The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1701: Coming! Antalya

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No, this is impossible.

Although it is said that the Saint of Light is quite concerned by the God of Light, it seems to mean to cultivate it carefully. However, the Holy Virgin did not have the authority to open the gate of heaven to Wang Yan and send angels of war to help.

No matter how shocked everyone is, or questioned.

In the gate of heaven, war angels with white wings and sacred armor rushed out of the gate of heaven. One, ten, one hundred, two hundred.

In the end, two hundred light angels appeared.

Every body of the angel of the future exudes a thick and subtle light breath, even the worst ones are legendary, and there are legendary middle-level, high-level, and even legendary angels.

The breath of the two hundred war angels gathered together, like a bright moon in the sky, bright and dazzling.

After those war angels, another angel passed through the gate of heaven and appeared in front of everyone.

She was very beautiful, tall, and her blonde hair was wavy. The slender and curvy body is dressed in silver and white flawless, gorgeously shaped armor. The most peculiar thing is that the wings on her back are golden and dazzling.


This is the archangel equivalent to the demi-level combat power.

Boiling, there was a tsunami-like boiling throughout the purgatory conference venue. Not only did the Magic Flame Son open the door to heaven, he even summoned two hundred war angels and one archangel.

Are you kidding me?

Is this a coincidence? Or did he call out a bunch of enemy troops?

"Satan, have you colluded with the old dog of light?" The dark demon Mamen was angry, and he hated the light **** most in his life. He did not expect that Satan, one of the three devil gods of hell, was in collusion with the **** of light.

Satan, the demon god, was taken aback, and he looked dumbfounded: "When did I collude with the bright old dog? I didn't even know."

"Satan, if you haven't colluded with the God of Light." Samuel's face was also dignified. "How could your son summon an angel of light to help out?"

"Maybe it's the enemy." Satan said innocently. "Maybe it's the bright old dog who is doing bad things. Maybe we will hold a **** conference to train excellent young people. So send a large army and prepare to kill our excellent heirs?"

"Impossible." The devil Samuel sneered. "Even if the **** of light was kicked by a donkey, it wouldn't be possible to rely on the two hundred angels in this area and want to destroy it. If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me and Mamen. , Get rid of your traitor first. "

"Yes, the God remembered it." In a hurry, the devil Satan slapped his head and said, "I recognize the archangel as the slave girl caught by my son. Yes, it is her. No wonder the God sees her so familiar. "

"The archangel slave girl caught by the magic flame boy?" Mamen and Samel looked at each other, somewhat unacceptable.

However, the archangel's next move was directly explained for Satan the devil. I saw her holding a sword and shield, kneeling down to Wang Yan on one knee, her voice was very pious: "Antalya, see Master Moyan."

The other two hundred war angels also knelt down on one knee: "Subordinate, wait, see His Royal Highness."

This time, countless people were dumbfounded. The magic flame **** child decree opened the door to heaven, and summoned two hundred war angels and an archangel, which is already terrifying enough.

After hearing that the archangel was actually called Master Master of Flames, and the rest were his subordinates, countless demons were directly forced.

What's wrong with this world?

Are **** and heaven two completely opposite worlds?

As a son of the demon god, Mo Yan has so many war angels?

Has the world's order completely collapsed?

Numerous doubts accompanied by horror, filled the brains of every demons. Most demons could only widen their eyes and put on an idiot expression after being scared.

"Satan, do you dare to say that you have no collusion?" Samuel said angrily, "You said that Mo Yan caught an archangel as a slave girl, although it is exaggerated, but it is still understandable, but these two hundred wars What did the angel say? "

"Not only that," the dark demon Mamen added, "they came down from the gate of heaven, and were naturally followed by the old light dog. You think the old light dog is vegetarian, and let a big angel recognize the demon as the master. Without intervening? "

"This and this ..." Satan, the demon god, was also inexplicable. To be honest, he also felt that this matter was too incredible. He had no choice but to say, "The **** only knows that Antalya is the slave of Moyan, and Moyan went back to the abyss to catch it. Look at her neck, still wearing the slave collar of my son Moyan-Demi God Insult. "

The two demon gods heard the words, and the magnificent divine power swept slightly. Sure enough, the archangel named Antalya was wearing a slave collar around his neck, which was the demise of the demigod that had been lost for a long time.

Judging from the soul fluctuations in the demigod's humiliation, it is the soul fluctuations that are in line with the magic flame, which is obviously the prohibition under his own hands.

Based on this alone, it is in line with Satan's statement. But it is too strange that this Antalya came down from the gate of heaven, and the God of Light must have known this.

Even if the God of Light has no way to lift the ban on demigods, this humiliating scandal will not continue, either permanently imprisoning Antalya or destroying her.

But this scene really makes them wonder.

It is also at this time.

There was another movement in the gate of heaven, and I saw a little girl like a little angel, who crept and probed out of the gate of heaven. The excitement looked around. The most strange thing was that she even had a pair of golden cannons. wing.

It stands to reason that at least a golden angel with golden wings.

But this girl is too small, and the breath is only legendary. Wait, this little fart angel with golden wings is already legendary?

Waiting for no one to respond, a jade hand was stretched out of the gate of heaven, and the little angel was grabbed: "Bebe, don't be fooling, let me go back."

Although the little angel struggled desperately with his limbs, he was dragged back.

at the same time.

A golden and glorious decree floated, and a very majestic voice rang out in everyone's mind: "Decree ~ Archangel Antalya has become a slave to the devil, humiliating heaven's prestige, since today, he and his soul The expulsion coefficient of the subordinates of the contract. From today, Antalya and its soul subordinates have nothing to do with the kingdom of heaven ... "

This is an expulsion order from the **** of light.

Ordinary demons don't understand.

But the three great demon gods knew at once that this was true. The God of Light, the archangel named Antalya, and the subordinates of two hundred legendary angels were expelled from heaven, and they are effective today.

They have all dealt with the God of Light and even fought. Knowing the deportation order of this divine power, there is no fraud.

The devil Samuel is also in a trance, thinking that he and his angels had also enjoyed this command. Since then, he has completely abandoned the light and embraced the darkness.

"Unintelligible, it's a little incomprehensible." The Dark Demon Mamen looked at the end of the decree, and slowly closed the door to heaven, frowning. "Even if the light is old, no, the light **** is angry at Antalya. It will definitely not be expelled so easily, and it is also sent to Moyan with a contempt. It feels like I am sending troops to Moyan. "

At this time, perhaps the Light God is watching nearby. Rao Emma was so powerful that he didn't dare to call the bright old dog any more. If you do n’t get it, it ’s a war.

At this time, the Dark Demon Realm can't stand a war with the God of Light.

"Hey, what's wrong with this." Satan, the demon god, was pleasantly surprised and proudly said, "The **** of light despised her as a slave girl, but she drove her to my son Moyan for her merits. That is to achieve the purpose of expulsion, and gave her a way to live. After all, my child Moyan is so good, and she will not be ill-treated or humiliated. "

The demon Mamen rolled his eyes. What a **** did this explain, **** didn't work. Huanwuer Moyan is so excellent. The more excellent, the brighter people might want to get rid of him, and he gave orders to send him troops in person.

But no matter how you can't figure it out, the facts happen right before your eyes.

"No, this army of light tomorrow will not be considered your son's strength." Samal rolled his face.

"Why not?" Satan, the demon god, also said aggressively, "That Antalya is a slave girl of my child Moyan, and has been personally authenticated by the demigod and the **** of light. The rules are the rules, Samuel. Break the rules? "

"I know the rules, and they won't break the rules," Samal said angrily. "But the matter is strange, maybe it's the conspiracy of the **** of light."

"Just because of your unfounded suspicion, can you let my son's slave girl withdraw from the game?" Satan Satan said with a sneer. "As you say, Lao Tzu also doubts that you are colluding with the people of the earth, otherwise why find a earth?" Human as heir? Even, I suspect that your fallen angels have betrayed you and colluded with the **** of light. "

"Fart!" Samuel snapped angrily. "Satan, you're less open-mouthed here."

"Sammel, don't you mean to open the river?" Satan, the devil, said sarcastically. "Aren't you just fighting with the Mamen old thief, and want to join forces to suppress the god? Do you believe me, Satan, regardless of heaven and earth, Start the army and crush your fallen magic domain once, and then you will be beaten. "

"Huh, you can try it though." Samuel the demon is not willing to be outdone.

"Okay." The dark demon Mamen began to act as a good old man. "The three demon gods in hell, although they all look at each other disagreeably, but after all, we have been together for so many years, at least we must unite with the outside world. This one Regardless of the specific cause of the matter, at least that is the ability of Mo Yan. We cannot deny the established rules, we can only accept it. "

Although he was slightly unwilling in his heart, Mamen knew that he could no longer persecute Satan the devil. Otherwise, God knows what will happen to the irritated Satan.

Today's **** can't stand too many storms.

"Humph." Samuel said, "Since Ma Men has spoken, then this matter is all right. Then let them compete for the championship with their own skills." In fact, if Satan would collude with the God of Light, he also did not believe it. .

Not to mention Satan's willingness in this matter, even the **** of light will not be willing to collude with the devil of hell.

The only doubt is that the kid of Mo Yan seems to be hiding deep and deep. Somer's eyes showed some thought. Ancient Flame Demon, Archangel, huh? The kid of Mo Yan is getting more and more difficult.

I thought he was just a good heir of Satan, but now it seems that this son is much deeper and scarier than expected.

at this time.

In the battlefield, the situation has been ups and downs.

The Dark Lady was so angry that she didn't hit her, and Wang Yan's guy really hooked up with the Bright Lady. The hand that grabbed Babe back, and the voice, was clearly the bright Saint Lulu.

This is really Lulu backing his back, it seems that the Saint of Light is very favored by the God of Light.

In fact, this is the Dark Lady's desire.

There are other reasons why Bright God pays so much attention to Wang Yan. The Saint of Light, instead of occupying some of Wang Yan's light, was so watched by the God of Light.

This matter will be postponed.

Seeing that the three demon gods did not jump out to stop all this, the Dark Lady knew that they had defaulted on Wang Yan's arms in the game.

Originally, the combined strength of her and Princess Ange was more than Wang Yan.

But now, the overall strength is still weaker. If the two sides fight **** this, they might be wiped out by the whole army.

These troops participating in the Hell Conference are already their members. If there are too many deaths and injuries here, it will be a real loss.

Immediately, the Dark Lady's eyes lighted up and came up with an idea: "His Highness, Mo Yan, admire me." The voice was clear and passed to Wang Yan.

"Oh, admit it." Wang Yan also smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, is there any need to fight this battle again? I advise you to surrender, and avoid too many deaths and injuries to your subordinates, and become a polished saint. . "

Similarly, the Dark Lady told him before, but now Wang Yan just returned.

The Dark Lady bit her teeth, this guy talked so irritatingly, and really wanted to bite off his two flesh. It ’s just that the big picture is ahead, she had to smile and said with a smile: "Although the magician said that he has some advantages, it may not necessarily win the final game. Princess Ange and I are not at your disposal. Fishmeal. At worst, it will cost you 80% or 90% of your troops. I do n’t believe it, you will not feel distressed.

"Of course distressed will certainly distressed." Wang Yan smiled, "But in order to win the championship, this **** believes that his army is willing to work hard for it."

"Aoao ~"

Ogre warriors howled, and they used their momentum to support His Highness.

Hawks and barbarian warriors also use their methods to express their support for His Highness, even if there is no one left by everyone, there is no complaint.

The Dark Maiden secretly gritted her teeth, and this guy of the Flame Son would really be fooling people. Even as a demon flame, so many soldiers could swear to death for him.


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