The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1678: The Highness of Mo Yan is dead

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On the other hand, the purgatory demon clan said that the beautiful girls and sisters of the Hawk Lady only collected their loot reasonably and legally. Not to mention the corpse rights as the defeated party. It would be normal to drop that.

In fact, normal warfare does. It is a matter of course that corpses are used as materials for alchemy and alchemy.

However, the night demons believed that this was an exhibition game in front of the three demon gods. After the warriors died, the corpses should be respected.

The two sides refused to accept each other, and began to exchange nozzle guns in the stands, and soon developed to the point of fighting.

Fortunately, under the pressure of Satan, the grandstand finally became calm again.

It's just that the three demon gods are tit-for-tat against each other.

"Satan." The dark demon Mamen said angrily, "Tuanyin tells your son, don't blaspheme the bodies of the warriors who died in war, otherwise, the **** doesn't mind to teach and teach the kid."

"Oh, I want to teach my son? That God doesn't mind to teach you the old boy." Satan, the devil, also sneered, "Isn't it a war of war? It's not that I didn't fight."

"This is what you said, don't regret it."

"Come on, I'm afraid of you."

The two demon gods were fighting each other, but no one shot. Each other is full of consideration.

"Okay, don't quarrel." The fallen demon **** said lightly. "Don't talk about blasphemy corpses. Even our three devil gods, once they die, their bodies are likely to be used as alchemy materials. Forge artifacts or something. "

To blaspheme for corpses, in fact, the Fallen Demon Realm has done the hardest, not even letting go of the soul. Many enemies will be transformed into undead creatures after fighting to fight for the Fallen Demon Domain.

"Huh ~" The dark demon Mamen naturally knows this truth. As a god-level galaxy beast, he has a deep understanding of the jungle rules of the universe.

It's just that the scout battle, which is definitely going to win, is defeated by the endless tricks of the magic flame boy. I was so angry that I was able to make use of the topic and let the anger out.

at the same time.

In the camp of Prince Night Blade, news of the fiasco was also received, and his complexion became extremely ugly. Unexpectedly, forty full night fangs would be wiped out, and his anger was burning. He roared and said: "The whole army is drawn, the prince will fight the demon flame."

"His Royal Highness." The general under the blade of the night, Perton, persuaded, "It is a common thing to win or lose. Now that our scouts have lost and we lost sight, if we attack rashly, we are easily ambushed. It is better to wait until night The advantages of my family are fully utilized. "

The Night Demon Clan is not empty but has a name.

They have lived in the dark magic domain for a long time, not only have strong night vision, but also draw energy from the night to strengthen themselves. Put on the earth, every one is a standard nightclub little prince, full of energy to dawn.

"Although we lost the scout battle, Mo Yan also revealed their position." Prince Ye Ren said coldly, "His slave army's main combat power is the ogre infantry and the barbarian infantry. Especially the cannibals. The demon infantry is a waste only to be slaughtered in the environment of quicksand. We must speed up the march, lest Moyan find a way to leave the quicksand area. "

This remark is very reasonable, and several of the legendary peak warriors under the night blades nodded slowly to agree.

Their main arms are lion, scorpion and knight and elite warrior. Although the former can fly, they cannot fly long distances, but because of the characteristics of lion, scorpion and beast, they are very suitable for marching and sprinting in the desert.

Not to mention the elite warriors of the night demon clan. Everyone is a devil with wings. Although they are not flying as fast as the eagle body demon who naturally possesses the wind talent, the overall combat power is much stronger.

After all, the night monsters belong to a higher race, and neither physical fitness nor talent potential is comparable to that of the Hawks.

Night Blade Prince looked around and said coldly: "Not to mention, our Princess Dark Song has reached an agreement with the Dark Lady, and the two parties will join hands to clear the Demon Boy."

The battle is on, everything has become a foregone conclusion, and there is no need to hide it now.


The generals under Prince Night Blade were pleasantly surprised. In this way, it is more certain to deal with the magic flame.

"Pulton." Prince Yebla said with enthusiasm, "Send the crystal devil's army, send a crystal to the head of the evil spirit Asmode, according to the position previously notified by both parties, Asmode's The army is behind the kid of the magic flame. Our coalition forces will destroy the kid of the magic flame at once. "

"Yes, Your Highness." Admiral Pulton responded, and then he reminded, "His Royal Highness, our joint covenant with the Fallen Demon Realm is limited to the defeat of the Demon Boy. After the defeat, both sides will win by their own abilities. "

"Oh, what can you think of, can this prince and Princess Darksong not understand?" Prince Yeblad sneered, "Send a copy of the position of the child of Magic Flame to Princess Darksong. According to the previous tactics , Please ask her to send half of the flying arms to come to support. "

Pulton's eyes lighted up: "It turns out that Your Highness and the Princess have already prepared the tactics in full. The Princess's half of the troop's strength may not come for Demon Flame, but to wait for the assault on Asmode immediately after the covenant between the two parties ends? "

"That's nature." Prince Night Blade said coldly, "The ridiculous dark maiden thought that after signing the Stygian contract, he would be able to sit back and relax, hehe ~~ it's really naive."

This scene of Prince Nightblade was undoubtedly observed by the three demon gods, and transmitted the image to the venue of the Hell Assembly.

The **** meeting place was boiling.

Especially the residents of Purgatory Demon Clan and Fallen Demon Territory, they all blasted the shamelessness of Prince Night Blade. But the audience over the Dark Demon Realm was wise to praise Prince Nightblade and Princess Darksong for their resourcefulness, and loudly distinguishing Princess Darksong and Prince Darksword was just following the covenant.

Until the covenant is completed, the Princess Darksong's army will never actively attack Asmode's army.

At the same time, in the sky.

Satan, the devil, had a very bad complexion. Shen Sheng said: "Mamen old thief, Samuel, you are a good man."

"The tactics are prepared by the following people." The dark demon Mamen said lightly. "But the gods are quite supportive of their actions. After all, this kind of war is not a play. The strategy is calculated, it was originally Part of the war. "

"Well, it seems that your home Princess Ange has inherited your venom from the old Mamen thief." The fallen demon Samel's face is equally poor and gloomy, "If you want to play the game of two birds with one stone, you are not afraid of being strangled to death. ?"

At this time the war had begun, and the three devil gods sat in their own hands. They, with God's perspective, were naturally not allowed to speak to remind their own army. Otherwise, there is no need to fight this battle.

No matter who it is, if you dare to pass the message privately, you will immediately be disqualified and treated as a lose.


At the same time, at the other end of the huge desert delta.

Asmode, the leader of the evil spirits, led his team, advancing at an impetuous pace. After the expansion of his army to a thousand, he could not maintain the full elite lineup.

The total number of fallen angels of the same race is about one hundred, of which there are thirty legendary grades, and the rest are half-step S grades, also known as the half-step legends of the world of hell.

Don't think that half-step legend is worthless.

In fact, fallen angels have already been regarded as highly evolved races. After being born from the holy tree of death, as long as they are adults, they can basically reach A-level combat power, and a small number of elites can reach half-step S-level. Only a few geniuses are just full. A hundred years old can reach legendary level.

And like Asmode, the head of evil spirits, the fallen angels who reached their legendary age after reaching full age of one hundred, and less than two hundred years old have become demigods.

The fallen angels, who have made legends under the age of two hundred and fifty, are already very good. As for those half-step S-level fallen angels under the age of two hundred and fifty, the probability of future legends is also extremely great.

And the fallen angels have a very strong characteristic. Once they die in war, they can be reborn only a few decades later by returning their souls to the holy tree of death. As for how much memory and cultivation can be left after rebirth, it all depends on one's talent and luck.

This is somewhat similar to the army of angels under the command of the **** of light. The Light God can thus become the high-end existence among the gods, and it also relies on the huge number and the continuous resurrection of the energy of the Future Angels.

The only thing missing is that the number of fallen angel races is sparse, much smaller than the night demons and purgatory demons. Otherwise, the huge world of **** may have to fall into the hands of the fallen demon.

Under the command of Asmode, the head of evil spirits, in addition to hundreds of fallen angels, there are 300 death knights, among which 60 or 70 have reached legendary strength, and the rest are half-step S-level.

In addition, fifty legendary skeletal dragons, one hundred lich, one hundred giant reloaded corpse demons, and three hundred and fifty skeleton demons.

These lich, corpse demon, skeleton demon soldier, among them there are legendary warriors.

If you pull out all the legendary levels, you can also form a small army of more than 200 troops, many of which have legendary high-level existence.

There are two hundred legendary ranks in the Thousand Army Corps. Such a terrifying power, put on the earth, has been called a catastrophe of the undead. Globally, there are not so many legendary powerhouses.

It is in this high-level plane of the region that so many legends can be born.

The Holy Order is not as good as a dog, the legend walks everywhere, and it is not a joke in Hell World. It is also common for legendary strongmen to be sold as slaves.

Asmode, the head of evil spirits, led his army with terrifying strength. While slowly advancing, a scout of fallen angels flew back and reported the situation to Asmode.

"Oh, you and the demon scold of the demon flame demon scolded each other, they didn't attack each other, and they returned each other?" Asmode said lightly. "It seems that the devil devil flame is unlucky, It was randomly assigned to the quicksand zone. "

As a matter of fact, Asmode's army was also greatly affected in the quicksand terrain. However, because the weight of the Death Knight Legion and Skeletal Demon Soldier is far less than the heavy ogres of the ogres under Demon Flame, the impact is naturally much smaller.

The only one who suffered more was the one hundred giant reloading corpses. Now all rely on hundreds of liches, constantly casting spell blessings on them, so that they barely keep up with the team.

However, the hundreds of giant reloaded corpses are a weapon of war, and they are slightly better than the heavy guards of the purgatory demon clan. It is not easy for Asmode to hide from the giant reloaded corpses. give up easily?

At this time, Sophia, the deputy deputy angel of the legendary peak, whispered: "The leader, Prince Nightblade has heard from him again that he has calculated the position of the Demon God Demon Flame, and asked our army to speed up the march. Three hours later, they attacked Demon Flame God at the same time. "

Sophia is also a talented figure among fallen angels, and she reached legendary strength in her early adulthood. Less than two hundred years old now is the pinnacle of legend.

Given the chance of time, the achievement of a demigod is not necessarily hopeless.

Asmode glanced lightly at the map: "According to the location shown on the map, our army arrived at the battlefield in three hours without any problems. You should follow this to restore Prince Nightblade."

Sophia paused slightly, and hesitated and said, "Boss, I heard that Prince Nightblade is very cunning. If our army is cooperating with each other, we must be careful of any conspiracy or tricks."

"Sophia, don't worry." Asmode said lightly. "His Royal Highness Catherine has secretly used the Stygian Pact with Ange Song, and made it clear that without clearing the Demon Son from the battlefield, In the covenant, you must not attack the opposing team. "

Sophia still worried: "But the leader, if the other party immediately launched the raid on our side while the Demon Son was cleared from the battlefield? We must prevent this."

"Well, pay more attention to it." Asmode frowned, "Prince Nightblade dared to start, and my army of undead was not vegetarian. He couldn't get any benefits."

"The leader knows what you want." Sophia sent the message after giving the gift.

Such scenes are naturally broadcast to the outside world.

Audiences in the Fallen Demon Realm, howling, Asmode, Asmode, how can you be so naive because of the title of the head of evil spirits? Prince Nightblade and Princess Ange over there have already sharpened their knives and are ready to kill you at any time.

It's a pity that no matter how they call it, there is no alternative but the voice can't reach Asmode anymore, reminding him of allies' conspiracy.

On the other hand, the audiences of the Dark Demon Realm are all proud of each other, saying that their own Dark Princess and Night Blade Prince are resourceful and feel like they have won the game.

Regardless of how the audience on both sides is making trouble, the audience on the side of the Infernal Demon Realm is dead. Regardless of how they calculated it, it was all after His Highness Demon Flame was cleared.

In other words, His Highness Demon Flame is dead.


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