The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1677: Chessboard for fate

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Of course, that is something to say.

Betty's manifesto, which fell in the ears of most **** viewers, was just a joke. Maybe this team of Hawks is different, but it does not mean that the Hawks of the whole world are not humble.

However, those eagle body slaves and slaves who were waiting for the big figures as accessories, their dark eyes gradually lit up, and at that moment, it seemed that they were looking for the direction of the future.

at the same time.

In Wang Yan's camp, the desert emperor passed the scene back to the camp through trachoma.

Everyone is silent.

The rescue team has already started, but it is clearly too late. Everything happened too fast too fast. Even if Wang Yan is going to take action personally, it is impossible to catch up with the rescue.

The only chance is ...

"Lord ~" Zoe knelt in front of Wang Yan piously, his voice trembling, "Please, save Aunt Betty. Zoe, Zoe is willing to do for His Royal Highness, do what His Royal Highness thought. Anything. "At the end, although she was still anxious, her slender neck turned red.

"Cough ~"

Facing various questioning eyes, Wang Yan coughed a few times, and Zoe said what you said, as if I have been plotting your beauty. How wrong I am.

"Huh, the son of love." Shiva goddess Indira sneered, "Although I have no hope of your character, but the quality of the eagle body banshee is very valuable, we can't just stand by. Even if the desert emperor is exposed You can't let them sacrifice their cards. "

"Wait, the situation seems to have changed." The desert emperor's majestic eyes were half-closed, and there were several enchanting and beautiful maids around.

Of course, those maidservants voluntarily followed him and were loyal to him.

"Oh ~ I didn't expect her to be able to do this." The desert emperor said mysteriously. "Zoo, don't worry, your aunt Betty, they will be fine. You don't have to make it difficult, Do something you do n’t want to do for that kid.

"Ah?" Zoe said in surprise, "Is it true?"

"You can rest assured." The Shiva goddess comforted her with the eagle succubus Zoi in her arms. "The desert emperor is a mature and stable man. He said it was okay, it was really okay."

After a pause, Shiva Goddess aimed at Wang Yan and said, "In the future, this demon kid, dare to have any evil thoughts about you ~ you will tell me that I can't beat him."

"Poof!" Wang Yan was so hung up that the old blood spurted to death. What is the evil thought of change? Laozi and Zoe are innocent, when did you have bad thoughts?

"No, no." Zoe looked at Wang Yan in a panic, and said blushing weakly, "Zuo, Zoe is a slave girl, serving, serving His Royal Highness, should be."

"You don't have to be afraid of him." Lord Shiva said, patting her chest. "Actually, he is a good person except for the lascivious and shameless and frivolous dude. Do you know?"

"I know, I know, Sister Indira." Zoe shyly looked at Wang Yan with a slightly more complicated look.

The Shiva goddess, however, showed a triumphant expression to Wang Yan, as if to say, look, this goddess frustrated you again for an evil and bad thing.

Wang Yan held his forehead, and now he does not want to talk to Shiva.

He was curious now. Why did Laosha think that the Hawks were saved? Who is it, shot?

In trachoma, the scene changed again.

At the time when the Hawks, led by Betty, were ready to fight desperately with the fangs of the night, killing one more one, the change really happened.

There was no trace of wind in the quicksand zone. Suddenly, the gust of wind rose, and countless sand particles danced like a tornado, covering the entire sky, as if the night came.

As a result, the horizons of the warring parties are obstructed.

This is not night, and there is no blessing characteristic of night to fangs. In such a violent sandstorm, even the mental power has been strongly disturbed.

"what happened?"

Betty was surprised and inexplicable, "Could it be that the ancestor of our Hawk Lady appeared?"

Fanny yelled: "Everyone is around me, holding hands, don't be swept away by the wind."

At the same time as the Hawks, holding hands to resist the storm.

The three demon gods also frowned.

"Impossible," said the dark demon Mamen, frowning. "The dust storm came so suddenly that there was no sign."

"I'm afraid it's a ghost she made, a caregiver of fate." The fallen Demon God set his eyes on the reinforcements who were heading to support the Hawk Banshee, who reached the legendary peak, wearing a white sacrificial robe.

At this time, Belika has become awkward from the original wind and light temperament, and her face is pale and weak: "Is it easy for me? Why do I have to calculate the catastrophe of the Hawk Banshee? Want to interfere with their fate? The old lady is exhausted, and the loss is really a huge loss. "

She spoke of a loss, but she did.

"No, no, the old lady seems to have been evacuated, you go to support first, this priest is going back to sleep." After the high priest Berikas exhibited the trick, he turned around and returned, and by the way, he was cruel Threatening Zhang Weidao and others, "The old lady took a lot of effort to save the eagles, you guys have to save it, one less, don't blame the old lady hehehe ~"

Zhang Weidao and several others hurriedly accelerated the pace of advancement.

Just kidding, they would rather offend Wang Yan than absolutely offend high priest Berika. I'm really annoying her, maybe I will give you an unpredictable big oracle.

Don't underestimate Berika's trick.

Even the three demon gods feel a little weird. Are the guys who practice the law of fate so perverted?

The prophecy says that if there is a sandstorm, the law of the universe and heaven and earth will inexplicably appear a sandstorm? Directly interfered with the battlefield.

This is a life of cheating.

However, although the three demon gods do not understand the law of fate, they also know that the stronger the law, the harder it is to control and say, and it is also easy to be repulsed. It is said that while the old dog of the light practiced the law of light, he also cultivated some rules of fate.

It's just that the bright old dog never used the law of fate to interfere in the battlefield, fearing that even he couldn't bear the fate of fate.

at the same time.

Wang Yan also saw all the changes from the trachoma.

This made Wang Yan have to sigh again, the magic of the high priest Belika's prophecy, this is simply what it wants. Just talk about what you want.

"Some are like the causal law inferred by scientists, and fate is a weapon." Wang Yan exclaimed with admiration. "Wouldn't it be more invincible if this guy, Belika, became a demigod? Looking back, let her predict more about the destruction of the abyssal world, Then the world is peaceful. "

"The prophetic spells are not so fun." The goddess Shiva rolled her eyes and said, "The stronger the existence of interference, the more the fate of life, the greater the bitterness. Even if she is promoted to the demigod, it cannot destroy the abyss world. If you say two words, you will vomit blood and die. "

"That's the case." Wang Yan said, touching his chin. "But Belika's magic stick looks very simple. Usually, when he is full, he will predict something. It seems that there is no such thing as repulsion. Just now A great prophecy that clearly surpassed her strength. The so-called counterattack is just a bit tired, and has the strength to scold and go home. "

In this way, Lord Shiva also felt that Belika was not easy. The Indian State is also a place where the monks of superpowers bloom, and there are also some special prophecies of destiny in China.

However, when they compare with Belika, they do n’t know how much money they ’re missing. If they move one by one, they will be nagging. If they do n’t move, they wo n’t leak. If they fight against the fate of Heavenly Dao a little, their lifespan will be greatly reduced, and even their lives will be paid. .

Perhaps, the Maya family is so miraculous, it is a civilized race born to master prophecy.

Not to mention these gossips for now.

On the battlefield, a huge sandstorm lasted for five minutes. After it had dispersed, the team of Fang Tu of the Night had fallen apart, and many people were buried in the gravel.

The Hawks team is slightly better because of unity, but it still looks very embarrassed.

Several small captains of the fangs of the night are also experienced elites, and they quickly reorganized the team and continued to kill the hawks in cold blood.


In the sky, several lights and shadows rushed to the ground.

Like a meteor, it thundered and hit the gravel one after another. Four people, even bravely surrounded dozens of dark fangs.


Wu Wu Bao Baoxiang solemnly proclaimed the Buddha's name, "Don't give up to the demon monks, let the poor monks send you all the way."

After all, he radiated a golden light like substance, Jin Cancan was like a vajra war buddha, arrogantly rushed into the night fangs group, his one move, one punch and one foot were full of panic Tianwei contains extremely powerful explosive power.


A half-step S-level black night fang tried to resist, but was blown into pieces by an unstoppable fist. He is like a humanoid dragon, a humanoid beast, and his body is filled with endless power.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerable, you ugly group of night demon demons." Zhang Weidao stepped on the mahogany flying sword, and all kinds of charms were thrown out like no money.

There are runes burning fiery fires, devouring demons and burning into coke. There was also Fu Luo who condensed mad thunder and chased after people.

Even Zhang Weidao threw a handful of beans. After the beans rolled a few times in the gravel, the burst burst and turned into a dozen awe-inspiring sky soldiers wearing gold armor, armed with swords and shields.

Those individual soldiers can only achieve A-level combat power, which is weak in this high-end battlefield. But they are all fearless to death, often swarming up and paying the price of one or two deaths, they can cut a half-step S-level night fang.

Enzo and Elsa are the first dark elf slaves to follow Wang Yan. They came from the officers of the Night Blade Legion, and their talent and strength should not be underestimated.

With Wang Yan's deliberate cultivation and their own efforts, Xiu Wei's strength has soared to the legendary peak level.

Enzo is good at making elven swords and shields, making moves at a glance, parrying, thrusting, slashing, etc. However, his movements are elegant and gorgeous, like dancing a dark elf dance.

The squad leader of the night fangs that he was staring at was suddenly beaten with no strength to fight back. All kinds of counterattacks were easily parried by the other party. In just over ten seconds, there were many sword wounds all over the body and bleeding.

Less than thirty seconds before and after, Enzo's gorgeous and artistic elven sword pierced the captain's heart, and the blood of the captain splashed down, and the captain's body fell to the ground weakly, his eyes staring at the dead. Looks like.

Elsa is proficient in scout tactics, and is best at stealth and giving people a fatal blow. The light around her is distorted. It seems to be completely integrated into the rolling sand.

Backstabs, cutting throats, blinding and other tactics are emerging.

Those night fangs are also considered masters, but after encountering Elsa, it seems that the little hair thief met the ancestor. Often, even if the other party's whereabouts are not captured, they lose their lives unconsciously.

It's no wonder that the training of the Hawk Scout is mostly taught by Elsa.

The four masters attacked at the same time, as if entering a no-man situation, they caught an opponent by surprise.

Seeing this, Betty, the Hawk Lady, waved the staff and ordered, "Sisters, prove to our Highness that our opportunity is here. Give me one and don't stay."

With the addition of the Hawks, the night fangs fell into total defeat. In just two or three minutes, the battlefield was quiet. In the gravel, dozens of corpses of Night Demon Scouts lay.

Most of the Hawks are very tired, and most of them have been injured. But they still got up and cleaned up the battlefield as quickly as possible.

They used the storage equipment to pack the night deer corpses and weapons back together. Needless to say weapons and equipment, this is a useful resource.

However, the powerful and powerful high-level life like Night Demon, many parts of the body are very precious alchemy forging materials, even casting materials.

Blood, teeth, wings, heart, horns, bones, etc. are all useful. Of course, the black crystal core that gathers the essence of a Daredevil is the most precious material.

In order to cultivate everyone, His Highness consumed a lot of resources, and His Highness has become poor. To save some resources for your Highness, even a little more, this is the simple and straightforward idea of ​​the Hawks.

There are several legendary demon corpses here.

It ’s not too easy to play a legendary monster in the wild. This year, fewer and easier wild resources are available.

Unexpectedly, this kind of behavior of the Hawk Lady spoiled an uproar in the stands of the Hell Assembly.

Many audiences from the Dark Demon Clan began to roar and protest in anger, accusing the Mo Yan side of disrespecting the opponent, even collecting the opponent's body as a loot.


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