, and the dark demon in her soul-cutting sickle could continue to expand, compress, and then expand.

The ruinous atmosphere was revealed to her. Numerous ghosts surround the scythe scythe, and they let out a screaming death cry.

It seems that as long as someone glances at her, even the soul will be taken away by the soul-cutting scythe and dragged into the sickle by those terrifying ghosts.

At this time, she exudes endless chill of death. She stood so beautifully, as if it felt like a **** of death standing in front of her.

And at the same time.

Princess Darksong also exploded. Under the golden mask, her eyes closed slowly, and the majestic energy spewed out. A huge poisonous scorpion figure condensed behind her.

The huge poisonous scorpion looks across the sky, and every detail on the body is revealed, just like a living starry sky crab crawling in front of you, and you can burst a fatal blow at any time.

The most mysterious thing is, as she breathes, the poisonous scorpion's appearance also fluctuates. The dark magic energy between heaven and earth has been swallowed and eaten into the body by it.

Devil Scorpion Swallows Heaven's Power!

This is the innate practice of the dark demon Mamen. Originally, he was just an ordinary starry venomous scorpion. It was precisely through this technique that he continued to devour the dark magic energy of the universe and constantly improved and evolved his own genes, which made him step by step to the point of being a god.


The Dark Maiden took the lead in attacking, her eyes were icy blue and dead, as if immersed in the incomparably profound law of death and death. With a wave of her hand, the soul-cutting scythe bloomed a brilliant brilliance, accompanied by countless wailing soul To Wang Yan shrouded away.

Even when the strength reached Wang Yan's level, when faced with this trick, he suddenly felt a chill in his body, and his sense of danger increased greatly. This feeling is more fierce than the soul cage that Asmode had sacrificed.

But the danger seems to be more than that. Princess Darksong's move also broke out, and the huge devil scorpion tail swung down towards Wang Yan to see the terrifying power. If the ordinary semi-god-level strong man is hard to block, he will definitely die. Half disabled.

"it is good!"

The Dark Demon Mamen couldn't help but praised, "The Dark Scorpion's Scorpion Swallowing Heaven Power has already counted its success. The power of this move is already comparable to the Big Devil's full blow."

Samer also smiled faintly: "The saint's true meaning of death and death has also gained a touch of charm, and she has made extraordinary progress."

Although both women took a fatal blow, comparable to the explosive power of the Big Demon King, but their price was not small, and the breath on their bodies was obviously much weaker at once.

It's impossible not to pay the price if you leapfrog.

Under such a blow, even if Wang Yan has the fighting power of the Demon King level, I am afraid that he will lose out if he can't catch it.

Satan's face was tense at once.

"Wait, why is Mo Yan stunned?" Satan, the demon god, is not good. He is so anxious that his son is motionless. Is it a secret trick?

Just when Satan seemed to want to jump into the battlefield and confess his son's defeat, Wang Yan murmured dumbly: "Sister An Ge." Although there has been speculation for a long time, the speculation is always just speculation, and Wang Yan dare not go too far Make yourself believe that Princess Ange is Uya Ange.

He was afraid that the final result would disappoint him too much.

But seeing her Fascination Scorpion, also attacked with a tail. Even after a poisonous scorpion-like tail appeared behind her body, Wang Yan was completely sure that the dark song princess was looking for her girlfriend Uya Ange for nearly three years.

In the past three years, he turned into a demon body, and continued to wander in **** without even returning home.

All the ultimate goal is to find Uya Ange. Then tell her that all difficulties must be carried together. The past happiness and hardship, like the last movie, continue to emerge in front of his eyes.

In the same way, the sound that whispered instinctively in Catalan fell into the ears of Princess Ange. Her pupils shrank suddenly, her color changed suddenly, and she almost instinctively changed the direction of the Fa-phase attack.


The tail needle of the magic scorpion's phase, and the dark maiden's soul-cutting force hit hard together, and the two attacks were not inferior to the big demon king's attack power, bursting out extremely destructive power.

The ghost is wailing, the dark toxin is spreading, the space is split and shattered into dust, and then a terrible vortex is formed. Such a dangerous outbreak, even if ordinary legendary powerhouses are trapped in it, most of them will lose half their lives.


The Dark Lady and Princess Dark Song spit out blood at the same time.

The audience was stunned by this scene.

Even the three demon gods were stunned.

This kind of turning point is too much, and is it going up and down? Taking advantage of Mo Yan's distraction, the two women's joint blow made him seriously injured without dying.

But at a critical moment, Princess Ange even disregarded the magic scorpion, and forced the poison scorpion's poison tail to deviate from the direction, and even blocked the dark saint's murderous move.

How can this be?

Could it be, what magic skill did that guy perform? Suddenly confused Princess Ange?


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